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宋桂荣 《科学养鱼》2000,(10):24-24
一、水域条件   移植水域面积以 60公顷以上为好,水深在 2.5~ 20米均可,水体内要有一定数量浮游动物和丰富的小型鱼虾作为大银鱼饵料,鳙鱼与大银鱼幼鱼争食,要控制其数量,对大银鱼危害极大的马口鱼等属凶猛鱼类,要抑制其繁殖或清除。   二、移植时间   1.性成熟但尚未产卵的大银鱼移植时间在 11月中下旬至 12月下旬,水温在 10~ 15℃,雌雄比为 1∶ 2。通常性成熟的大银鱼移植只能在较近的两个水域间进行,运输方法同一般家鱼,运输气温在 2~ 4℃最好。   2.受精卵移植时间要根据产卵时间和水温而定。山东及苏北大银鱼产卵…  相似文献   

于1997年12月~1998年12月在辽河水系的舍力虎水库和西湖水库采集1100尾大银鱼(Protosalanxhyalocranius)性成熟样本进行生物学指标测量。结果表明,辽河水系大银鱼绝对怀卵量5112~20628粒;相对怀卵量423~960粒/g。在辽河水系,大银鱼的产卵高峰期只有1次,为每年的12月15日至12月底,高峰期持续3~6d,成熟卵一次产出体外,卵径(842.9±13.5)μm;当孵化水温4~5℃时,受精卵经过1106h可孵化出膜,孵化积温4424~5530℃·h;胚胎发育至高囊胚期是计算受精率的最佳时期。  相似文献   

3确定合理的捕捞强度,保证有充足的资源繁衍量人为的捕捞强度,对水域中的经济鱼类种群数量影响极大,尤其对一年生的银鱼来说,更是有举足轻重的作用。银鱼成鱼捕捞大多在性成熟前几个月,甚至1~2个月前进行,若捕捞强度过大,实际等于过度捕捞了尚未产卵繁殖的产卵...  相似文献   

众所周知,大银鱼是早春我省沿海人民喜食的美味佳肴,在渤海有一定产量,经济价值甚高。但有关大银鱼的生物学资料,除了淡水渔业,尤其长江流域有一些报道外,海洋方面尚未见正式报告。为此,我们仅将1983年3月对渤海南部部分河口海区大银鱼产卵群体调查中的有关性成熟与繁殖力的资料整理报告如下,仅供参考。  相似文献   

1总则1.0.1为了规范水库大银鱼移植增殖技术,调整和改善水库增养殖品种结构,充分发挥水库渔业效益,特制订本规程。1.0.2本规程适用于大中型水库大银色的移植增殖,其他水域移植增殖大银鱼也可参照使用。1.0.3水库移植增殖大银鱼除应符合本规程外,尚应符合国家现行的有关标准的规定。2人工繁殖2.1亲鱼2.1.1亲鱼的来源应符合下列要求:(1)在大银鱼繁殖季节捕到的性成熟个体可用于人工繁殖;(2)蓄养至性成熟的个体可用于人工繁殖;(3)不得使用未达性成熟的个体进行人工繁殖。2.1.2亲鱼的捕捞应符合下列要求:(1)捕捞大银鱼…  相似文献   

<正> 大银鱼一般在12月中旬至3月上旬产卵繁殖,但1998年在乎旺水库6月份甚至8月份仍有一定数量的怀卵个体,而未发现副性征明显的雄性个体。是前一年怀卵雄鱼一直未产卵,还是出现了另外的产卵群体,使很多专家迷惑不解。太湖新银鱼在太湖有春  相似文献   

冷积温对大银鱼性腺成熟度影响的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
大银鱼(ProtosalanxhyalocraniusAbbott)是冬季产卵型的经济鱼类,由于其具有极高的经济价值及易于驯化的优点,目前正被广泛移植到各种水域放养,成为名特优水产品中的一个新品种。实践证明,在移植过程中,其受精卵为最佳移植材料。为准确掌握大银鱼的产卵时间,并获得质量优良的受精卵,特对其产卵前性腺发育过程中对水温生态条件的要求进行了观察与分析,为及时采集大银鱼受精卵提供科学依据。1材料与方法1.1成熟度的测定从1996年12月5日当大银鱼性腺发育至皿期末到Ⅳ期初开始,每日用刺网捕获雌性大银鱼30尾,镜检卵巢中卵粒发育时…  相似文献   

江苏省六台县金牛山水库从1993年开始进行大银鱼移植和繁殖工作,1996年获产量10.8吨,受精卵1640万粒。现将大银鱼人工繁殖技术介绍如下。1人工授精时间大银鱼人工授精应掌握在产卵盛期内进行,江苏六合地区大银鱼产卵高峰期在12月中下旬至翌年1月,水温2℃~6℃。2亲鱼的捕捞与选择亲鱼最好在产卵比较集中的产卵场进行捕捞。捕捞网具为网目1.2~2.2厘米、网高1米左右的单层小刺网。黄昏时下网.次日清晨边起网边取鱼操作。在人工授精时要选择性腺发育到V期的个体,此时雌鱼腹部膨大柔软,充满透明的卵粒,臀蜡较小.提起头部后腹部下…  相似文献   

李秀峰 《河北渔业》2012,(2):29-29,44
<正>大银鱼属鲑形目、银鱼科一年生小型鱼类,身体呈长条形,遍体透明,是银鱼中最大的一种,一般体长在0.10~0.16m,最大个体长达0.28m,它对水质的适应能力很强,经济价值较高,当年早春孵出,当年冬季即可产卵繁衍后代,产卵后死去,寿命为1年,食物以浮游动物、小型鱼虾为主。  相似文献   

对自然分布的大银鱼(Protosalanxhyalocranius)成熟和产卵有过报道[1],人工增养殖水域大银鱼的生物学和人工繁殖有过研究[2,3],但其生殖腺组织学尚未见报道。大银鱼作为北方地区重要的移植增殖鱼类,我们在柴河水库移植增殖过程中,对...  相似文献   

在解剖、测量性成熟和未成熟中华绒螯蟹外部形态和性腺之基础上,试用“双百分率法”和“差异显著性检测法”对中华绒螯蟹的副性征进行了研究。结果表明,性成熟后的雌、雄中华绒螯蟹均具有较明显的副性征。  相似文献   

池塘养殖斑节对虾生长、发育与性成熟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解不同养殖条件下斑节对虾的生长、外生殖器发育、性腺发育及性成熟之间的关系,对其养殖进行跟踪调查研究.结果显示:①斑节对虾雌雄外生殖器官发育和头胸甲长呈线性关系;②不同养殖环境条件下,斑节对虾性成熟生物学最小型个体无显著差异.雄性精荚出现的生物学最小型个体为头胸甲长3.1 cm,体长11.1 cm,体质量20.0 g;雄性性成熟个体的头胸甲长3.7 cm,体长13.0 cm,体质量37.0 g.池养雌性斑节对虾的性成熟生物学最小型个体以纳精囊的发育完全(可与雄虾交配)为标志,其最小性成熟个体的头胸甲长4.3 cm、体长15.1 cm、体质量53.0 g,雌性性成熟个体为头胸甲长5.0 cm,体长17.0 cm,体质量75.0 g以上;③池塘养殖斑节对虾性成熟与日龄和养殖环境相关.鱼塭雄虾精荚出现的最早时间为日龄120 d前后,其性成熟日龄约为160 d;池塘养殖雄虾精荚出现的最早时间为日龄150 d前后,其性成熟日龄约为260 d.鱼媪雌虾最早交配发生在日龄165 d前后,性成熟日龄205~236 d,池养雌虾最早交配发生在日龄240~ 280 d,性成熟日龄295~360 d以上.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) that mature sexually at 1 year of age (as parr or precocious males), at 4 years of age (after two winters in the sea) and at 5 years of age (after three winters in the sea) were used to study response to individual selection for age at sexual maturity. Six mating groups were made: between fish of the same age (4 × 4 and 5 × 5); reciprocal matings between 4- and 5-year-old fish (4 × 5 and 5 × 4); and matings between 1-year-old precocious males and 4- and 5-year-old females (1 × 4 and 1 × 5). Parental age at sexual maturity was found to influence markedly the offspring age at sexual maturity. The heritability for age at maturity in the sea was estimated at 0.48 ± 0.20 from the offspring—dam regression. It is concluded that there is considerable opportunity to alter the age at sexual maturity in Atlantic salmon through selection. Evidence was found that maturation of parr is a heritable trait and that it is independently inherited from maturation in the sea.  相似文献   

北盘江光照库区增殖放流站通过调节水温水质、增加冲水次数,强化营养等措施,可使花亲鱼一年两次性成熟,并且使花的两次产卵受精率达80%以上,实现一年两次催产。研究结果表明,该技术可以大大提高亲鱼产卵量,提高了亲鱼利用率,极大地满足了实际需求,可为鱼类繁殖提供参考。  相似文献   

Abstract –  Differences in the life history strategies employed by otherwise ecologically similar species of a fish assemblage may be an important factor in the coexistence of these species and is an essential consideration in the conservation and management of these assemblages. We collected scales to determine age and growth of four species of the catostomid assemblage (northern hogsucker Hypentelium nigricans , spotted sucker Minytrema melanops , notchlip redhorse Moxostoma collapsum and robust redhorse Moxostoma robustum ) of the Savannah River, Georgia–South Carolina in spring 2004 and 2005. Robust redhorse was the largest species; reaching sexual maturity at an older age and growing faster as a juvenile than the other species. Spotted sucker did not achieve the same size as robust redhorse, but reached sexual maturity at younger ages. Notchlip redhorse was intermediate between the abovementioned two species in age at maturity and size. Northern hogsucker was the smallest species of the assemblage and reached the sexual maturity at the age of three. Both robust redhorse and spotted sucker were sexually dimorphic in size-at-age. The range of life history strategies employed by Savannah River catostomids encompasses the range of life history strategies exhibited within the family as a whole.  相似文献   

For efficient production of Japanese eel Anguilla japonica eggs, knowledge of the status of the sexual maturity of potential broodstock females is important because this status directly influences the time required to produce mature eggs by successive hormone doses. Here we apply an eye index (relative eye size) to evaluate the gonadal status of feminized A. japonica, which were induced by administration of estradiol-17β. Examination of gonad somatic and eye indexes of 267 feminized eels, cultivated for 12–56 months, revealed a significant correlation between these two indexes. Artificial maturation of 35 feminized eels showed that the number of hormone injections administered before ovulation was significantly lower as the eye index score increased, indicating availability of this noninvasive method of predicting sexual maturity of feminized eel. There was no correlation between eye index and fertilization rate, hatching rate, or larval survival rate, suggesting that sexual maturity before hormonal treatment does not affect egg quality.  相似文献   

西南大西洋拉氏南美南极鱼生物学特性的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱国平  许柳雄  陈新军 《水产学报》2010,34(12):1877-1882
根据2009年12月-2010年1月在西南大西洋阿根廷外海测定的271尾拉氏南美南极鱼生物学数据,对拉氏南美南极鱼的全长(TL)和体长(SL)组成、全长和体重(BW)关系、性比、性腺成熟度等基本生物学特性进行了分析。结果表明,(1)体长组成:全长范围为145~302mm,优势全长组为200~260mm;体长范围为135~265mm,优势体长为160~220mm。雌、雄个体全长(F=1.930,P=0.167>0.05)和体长(F=1.965,P=0.163>0.05)分布均无显著性差异。全长与体长关系为TL=0.8755SL+0.0076(R2=0.9846)(2)全长与体重关系:拉氏南美南极鱼全长与体重关系为BW=1.0845×10-6TL3.3968(R2=0.9818),雌雄拉氏南美南极鱼叉长与体重之间的关系不存在显著性差异(ANCOVA,F=1.755,P>0.05)。(3)拉氏南美南极鱼平均雌雄性比为1∶0.17。(4)12月至1月,西南大西洋拉氏南美南极鱼性成熟度基本上以Ⅱ为主,而Ⅲ~Ⅵ个体则非常少。各全长组拉氏南美南极鱼性成熟度存在显著性差异(χ2=569.59,P<0.05)。(5)首次性成熟...  相似文献   

黄河口及其邻近水域矛尾虾虎鱼渔业生物学特征   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
为了查明黄河口及其邻近水域矛尾虾虎鱼(Chaeturichthys stigmatias)的生物学特征,为其渔业资源评估和管理提供基本参数,本研究根据2013年6月至2014年5月在黄河口及邻近水域进行底拖网调查所得的矛尾虾虎鱼资源生物学数据,对其群体组成、体长-体重关系和性成熟等渔业生物学特性进行了初步分析。结果表明,该海域矛尾虾虎鱼体长分布范围为25~154 mm,平均体长为(87.77±24.18)mm,优势体长为60~120 mm,占总渔获尾数的76.71%。体重范围为0.08~37.83 g,平均体重为(9.1±6.905)g,优势体重为0~10 g,占63.03%。全年矛尾虾虎鱼体长(SL)-体重(W)关系式为W=4.7×10~(-6)SL~(3.183)(R~2=0.962,n=1842)。矛尾虾虎鱼性腺成熟度和性成熟系数均呈现出明显的月变化,其主要繁殖期为4―5月,产卵持续至6月上旬;体长与性腺成熟度之间的关系无显著雌雄差异,瞬时性成熟速率K=0.039,50%性成熟体长L_(50)=117.92 mm。  相似文献   

We tested whether waterflow, gender, maturity or treatment with a GnRH analogue affected jumping frequency, an acclimatization response and swimming activity in three-year-old sockeye salmon when confronted with an artificial waterfall. In our first behavioural experiment, increased waterflow and the stage of sexual maturity led to a significant increase in the number of fish that overcame an artificial waterfall, while sex had no significant effect. In a second experiment, we demonstrated that GnRH treatment affected behavioural responses in a waterfall channel as follows: (i) GnRH injected fish did not display an increase in their time of acclimatization while the acclimatization period in control fish increased significantly. (ii) GnRH significantly enhanced swimming activity and jumping motivation. We suggest that waterflow, degree of sexual maturity and injections with a GnRH analogue, lead to behavioural patterns that are correlated with migratory behaviour of adult sockeye salmon.  相似文献   

This 12‐month preliminary study investigated the development of sexual characters, primary sexual maturity, ovarian maturity and spawning performance of pond‐reared Penaeus merguiensis in relation to culture conditions in south‐east Queensland, Australia. Post‐larvae of P. merguiensis were produced and cultured in two 60‐m3 tanks during the first 14 weeks. Before winter, they were harvested and stocked in three different overwintering facilities: a 200‐m2 covered pond, two 60‐m3 outdoor tanks and a 15‐m3 indoor, recirculated tank at a stocking density of 10 individuals m?2. The development of sexual characters was found to be similar to that reported previously in wild P. merguiensis. Males matured at younger ages and smaller sizes than females. Overall, the average size at primary sexual maturity of pond‐reared P. merguiensis was 23.1 mm carapace length for males (possessed spermatophores) and 29.3 mm for females (being impregnated). Water temperature and the availability of natural food strongly influenced prawn growth, maturity rate and their subsequent spawning performance. Growth, maturity rate and spawning performance of prawns in the covered pond were significantly higher than in the other overwintering facilities. Prawns started mating at 6–7 months, reached full ovarian maturation and spawned as early as about 8 (peaked at 9–11) months from hatching, producing high fecundity and viable larvae. There was a strong relationship (P < 0.001) between prawn size and fecundity. The results of this study suggest a potential for using pond‐reared broodstock P. merguiensis for hatchery production and for domestication or selective breeding programmes.  相似文献   

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