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邹 逸,刘勤明,叶春明,刘文溢.乳制品冷链物流的库存-生产策略优化研究[J].保鲜与加工,2020,20(2):219~225
Research on Inventory-production Strategy Optimization in Cold Chain Logistics for Dairy Products
中文关键词:  乳制品  冷链物流  库存控制  时间-成本-客户满意度
英文关键词:dairy products  cold chain logistics  inventory control  time-cost-customer satisfaction
邹 逸 上海理工大学管理学院上海 200093 
刘勤明 上海理工大学管理学院上海 200093 
叶春明 上海理工大学管理学院上海 200093 
刘文溢 上海理工大学管理学院上海 200093 
摘要点击次数: 41
全文下载次数: 35
      Due to the increasingly fierce competition of enterprises, this paper proposes a three-objective optimization model of cost-time-customer satisfaction for how to select the appropriate production batch and inventory level for dairy manufacturers. Firstly, considering inventory cost, turnaround time and customer satisfaction of dairy products, the optimal models of inventory production cost, inventory turnaround time and customer satisfaction are established respectively. Secondly, taking the production batch and inventory level as decision variables, all non-inferior solutions are calculated by applying multi-objective genetic algorithm, integrated inventory production cost model, inventory turnaround time model and customer satisfaction model. Finally, the pseudo-weighted vector method is applied to validate the proposed model through products with different shelf life. The results show that for the products with different shelf-life, the optimal inventory production volume and the optimal inventory level can be obtained from the model proposed in this paper.
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