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肉鸡肿头综合症的病理形态学变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对黑龙江省某鸡场发生肿头综合症( S H S)的4 例肉鸡进行了病理形态学观察。肉眼所见为病鸡的眼周围、肉髯、肉冠的肿胀,包括肉髯、肉冠在内的头部皮下的蜂窝织炎,头盖骨气室内的干酪样物贮留。病理组织学所见主要为头部皮下组织、头 盖骨气室及鼻粘膜下的纤维素性化脓性肉芽肿性炎,并见有间质性心肌炎及支气管粘膜上皮组织纤毛脱落等变化。从上述病例的头部病灶中分离到了大肠秆菌。  相似文献   

近年来在肉种鸡场经常发生以鸡冠、肉髯、眼脸肿胀,继而整个头部肿胀的肿头病。为引起广大饲养肉种鸡同行们的注意,现将这种病的发生、发展及有关防治情况予以介绍。 吉林省某鸡场1995年11月末  相似文献   

1995年10月.某鸡场一批1万羽迪卡蛋鸡,27周龄时发生鸡大肠杆菌肿头症,发病率5%,日死海率达20羽左右,病程1周。1临床症状病鸡精神不振、嗜题,肉髯、鸡冠发紫,病初表现为单侧眼睑、眼周围、头部水肿,眼睑闻合.受惊吓后能睁开眼睑。重症表现为双侧眼睑及周围水肿,眼胜睁不开,同时下颌、肉髯也明显水肿。2病理变化眼结膜发炎,头部皮下、下颌及肉髯皮下有不同程度的胶冻状物.病程稍长形成白色干酪祥物。部分鸡有肝周炎、卵黄充血、变形、破裂。3实验室诊断3.1涂片镜检:无菌采取病鸡的头部病变组织徐片,革兰氏染色,见有大量散在…  相似文献   

<正> 饲养的鸡、火鸡都有啄癖,使一些鸡的肛门、尾部、趾、头、翅、鼻、背部、肉冠和肉髯的各部份组织受到不同程度的损伤。原因鸡产生啄癖的原因如下:饲养密度较大,光线过强,温度太高,饲料槽或饮水器  相似文献   

<正>1发病症状病鸡呼吸困难、咳嗽、喘气、打喷嚏,鼻腔流泡沫性分泌物,可听到呼吸磨擦音,羽毛被眼、鼻和耳的分泌物所污染。病鸡眼周围、头部及肉髯水肿,精神沉郁;眼结膜发炎,因  相似文献   

(一)发病情况 驻马店市上蔡县某养殖户饲养的2000只蛋鸡,145日龄,开始出现精神不振,闭目昏睡,食欲减退,垂头缩颈,有的翅膀下垂,肉冠及肉髯变暗红色,产蛋下降,有的鸡产蛋停止。有的呼吸困难,张口呼吸。嗉囊内充满液体内容物,倒提时伴有酸臭味液体从口流出,排绿色粪便,个别的有头颈扭转现象。  相似文献   

从肿头综合征鸡分离出产Vero毒素E.coli   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本研究从哈尔滨郊区某鸡场肿头综合征( S H S)鸡分离出 3 株血清型为 O78 的埃希氏大肠杆菌( E.coli),从鞍山 S H S病料分离出 1 株血清型为 O8 的 E.coli。并证实这 4 株 E.coli 能够对 Vero 细胞产生毒性作用,与产 Vero 毒素的 E.coli一致。对哈尔滨市郊 S H S病鸡做病理组织学观察,主要变化为头部皮下组织,头盖骨气室及鼻粘膜下纤维素性化脓性炎症,水肿和大肠杆菌性肉芽肿,心、肝、肾等器官炎症变化并有大量异嗜性粒细胞和细菌团块。  相似文献   

鸡冠及肉髯病变在疾病诊断中的提示孙克年(江苏省灌云县下车兽医站222231)健康鸡冠直立、颜色鲜红、肥润、组织柔软光滑。肉髯左右大小对称,丰满鲜红、冠和肉髯一旦出现异样,多为疾病的一种临床症状,其变化常为鸡病诊断提供有参考价值的提示。一、鸡冠和肉髯皮...  相似文献   

在养殖生产中经常见到肉种鸡、蛋鸡或肉仔鸡以肿头肿脸为特征的疾病,以眼脸肿胀,眶下窦肿胀为主,头部及肉髯肿胀为辅,临床上常表现甩鼻或呼吸困难。由于肿头肿脸的原因比较复杂,故在临床上要综合考虑各种发病因素才能作出确切结论。总体来讲,家禽肿头肿脸的发病原因主要由疾  相似文献   

用防蚊叮咬止痒的风油精涂抹抱窝鸡的头部皮肤裸露处,包括肉髯、鸡冠、眼睑等部位。每日涂3—4次,连续3天即可醒巢。  相似文献   

Ninety commercial broiler chickens were divided into three equal groups; 30 were injected with brain-heart-infusion broth into the cranial thoracic air sacs (controls), 30 were similarly inoculated with a culture of Escherichia coli, and 30 were similarly inoculated with E. coli cell-free culture filtrate. Birds were examined from 0 to 6 hours post-inoculation. E. coli-inoculated and cell-free culture filtrate-inoculated chickens reacted similarly, with exudation of heterophils into the air sac. Microscopically, heterophils were present in low numbers perivascularly 0.5 hour after inoculation and became more numerous by 3 hours post-inoculation. By 6 hours post-inoculation, there was severe swelling of air sac epithelial cells and thickening of the air sac by proteinaceous fluid and heterophils. Ultrastructurally, air sac epithelial cells were swollen and vacuolated, and interdigitating processes were separated. Histologically and ultrastructurally, all features in control chickens were normal, with only rare heterophils in the air sac interstitium. In E. coli-inoculated and cell-free culture filtrate-inoculated chickens, cell counts (predominantly heterophils) in air sac lavage fluids increased markedly at 3 and 6 hours, with only slight increases in counts from lavages of controls. Heteropenia was observed in E. coli-inoculated chickens, whereas heterophilia was observed in cell-free filtrate chickens and controls. Ninety additional chickens were pretreated with cyclophosphamide, subdivided into three equal groups, and inoculated and examined similarly as above. Cyclophosphamide pretreatment reduced inflammatory changes in air sacs, lowered cell numbers in lavage fluids, and abolished hematologic changes; however, it did not prevent epithelial cell changes. These results indicate that cell-free culture filtrate of E. coli induces changes similar to those induced by cultures of E. coli.  相似文献   

Exencephaly and hydranencephaly were diagnosed in two 6-week-old araucana chickens (Gallus domesticus) and one adult silkie bantam (Gallus domesticus). The chickens were presented with large, subcutaneous, cranial soft-tissue masses and exhibited neurological signs. There was partial aplasia of the frontal bones, resulting in herniation of the cerebral hemispheres.  相似文献   

Infectious coryza in meat chickens in the San Joaquin Valley of California   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two cases of infectious coryza in meat chickens are reported. The first case involved 6-week-old broiler chickens in which only Haemophilus paragallinarum was isolated. The second case involved 11-week-old roaster chickens in which H. paragallinarum and Mycoplasma synoviae were isolated. Both farms were in close proximity to layer-chicken farms where infectious coryza had been previously diagnosed. In both cases, only certain houses on the farm were affected, and mortality in these houses increased slightly. At processing, the condemnation rates for affected houses were considerably higher than rates for unaffected houses. Condemnations for affected houses were mostly due to airsacculitis. A dissecting fibronopurulent cellulitis was a prominent lesion in the second case. This lesion could lead to confusion with chronic fowl cholera and swollen-head syndrome.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to characterize virulence factors of Escherichia coli isolates from broilers with simultaneous occurrence of cellulitis and other colibacillosis lesions. Thirty flocks were sampled and 237 birds with cellulitis were examined. Eighty-two (34.6%) of 237 birds condemned for cellulitis had gross lesions in the heart, air sacs, joints, or liver. In 58 chickens, E. coli was isolated from both the cellulitis and other lesions of colibacillosis, and 18.9% of the E. coli isolates from the 2 types of lesions belonged to the same O group. Escherichia coli of serogroups O78, O1, and O2 predominated. Isolates of the same serogroup that were derived from different lesions in the same birds had similar patterns of biotype, aerobactin production, serum sensitivity profile, antibiotic sensitivity, and K1 capsule production. Escherichia coli derived from cellulitis lesions produced virulence factors similar to those found in E. coli isolated from other colibacillosis lesions in poultry.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the presence of stx genes in avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC). We examined 97 APEC isolates: 34 from lesions of avian cellulitis, 31 from avian septicemia, 13 from swollen head syndrome (SHS) in chickens, and 19 from diseased turkeys. We also examined five isolates from the feces of healthy chickens. All 102 E. coli isolates were tested for the presence of stx genes by PCR amplification and by colony blots using probes specific for stx1 and stx2. Fifty-three percent (52) of the 97 APEC carried stx gene sequences: one isolate carried stx2 sequences, two carried both stx1 and stx2 sequences, and the remaining 49 isolates carried only stx1 sequences. Twenty-six isolates were positive by both hybridization and PCR amplification, 10 were positive by PCR only, and 16 were positive by hybridization only. All the stx-positive isolates were negative by PCR for the eae and E-hlyA genes. The five isolates from healthy chickens were all negative for stx. All 13 SHS isolates were positive for the stx1 gene and had low titres for cytotoxicity in the Vero cell assay (VCA). Other stx-positive isolates were negative in the VCA. The stx1 gene from one SHS E. coli isolate was cloned and sequenced and shown to be identical to that of the stx gene of Shigella dysenteriae. The observations indicate that stx1 gene sequences are widespread among APEC but that cytotoxicity on Vero cells is uncommon.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify Escherichia coli isolates that could be characterized as cellulitis pathogens. Twelve E. coli isolates from diagnostic cases of cellulitis or mixed infections with various serotypes were compared for ability to produce cellulitis and internal lesions indicative of systemic infection. Ranking of isolates was based on the premise that E. coli isolates that were "cellulitis-type" would cause cellulitis lesions without causing systemic infection. A quantitative scoring system was also used so both the time required for a lesion to develop and lesion severity could be evaluated as determinants of virulence. Escherichia coli isolates were inoculated by subcutaneous injection of a standardized dose in 24 broiler chickens per isolate. Necropsy was performed on four birds per group at 6, 12, 24, 36, 48, and 60 hr postinoculation (PI). Cellulitis lesions were scored on a 0 to 5 scale based on size, migration from the inoculation site, and gross characteristics. Lesions of the pericardium, liver, joint, or body cavity were evaluated. Gross lesion scores of 1 or 2 were evident by 6 hr PI with all isolates. Mortality occurred in 4 of 12 experimental groups. Internal lesions were observed in 3 to 12 birds per group. Escherichia coli was reisolated from all lesions. The four isolates with the highest lesion score and highest lesion points as determined by the quantitative scoring system did not vary. However, the rankings of two other isolates were affected. Four isolates that were below average for mean internal lesion score and above average for mean cellulitis points were characterized as cellulitis-type. Three isolates that were above average for internal lesion score and below average for mean cellulitis points were characterized as systemic-type. The E. coli serotype was not a determining factor for cellulitis-type pathogenicity. Isolates discriminated as cellulitis-type or septicemic-type E. coli in this study are being used to further investigate virulence factors involved in the pathogenesis of cellulitis in broiler chickens.  相似文献   

There is a lack of an established method for quantifying equine skull morphology. This study proposes a method that is valid for use on both live and deceased horses. A total of nine head measurements (skull length, cranial length, nasal length, ratio of cranial:nasal length, cranial width, zygomatic width, mandibular depth, nasal profile area, cranial profile area) and six indices (skull index, cranial index, nasal index, mandibular index, nasal profile index, cranial profile index) were recorded from 30 horses from a variety of breeds whilst the soft tissues of the head were intact. A line was drawn level with the palpable notches caudal to the caudal lacrimal process of each orbit to estimate the suture line of the nasal and frontal bones and distinguish between the neurocranium and splanchnocranium. There were positive correlations between many of the head measurements. This method also illustrated significant differences in the skull morphology of three breeds (Arabians, thoroughbreds and standardbreds).  相似文献   

The present study examined several basic attributes of first-line defence mechanisms in the skin as potential factors that may explain the susceptibility of broiler chickens to cellulitis. The variables including structural characteristics of the skin, physicochemical properties and cellular responses to the challenge with pathogens were compared between two categories of chickens, a strain of fast-growing commercial broiler chickens (susceptible to cellulitis) and leghorn chickens (resistant to cellulitis). There were substantial differences between leghorns and broilers with regard to physiological characteristics of the skin. Broiler skin was more amenable to injury and the wound-healing process was slow. Compared with leghorns, the lesions resulting from sub-dermal challenge in broilers were more severe and disseminated over a larger area. Mobilization of phagocytic cells (heterophils and macrophages) in leghorns was brisk even in the areas distant from the site of infection, whereas only few heterophils were recruited in the skin of broilers. The functional competence of heterophils in broilers was inferior when compared with leghorns. Based on the present finding, the predisposition of broilers to cellulitis appears to be primarily associated with the inferior first line of defence of their skin. Broilers in commercial situations may be at higher risk to succumb to even minor infection and eventually develop cellulitis because: (1) structural weaknesses of the skin may predispose broilers to skin injury and thus the risk of skin infection by pathogens is increased; (2) broiler skin surface is more likely to provide a conducive environment for colonization of Escherichia coli; (3) in the event of infection, poor recruitment of phagocytic cells to the site of infection may readily lead to widespread colonization of the tissue by pathogens causing cellulitis and (4) poor functional quality of the phagocytic cells that are mobilized compromise the ability of the host to contain the spread of infection.  相似文献   

《Veterinary microbiology》1998,62(2):111-119
This study was conducted to determine the presence of selected virulence factors in Escherichia coli recovered from swollen head syndrome (SHS) in chickens. Thirty-six (72%) of 50 isolates of E. coli from SHS were shown to produce a cytotoxin that was active on Vero and HeLa but not on Y-1 cells. The toxin was called VT2y because the cytotoxic effect on Vero cells was morphologically similar to that produced by E. coli verotoxins (VTs), and this effect was neutralized by antiserum against VT2 but not by antiserum against VT1. Interestingly, DNA probes for VT1 and VT2 failed to hybridize the VT2y-positive isolates with total DNA. Although the role of this toxin in SHS has yet to be demonstrated, the marked edema which characterizes affected chickens is consistent with the action of a toxin such as verotoxin which targets vascular endothelium.  相似文献   

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