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作者姓名:黎祖交  张国栋
摘    要:在关乎共同利益及未来面前,人类似乎正在摈弃政治、宗教、信仰等偏见,渐渐在趋向大同。本刊在去年9月号上。对美国前副总统戈尔写的《无法忽视的真相》进行了解读。那本书以无可辩驳的事实,客观地展示了全球性的生态危机,指出:人类自救只有十年期。超过了这个期限、许多危机便无法逆转。无独有偶。在去年9月。新华出版社出版了姜春云主编的专著《偿还生态欠债——人与自然和谐探索》。此书展示的是中国的生态危机。与戈尔不同的是。此书不只列举了现象和危害,更重要的是对生态危机的深层原因进行了尖锐剖析。并借鉴国内外众多专家学者最新研究的成果,对解决生态危机提出了应对之策。该书内容翔实丰富。数据准确权威,方法科学实用。结论严谨缜密。这是一束穿越历史的理性之光,让几十年来沉迷在巨大发展的我们,看到了自身的疏忽以及由此欠下的生态巨债,看到了这种疏忽背后的种种因果链条,看到了走出困境走向希望的唯一之路。作为前奏,本刊新年1月号已先刊发了姜春云同志为该书写的序言,本篇以解读的方式对全书的内容进行隆重推介。限于篇幅,所作的解读也只能蜻蜒点水。但作为一个推介者,本刊希望所有关注中国未来发展的人,能够挤时间坐下来读读原著,让这束穿越历史的理性之光也穿越你的心灵.引导你真切地洞察我们的过去.现在及将来。

关 键 词:人与自然和谐  生态危机  解读  理性  历史  专著  主编  

A Beam of Rational Light Pass through History
Abstract:Makind seemed abandoning the bias in politics, religion and so on about common interest and future. Mankind gradually tend to great harmony. Our magazine interpreted An Inconvenient Truth which written by the former vice president of the US Gore in September's issue last year. An Inconvenient Truth revealed objectively a worldwide ecological crisis with unarguable facts. Gore pointed out that mankind can save themselves no more than ten years. If mankind miss the deadline, a great deal of crisis will becaome worse. Not come singly but in pairs,Repay the Ecological Debts: the Exploration for the Harmonious between Man and Nature written by Jiang Chunyun was published by Xinhua Publishing House in September last year. This book revealed Chinese ecological crisis. Unlike the former vice president of the US Gore, the author not only set out an abundance of instances, but more importantly,carried out acutely analyse to the inner meaning of ecological crisis, draw on the latest achievements by international and domestic experts and specialists and proposed a remedy for ecological crisis. This book is real and rich in content, accurate records in data. scientific and practical in method and compact and careful in conclusion. It is a beam of rational light pass through history. We saw the ecological debts which was owed because of our carelessness, the chain of caused and effects behind our carelessness and the only road which get out of dilemma and move toward to expectation. This article introduces grandly the whole contents in a interpretation way. As an introducer, our magazine wish all the people who pay attention to Chinese future development to read the original work in your spare time. The rational beam not only passes through history, but also your mind. it will lead you to have a inside into our past, present and future.
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