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2015年,山东省某养殖场工厂化养殖的斑石鲷(Oplegnathus puncatus)幼鱼(全长为15 cm左右)因病陆续死亡,15 d内累积死亡率达40%以上。现场调查发现,发病池水温为21℃,盐度为30。患病鱼群散开、不聚集。病鱼身体侧偏,活力差,常贴底或者贴壁,严重者随着水流漂流。病鱼呼吸困难,口部持续张开,鳃盖开合频繁,对投喂的食物无反应。但病鱼反应灵敏,难以捕捉。临床检查和剖检可见病鱼鳃表面覆盖着大量黏液,鳃丝有损伤,肠道无食物。取病鱼鳃丝制成水浸片,在光学显微镜下观察,鳃丝上可见到许多直径约为30–70μm的囊肿物,外观圆形或卵圆形,呈浅黄棕色。在苏木精–伊红染色的石蜡切片中,病鱼次级鳃丝末端粘连,许多上皮细胞膨大呈囊肿状。囊肿嗜碱性,内部均质化。在扫描电子显微镜下观察,病鱼鳃丝呈棍棒化,鳃小片被大量黏液覆盖,表面光滑的囊肿细胞镶嵌其间。通过上述疾病现场调查、病鱼的临床检查、鳃组织的光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜病理观察,可以初步确定该病为斑石鲷上皮囊肿病。这是上皮囊肿病在中国养殖斑石鲷中首次被发现和记载。  相似文献   

<正>一、发病情况2019年6月中旬,在重庆市荣昌区某草鱼养殖场发生草鱼患病死亡现象,主要症状表现为病鱼行动缓慢、反应迟钝、常离群独游,打开鳃盖,发现鳃丝腐烂、鳃丝末端黏液较多,带有污泥和杂物碎屑(图见彩中插2),现场初步诊断为草鱼烂鳃病。在显微镜下观察病鱼体表发现有锚头鳋和较少量车轮虫寄生,鳃丝表面没发现寄生虫侵袭  相似文献   

黄鳍鲷和尼罗罗非鱼鳃丝表面结构扫描电镜观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄鳍鲷Sarus latus和尼罗罗非鱼Oreochromis nilotica鳃丝和鳃小片表面都具有规则或不规则分布的环形微嵴、沟状或坑状凹陷及孔洞等结构.黄鳍鲷的鳃丝表面一部分鳃丝表皮凹凸不平,另一部分鳃丝表皮较为平坦.黄鳍鲷和尼罗罗非鱼鳃上皮几种细胞的形态结构及数量分布存在细微的差异.黄鳍鲷的扁平上皮细胞表面观以不规则的六边形为主,或类似菱形的四边形,细胞间界限清楚,而尼罗罗非鱼鳃丝细胞表面的微嵴以形成密集指纹状回路,隆起的微嵴两侧有细小的横突,扁平上皮细胞间排列凹凸不平,形成深沟或凹坑,成为细胞间明确的界线.黄鳍鲷鳃丝表面的氯细胞和粘液细胞数量较多,尼罗罗非鱼鳃丝表面基本上没有观察到氯细胞,粘液细胞很少.黄鳍鲷鳃小片的厚度比尼罗罗非鱼鳃小片的厚.  相似文献   

对两种鲈形目鱼类红笛鲷Lutjanus erythopterus和卵形鲳(鱼参) Trachinotus ovatus的鳃结构进行扫描电镜观察。结果表明,红笛鲷和卵形鲳(鱼参)鳃的表面结构和微细结构与其他硬骨鱼类基本相似,鳃丝表面都具有规则或不规则分布的环形微嵴、沟、坑、孔等结构。红笛鲷的中部鳃丝表面一部分较为平坦,基部鳃丝表面则凹凸不平。红笛鲷的鳃小片高度要较卵形鲳(鱼参)鳃小片高。红笛鲷和卵形鲳(鱼参)鳃上皮的几种细胞的形态结构及数量分布存在细微的差异。红笛鲷鳃上的扁平上皮细胞界限清楚,而卵形鲳(鱼参)鳃上扁平上皮细胞表面遍布不规则的微嵴,细胞界限模糊。红笛鲷鳃丝表面的氯细胞数量多于卵形鲳(鱼参),这可能与两种鱼对生活环境、生活习性的长期演变相关。  相似文献   

4.草鱼烂鳃病【症状与诊断】病鱼体色发黑,特别是头部颜色更深,离群独游,或停留于池边水面、反应迟钝,剪开鳃盖可见鳃丝腐烂,并往往黏附腐屑和污泥,呈泥灰色或黄色。鳃丝腐烂往往是从鳃丝末端开始,进而向鳃丝基部和邻近鳃丝扩大,以至大部份鳃丝腐烂,仅露出鳃丝软骨。有的重症病鱼的鳃盖骨的内表皮坏死脱落,在鳃盖骨中央呈现近圆形或不规则的透明区,俗称“开天窗”。剪取一小块病变较轻的鳃丝组织,置于载玻片上,加一小滴清水,盖上盖玻片后,静置10分钟左右后在显微镜下观察,可见到大量细长弯曲的杆菌,菌体喜好群集成柱状或草堆状,还可见到…  相似文献   

鳃是鱼类重要的呼吸器官,由鳃弓、鳃耙和鳃丝组成.鳃丝组织分布许多毛细血管,水中溶氧通过鳃丝表皮细胞渗透进入血液达到气体交换.鲢鳙等滤食性鱼类通过鳃耙将水体浮游生物过滤进入食道而摄食.同时鳃具有调节体内渗透压作用,可以将过量氨氮等机体代谢产物经鳃器官排泄到体外,如果鳃组织发生病变,将直接破坏呼吸功能,威胁鱼类的生存.所以,在水产养殖过程中及时预防和治疗鳃病显得尤为重要.根据笔者多年生产实践总结,将鱼类烂鳃病的分类及应对措施介绍如下,供水产同仁参考. 1 寄生性烂鳃 1.1 流行季节 流行时间为每年4-9月. 1.2 主要症状 病鱼鱼体发黑,尾柄灰白,鳃盖张开难以闭合,鳃丝发白并参差不齐,鳃片表面黏液增多,鳃片腐烂,镜检可见大量寄生虫如:中华鳋、锚头鳋、指环虫、三代虫、车轮虫、孢子虫等. 1.3 防治方法  相似文献   

正草鱼肝胆综合征是草鱼养殖中频繁出现的一种常见鱼病。每年的6-10月份均可发生此病,主要危害对象以高温季节未达商品规格草鱼。发病率高、死亡量大、易反复、治疗周期长、治疗难度大是该病的发病特点。病鱼鱼体发黑,尾鳍、背鳍末端发白,掀开鳃盖,可见鳃部黏液明显增多,附着杂物,鳃丝肿大并伴有局部充血现象,有的病鱼鳃丝末梢发白。将活  相似文献   

运用石蜡切片技术和扫描电镜技术对稀有鮈鲫(Gobiocypris rarus)鳃结构进行观察,并采用浓度为2 mg/L的Cd Cl_2水溶液对稀有鮈鲫进行急性毒理实验。结果显示:稀有鮈鲫具4对鳃,由鳃耙、鳃弓、鳃丝及鳃小片组成。鳃的各个部位表面均有上皮细胞覆盖;鳃耙和鳃弓具味蕾,鳃弓上还具不同类型的黏液细胞;相邻鳃小片的上皮细胞间也分布有黏液细胞,在鳃小片基部有氯细胞着生。鳃丝表面有不规则凹陷和微嵴,具沟、坑、孔等结构;鳃小片两面均呈凹凸状。在2 mg/L的Cd Cl_2水溶液暴露下,鳃受到损伤,发生鳃小片充血呈球状,鳃上皮水肿、脱落,黏液细胞增多等现象;并随时间延长受损程度加重。  相似文献   

2017年8月,山东省烟台市某养殖场网箱养殖的斑石鲷(Oplegnathus punctatus)幼鱼突然发病并大量急性死亡。疾病调查显示,养殖海域水温为26℃~28℃;病鱼为4~5月龄,全长为(16.3± 1.6) cm,体重为(156.9±37.0) g;80万尾斑石鲷幼鱼2周内累积死亡率达90%以上,经济损失惨重。临诊检查发现,病鱼体表无明显损伤,但活力差、呼吸急促。剖检可见病鱼脾肿大、质地脆、易碎,肾糜烂,肝有出血点。组织切片观察发现,病鱼脾、肾造血组织中可见许多直径约为20 μm的肿大细胞,肿大细胞内含有大量直径约为145 nm、呈六边形的病毒颗粒。用过滤除菌的病鱼脾组织匀浆液,腹腔注射感染健康斑石鲷,感染组14 d内累积死亡率达95%。人工感染病鱼表现出与自然发病鱼类似的外观症状,且在脾、肾组织切片中也可观察到大量的肿大细胞及相似的病毒粒子。使用特异性PCR引物,从自然发病鱼和人工感染病鱼的肝、脾和肾组织中均检测到鱼类虹彩病毒的高强度感染。克隆、测序得到了1362 bp的病毒主要衣壳蛋白基因(MCP),序列比对显示,该病毒的MCP序列与真鲷虹彩病毒(RSIV) RIE12-1的相应序列完全相同。构建的虹彩病毒系统发育树也显示,该病毒属于虹彩病毒科肿大细胞病毒属RSIV类群,是RSIV的一个分离株。本研究首次证实RSIV可以导致斑石鲷大规模死亡,研究结果为诊断和防治斑石鲷病毒病提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

一、症状 病鱼常离群在水面独游,行动缓慢,食欲减退或不吃食,对外界刺激反应迟钝;体色发黑,特别头部变得乌黑,故细菌性烂鳃病又称“乌头瘟”。肉眼可见病鱼鳃盖骨的内表面往往充血发炎,严重时中间部分的表皮被腐蚀成一个圆形或不规则的透明小窗,俗称“开天窗”,鳃上黏液增多,鳃丝肿胀,局部鳃丝腐烂缺损,腐烂处常常有黄色的附着物。从病鱼鳃瓣的腐烂部位剪下一块在显微镜下检查,一般可以看到鳃丝软骨尖端外露或腐蚀,在黏液和附着物边缘可见到许多细长柔软的细菌成丛摆动。  相似文献   

Epitheliocystis infection affecting the gill and the pseudobranch of the cultured amberjack, Seriola dumerili Risso, is described. In hyperinfected fish, proliferative cell response around the epitheliocystis capsule resulted in gill and pseudobranch lamellar fusion, which led to mass mortalities in the 0+age class. Histopathological and scanning electron microscope observations showed that the target cell was the chloride cell since (1) epitheliocystis organisms were first found within the chloride cell; (2) chloride cells underwent degeneration in the filament epithelium, proliferated along the lamellae, and hypertrophied; and (3) cysts were found only in the trailing edge of the gill filament and in the interlamellar spaces where, in healthy fish, chloride cells are mainly located. In some cases, the pseudobranch of infected fish was much more severely affected than the gill. It is therefore suggested that, for diagnostic purposes, the pseudobranch should also be sampled when epitheliocystis disease is suspected.  相似文献   

Chlamydial infections are recognised as causative agent of epitheliocystis, reported from over 90 fish species. In the present study, the farmed striped catfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (14–15 cm, 70–90 g) with a history of cumulative mortality of about 23% during June and July 2015, were brought to the laboratory. The histopathological examination of gills from the affected fish revealed presence of granular basophilic intracellular inclusions, mostly at the base of the interlamellar region and in gill filaments. A concurrent infection with Trichodina spp., Ichthyobodo spp. and Dactylogyrus spp. was observed in the gills. The presence of chlamydial DNA in the gills of affected fish was confirmed by amplification and sequencing of 16S rRNA gene. BLAST‐n analysis of these amplicons revealed maximum similarity (96%) with Candidatus Actinochlamydia clariae. On the basis of phylogenetic analysis, it was inferred that the epitheliocystis agents from striped catfish were novel and belonged to the taxon Ca. Actinochlamydia. It is proposed that epitheliocystis agents from striped catfish will be named as Ca. Actinochlamydia pangasiae. The 16S rRNA gene amplicons from novel chlamydiae were labelled and linked to inclusions by in situ hybridisation. This is the first report of epitheliocystis from India in a new fish host P. hypophthalmus.  相似文献   

本研究运用光学显微镜、扫描电镜以及透射电镜技术研究了南海北部黄鳍金枪鱼(Thunnus albacares)幼鱼和成鱼鳃的显微组织结构、鳃表面超微结构和鳃小片内部超微结构特点。结果表明, 黄鳍金枪鱼鳃丝顶端弯曲, 鳃弓、 鳃丝和鳃耙表面具有不同类型的细胞。表面超微结构研究显示黄鳍金枪鱼的鳃具有高的片层密度、独特的斜向血流模式以及鳃的融合特性, 幼鱼和成鱼鳃结构之间存在显著不同。鳃小片内部超微结构研究显示鳃扁平上皮细胞覆盖于鳃丝和鳃小片表面, 顶端存在微绒毛或微脊结构, 相对幼鱼, 成鱼具有高的细胞质密度; 离子细胞主要分布于鳃小片以及鳃小片基部, 幼鱼离子细胞顶端开口为微绒毛, 成鱼为小坑状。本研究阐明了黄鳍金枪鱼幼鱼和成鱼鳃的组织结构, 丰富了黄鳍金枪鱼鳃的基础生物学资料, 为研究高速游泳鱼类鳃的形态特征与其高速游泳习性之间的关系提供了参考。  相似文献   

Abstract. Epitheliocystis infections in the gills of carp from Israel and Portugal occurred in lining epithelial cells as well as mucus and chloride cells. Ultrastructural studies of infected cells revealed several morphological forms of epitheliocystis showing the existence of a pleomorphic developmental cycle. The following stages were observed: chlamydia-like round cells (RC), non-dividing round cells (NRC) and bullet-shaped small cells (SC). All these were identical in shape to RC and SC described from epitheliocystis of other fish, The rickettsia-like cells (PLC and ILC) which occur in epitheliocystis from other fish species and produce the SC were absent in carp epitheliocystis and instead the RC were seen transforming into SC. Transformation to SC, however, occurred at any stage of the developmental process, even before the replication potential of the RC was exhausted, i.e. before reaching the NRC stage.  相似文献   

Abstract. Stages of development of chlamydial organisms were found in intracellular 'cysts' in the epithelium of the gill lamellae of brown bullheads. Early, irregularly shaped stages with granular cytoplasm occurred in membrane-bound vacuotes in host cells of undetermined origin. The organisms enlarged and divided within the grossly hypertrophied host cell. Dense nucleoids were first seen in single, closely packed organisms, which became enlarged and irregular in shape. Small, spherical organisms were formed from larger ones by fission and budding. Mature cysts contained many small, dense, spherical forms, each of which contained a dense central nucleoid. Fine filaments arranged perpendicular to the plasma membrane traversed the space between the inner and outer membranes of the dense spherical forms, which appeared to be the terminal stage of development. The ultrastructural features of the chlamydial agent of epitheliocystis are compared with those in other fish and with chlamydiae in higher vertebrates.  相似文献   

This study surveyed conditions in the gills of wild marine fish in Tasmania to determine potential interactions between wild and cultured fish. Wild marine fish of 12 species were captured from three Atlantic salmon farm sites and three reference sites around Tasmania. The survey concentrated on three species, red cod, Pseudophycis bachus, sand flathead, Platycephalus bassensis, and jack mackerel, Trachurus declivus. Seventy-six per cent of salmon pens contained wild fish species. The number of species found in a pen ranged from one to nine and the number of individuals ranged from one to 23. Trichodinids were prevalent and occurred on seven of the 13 species examined. Trichodina occurred on the gills of all but one specimen of red cod. Monogenean gill flukes were observed on all three major species sampled and were abundant on sand flathead. Other parasites and conditions observed in the survey included metacercariae of digenean trematodes, epitheliocystis and cysts of unknown origin. Infestations of trichodinids on red cod and monogenean gill flukes on sand flathead were significantly more intense at farm sites than at reference sites. Atlantic salmon sampled at the same time from the farms were only affected by amoebic gill disease and isopods.  相似文献   

Abstract. The authors failed to detect algae or fungi in the gills of carp showing the typical clinical signs of mucophilosis. Electron microscopic examination showed the presence of rickettsia- or chlamydia-like organisms, inside the characteristic mucophilus cysts. These organisms are believed to be the causative agents of mucophilosis. The organisms develop intracellularly in the gill epithelium and after several divisions give rise to mucophilus cysts 70–80 μm in diameter. The morphological and ultrastructural changes observed in the course of mucophilosis bear a striking resemblance to the cysts and cyst-inducing causative agents responsible for epitheliocystis disease.  相似文献   

通过光镜、扫描电镜及透射电镜技术,研究了怒江裂腹鱼(Schizothorax nukiangensis)鳃的组织结构和超微结构。结果表明,怒江裂腹鱼鳃基本结构与其他硬骨鱼相似,均由鳃耙、鳃弓、鳃丝以及鳃小片构成,且各部分具有不同的组织结构和细胞类型。扁平上皮细胞覆盖于整个鳃表面,其表面的纹路主要有3种类型,在鳃上不同的部位具有不同的结构和功能。线粒体密集细胞主要分布于鳃小片基部,仅有一种细胞类型,顶端膜内凹呈浅滩型,细胞内具有大量圆形的线粒体。怒江裂腹鱼鳃内扁平上皮细胞和线粒体密集细胞的形态结构与其在急流中游泳和摄食活动等生活习性相适应。本研究结果丰富了怒江裂腹鱼的基础生物学资料,并为阐明鱼类鳃的结构特征与其生活习性之间的关系提供参考。  相似文献   

草鱼中华鱼蚤病的组织病理研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
草鱼中华鱼蚤病是由大中华鱼蚤寄生所引起的鳃病。虫体以其第二对触肢插入鳃组织而牢固地附着于寄主的鳃丝上。病鱼的血浆总蛋白含量和葡萄糖含量、红细胞数、血红蛋白含量以及红细胞比积均低于健康草鱼;红细胞沉降率和白细胞数则高于健康草鱼;白细胞的血式也有明显变化。病鱼鳃上的粘液很多,鳃丝末端膨大成棒槌状,苍白而无血色。鳃组织的病变,主要为炎性水肿和呼吸上皮细胞、粘液细胞及间充质细胞增生,并有大量嗜酸性粒细胞渗出。炎性水肿的发生使鳃小片的呼吸机能受到障碍和破坏;由细胞增生引起的鳃小片融合大大缩小了鳃的气体交换面积,因此当大中华鱼蚤大量寄生时,导致病鱼窒息死亡  相似文献   

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