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2 8 粉虱科 Aleyrodidae2 8 1 黑刺粉虱 AleurocanthusspiniferusQuaintance 全区普遍 ,危害茶树叶。2 8 2 珊瑚粉虱 Aleurocanthusaucubaekuwana 修水 ,危害茶树叶。2 9 蜡蚧科 Coccidae2 9 1 红腊蚧 CeroplastescentroroseusChen 全区普遍 ,危害茶树枝、叶、果。2 9 2 日本腊蚧 CeroplastesjapanicusGreen 修水 ,危害茶树枝。2 9 3 褐软蚧 Coccushesperidu…  相似文献   

凤阳县犬寄生蠕虫的调查报告   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了摸清凤阳县犬寄生蠕虫的种类及感染情况 ,为制定防治措施提供依据 ,我们于 2 0 0 0年 3~ 6月 ,对凤阳县犬体内寄生蠕虫的种类和感染情况进行了调查。1 调查方法1 .1 粪便检查 随机选择 40只犬作为调查对象 ,采集排出的新鲜粪便或灌肠后采集粪便 ,每份粪便均采取直接涂片、饱和盐水漂浮、离心沉淀和饱和硫酸镁漂浮法 4种方法进行检查。1 .2 尸体剖检 从市场购买或剖检屠宰户的犬只 ,进行蠕虫学完全剖检 ,找出虫体 ,并进行鉴定。2 调查结果2 .1 本次调查所获虫种有 1 0种 ,它们是犬弓蛔虫( Toxocara canis)、狮弓蛔虫 ( Toxocara…  相似文献   

牛球虫是一类寄生于牛肠道的原生动物,隶属于孢子虫纲(Sporozoasida)、真球虫目(Eucoccidiorida)、艾美耳科(Eimeriidae)。黄牛、水牛、奶牛、牦牛均可感染发病。现有资料表明,我国已有18个省市报道有牛球虫分布,共鉴定出艾美耳属(Eimeria)球虫16种(包括2个新种),球虫发病率可高达87.5%,死亡率达23.26%。本文意在通过对我国牛球虫种类、分布及其危害的概述,引起人们对牛球虫病的重视,加速其科学研究的进展。一.牛球虫的种类、分布  相似文献   

2002年杭州市政府实施西湖综合保护工程后,新增水域面积约0. 7 km2,2011年起,着重对茅家埠、乌龟潭、浴鹄湾等湖区的水生植物进行整体优化,西湖的自然形态发生了很大的变化,为掌握西湖水鸟组成与季节变化,2016—2017年对杭州西湖的水鸟进行了调查。研究发现西湖水鸟43种,隶属于8目10科,其中国家Ⅰ级保护动物1种:东方白鹳(Ciconia boyciana),Ⅱ级保护动物2种:白额雁(Anser albifrons)和鸳鸯(Aix galericulata)。从居留型来看,以迁徙鸟居多,冬候鸟占优势23种,占53. 5%;其次为夏候鸟9种,占20. 9%;旅鸟4种,占9. 3%;留鸟7种,占16. 3%。以古北界鸟类为主23种,占53. 5%;东洋界鸟类13种,占30. 2%;广布种7种,占16. 3%。鸟类生态类群主要为游禽和涉禽,游禽占物种总数的58. 1%、涉禽占物种总数的37. 2%,攀禽种类少,占物种总数的4. 7%。  相似文献   

1997年开始进行冷季型草坪杂草化学除技术研究,阔叶杂草在2-4叶期和72%的2,4-D丁酯乳油防,防除效果可达92.4%,禾本科杂草用拉索,扑草净,乙草胺,氟乐灵进行播前诱杀防除,防除效果分别可达84.6%、65.9%,51.8%和45.0%。  相似文献   

鸡寄生虫病对养鸡业造成的损失是十分巨大的 ,为了摸清我市鸡寄生虫病的感染情况 ,我们进行了全市范围内的鸡内寄生虫感染情况调查。1 材料与方法1 .1 鸡粪便样品在全市范围内共采集鸡新鲜而未被污染的粪便 2 58份 ,其中灵台、泾川、崇信三县各采 50份 ,崆峒、静宁各采 1 0份 ,华亭采 4 3份 ,庄浪 4 5份。每份样品采集 1 0 g ,装塑料袋中 ,逐一编号后 ,置 4℃冰箱保存待检。1 .2 方法利用直接涂片法 ,对粪样中的虫卵进行定性检查。取适量的甘油与等量的水混合 ,配成甘油水溶液。在载玻片上滴甘油与水的混合液 2~ 3滴。用火柴杆 (或牙签…  相似文献   

草坪蛴螬的简便药剂防治   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
蛴螬 (金龟子幼虫 ) ,是我国发生最为普遍的地下害虫之一。它不仅危害玉米、高粱、小麦、花生、大豆等农作物 ,而且对草坪的危害也相当严重。2 0 0 2年 8月中下旬 ,位于甘肃省兰州市安宁区的甘肃农业大学图书馆草坪蛴螬危害严重。该草坪为草地早熟禾与多年生黑麦草混播草坪 ,草坪面积 10 0 0m2 ,由于蛴螬的危害使 1/ 4面积草坪已变黄甚至干枯死亡。经鉴定主要种类为鲜黄鳃金龟幼虫 ,并有少量的大黑鳃金龟幼虫。蛴螬虫口密度为 15 5 0头 /m2 ,严重地段已达 2 2 0 0头 /m2 。 8月底第 1次用 4 0 %辛硫磷 2 5 0mL ,浓度为 5 0 0倍液 ;第 2次与…  相似文献   

在江西北部地区已调查的茶树害虫种类计2个纲、11个目、52个科、125种,并记述了它们种的地理分布和危害部位。  相似文献   

研究报道了危害鲁梅克斯K-1杂交酸模的主要害虫种类及3种主要害虫的生物学特性和防治方法。蓼龟象甲1年发生2代,主要以成虫在寄主根部附近土层中越冬,亦有少数蛹及老熟幼虫在寄主根内越冬,成虫咬食叶片,幼虫钻蛀于根部危害;黎叶蜂1年发生3代,以老熟幼虫在土内作茧越冬;甘蓝夜蛾1年发生2代,以蛹在田埂和根部附近土下5-10cm深度越冬。可采取轮作、诱杀、药剂等方法进行防治。  相似文献   

通过 1978,2 0 0 2年两次畜禽寄生虫感染种类调查 ,共查出寄生虫 14 8种。本文就寄生于猪马犬 4 3种虫予以报道  相似文献   

张掖地区草原啮齿动物种类组成与群落结构研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
尉剑  张和平 《草业科学》1999,16(6):26-31
草原啮齿动物有36种,分录于23属、8科又4亚科,啮齿动物总种数占甘肃省啮齿动物总数的47.4%,该地区的草原啮齿动物可划分为8个群落,各群落都有其适宜的生态环境、优势种和数量组成、分布特点。就全区而言,长爪沙鼠、高原吕华鼢鼠分别半荒草原、高寒草原和 甸的优势种,它们都中群密度大、分布广、危害重的特点是该地区草原的优势害鼠,应该作为重点防治对象。  相似文献   

Redonda is a small volcanic Caribbean island that is home to at least 4 endemic lizard species, including the Critically Endangered ground lizard (Pholidoscelis atratus). Black rats (Rattus rattus) and domestic goats (Capra hircus) were introduced to the island at some time after its discovery by Europeans in the late 1500s. They had a devastating effect on the island, resulting in the loss of nearly all trees and most of the ground vegetation. Point count surveys of P. atratus in 2012 indicated low densities, and the invasive rats were observed hunting and preying on the lizards. Both populations of rats and goats were successfully removed in 2017 as part of an ecological restoration program, and native vegetation and invertebrate populations have increased rapidly since. Population surveys in 2017, 2018, and 2019 show the lizard population has increased by more than sixfold. In 2017, as rats and goats were being removed, we evaluated the morphology and escape behavior of this species and repeated these measurements 1 year later. We observed that P. atratus had become bolder, with a reduced flight distance. We also detected changes in limb morphology related to locomotion and suggest possible explanations that will need to be further investigated in the future. These results show how the removal of invasive species can rapidly affect lizard population recovery and behavior, potentially restoring island ecosystems to their pre-human interference dynamics.  相似文献   

贵州福泉市草坪害虫区系调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年7-8月以贵州省福泉市草坪与农田、灌草丛为2个调查样地,对采集的大量昆虫标本进行检索、分类、统计处理、区系分析。采集到昆虫标本50 320只,分隶于8目、29科、67属、70种,其中,草坪害虫有8目、19科、29属、32种;农田、灌草丛有8目、28科、56属、61种。研究发现,2个样地中害虫群落种类组成和结构基本相似;鳞翅目害虫(除地老虎等个别种外)是地面害虫的优势类群;鞘翅目害虫是地下害虫的优势类群;草坪害虫区系主要由周边农田,园林和其他天然植被中害虫的迁入形成。  相似文献   

碌曲县草原鼠害区划研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008~2011年,采取实地调查,按主要生境,地形地貌和鼠害区域设置调查范围和调查点,利用每年春秋季灭鼠机会进行捕鼠,统计鼠种类及数量分布状况,研究了碌曲县草原鼠害区划,提出了县级草原鼠害区划原则、区划指标、区划系统和命名方法。碌曲县草原鼠害区划系统包括草原鼠害小区和鼠害草地2级,前者采用地形地貌+鼠害小区命名,后者用鼠害核心区地名+鼠害草地命名;将碌曲县草原鼠害区划为4个鼠害小区,14个鼠害草地。  相似文献   


We have recently seen another upsurge of interest in the question of training veterinarians in our own country. Most of you will rembember that a committee to report on the matter was appointed by the Labour Government in 1943 ; but the question of training veterinarians in New Zealand is far older than that. True it is that in the last 10 or 12years it has been bedevilled by some farmer opposition, though the farmers are not, and have not been, as unanimous in opposition as, at one time, they were in support. As far back as 1898, the Conference of Agricultural and Pastoral Associations, which at that time was the only body representing farmer opinion (for there was no Farmers' Union), resolved that provision should be made for veterinary education in one or other of the existing university colleges, or otherwise, as will qualify students for a degree. This resolution was carried, although Dr. Gilruth said it would be cheaper to send men to Britain for training. At the conference in 1902, J. G. Wilson proposed that the Government establish an agricultural college where veterinarians could receive diplomas. In the debate, J. S. Holmes, of Otago, submitted that the proper place was in connection with the medical school in Dunedin; while J. Studholme, of Canterbury, thought a chair should be established at Lincoln College. Dr. Gilruth discounted both suggestions. He would like to have men trained in the colony under his own charge. Kirk and Aston, he said, could lecture on botany and chemistry and his men could do the veterinary teaching. All they wanted was a building and the necessary equipment. He did not mention what sort of diploma would be given, or by whom: but his proposals are not without a certain interest today in the light of Dr. Burns's addendum to the Senate Committee's report of last year, to which I shall return later.  相似文献   

种子虫害严重阻碍了我国北方锦鸡儿属(Caragana)灌木造林和产业化利用工作的开展.为此,本研究通过探究科尔沁沙地结实初期(6月9日)、结实中期(6月18日)、结实后期(6月27日)和结实末期(7月6日)小叶锦鸡儿(Caragana microphylla)植株不同部位(东、南、西和北)的种子虫害情况及其对种子质量的...  相似文献   

甘肃省苜蓿害虫种类调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
调查记录了甘肃省各地苜蓿害虫,鳞翅目Lepidoptera 83种,鞘翅目Coleoptera 56种,半翅目Hemiptera 20种,同翅目Homoptera 10种,直翅目Orthoptera 9种,缨翅目Thysanoptera 4种,膜翅目Hymenoptera 2种,共计7个目,42个科,184种。分别介绍了这些害虫的中文名称、学名与主要分布区域。  相似文献   

施用杀虫剂防治害虫对紫花苜蓿种子产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
正确使用农药防治紫花苜蓿Medicago sativa害虫是获得高种子产量的重要技术措施。试验研究了不同防治措施对种子产量、产量构成和主要害虫的影响。结果表明:与不喷药防治处理相比,在现蕾期和结荚期喷药防治处理提高种子产量134%,显著提高了结荚花序数/枝条、荚果数/结荚花序和种子数/荚果;与结荚期喷药防治相比,现蕾期喷药防治显著提高了种子产量,更加有效地减少了害虫对种子产量的负面影响,具有更为重要的作用。相关分析表明,在不同喷药处理下,结荚花序数/枝条与种子产量、荚果数/结荚花序与种子产量之间存在显著的正相关关系(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

试验采用5.0%蚜虱净、0.6%虫螨光、4.5%高效氯氰菊酯、40%氧化乐果4种农药对田间虫害进行药效试验。结果表明:新型低毒农药蚜虱净、虫螨光对紫花苜蓿上的豌豆蚜、蓟马和盲蝽都有较好的防治效果。施药后7d,蚜虱净和虫螨光对豌豆蚜、蓟马和盲蝽的防效分别达到95%,86%和74%以上。与高效氯氰菊酯和氧化乐果等菊酯类和有机磷农药效果相似,可以替代该类药剂。  相似文献   

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