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教师专业发展的本质与核心是教师专业素养的提高。以重庆市巴南区、江津区、彭水县的农村幼儿教师为研究对象,采用问卷和访谈调查法,从专业态度、专业知识、专业能力方面对农村幼儿教师的专业素养进行了研究。结果表明:重庆市农村幼儿教师专业态度总体良好,但敬业精神偏低;不同专业背景和收入水平教师的专业态度存在显著差异;具有一定的文化知识,但不能满足教育需要;各科教学法知识掌握较好,但专业基础知识和学科知识掌握不够;专业能力总体不强;不同专业背景、学历、职称、教龄教师在专业能力上存在显著差异。  相似文献   

电厂的生产系统十分庞大,涉及不同专业(锅炉专业、汽轮机专业、电气专业、热工控制专业、计算机专业、化学专业、燃料专业、继电保护、环境保护、暖通专业等),不同类型的设备上万台,主要包括输煤系统、燃烧系统、汽水系统和电气系统。主要辅助设备有冷凝器、给水加热器、各种水泵、磨煤机、除氧器及各种测量控制设备。设备的完好运行是电厂生产技术的关键所在,也是生产安全可靠的基本保证条件之一。生产系统中任一台设备的缺陷故障,都有可能影响安全生产。  相似文献   

以“培育全面发展的草业人才”为目标,探索通过专业思想教育、提升专业教师思政教学能力、拓展专业思政教学平台与途径、全学科渗透专业思政教育资源等方面在河北农业大学动物科技学院草业科学专业开展专业思政建设,形成“专业内外协同育人、课课联合思政育人”的专业思政育人环境,提高草业人才培养质量,为草学人才培养提供可借鉴的思路。  相似文献   

医学信息工程专业是一门新兴专业,是为了适应国内外信息技术发展的需要,有助于中医药信息化的发展所开设的专业。专业建设的研究工作在专业建设目标明确、专业建设规划、采取及付诸实施等方面都需要大量工作。  相似文献   

继电保护专业是一个理论与实际相结合的综合性专业,和电力系统的安全稳定运行息息相关,许多年轻同志却对继电保护专业的工作性质比较迷茫。本文从一名从事专业多年的继电保护工作者和管理者的角度,对继电保护专业的专业职能、实现手段、工作内容及专业人员应具备的能力进行了阐述,同时也对未来继电保护专业发展形势进行了一定的分析展望。  相似文献   

专业认知是学生对所学专业的感性认识[1],对学生后续的学习以及将来职业生涯的开展具有重要影响.为了解我院旅游管理专业新生的专业认知状况,进行问卷调查,在分析调查数据的基础上,得出调查结论:学生填报志愿的自主性提高,选择专业更加理性;对旅游行业有一定了解,但专业认知程度不高;对专业学习期望值较高,希望能够继续深造.最后,提出相应对策和建议,包括重视专业招生宣传、积极开展专业教育积极开展专业教育、做好新生职业规划.  相似文献   

专业是学校为行业经济生产服务的结合点.行业职业技术岗位是多样的,因而专业也是多种的,适应其中的母体、核心、代表性的专业称为主体专业,相关的专业称为辅助专业.主体专业是为行业经济生产服务的基础专业,是学校的“当家”专业.为此,研讨主体专业特征并创建相适应的培养模式具有重要意义.  相似文献   

吴朝辉 《山东饲料》2014,(24):136+220
针对郑州大学当前机械工程及自动化专业建设及人才培养中存在的问题,从专业建设的思路、人才培养方案、课程体系、师资队伍、实践与就业保障体系、专业反馈机制和自行考核评估机制、教学内容和教学手段及教学管理等方面探讨本专业的结构优化与人才培养模式,进一步提升教学研究型大学机械工程及自动化专业的人才培养质量。  相似文献   

本文在详细分析了实验室建设需要专业导师的基础上提出要鼓励专业导师分管专业实验室,并完善专业导师制以促进实验室建设。专业导师需要从专业能力、教学能力等方面提高综合执教能力,并协助学生制定高职期间的专业学习计划并督促引导帮助学生实现专业学习目标。通过专业导师队伍的建设与完善来推进专业实验室的建设。  相似文献   

日前,内蒙古呼伦贝尔市阿荣旗旺源畜牧专业合作社联合社正式挂牌成立,这是内蒙古自治区及呼伦贝尔市成立的首家农民专业合作社联合社。该专业合作社联合社由六合镇士杰肉鸡养殖专业合作社、丽兴家猪养殖专业合作社、建国奶牛养殖专业合作社、高贵鹌鹑特禽养殖产销专业合作社等19家专业合作社共同出资成立,注册资金400万元。联合社成立后,将主要以供应物资、收购产品、销售联合社成员所养殖的肉鸡、肉牛、生猪以及向成员提供所需的养殖、防疫等技术支持为主要经营项目。  相似文献   

西北地区地方院校水产养殖学专业学生培养模式思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述了西北地区本科院校水产养殖专业学生培养模式及人才需求现状。基于中国高等教育和21世纪高等教育水产类人才培养模式等,结合区域人才培养,综合定位了西北地区本科院校水产养殖专业学生培养方向,并提出培养国际化人才势必成为该地区专业类学生培养的未来发展方向。  相似文献   


摘要:随着我国高等教育改革的不断深入以及现代教育思想的不断发展,“宽口径、厚基础、复合型”的人才培养目标已成共识,专业课程设置对人才培养和学生就业具有举足轻重的作用。为进一步探讨草业科学专业本科人才培养体系,本研究以四川农业大学草业科学普通本科专业的课程培养方案为例,分析了草业科学专业人才培养的现状,提出了新世纪草业科学复合型本科人才培养体系的一些思路。  相似文献   

近年来,信息与计算科学专业教育有了较快的发展。分析了在“双创”背景下高校信息与计算科学专业应用型人才培养存在人才培养目标定位不明确、教学方法和教学手段落后、师资队伍建设滞后等问题,探讨适合该专业人才培养的途径:深入开展应用型人才培养模式构建研究、加大力气推进教学方法与教学手段的改革、扎实做好应用型人才培养的支撑保障工作,以期提高信息与计算科学专业应用型人才培养质量,为培养适应社会需求的人才提供参考。  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of how quality assurance is developing as a major component of the evaluation of establishments of veterinary education in Europe and, hence, of the evaluation of the veterinary training provided. Also discussed are the ways in which education in veterinary medicine in Europe is currently regulated and assessed and how this assessment is evolving. Major attention is paid to quality indicators, quality-assurance implementation, the development of a culture of quality in veterinary education within Europe, quality assurance for certification or accreditation of such schools, and promoting the development of a global network of evaluation of veterinary education.  相似文献   

刘迎春  张东杰  王发刚 《草业科学》2016,33(5):1002-1010
概观目前中国草业职业技术教育机构,百所国家示范性高职院校中,青海畜牧兽医职业技术学院是唯一开设草业专业的学院。为此,回顾该学院草业专业发展沿革历程,分析专业课程体系和人才培养模式的改革成果和存在问题,提出以下发展构想:草业职业技术教育的专业及其方向应由"草地农业系统的4个生产层"衍生而成,专业课程体系与国家职业资格体系和专业技术职称体系相衔接,学院与企业合作开展应用技术推广示范,建立由草产业主导的全国管理机构。本文以期为我国草业职业技术教育提供参考。  相似文献   

大学生科技创新能力的培养是创新素质教育的重要内容,是高等学校人才培养模式的重要手段。分析了当前我国大学生科技创新能力培养的现状与存在问题,并以黑龙江八一农垦大学动物科学专业为例,根据专业教学特点,构建动物科学专业大学生科技创新能力培养体系的思路。同时对大学生科技创新能力培养及实施方式方法进行了探讨,以期为提高大学生科技创新能力的培养提供参考。  相似文献   

为了解我国高等院校兽医教育的发展现状,准确掌握我国动物医学专业本科生教育培养单位基础数据,分别于2014年和2017年对我国兽医教育单位进行调研,获得了基本情况、培养方案、师资队伍、办学条件等方面的基础数据,并依此构建了我国兽医高等院校兽医本科教育单位数据库.基于该数据库,对我国兽医教育现状进行了分析.  相似文献   

以黑龙江省教育科学规划重点课题"动物医学本科生实践能力和创新能力培养的策略研究"为平台,以培养勇于创新、具有卓越实践能力的动物医学本科生为目标,以促进动物医学专业本科生教育与现代畜牧业发展紧密结合为出发点,在黑龙江八一农垦大学动物医学本科生培养过程中,分析了影响实践教学质量的因素,提出了解决办法,建立了动物医学本科生实践创新能力培养模式,从而提高本科生的实践能力,使其更好地适应现代畜牧业对兽医人才的需求。  相似文献   

The free movement of persons, goods and services within the European Union (EU) is one of the major principles established by the European treaties. This free movement shall now be reinforced through the full application of the new general system for the mutual recognition of professional qualifications, in which veterinary medicine is included. The success of this measure for internal market development imposes availability of professionals with the highest possible basic training and opportunities for continuing education and specialisation. Such benchmark definition requires the establishment of veterinary training throughout the EU to focus on the qualitative aspects of the basic training they impart. New production forms, new labour markets and a higher degree of consciousness of the producers and the consumers, together with an ever-increasing load of new information and knowledge in most veterinary fields had forced changes in veterinary education strategies. These changes have led to the adaptation of curricula and the application of new pedagogical concepts ultimately leading to the design of new, exciting programmes of veterinary training. Some of them use a combination of basic education and elective terms while others have focused training in species-oriented tracks already by the time students enter the clinical level. There is general consent that the quality of basal training must enable the student to achieve a level of confidence in life-long learning so he/she would be able to follow relevant CPD's and, eventually, pursue specialisation. At the same time, veterinary establishments are concerned with their ability to achieve these goals, mostly due to the usual high costs of veterinary training that constrain their chances to maintain equality of training levels through the EU. We need to find tools to harmonise veterinary training among the establishments of veterinary education in Europe, beyond the compulsory subject and training minimum requirements laid down by the Directive 78/1027. Harmonisation requires regulations but also awareness. Establishments of veterinary education must not only comply with regulations but also become aware of the advantages of quality assurance of their basic training. The present paper is a series of personal reflections by the author who ultimately addresses veterinary educators and interest organisations such as the European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE) and the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE) to focus on strategies of quality assurance as the basis for claims of amendments of the EU-Directive/s regulating veterinary training in Europe.  相似文献   

The free movement of persons, goods and services within the European Union (EU) is one of the major principles established by the European treaties. This free movement shall now be reinforced through the full application of the new general system for the mutual recognition of professional qualifications, in which veterinary medicine is included. The success of this measure for internal market development imposes availability of professionals with the highest possible basic training and opportunities for continuing education and specialisation. Such benchmark definition requires the establishment of veterinary training throughout the EU to focus on the qualitative aspects of the basic training they impart. New production forms, new labour markets and a higher degree of consciousness of the producers and the consumers, together with an ever-increasing load of new information and knowledge in most veterinary fields had forced changes in veterinary education strategies. These changes have led to the adaptation of curricula and the application of new pedagogical concepts ultimately leading to the design of new, exciting programmes of veterinary training. Some of them use a combination of basic education and elective terms while others have focused training in species-oriented tracks already by the time students enter the clinical level. There is general consent that the quality of basal training must enable the student to achieve a level of confidence in life-long learning so he/she would be able to follow relevant CPD's and, eventually, pursue specialisation. At the same time, veterinary establishments are concerned with their ability to achieve these goals, mostly due to the usual high costs of veterinary training that constrain their chances to maintain equality of training levels through the EU. We need to find tools to harmonise veterinary training among the establishments of veterinary education in Europe, beyond the compulsory subject and training minimum requirements laid down by the Directive 78/1027. Harmonisation requires regulations but also awareness. Establishments of veterinary education must not only comply with regulations but also become aware of the advantages of quality assurance of their basic training. The present paper is a series of personal reflections by the author who ultimately addresses veterinary educators and interest organisations such as the European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE) and the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE) to focus on strategies of quality assurance as the basis for claims of amendments of the EU-Directive/s regulating veterinary training in Europe.  相似文献   

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