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The spinal postsynaptic dorsal column pathway plays a critical role in the visceral pain transmission in spinal cord. The noxious visceral stimuli might induce complex receptor expression and intracellular signaling transductions in postsynaptic dorsal column neurons. It has been demonstrated that neurokinin-1(NK-1) receptor, α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor (AMPAR), and intracellular protein kinase C (PKC), protein kinase A (PKA), mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) and cAMP response element-binding (CREB) protein are involved in the signaling transduction of visceral stimuli. All these processes contribute to the sensitization of postsynaptic dorsal column neurons and enhance the spinal transmission of visceral pain, indicating a potential and promising way of visceral pain therapy to inhibit the sensitization of postsynaptic dorsal column neurons.  相似文献   

综述了不同地域发酵蔬菜制品的加工技术,传统加工存在的诸如加工技术水平较低、产品种类单一、产业化程度低和加工安全等问题;以及近年来发酵蔬菜的研究进展,包括发酵剂和风味形成两方面。以期为国内发酵蔬菜的深加工及推动发酵蔬菜食品迈向更先进的产业化提供参考。  相似文献   

马铃薯淀粉加工的副产物及资源化利用现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马铃薯淀粉加工过程中会产生大量的副产物,如汁水和薯渣等,这些副产物中有机物含量较高,且COD(化学需氧量)、BOD(生物需氧量)均超标,无法直接排放,作为废弃物又会造成资源的浪费。为减少资源浪费和环境污染,近年对马铃薯淀粉加工副产物处理及资源化利用的研究成为热点。文章主要介绍了马铃薯淀粉的特性、用途、加工过程中副产物的来源,并对目前马铃薯淀粉加工副产物的处理方法及资源化利用现状进行了综述。  相似文献   

ZHANG Chao  TAN Dun-yong 《园艺学报》2002,18(8):1002-1006
Urotensin-Ⅱis a vasoactive‘somatestatin-like’cyclic peptide.Recently, human urotensin-Ⅱhas been cloned and demonstrated to be the most potent vasoconstrictor identified so far. The receptor of urotensin-Ⅱhas now been identified as the orphan receptor GPR14. This peptide may influence cardiovarscular homeostasis, pathology and also influence respiratory system, central nervous system and endocrine function.  相似文献   

High-stem orchards, traditionally grown on grassland, represent an important source of raw material for the processing industry and for traditional fruit processing on family-run farms such as cider, brandy, dried fruit, vinegar and apple sauce. As well as these production aspects, high-stem orchards preserve the traditional landscape and indirectly maintain the viability of rural areas. A method for the evaluation of high-stem orchards in Slovenia is presented, where, besides production functions, other aspects (e.?g. environmental) are also emphasized. This methodology enables empirical evaluation of high-stem orchards, including ecological and socio-cultural features and has been applied in the North-Eastern part of Slovenia, where the majority of these land-use systems are found.  相似文献   


Increasingly stricter fumigant regulations will limit their use and require effective non-fumigant treatments if large-scale strawberry production is to continue in California. Steam has long been used for soil disinfestation in greenhouse soils where it controls most soil pests. The challenge of field-scale soil disinfestation with steam in place of fumigants is availability of machinery capable of treating a large acreage in a timely manner while making the most efficient use of fuel and water. Steam can be a component within an integrated set of fumigant and non-fumigant practices. Steam used together with other practices may permit technically and economically sustainable strawberry production into the future by allowing growers to adapt to more stringent fumigant use restrictions. It may be possible to overcome some of the limitations of steam because steam generator technology has advanced in recent years as well as recent developments in co-applications with steam, including exothermic compounds co-applied with steam and mustard seed meal co-applied with steam. Regarding steam generator technology, direct-fire steam generators are more energy efficient than traditional steam boilers and avoid the hazards of steam pressure vessels. Steam is arguably the most effective non-fumigant method of soil disinfestation and it likely has a role in a future California strawberry production system that is forced to use much less fumigant than it does at present.  相似文献   


Apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) is one of the most widely grown and economically important fruit crops in the world. Skin colour is one of the most important criteria for marketing of apple fruits. Thus, improving fruit colouring is one of the main objectives of apple breeding programs. Even though environmental conditions may affect the colouring of apple, understanding the genetic basis of colouring is important to accelerate the breeding process. In recent years, molecular biology and genetic studies were conducted to explore the molecular basis of colouring in apple. Many genes responsible for the anthocyanin synthesis were identified and their associations with colouring of apple fruit flesh and/or skin were demonstrated. In addition, some DNA markers associated with fruit flesh and skin colour have been developed for screening apple cultivars and hybrids. In this study, 90 apple accessions of international, national, and local decents were selected from the genetic resources collection. Genomic DNA was isolated from leaf tissue of all acession and screened with four different DNA markers associated with fruit flesh and skin colour. Apple accessions in the collection were characterized and their genotypes and genetic potential for fruit colouration were determined by different DNA markers. Additionally, the use of these DNA markers in different apple accessions, well-characterized cultivars and uncharacterized local and national types were investigated.


孔滢  白锦荣  尚宏忠  王乃彦 《园艺学报》2013,40(9):1837-1845
 重离子束辐射是一种新兴的辐射诱变技术。与传统的γ 射线、X 射线等相比,重离子束具有高传能线密度,能够产生更高的相对生物学效应,具有诱变率更高、诱变范围更大的特点。常用的离子源主要有C、N、Ne 等,不同植物材料的不同部位和发育阶段对重离子束的敏感度效果不一。通过结合植物组织培养、辐射材料处理、多次辐射和基因工程等技术,目前已对菊花、香石竹、美女樱和夏堇等20 多种植物开展了重离子束辐射育种研究,获得了新种质和新品种,部分新品种在市场推广后获得了良好的经济效益。因此,重离子束辐射技术在观赏植物育种上有着广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

‘京葫36’是北京市农林科学院蔬菜研究中心育成的耐寒、适宜长季节栽培的越冬温室专用西葫芦杂交1代新品种,父母本分别为‘07754’和‘0421’。该品种长势旺盛、生长期长、耐低温弱光、株型合理、通风透光性好;低温弱光条件下连续结瓜能力强,瓜码密、产量高,采瓜期可达200 d以上;商品瓜长23~24 cm,粗6~7 cm,瓜条长柱形、粗细均匀,颜色翠绿,光泽度好,品质佳,商品性突出。适合北方越冬温室与春秋大棚种植。2014年5月通过山西省农作物品种审定委员会认定;2017年获得植物新品种权保护。  相似文献   

Globe artichoke (Cynara cardunculus L. var. scolymus) plants of a typical landrace (‘Montelupone A’) from the Marche region (Italy) and three commercial cultivars (‘Apollo’, ‘Romanesco C3’, ‘Exploter’) were compared as a detailed analysis of their productive, morphological, qualitative, and nutritional parameters was carried out to characterise their particularities and suitability for the fresh market or the processing industry. Cultivar ‘Apollo’ stands out for its qualitative and agronomic aspects, with ‘Romanesco C3’ showing high flower head yield, as the most important Romanesco cultivar that is widely cultivated in central Italy. ‘Exploter’ shows high productivity and qualitative characteristics. The lower phenol content of ‘Exploter’ indicates its suitability for processing as a fresh cut preparation. The ‘Montelupone A’ landrace is characterised by beneficial nutritional values that indicate its use for fresh consumption and as a source of antioxidant compounds. The ‘Apollo’ and ‘Romanesco C3’ commercial cultivars show higher processing yield due to flower head characteristics. In particular, ‘Apollo’ has an interesting profile according to its technological qualitative and nutritional value. ‘Exploter’ differs in its high yield and suitability for the fresh market. Analysis of the ‘Montelupone A’ landrace confirms its interesting qualitative and nutritional values.  相似文献   

Methods were developed to evaluate the performance of a decision-tree model used to predict landscape-level patterns of potential forest vegetation in central New York State. The model integrated environmental databases and knowledge on distribution of vegetation. Soil and terrain decision-tree variables were derived by processing state-wide soil geographic databases and digital terrain data. Variables used as model inputs were soil parent material, soil drainage, soil acidity, slope position, slope gradient, and slope azimuth. Landscapescale maps of potential vegetation were derived through sequential map overlay operations using a geographic information system (GIS). A verification sample of 276 field plots was analyzed to determine: (1) agreement between GIS-derived estimates of decision-tree variables and direct field measurements, (2) agreement between vegetation distributions predicted using GIS-derived estimates and using field observations, (3) effect of misclassification costs on prediction agreement, (4) influence of particular environmental variables on model predictions, and (5) misclassification rates of the decision-tree model. Results indicate that the prediction model was most sensitive to drainage and slope gradient, and that the imprecision of the input data led to a high frequency of incorrect predictions of vegetation. However, in many cases of misclassification the predicted vegetation was similar to that of the field plots so that the cost of errors was less than expected from the misclassification rate alone. Moreover, since common vegetation types were more accurately predicted than rare types, the model appears to be reasonably good at predicting vegetation for a randomly selected plot in the landscape. The error assessment methodology developed for this study provides a useful approach for determining the accuracy and sensitivity of landscape-scale environmental models, and indicates the need to develop appropriate field sampling procedures for verifying the predictions of such models.  相似文献   

优质抗青枯病茄子新品种紫荣6号的选育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
紫荣6号是以自交系9424为母本,以M3-1为父本配制而成的茄子一代杂种。中熟,坐果能力强,果实长棒形、顺直、匀称,果皮深紫红色,果面平滑,光泽度好,平均果长30 cm,横径5.5 cm,单果质量350 g,果肉白色,肉质紧实,耐老,商品率高,每667 m2产量2 300 kg左右。抗青枯病,耐热、耐寒、耐涝和耐旱性均较强,适宜华南、华中地区露地栽培。  相似文献   

红杂18是以红213为母本,黄苗试材9375为父本,配制成适宜罐藏加工和长途运销的番茄一代杂种。具有高抗TMV、中抗CMV、果实硬度高、抗裂、耐压、耐贮运、果实加工性状优良等特点。已在新疆、甘肃、宁夏、广西、云南等省区的加工番茄生产基地和远运外销生产基地推广649.8hm2。  相似文献   

软籽石榴营养丰富,经济价值较高,近年来在云南省发展迅速。文章从成熟早、丰产性能好、经济效益高等几个方面阐述了软籽石榴与传统的硬籽石榴相比所具有的品种优势,分析了软籽石榴产业在助推云南美丽乡村建设的重要性,并进一步总结了产业发展中存在的主要问题,最后对云南软籽石榴产业提出了发展建议。  相似文献   

 ‘仙桃1号’蛋黄果是从实生种群中选育出的新品种,生长势强,早实早熟,高产稳产。果实桃形,平均单果质量233.7 g,果皮光滑亮丽,品质风味佳,耐贮藏,鲜果供应期长,抗逆抗病虫性强;适于鲜食或加工,适宜冬季无严重长时间霜冻的热带亚热带地区推广种植。  相似文献   

南瓜叶大、透气性差,设施栽培湿度大,容易发生病虫害,因此适宜采用节点式渗灌方式来浇水,但渗灌管的合理埋设深度和渗灌管管间距离尚无相关参考数据。本文以引进的3个南瓜新品种贝栗二号(绿皮黄瓤)、新红桔(红皮黄瓤)、黑帝(黑绿皮黄瓤)为试材,以甜栗南瓜为对照,管道埋没的深度设置为10、20、30 cm和传统的滴管方式(CK),分析了不同渗灌深度对南瓜栽培的影响;采用单垄单株栽培,地膜覆盖,留单蔓,进行立架栽培,吊蔓;其余管理按常规生产进行。结果发现,南瓜的根系一般在10~30 cm,因此深度设置为30 cm对于南瓜新品种的产量和品质是比较适宜的。在此基础上,通过综合性状分析,筛选出适合本地区设施种植的南瓜品种为黑帝,其节间距大,口感甜,品质好,产量较高,病虫害少,适合推广种植。  相似文献   

‘广蜜1号’是以自交系‘早选1号’为母本,‘长青2号’为父本杂交育成的南瓜新品种。一般单瓜质量3.5 ~ 5.0 kg,大者可达10.0 kg以上。瓜短棒锤形,成熟时瓜皮色棕黄,外形美观,肉色橙黄,品质好。早熟,坐瓜性好,丰产,商品瓜率高,抗逆性强,适应性广,可在华南、华中、华北等地种植。  相似文献   

苹果汁品质评价方法研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苹果汁是我国苹果产业的主要加工产品,因其营养丰富、风味独特受到广大消费者的喜爱,准确快速评价苹果汁品质对苹果汁的加工、储藏、流通和贸易具有重要指导意义。本文对不同的苹果汁产品的感官评价语言与方法进行了综述,分析了加工品质指标、感官品质指标和理化与营养品质指标的仪器测定方法与最新研究进展,品质评价指标筛选方法及综合评价方法,以期为不同苹果汁产品评价体系的建立提供参考。  相似文献   

西甜208是利用优良甜瓜自交系RB221为母本,YJ609为父本配制的一代杂交种,属于中果型厚皮甜瓜早熟种,全生育期95d左右,从开花到果实成熟28d左右。果实圆球形,充分成熟后果面浅黄色光亮,不落蒂;果肉白色,肉厚3.5cm左右,中心可溶性固形物含量16%-18%,单瓜质量0.8-2.0kg,667m2产量4000-5000kg。植株长势旺,抗病性强,不易早衰,适应性广,果实耐贮运性好,货架期长,室温下可贮藏15d以上。  相似文献   

Urban greenery has various beneficial effects, such as engendering peace of mind. The green view index (GVI) effectively measures the amount of greenery people can perceive and is a suitable indicator of urban greening. To date, the most common way to measure the GVI has been to photograph the street environment from eye level and use image-editing software to calculate the area occupied by vegetation. However, conventional methods are time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the calculation results may vary among individuals. In recent years, the use of Google Street View (GSV) photos and calculation of the GVI using automatic image segmentation have rapidly developed. In this study, we demonstrate the advantages of GSV and image segmentation over conventional methods, verify their accuracy, and identify the shortcomings of modern methods. We calculated the GVI in the central part of Sapporo, Japan, using the automatic image segmentation AI “DeepLab” and compared the results with those measured by Photoshop. At the exact GSV locations, we also acquired photos and again calculated the GVI using AI, subsequently comparing the results with those obtained on-site manually. Although the correlations were high, automatic image segmentation tended not to identify lawns and flowers planted in the ground as vegetation. It was impossible to determine the year when the GSV photos were taken. In addition, the distance to greenery was biased, depending on the position on the street. These points should be considered when using these modern methods.  相似文献   

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