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作者姓名:赖庆旺  韩仁道
摘    要:南方农区发展玉米生产,是我国“九·五”再增产5000万吨粮食的重大举措。红壤丘陵区水热资源优越,适合早晚两季玉米种植。推行玉米间套种能显著提高土地产出率和整体经济效益,以早大豆间作玉米和花生成熟期套种秋玉米模式效果好,产值增加74.51%及59.37%。红壤旱地间套种玉米应针对不同茬口选择适宜的间套方式和密度,大豆地宜密;花生及红薯地宜稀,以大畦沟沿两侧套种玉米为佳。早玉米品种以郑三3号>中单2号>掖单4号;秋玉米产量则以3574>白糯2号>中单2号>京早10号>高油ll5,郑三3号不宜秋季栽培。玉米播期应以开花授粉期避开高温干热天气为前提,早玉米直播以4月上中旬、秋玉米7月下旬播种为宜,极限播期分别为立夏和立秋。红壤地力贡献率低,实行NPK及有机肥配合是玉米高产的基础,6000kg/ha玉米籽需N100.8kg,P_2O_350.4kg,K_2O100.8kg。近郊县利用水源较好的旱地及秋闲田,选择糯性及甜玉米,生产鲜食玉米,能成倍提高玉米产值,具有良好的发展前景。

关 键 词:红壤  玉米  技术途径

Techniques of Maize Intercropping and Interplantingin Arid Red Soil Area
Abstract:Hilly red soil area was appropriate for maize cultivation because of its rich waterand thermal resources. Besides, maize intercropping and interplanting could increase land produc-tivity as well as economic benefit.The results showed that interplanting of maize with early soy-bean could increase output by 74. 51 percent, and that with ripening peanut by 59.37 percent.Proper cropping system and cultivation density should be selected to fit for the crop intercroppedor interplanted . For example, high cultivation density was good for soybean while low cultivationdensity for peanut and sweet potato. Among the maize varieties intercropped, Zhengsan 3 wasbest, next was Zhongdan 2, followed by Yedan 4. In terms of yield of late maize varieties, 3574was highest, followed by Yuenuo 2, Zhongdan 2, Jingzao 10, and Gaoyou 115. Early maizeshould be seeded in the first twenty days of April, and late maize in the last ten days of July. Ad-etluate fertilizer and manure was fundainental for high yield.
Keywords:Red soil  Maize  Cropping system
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