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中兽医是我国优秀的传统文化遗产,但随着近几年畜牧行业的发展和壮大,中兽医发展却遭遇瓶颈,传统经方验方传承面临困境。为了改善这种困境,使中兽医更好应用于临床,服务于社会,传承并发扬中兽医。本研究选用问卷调查法,交流访谈法及文献资料法对西南片区中兽医验方进行收集,并对其进行归纳整理、分析, 分析了验方来源地分布情况、验方使用时间情况、验方治疗病症情况及验方临床应用典型案例,可为中兽医发展及兽医临床医学提供参考。  相似文献   

兽用中药化学成分复杂、药效物质基础研究薄弱,质量控制与评价一直是其研究的难点。现行的以理化检测方法为主的质量控制手段难以满足现代中兽医药发展的需要,难以很好地反映中药的有效性、安全性。本文阐述了显微、DNA条形码分子鉴定、基因芯片等生物学检测方法与评价技术在兽用中药质量控制中的应用价值,建议加强生物学相关检测及评价技术的研究和应用,弥补传统质控方法的不足,促进兽用中药质量控制水平的全面提升。  相似文献   

中兽药以其绿色天然、安全无污染、且兼有营养和药用双重作用而深受人们青睐。为在畜牧业中安全有效地使用中兽药,以达到既能降低畜禽饲养成本、提高畜禽养殖的经济效益和畜禽产品安全性又能降低养殖业对环境的污染以维持畜牧业可持续发展的目的。论文在论述中兽药具有毒性低、无残留、无毒副作用和不产生抗药性等作用特点的基础上,着重就中兽药在畜牧生产中,包括在预防和治疗畜禽疾病方面、在畜禽免疫调节和抗应激方面、在提高畜禽的生产性能方面、在改善畜产品品质等方面的应用及中兽药制剂的开发前景等进行了较为详尽地综述。  相似文献   

In 2000, troponin assays were adopted as the test of choice for detection of myocardial injury in man. This decision was made after extensive testing and followed a 60 year search for a biomarker of myocardial damage with sufficient analytical sensitivity and specificity. This has led to proliferation of assays for use in human medicine, each requiring extensive testing and validation before it could be made available on the open market for human use. The search for ever‐more analytically sensitive assays and for a standard reference material continues. The adoption of troponin testing in veterinary medicine followed shortly after its development for use in man, providing a much‐needed means of detecting and monitoring myocardial damage in horses. However, application of these tests in veterinary medicine has exclusively involved use of assays designed for and clinically validated in human patients. There is no mandated requirement for test validation in veterinary medicine and, while many of these assays have been shown to be capable of detecting equine troponin, the wide diversity of available tests, lack of validation, absence of protocols for their use and lack of standardisation make their application problematic. The objective of this review article is to address this issue, offering guidance where data are available and encouraging caution where there are none. Ultimately, the overall goal of this review is to examine critically the use of troponin assays in the horse and to promote the accurate and appropriate interpretation of valid results.  相似文献   

Non-selective computed tomography angiography (CTA) is an emerging imaging technique that will have continued application in veterinary medicine because of its short scan time, use of a single, peripheral venous injection and availability of more detailed anatomic information—including 3-dimensional reconstructions. The improved anatomic detail may facilitate veterinary students' learning of complex aortic arch malformations and details relative to the surgical approach. Herein we describe application of its use in a dog with a vascular ring anomaly due to a persistent right fourth aortic arch and left ligamentum arteriosum. Additionally, we compare images with a normal dog.  相似文献   

The QBC V hematology system was tested with respect to its application in veterinary medicine. PCV's and counts of total leukocytes, granulocytes, lympho/monocytes and platelets collected from 435 horses, dogs and cats were determined and compared with conventionally measured values. Precision and accuracy were found to be good for the majority of parameters. In the authors' opinion the QBC V hematology system is well suited for use in veterinary practice.  相似文献   

The disease prevalence survey is one research approach available to epidemiologists working in preventive veterinary medicine. This paper demonstrates an application of sampling theory in the design of disease prevalence surveys and suggests ways in which this use of sampling methodology may enable the veterinary epidemiologists to better achieve their research objectives.  相似文献   

《兽医药理学》是动物医学专业的一门重要的专业基础课,是联系基础医学和临床兽医学的桥梁学科。针对学生普遍反映的兽医药理学难学、难记、难应用,以及如何在教学中培养学生的创新思维能力、专业英语能力及科研意识和思路等问题,从教师自身素质和教学方法等环节入手,激发学生学习兽医药理学的兴趣和热情,并培养学生的科研意识和能力,以适应动物医学人才培养的要求。  相似文献   

中草药添加剂是以传统中兽医“医食同源”理论和动物生理需要为主导,借助现代化饲料生产加工理论技术制成的绿色环保型添加剂。合理使用中草药添加剂能够促进动物生长发育﹑调节免疫系统和新陈代谢﹑保障动物健康。本文拟在综述中草药添加剂的生理功能及在肉仔鸡生产中的作用,分析其在生产应用中的缺陷,为其在肉仔鸡生产中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

中兽医起源于中国古代,是具有独特理论体系和丰富诊疗手段的传统兽医学,历史悠久。西方兽医传入我国后,因诊疗便捷且收益较高,基层兽医从业者大多采用西兽医技术防治动物疾病,严重冲击中兽医的在基层的应用。本文通过分析中兽医现状与调查基层中兽医从业及发展情况,剖析其存在的问题和发展机遇,初步探讨提出解决思路,使中兽医得以更好的传承与发展。  相似文献   

Use of viscoelastic point-of-care (POC) coagulation instrumentation is relatively new to veterinary medicine. In human medicine, this technology has recently undergone resurgence owing to its capacity to detect hypercoagulability. The lack of sensitive tests for detecting hypercoagulable states, along with our current understanding of in vivo coagulation, highlights the deficiencies of standard coagulation tests, such as prothrombin and partial thromboplastin times, which are performed on platelet-poor plasma. Viscoelastic coagulation analyzers can provide an assessment of global coagulation, from the beginning of clot formation to fibrinolysis, utilizing whole blood. In people, use of this technology has been reported to improve management of hemostasis during surgery and decrease usage of blood products and is being used as a rapid screen for hypercoagulability. In veterinary medicine, clinical use of viscoelastic technology has been reported in dogs, cats, foals, and adult horses. This article will provide an overview of the technology, reagents and assays, applications in human and veterinary medicine, and limitations of the 3 viscoelastic POC analyzers in clinical use.  相似文献   

和中兽药非提取制剂(主要是散剂)相比,虽然中兽药提取制剂具有明显优点,但片面于讲究现代化制剂工艺和指标性质量标准,导致生产成本增高,失去了经济动物应用价值。针对经济动物临床应用特点,中兽药提取制剂应遵循中兽医药客观特点及发展规律,既要满足药剂学要求,又要保持中兽医药特色,即要充分利用现代先进制剂技术,还有保持制剂成本符合经济规律。  相似文献   

IV lipid emulsion (ILE) therapy is emerging as a potential antidote for lipophilic drug toxicities in both human and veterinary medicine. ILE has already gained acceptance in human medicine as a treatment of local anesthetic systemic toxicity, but its mechanism of action, safety margins, and standardized dosing information remains undetermined at this time. Experimental and anecdotal use of ILE in the human and veterinary literature, theorized mechanisms of action, current dosing recommendations, potential adverse effects, and indications for use in human and veterinary emergency medicine are reviewed herein.  相似文献   

Recent technological advances in 3D printing have resulted in increased use of this technology in human medicine, and decreasing cost is making it more affordable for veterinary use. Rapid prototyping is at its early stage in veterinary medicine but clinical, educational, and experimental possibilities exist. Techniques and applications, both current and future, are explored and illustrated in this article.  相似文献   

Objective – To review the use of IV lipid emulsion (ILE) for the treatment of toxicities related to fat‐soluble agents; evaluate current human and veterinary literature; and to provide proposed guidelines for the use of this emerging therapy in veterinary medicine and toxicology. Data Sources – Human and veterinary medical literature. Human Data Synthesis – Human data are composed mostly of case reports describing the response to treatment with ILE as variant from mild improvement to complete resolution of clinical signs, which is suspected to be due to the variability of lipid solubility of the drugs. The use of ILE therapy has been advocated as an antidote in cases of local anesthetic and other lipophilic drug toxicoses, particularly in the face of cardiopulmonary arrest and unsuccessful cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation. Veterinary Data Synthesis – The use of ILE therapy in veterinary medicine has recently been advocated by animal poison control centers for toxicoses associated with fat‐soluble agents, but there are only few clinical reports documenting successful use of this therapy. Evidence for the use of ILE in both human and veterinary medicine is composed primarily from experimental animal data. Conclusions – The use of ILE appears to be a safe therapy for the poisoned animal patient, but is warranted only with certain toxicoses. Adverse events associated with ILE in veterinary medicine are rare and anecdotal. Standard resuscitation protocols should be exhausted before considering this therapy and the potential side effects should be evaluated before administration of ILE as a potential antidote in cases of lipophilic drug toxicoses. Further research is waranted.  相似文献   

The interferon system is part of the innate immune system in vertebrates. It represents the first line of host defence against viral infections. Virus entry triggers intracellular signalling pathways which lead to the secretion of soluble factors such as interferons and other cytokines. Interferons signal to neighbouring cells that a viral infection has occurred and induce an "antiviral state" resulting in inhibition of virus replication. The first recombinant interferons were produced in the 1980ies and were considered to be a major breakthrough. At present, interferons are routinely used in the therapy of certain viral and autoimmune diseases as well as for neoplastic disorders in man. In 2001 the first interferon preparation for veterinary use was licensed in the European Union. This review summarises the molecular mechanisms of the interferon system and the viral counteractions. The current type I interferon therapies in humans are described and an overview of recent clinical studies in veterinary medicine, including cat, dog, horse, cow, sheep, pig, and poultry, is given. We review the potential application of interferons and arguments in favor or against its therapeutic use in veterinary medicine.  相似文献   

As the specialties of emergency medicine and critical care have grown and evolved in both human and veterinary medicine, so has the need for more advanced care of patients with primary lung disease. Treatment of acute respiratory failure has been the focus of several articles in the human medical literature of the past few years.1,8 This paper deals with airway pressure therapy and its application in cases of acute respiratory failure in veterinary medicine. The reader is referred to part I of this paper for a reveiw of respiratory mechanics and hypoxemia as they apply to respiratory therapy.  相似文献   

鸡大肠杆菌病是由埃希氏大肠杆菌引起,以心包炎、肝周炎、气囊炎、腹膜炎、输卵管炎、滑膜炎等主要病变。目前鸡大肠杆菌病的流行日趋复杂化,防控难度加大,发病率和死亡率均较高,给养鸡业带来严重经济损失。抗生素在一定程度上能够起到较好的治疗效果,但是由于长时间不规范的应用,致使大肠杆菌的耐药菌株不断出现,疗效越来越不明显。中兽药由于无抗药性,在防治鸡大肠杆菌病中已取得显著效果。  相似文献   

畜牧兽医专业高职高专蒙古文教材的开发研究,填补了内蒙古自治区乃至全国高校层次畜牧兽医专业没有成套蒙古文教材的空白,对民族畜牧业职业教育的发展具有重大的应用价值和深远的学术意义。阐述了畜牧兽医专业高职高专蒙古文教材开发研究的必要性,并介绍了畜牧兽医专业高职高专成套蒙古文教材的种类及教材开发的方法及步骤。  相似文献   

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