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育成牛是指犊牛断奶后至第1胎产犊前这时期的牛,育成牛处于生长发育阶段,这一时期的养育,关系到体型的发育,影响到终身泌乳性能,因此,不可忽视育成牛的培育。1育成牛不同生理阶段的饲养管理为便于管理,将育成牛的饲养分为4个阶段。  相似文献   

育成牛是指犊牛断奶后至第1胎产犊前这时期的牛,育成牛处于生长发育阶段,此时期的饲养,关系到体型的发育和终身的泌乳性能,因此,不可忽视育成牛的培育。1育成牛的饲养为便于管理,将育成牛的饲养分为4个阶段。1.1第一阶段3-6月龄育成犊牛饲养。通常犊牛生长到2个月龄时断奶,断奶后犊牛的营养来源主要是精饲料,随着月龄的增长,逐渐增加优质粗饲料的喂量,选择优质干草、苜蓿供犊牛自由采食。  相似文献   

放牧饲养是育成牛饲养普遍采用的饲养方式,对育成牛饲养经济效益的提高具有显著的促进作用。本文对育成牛在放牧饲养过程中的相关技术要点进行分析与归纳,以期更好地指导育成牛的放牧饲养,促进经济效益的提高。  相似文献   

育成牛放牧饲养技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>无论是哪个品种的育成牛,放牧都是首选的饲养方式。在肉牛生产过程中,育成牛阶段是一个关键时期。断奶后到性成熟前的育成牛阶段,代谢旺盛,生长很快,是肉牛一生中骨骼和肌肉发育最快的时期。此时,肉牛瘤胃容积迅速扩大,消化功能不断完善,利用粗纤维的能力逐渐增强,能够较好地适应粗饲条件。同时,育成牛生命活力强,对饲养管理及环境条件的要求也比较粗放,最适宜放牧饲养。无论是哪个品种的育成牛,放牧都是首选的饲养方式。养牛场应根据当地青绿饲料的特点,对育成牛进行群体放牧饲养。  相似文献   

设计了一种生态牛舍并与普通牛舍进行了饲养育成牛和肥育架子牛效果的对比研究.结果表明,生态牛舍饲养育成牛日增重可达0.68千克,饲养育肥架子牛日增重可达1.19千克,分别比普通牛舍饲养育成牛日增重的0.37千克和饲养肥育架子牛日增重的0.62千克提高0.31千克和0.57千克,经济效益显著.  相似文献   

育成牛饲养一直是养牛户非常困扰的问题,如果饲养方法合理性和科学性较差,很有可能降低成牛的生长趋势,降低成牛对各种疾病的抵抗力。养殖户需要加强研究力度,保证饲养方法应用的合理性,从而提升成牛饲养成效,强化育成牛饲养经济效益。本文就是对育成牛饲养关键技术进行探究,希望对相关人员有所启示。  相似文献   

育成奶牛系指从断乳后到产犊前的小母牛.该阶段一般需要经过4~5个月的时间,有时可能缩短或延长.优质的育成牛应具备较理想的奶牛体型、体重,有较高的泌乳和繁殖性能,有较强的适应能力.而育成牛的这些质量标准,又与饲养管理条件好坏紧密相关.因此,必须重视育成牛的饲养管理,根据其不同时期的不同生长发育特点和营养需要,抓好各阶段的饲养管理.  相似文献   

设计了一种生态牛舍并与普通牛舍进行了饲养育成牛和肥育架子牛效果的对比研究。结果表明,生态牛舍饲养育成牛日增重可达0.68千克,饲养育肥架子牛日增重可达1.19千克,分别比普通牛舍饲养育成牛日增重的0.37千克和饲养肥育架子牛日增重的0.62千克提高0.31千克和0.57千克,经济效益显著。  相似文献   

放牧饲养时牛采食的饲草种类丰富,且运动量较大,有助于提高牛机体免疫力和抗病能力。育成牛的生长发育很快,对营养物质需求较大,且每个月生长发育的特点不同,对营养物质的需求也不同。育成牛饲养应充分利用肠胃系统、骨骼、肌肉、生殖机能等身体机能的变化特点,及时调整饲养管理状态,调整饲料配比,以满足身体机能各关键时期的生长发育需求。本文基于皖南牛育成牛生长发育的特点,探讨了皖南牛育成期的放牧饲养技术,供参考。  相似文献   

深圳市光明华侨畜牧场所属的七个奶牛场,多年以来,对育成牛的培育,一直采用“原圈饲养”。但是,根据育成牛生长发育的需要,这种饲  相似文献   

本文主要就肉种鸡的代谢能水平及现状、能量限饲对肉种鸡的影响以及肉种鸡代谢能需要量的具体研究方法等几方面作一综述,为肉种鸡的营养研究提供参考。  相似文献   

近年人们对于猪肉的需求量越来越高,猪肉需求量的增加有效的推动我国生猪养殖业的发展,使生猪养殖朝规模化、集体化养殖发展,在一定程度上满足人们生活上对猪肉的需求。在生猪养殖中,生长育肥是生猪生长的重要阶段,其生长决定生猪的生长品质和养殖户的经济效益。该文通过对育肥猪的生长规律、育肥方式、饲养管理和生活环境卫生等方面进行论述,并提出育肥猪科学饲养管理中需要注意的问题和管理措施,确保生猪在育肥阶段的健康生长和养殖员的经济效益。  相似文献   

随着奶牛行业的快速发展,全株玉米青贮因其价格低、储存时间长、营养丰富、适口性好、饲料转换率高等优点,越来越受到奶牛养殖者的认可和青睐。但在青贮制作过程中,因养殖者青贮制作技术欠缺、经验不足、认知度低等原因,最终导致青贮制作失败。为提高全株玉米青贮制作水平,本文将从把控水分、隔绝空气、微生物处理、收贮管理等全株玉米青贮制作四项基本原则进行论述和分析,养殖者可通过把控最佳收割时间,严管留茬高度、切割长度、籽粒破碎程度,做到上料快、压窖快和封窖快,正确使用青贮发酵剂,做好封窖后维护管理工作,从而做出优质的青贮饲料,进一步提高奶牛产奶量和牧场经济效益。  相似文献   

To achieve optimal reproductive performance in pig herds, sows need to become pregnant as soon as possible after weaning. The aim of this study was to investigate herd and management factors associated with reproductive performance of sows after weaning. A questionnaire pertaining to sow management at weaning and herd reproductive data were collected from 76 randomly selected commercial pig herds in Belgium. Associations between the herd factors and two reproductive parameters after weaning (weaning‐to‐oestrous interval: WEI and percentage of repeat breeders: RB) were analysed using general linear mixed models. A separated feeding strategy of breeding gilts from 60 kg onwards was significantly associated with a shorter WEI (5.54 vs 7.28 days; p = 0.040). Factors significantly associated with a lower percentage of RB were housing the newly weaned sows separated from the gestating sows (7% vs 12%; p = 0.003), using semen < 4 days after collection (7–9 vs 14%; p = 0.014) and stimulating oestrus twice a day (8 vs 11%; p = 0.025). In conclusion, some management practices, such as feeding strategy of breeding gilts, housing conditions of sows, method of oestrous stimulation and storage duration of semen, have an influence on the outcome of reproductive parameters such as weaning‐to‐oestrous interval and percentage of repeat breeders. These practices can be implemented rather easily by pig producers and may consequently lead to improvements of reproductive performance of sows after weaning.  相似文献   

The number of South American Camelids (SAC) increased over the last years in Germany. Therefore it is important to develop guidelines regarding aspects of animal welfare. Recommendations for husbandry and feeding are given. In principal it is possible to keep llamas and alpacas under middle European conditions with respect to animal welfare. However problems do sometimes occur because of a lack of knowledge of breeders about the basic requirements of the animals. In contrast to other species it is much more difficult to get scientific based informations and to guarantee veterinarian service. Therefore more care have to be taken in the education of breeders and veterinarians.  相似文献   

为推广较为科学的白鲸饲养技术,提高国内圈养白鲸的健康管理水平,基于上海长风海洋世界的饲养管理经验,参考大量国际信息资源,从场馆空间设施、水质、环境卫生、食物和营养、运输和检疫、健康检查、疾病预防以及动物福利等方面,对白鲸的科学饲养和健康管理做了概述。为从事白鲸饲养管理的相关人员提供借鉴和帮助,并为饲养其它海洋哺乳动物提供参考。  相似文献   

Three experiments were performed to determine the effect of feeding time on shell quality and oviposition time in broiler breeders. Mean eggshell thickness was increased significantly by 3.5 microm (approximately 1%) per h delay in feeding time when hens were housed in individual cages. However, eggshell thickness was not significantly affected by feeding time when birds were housed on litter floors. Mean oviposition time was delayed relative to lights on by 5 min per h delay in feeding time. Egg weight was not significantly affected by feeding time, suggesting that differences in shell thickness and oviposition times were not due to increased oviducal transit times. Producers who wish to implement delayed feeding may have to turn lights on earlier than usual to compensate for delayed oviposition times.  相似文献   

犊牛是牧场发展的后备军,优质的犊牛培育是牧场可持续发展的有利保障之一。因此,科学的犊牛饲养管理措施和合理的犊牛饲养模式对于犊牛培育极其重要。通过对自动化饲喂饲养模式下哺乳犊牛的饲喂技术、管理措施以及疾病预防等方面进行综述,重点介绍初乳、饲喂计划、补饲、奶粉及开食料、饲喂标准、饲养环境、管理细节差异、疾病治疗方案等内容,以期对自动化饲喂饲养模式下的牧场提供参考。  相似文献   

奶牛围产期的饲养管理是规模化奶牛场生产环节中的重中之重,该项工作不仅影响奶牛泌乳量和生鲜乳品质,还直接决定新生犊牛的健康水平和奶牛的产后恢复情况。因此,各牧场需要加强奶牛围产期的饲养管理,让奶牛在分娩前后平稳过渡。本文从营养需要、分群、饲养和环境等方面介绍了奶牛围产前期和围产后期的管理需要,以期为围产期奶牛的科学饲养管理提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Using plant breeding and genetics to overcome the incidence of grass tetany   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plant breeders developing cultivars to minimize the hazards of grass tetany are concentrating largely on increasing herbage Mg concentrations in cool-season (C3) grasses. Significant genetic variation has been found for Mg, Ca and K concentrations within C3 grass species studied to date. For most C3 forage grass species, heritability estimates are highest for Mg, slightly lower for Ca and lowest for K concentrations. The largest genotype x environmental interactions are found for K values, whereas small environmental effects have been observed for Mg and Ca values. No C3 forage grass cultivar has been developed to date that would eliminate hypomagnesemia. Grass breeders need to develop more experimental C3 plant populations that have high Mg and Ca concentrations. These experimental synthetics with genetically altered mineral concentrations need to be fed to ruminants susceptible to grass tetany to determine whether grass tetany can be eliminated or reduced. Limited feeding trials using ruminants show that improved animal performance can be expected when feeding forage grasses bred for higher Mg concentrations.  相似文献   

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