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Population parameters for birth and ewe fleece weight at different parities in Baluchi sheep
Authors:Yazdi M H  Näsholm A  Johansson K  Jorjani H  Liljedahl L E
Institution:Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden.
Abstract:ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Populationsparameter für Geburts- und Vlie?gewicht von Baluchi Schafen Das Datenmarterial stammt von zwei Herden einer Schafzuchtstation in NO Iran aus den Jahren 1966-1989. Die Tiere waren unselektiert und stammten aus zuf?llig verteilten Paarungen. Es wurden Geburtsgewicht und Vlie?gewicht bei verschiedenen Altersstufen erhoben und Varianzkomponenten mittels Restringierter Maximaler Likelihood mit einem bivariaten Tiermodell mit fixen Wirkungen von Jahr, Geschlecht, Geburtstyp und Parit?t sowie Zufallswirkungen für additiven Genotyp des Lammes (direkt) und des Mutterschafes (maternal), gemeinsamer Umwelt (ausgenommen Vlie?gewicht) und Resteinflu? gesch?tzt. Direkte und maternale genetische Korrelationen zwischen Leistungen verschiedener Parit?ten wurden berechnet. In Herde 1 scheinen Varianzen und Heritabilit?tswerte für Lammgewicht bis Parit?t 5 zuzunehmen, kaum aber in Herde 2. Die durchschnittlichen Heritabilit?tswerte, direkt, maternal und gesamt waren 0.12, 0.11 und 0.26, die genetische Korrelation zwischen direkten und maternalen Wirkungen 0.42. Bei Vlie?gewicht waren in Herde 1 keine Ver?nderungen der Varianzen und Heritabilit?tswerte mit Alter zu erkennen, aber bei Herde 2 nahmen ph?notypische und Umweltvarianz mit Alter leicht zu. Durchschnittliche direkte, maternale und Gesamtheritabilit?t waren 0.19, 0.04 und 0.22, die genetische Korrelation zwischen direkten und maternalen Wirkungen geringgradig positiv in Herde 1, aber mit Alter zunehmend negativ in Herde 2. Die genetischen Korrelationen für direkte Wirkungen auf Geburtsgewicht waren hoch zwischen Parit?ten 1 bis 5, aber niedriger bei Parit?t 6 und jene zwischen maternal bedingten Wirkungen zeigten ?hnliche Trends. In Herde 2 waren Werte mit Parit?t 6 ?hnlich wie die zwischen den übrigen Parit?ten. Die die Vlie?gewichte betreffenden direkt genetischen Korrelationen zwischen Parit?ten waren in beiden Herden ?hnlich (0.73-0.92), jene, die maternale Wirkungen betreffen, deutlich geringer, besonders soweit sie Parit?ten 5 und 6 betroffen haben und zeigten besonders bei Herde 2 starke Schwankungen (-0.54 bis 0.74). SUMMARY: Direct and maternal performance of ewes at different parities were examined in Baluchi sheep. The data set was collected during the period 1966-1989 from two flocks at a sheep breeding station in the north-east of Iran. The animals included in the data set were unselected and randomly mated. The traits analysed were birth weight of lamb and fleece weight at different parities of the ewe. Variance components were estimated using Restricted Maximum Likelihood with a bivariate animal model including fixed effects of year, sex, type of birth and parity, and random effects of additive genotype of lamb (direct genetic effect), additive genotype of ewe (maternal genetic effect) and common environment (excluded for ewe fleece weight), and random residual effect. Direct and maternal genetic correlations between different parities were estimated. There was evidence of increasing phenotypic and genetic variances and heritabilities from parity 5 for birth weight of lamb in flock 1, but only evidence of a slightly increasing age trend for the environmental and phenotypic variance in flock 2. The average heritabilities over flocks and parities were 0.12, 0.11 and 0.26 for the direct, maternal and total heritability, respectively, while the average genetic correlation between direct and maternal effects for this trait was 0.42. There were no indications of any age changes in variances or heritabilities for ewe fleece weight in flock 1, but indications of slightly increasing age trends for the environmental and phenotypic variance. The average heritabilities over flocks and parities were 0.19, 0.04 and 0.22 for the direct, maternal and total heritability, respectively, while the average genetic correlation between direct and maternal effects was slightly positive in flock 1 but increasingly negative with age of the ewe in flock 2. Direct genetic correlations between parities 1-5 were very high for birth weight of lambs (on average 0.96) in contrast to the markedly lower correlations of parities 1-5 with parity 6 (on average 0.67) in flock 1 with a similar pattern for the maternal genetic correlations. In flock 2, these correlations were also high but without the marked decrease between parities 1-5 with parity 6 that was found in flock 1. Direct genetic correlations between the various parities for ewe fleece weight were similar for the two flocks, ranging from 0.73 to 0.92 and without any obvious differences between the various combinations of parities. However, the maternal were markedly lower than the direct genetic correlations, especially for the combinations of parity 5 and 6 with the earlier parities, and most pronounced in flock 2 fluctuating from -0.54 to 0.79. To obtain reliable estimates of breeding values for birth weight of lamb, it is recommended that the prediction should include not only earlier but also later parities (ages) of the ewe.
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