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分析了粮食储藏的环境要求,提出了冰蓄冷空调技术、地源热泵技术、太阳能制冷技术、蒸发冷却技术等在粮仓中应用的可行性,并结合相关系统图或原理图,在省电、节能的背景下,指出了粮食储藏技术今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

设施农业是现代农业发展主要方向,但中国设施温室环境控制起步晚,技术相对落后,控制效果差。农业温室智能控制是现阶段设施农业种植与农业生产的关键部分,是中国能够有效提高农作物生产率,保证农作物品质的重要工具。为了促进中国设施农业温室大棚智能控制技术的快速发展,推动设施农业领域的技术进步,本文总结了国内外设施温室发展状况及温室环境控制技术的发展历程,分析了不同时期的温室环境控制特点,提出了中国温室环境控制技术的不足之处,展望了设施农业温室大棚智能控制技术的发展方向。  相似文献   

近年来,在发展现代农业这一宏伟历史使命的驱动下,以温室设施种植为基础的设施园艺产业迎来了巨大的机遇,塑料大棚、日光温室和连栋温室三大设施主体形式进行着全方位的技术进步,共同推进着设施园艺产业的持续升级。三类主要设施中,连栋温室虽然面积比重低,但因更适宜于集约化、规模化的生产组织模式,更适宜于先进的品种技术、栽培技术和装备技术的集成应用,一直是栽培技术、品种技术和装备技术的风向标。在我国,连栋温室  相似文献   

鲜切花种苗品质低劣问题应引起重视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年由于设施农业的发展,各种塑料大棚及温室相继建成,尤其是喷滴灌及微喷技术的广泛应用,基质及土壤灭菌技术的有效使用,草本及木本花卉专用生根粉及促根粉系列产品的推广,为母本植株的培育及插穗的高质量产出提供了设施及技术保障,环境因子的有效控制及扦插和嫁接技术的成熟,使我国花卉种  相似文献   

设施蔬菜产业的发展不仅满足了人们的生活需求,同时促进了当地经济的发展。在设施农业发展的过程中,存在着土壤连作障碍问题,影响温室大棚栽培技术的发展,而采取无土栽培技术能够很好地解决该问题。无土栽培技术具有成本低、容易操作和经济效益好等特点,可以在番茄种植中应用,能够保证番茄的产量与质量。主要阐述了设施农业发展中的无土栽培技术,供参考。  相似文献   

利用温室进行集约高效的专业化生产是现代设施园艺主要发展方向之一,要充分提高温室生产效率有赖于先进的科学技术和环保节能的专业化栽培设施。FormFlex公司是为高效利用温室进行水果、蔬菜、花卉等作物生产提供标准化的栽培系统设施和操作工具的专业制造商和经销商,系列产品涉及栽培系统空间  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展,农业的发展越来越趋于信息化、现代化,智慧农业是未来农业发展的必然趋势。温室控制系统是智慧设施农业的核心,是实现设施农业规模化发展、集约化生产的关键。本研究综述了温室控制相关研究进展,以期在今后的研究中起到一定的作用。温室控制系统自20世纪70年代发展至今越来越成熟,本研究对比了温室控制系统的控制算法、主控芯片、各种传感器,通过对近些年来包括控制系统在内的感知层、传输层和应用层等组成部分综述,并介绍了市面上比较主流的传感器、网络传输技术以及主控芯片,旨在为温室控制系统的设计提供一种可选择的方案,并对温室设施农业中存在的问题和未来的发展方向进行了分析和展望。  相似文献   

设施园艺技术的先进性、适用性和配套性对于兵团设施农业的顺利发展至关重要。"十二五"期间,兵团设施园艺仍处于快速发展期,发现并解决好设施园艺发展中存在的技术问题,对兵团设施园艺发展具有重大的现实意义。本文从设施园艺技术的类别划分出发,分析了兵团设施园艺发展在种苗、设施生产、物流和综合管理技术应用推广中存在的问题,进而提出了促进兵团设施园艺技术进步的对策和建议。  相似文献   

水肥管理是辣椒温室大棚种植中的关键环节,但很多农户在温室种植过程中管理粗放,使温室内温湿度失衡,施肥无标准,导致温室内病虫害加重,作物徒长,成本增加,效益下降。为此,本文通过介绍鄯善县日光温室辣椒水肥一体化栽培管理措施的成功经验,为推广设施蔬菜水肥一体化栽培管理技术提供参考依据。  相似文献   

温室是以种植为主导功能的农业建筑,即使是用于展示或农产品销售的温室,满足种植要求也是其选择温室这种农业建筑形式的主要理由。以种植工艺需求为中心,温室是由两部分组成的,一是以环境气候调控和创建为目标的气候调控系统,二是以满足栽培生产及管理需要为目标的栽培装备系统。前者由温室建筑本身以及附着于温室建筑上的各类基于气候因子的调节设备组成,后者则由植物栽培设施、水肥设施和生产操作与管理设施组成。  相似文献   

The vertical U-tube ground-coupled heat pump system provides cold and heat for the controlling of indoor environment. Under the air-conditioning condition, the vertical U-tube ground-coupled heat pump system with heat recovery can provide domestic hot water. The influence of supplying domestic hot water on the heat transfer performance of ground heat exchangers is different under different operating modes in summer and winter. Through a project design of ground-source heat pump system, the influence of supplying domestic hot water under heat storage mode on the heat transfer performance of ground heat exchangers in summer and winter is respectively analyzed. The dynamic performance of heat exchangers under different working conditions is analyzed, and through numerical calculation, the heat transfer performance parameters of ground heat exchangers under different operating modes are obtained. From the calculation results, the adjusting methods based on the load characteristics of this project represent.  相似文献   

Intermittent operation can affect the heat exchange performance of the vertical ground source heat pump system, thereby affecting life cycle cost (LCC) of the ground source heat pump system. The simulation analysis on the hourly load of an office building is implemented by using the DeST software.The heat exchange model of vertical ground heat exchanger pipe-group and energy consumption model of per part of heat pump system are established. Through the comparison between calculation results of continuous operation for 15 years and calculation results of intermittent operation 15 years of the heat pump system, it can be concluded that the LCC value of intermittent operation decreased by 13.45%,relative to the LCC value of continuous operation, and the average energy saving rate of intermittent operation mode is 17.20% in the entire life cycle. Intermittent operation mode can effectively improve energy efficiency of the ground source heat pump system and reduce the LCC value.  相似文献   

This paper describes the double layer horizontal ground source heat pump systems constructed in 1998 with the buried depth of 0.9 m and 1.8 m. The program of study includes experimental equipments, heat exchanger size, testing meter and methods for data analysis. In addition, the heating and cooling performance at typical days are also illustrated. Among the influencing factors on the performance of the ground source heat pump systems, the parameter of heat exchanger and operation patterns of heat pump systems are analyzed.A heat transfer model has been set up for horizontal heat exchanger.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the importance of developing the Ground-Source Heat pump and describes the prospects of it.with the method used abroad to acquire the temperature profiles within surrounding soil of the underground heat exchanger with buried tubes, in this paper the line heat source theory and thermal resistance network analysis method were used to set up the heat transfer model.The original temperature of the ground is determined by calculation and is compared with test results. Experiments of running single tube and running three series connection tubes are carried out on the built underground exchangers of vertical buried tube type.And the data which can provide reference for the Ground-Soure Heat pump technique are acquired.  相似文献   

The geothermal heat exchanger is the key component of ground coupled heat pump systems. We discuss the key parameters method of calculating geothermal heat exchanger length based on line source theory. Typical meteorological year data is used to determine the hottest month, the coldest month and annual average surface temperature. The building hourly load can be obtained by introducing the concept of equilibrium temperature. The cooling fraction and the heating fraction then can be calculated using building hourly load and performance parameters curve fit of a water source heat pump unit. The method for selecting the hottest and lowest entering fluid temperature and calculating the borehole and ground thermal resistance is given. A vertical U tube heat exchanger length calculation procedure is proposed.  相似文献   

Based on the application characteristics of Surface Water Source Heat Pump System(WSHPs),the condition for the high efficient application of the system was expounded.Meanwhile,the distribution of water source in China Climatic Region was analyzed,and combining with the condition under which the surface water heat pump system was applied,the application feasibility of the system was explored.On the basis of the present climate division,the water source in the climate zone was analyzed comprehensively in terms of water temperature and water quality.Based on practical data,HVAC style,characteristic and condition of WSHPs,the adaptability analysis of the surface water heat pump system used in the climate zones was also given.  相似文献   

地埋管地源热泵换热器的换热性能受到不同地质结构的影响。以武汉和重庆地区的典型地质构成为边界条件,建立了三维地埋管的单孔双U管换热模型,通过模型计算,获得了两种地质条件下的地埋管换热性能,以重庆地区的地源热泵热响应测试结果以及工程运行数据出发,对模型的计算结果进行了验证,结果表明,模型吻合度较好,可以应用于工程分析。以模型为条件,进行地质结构对换热性能的影响度分析,预测了两地地埋管地源热泵的换热性能并计算得到换热器的平均换热系数分别为武汉地区K1=1.65(W/m·K),重庆地区K2=1.51(W/m·K)。  相似文献   

River water quality is one of the important conditions must be considered when river water source heat pump is used. It is also the key factor of efficiency of river water source heat pump. Based on analysis of the water quality factors which influence the river water source heat pump heat exchanger fouling, the main quality indicators and value are conformed. Using fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and the actual monitoring data, quality classification of river water which is the source of water source heat pump is analyzed. For the difficulty of multiple indicators which need to detect and meet the related national standard in practical engineering application, the definition of scaling potential value is put forward. As the water quality comprehensive evaluation index of water source heat pump, the scaling potential value not only can consider the influence of the main water quality parameters on water source heat pump heat exchanger fouling, but also can conveniently and quickly provide direct basis for water quality judgment and system selection in the engineering application.  相似文献   

水源热泵在温室加温中的应用研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
采用多层覆盖、减小直接加热空间的温室节能设计措施,设计建造了试验温室,在水源热泵热风加温条件下,对试验温室的温度、空气相对湿度、水源热泵的实际制热系数进行了测定,对试验温室采用水源热泵加温的节能效果进行了评价,结果表明:夜间水源热泵加温条件下,温室东西方向的水平温度分布均匀,南北相距12m的水平方向上存在着0.9℃的温差,中部距地面2.2m的垂直空间上平均存在1℃的温差,24:00—08:00,空气相对湿度低于80%;试验用水源热泵实际热系数为3.31。与燃煤锅炉热水加温的玻璃温室相比,试验温室采用水源热泵加温相对节能46.5%,直接加温成本较燃煤锅炉加温高82.2%,经计算,当试验温室与对照玻璃温室面积相等时,采用水源热泵加温可相对节能69.1%,直接加温成本仅较燃煤锅炉加温的玻璃温室高5.8%。  相似文献   

Based on an actual ground source heat pump system in hot summer and cold winter area, the system operation parameters were tested for 6 years under the state of using cooling tower for cooling in summer but the ground heat exchanger and fire pool for heating in winter. A three dimensional (3D) tube group model was established, and the thermal balance analysis and calculation of the ground temperature distribution around the ground heat exchanger were conducted by the numerical calculation. According to the comparison between the test data and the theoretical results, the influencing factors of the ground adjustment ability were obtained.  相似文献   

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