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尹 健,颉敏华,陈 柏,王学喜,吴小华,王彦淳.1-MCP复合杀菌剂处理对“金红宝”甜瓜 常温贮藏品质的影响[J].保鲜与加工,2021,21(1):40~45
1-MCP复合杀菌剂处理对“金红宝”甜瓜 常温贮藏品质的影响
Effects of 1-MCP Compound Fungicide Treatment on the Storage Quality of ‘Jinhongbao’Melon at Room Temperature
中文关键词:  1-MCP  甜瓜  抑霉唑  保鲜  常温贮藏  品质
英文关键词:1-MCP  melon  imazalil  preservation  storage at room temperature  quality
尹 健 甘肃农业大学园艺学院 
颉敏华 甘肃省农业科学院农产品贮藏加工研究所 
陈 柏 甘肃省农业科学院农产品贮藏加工研究所 
王学喜 甘肃省农业科学院农产品贮藏加工研究所 
吴小华 甘肃省农业科学院农产品贮藏加工研究所 
王彦淳 甘肃省农业科学院农产品贮藏加工研究所 
摘要点击次数: 1121
全文下载次数: 944
      In order to explore the effects of different treatments on the storage of muskmelon at room temperature, the‘Jinhongbao’muskmelon was used as the experimental material, the effects of preservatives 1-MCP and 1-MCP compound fungicide imazalil treatments on the storage of postharvest muskmelon at room temperature were investigated. The results showed that, the preservation effect of both 1-MCP and 1-MCP compound fungicide treatment was significantly better than the control. The preservation effect of 1-MCP compound fungicide treatment was better than that of 1-MCP treatment in delaying the decline of ascorbic acid and titratable acid contents, reducing decay rate and weight loss rate. In summary, compared with other treatments, 1-MCP compound fungicide treatment had the best preservation effect, which could effectively maintain the quality of melon.
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