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The gut microbiome has long been known to play fundamentally important roles in the animal health and the well-being of its host. As such, the establishment and maintenance of a beneficial gut microbiota early in life is crucial in pigs, since early gut colonizers are pivotal in the establishment of permanent microbial community structures affecting the health and growth performance of pigs later in life. Emphasizing this importance of early gut colonizers, it is critical to understand the factors impacting the establishment of the piglet gut microbiome at weaning. Factors include, among others, diet, in-feed antibiotics, probiotics and prebiotic administration. The impact of these factors on establishment of the gut microbiome of piglets at weaning includes effects on piglet gut microbial diversity, structure, and succession. In this review, we thoroughly reviewed the most recent findings on the piglet gut microbiome shifts as influenced by weaning, and how these microbiome changes brought about by various factors that have been shown to affect the development of microbiota in piglets. This review will provide a general overview of recent studies that can help to facilitate the design of new strategies to modulate the gut microbiome in order to enhance gastrointestinal health, growth performance and well-being of piglets.  相似文献   

肠道菌群是动物肠道系统组成的重要部分,对动物肠道发育和免疫功能成熟起着重要的作用,而且肠道菌群失衡与多种肠道疾病有关。粪菌移植(FMT)是一种将健康供体粪便菌群移植到患病受体肠道内,通过改善肠道菌群治疗肠道疾病的方法,是改善肠道菌群最直接、快速、有效的方法之一。近期的研究表明,FMT对畜禽肠道健康和生长性能有积极作用,可调节肠道菌群、维护肠道机械屏障、改善肠道黏液环境、提高肠道免疫力,对于维护肠道健康有很好的效果。本文综述了FMT对猪肠道屏障的影响,探讨了FMT的安全性和注意事项,以期为FMT技术在猪生产上更加安全规范的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

肠道微生物在调节宿主生理机能、代谢和免疫功能等方面发挥着非常重要的作用,是影响猪健康和重要经济性状表型的重要因素之一。近年来,人们对猪肠道微生物的研究和了解越来越深入,了解猪肠道微生物组成将有助于为从肠道菌群方向入手改善猪群健康和提高生产性能提供参考。作者首先综述了不同发育阶段、不同肠道部位以及主要商品猪和中国地方猪肠道核心菌群组成;其次系统总结了宿主遗传背景、饲粮种类、性别、环境以及抗生素、益生菌和饲料添加剂使用等因素对猪肠道微生物组成的影响;最后概述了猪肠道微生物主要功能及其对饲料利用率、脂肪沉积、宿主行为和免疫炎症等方面的影响。  相似文献   

Colonization and development of the gut microbiome is a crucial consideration for optimizing the health and performance of livestock animals. This is mainly attributed to the fact that dietary and management practices greatly influence the gut microbiota, subsequently leading to changes in nutrient utilization and immune response. A favorable microbiome can be implanted through dietary or management interventions of livestock animals, especially during early life. In this review, we explore all the possible factors (for example gestation, colostrum, and milk feeding, drinking water, starter feed, inoculation from healthy animals, prebiotics/probiotics, weaning time, essential oil and transgenesis), which can influence rumen microbiome colonization and development. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of potential strategies used to manipulate gut development and microbial colonization to improve the production and health of newborn calves at an early age when they are most susceptible to enteric disease. Moreover, we provide insights into possible interventions and their potential effects on rumen development and microbiota establishment. Prospects of latest techniques like transgenesis and host genetics have also been discussed regarding their potential role in modulation of rumen microbiome and subsequent effects on gut development and performance in neonatal ruminants.  相似文献   

Gut microbiota is generally recognized to play a crucial role in maintaining host health and metabolism. The correlation among gut microbiota, glycolipid metabolism, and metabolic diseases has been well reviewed in humans. However, the interplay between gut microbiota and host metabolism in swine remains incompletely understood. Given the limitation in conducting human experiments and the high similarity between swine and humans in terms of anatomy, physiology, polyphagy, habits, and metabolism and in terms of the composition of gut microbiota, there is a pressing need to summarize the knowledge gained regarding swine gut microbiota, its interplay with host metabolism, and the underlying mechanisms. This review aimed to outline the bidirectional regulation between gut microbiota and nutrient metabolism in swine and to emphasize the action mechanisms underlying the complex microbiome–host crosstalk via the gut microbiota–gut–brain axis. Moreover, it highlights the new advances in knowledge of the diurnal rhythmicity of gut microbiota. A better understanding of these aspects can not only shed light on healthy and efficient pork production but also promote our knowledge on the associations between gut microbiota and the microbiome–host crosstalk mechanism. More importantly, knowledge on microbiota, host health and metabolism facilitates the development of a precise intervention therapy targeting the gut microbiota.  相似文献   

哺乳动物的肠道内栖息着庞大复杂的微生物群体,其微生物群体与宿主的消化吸收、物质的营养代谢和免疫功能密切相关,是影响机体健康的重要因素之一。随着分子生物学技术在肠道微生物领域的应用,特别是新一代测序技术的快速发展,使得人们对复杂的肠道微生物的研究更加深入。基于宏基因组学技术不仅能够研究肠道微生物组的多样性、揭示消化道微生物对宿主生理代谢的影响,还能进一步深入挖掘新的功能基因,并揭示宿主基因与微生物组间的互作关系和共同进化。作者综述了宏基因组学技术在哺乳动物肠道微生物中的主要应用和存在的不足,并展望了其在肠道微生物研究中的广阔应用前景,从而加深人们对肠道微生物影响宿主肠道健康作用的认识。  相似文献   

Rumen microbiota has a close and intensive interaction with the ruminants. Microbiota residing in the rumen digests and ferments plant organic matters into nutrients that are subsequently utilized by the host, making ruminants a unique group of animals that can convert plant materials indigestible by humans into high-quality animal protein as meat and milk. Many studies using meta-omics technologies have demonstrated the relationships between rumen microbiome and animal phenotypes associated with nutrient metabolism. Recently, the causality and physiological mechanisms underpinning the host–microbiota interactions have attracted tremendous research interest among researchers. This review discusses the host–microbiota interactions and the factors affecting these interactions in ruminants and provides a summary of the advances in research on animal husbandry. Understanding the microbiota composition, the functions of key bacteria, and the host–microbiota interaction is crucial for the development of knowledge-based strategies to enhance animal productivity and host health.  相似文献   

The existence of genetic control over the abundance of particular taxa and the link of these to energy balance and growth has been documented in model organisms and humans as well as several livestock species. Preliminary evidence of the same mechanisms is currently under investigation in pigs. Future research should expand these results and elicit the extent of genetic control of the gut microbiome population in swine and its relationship with growth efficiency. The quest for a more efficient pig at the interface between the host and its metagenome rests on the central hypothesis that the gut microbiome is an essential component of the variability of growth in all living organisms. Swine do not escape this general rule, and the identification of the significance of the interaction between host and its gut microbiota in the growth process could be a game-changer in the achievement of sustainable and efficient lean meat production. Standard sampling protocols, sequencing techniques, bioinformatic pipelines and methods of analysis will be paramount for the portability of results across experiments and populations. Likewise, characterizing and accounting for temporal and spatial variability will be a necessary step if microbiome is to be utilized routinely as an aid to selection.  相似文献   

Cancer is a substantial global health problem both in humans and animals with a consistent increase in mortality and incidence rate. The commensal microbiota has been involved in the regulation of several physiological and pathological processes, both within the gastrointestinal system and at distant tissue locations. Cancer is not an exception, and different aspects of the microbiome have been described to have anti- or pro-tumour effects. Using new techniques, for example high-throughput DNA sequencing, microbial populations of the human body have been largely described and, in the last years, studies more focused on companions' animals have emerged. In general, the recent investigations of faecal microbial phylogeny and functional capacity of the canine and feline gut have shown similarities with human gut. In this translational study we will review and summarize the relation between the microbiota and cancer, in humans and companion animals, and compare their resemblance in the type of neoplasms already studied in veterinary medicine: multicentric and intestinal lymphoma, colorectal tumours, nasal neoplasia and mast cell tumours. In the context of One Health, microbiota and microbiome integrative studies may contribute to the understanding of the tumourigenesis process, besides offering an opportunity to develop new diagnostics and therapeutic biomarkers both for veterinary and human oncology.  相似文献   

肠道是机体重要的消化与免疫器官,维持肠道健康对猪的生长发育和疾病预防具有十分重要的意义。高通量测序技术的发展极大地促进了人们对肠道微生物功能的认知,猪肠道微生物组的研究正逐步成为热点。目前,尽管对某一生长阶段猪的肠道微生物组已有较为深入的理解,但仍缺乏有关商品猪整个生命周期范围内肠道微生物组动态变化的全面纵向研究。而从出生到出栏,猪在整个生长周期内的肠道微生物组并不是一成不变的,是一个动态的发育过程。作者综述了猪哺乳期、断奶期、育肥期和妊娠期等从出生到育肥过程中不同阶段肠道微生物组的纵向变化及其主要影响因素:一方面,肠道微生物群落结构的显著变化主要发生在断奶期;另一方面,虽然肠道微生物组成随着时间始终在不断变化,但仍有一部分优势菌是一直存在的,这部分优势菌被称为核心菌群,而只在特定时期才出现的菌只是胃肠道中的"过客",也最易受外界因素影响。肠道微生物组与多种因素相关,如年龄、饮食、环境、抗生素使用等,其中饮食对塑造肠道微生物起到至关重要的作用。本文可为理解猪在不同生长发育阶段肠道微生物的动态变化规律及改善猪生长性能和健康水平的微生物技术手段提供理论参考。  相似文献   

生物发酵饲料作为"第四代活的饲料",近年来备受畜牧行业的关注,也是国家实行饲料全面禁抗后的替抗研究手段之一.生物发酵饲料立足于去除原料抗营养因子、改善饲料营养价值、提高饲料养分消化利用率、产生有益微生物代谢产物,达到维护动物肠道健康、提升动物机体免疫力、促进动物生产性能、减少动物粪污排放和环保健康养殖的目的.生物饲料在...  相似文献   

While certainly not a novel concept, faecal microbiota transplant (FMT) has recently garnered renewed interest in veterinary medicine due to its remarkable success in treating recurrent Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) in man. There is a dearth of information on indications and efficacy of FMT for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders in the horse; however, based on evidence in man and other veterinary species, and anecdotal reports in horses, FMT may be a useful treatment for selected cases of acute and chronic diarrhoea and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in the horse. In the absence of evidence, expert opinion is offered on case selection and FMT procedure. More research is needed to explore the efficacy, indications and optimal preparation, storage and delivery of FMT to horses.  相似文献   

王怀禹 《猪业科学》2021,38(6):84-87
在生猪产能恢复中,需要特别关注猪只肠道健康问题。很多营养素与猪的肠道健康密切相关,其中日粮纤维就是影响猪只肠道健康的重要营养素之一。日粮纤维在调节猪肠道微生态环境方面表现出异常活跃的营养学功能。日粮中适宜的纤维水平可改善猪肠道微生物种群多样性,调节菌群结构组成,维持猪肠道微生态平衡,提高饲料转化率,具有促进猪只的生长发育以及预防疾病的功效。文章综述了日粮纤维的构成及营养学功能、对猪肠道的主要作用机制以及对猪肠道微生态环境的影响研究,旨在为进一步探究日粮纤维在猪生产实践中的研究应用提供理论借鉴。  相似文献   

粪菌移植法治疗非特异病原性羔羊腹泻的效果初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
羔羊腹泻是一种常发生于新生和断奶阶段,且能够导致羔羊生长迟滞甚至死亡的消化道疾病。粪菌移植(fecal microbiota transplantation,FMT)技术在反刍幼畜消化道疾病防治上鲜有研究。本研究采用FMT对腹泻羔羊进行治疗并与不同抗生素药物治疗进行对比,探索FMT对吮乳期羔羊腹泻的治疗效果。试验选择日龄(24±2)d、体重(6.12±1.01)kg、临床散发的具有典型腹泻症状的吮乳期羔羊60只(公母各半)以及健康羔羊10只(公母各半),分为健康对照组(HC)、腹泻对照组(SC)、粪菌移植治疗组(FMT)、庆大霉素治疗组(GM)、恩诺沙星治疗组(ENR)、庆大霉素+粪菌移植治疗组(GM+FMT)以及恩诺沙星+粪菌移植治疗组(ENR+FMT),测定腹泻羔羊腹泻治愈天数、日增重以及羔羊生理生化指标及相关炎性因子指标。结果表明:1)腹泻羔羊平均日增重、红细胞数量、血红蛋白含量、淋巴细胞比例和肌酐浓度均显著低于健康对照组羔羊(P<0.05),而平均血红蛋白浓度和炎性因子均显著高于健康对照组(P<0.05);2)与SC组相比,经过5种方法治疗,除GM+FMT组外,FMT、ENR、ENR+FMT和GM组均显著降低治愈天数(P<0.05)。ENR组还显著提高腹泻羔羊日增重(P<0.05);3)与SC组相比,FMT治疗可显著提升腹泻羔羊血液中血红蛋白含量和血液淋巴细胞数量(P<0.05);4)经FMT、ENR和GM+FMT治疗后,各种炎性因子均显著下降到健康组羔羊水平。结果表明,FMT能够有效治愈羔羊腹泻症状,血液生理生化功能得到改善,抑制了炎性反应,显著降低腹泻率。FMT有望作为一种抗生素替代方法应用于羔羊腹泻防治实践。  相似文献   

日粮纤维作为饲料的重要组成成分,对猪只的生产性能和健康状况都有积极作用,日粮纤维对猪只采食量、饲料利用率及肠道健康的研究已引起国内外广泛关注。文章综述了日粮纤维对猪只生长性能、营养利用及肠道微生物的影响,为今后探究猪只对饲料中日粮纤维的利用提供参考。  相似文献   

There are a large number of microorganisms in the porcine intestinal tract. These microorganisms and their metabolites contribute to intestinal mucosal immunity, which is of great importance to the health of the host. The host immune system can regulate the distribution and composition of intestinal microorganisms and regulate the homeostasis of intestinal flora by secreting a variety of immune effector factors, such as mucin, secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA), regenerating islet-derived III (RegIII)γ, and defensin. Conversely, intestinal microorganisms can also promote the differentiation of immune cells including regulatory T cells (Treg) and Th17 cells through their specific components or metabolites. Studies have shown that imbalances in the intestinal flora can lead to bacterial translocation and compromised intestinal barrier function, affecting the health of the body. This review focuses on the composition of the pig intestinal flora and the characteristics of intestinal mucosal immunity, discusses the interaction mechanism between the flora and intestinal mucosal immunity, as well as the regulation through fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT), dietary nutritional composition, probiotics and prebiotics of pig intestinal microecology. Finally, this review provides insights into the relationship between intestinal microorganisms and the mucosal immune system.  相似文献   

Gastrointestinal microbiota play a crucial role in nutrient digestion, maintaining animal health and welfare. Various factors may affect microbial balance often leading to disturbances that may result in debilitating conditions such as colic and laminitis. The invention of next-generation sequencing technologies and bioinformatics has provided valuable information on the effects of factors influencing equine gut microbiota. Among those factors are nutrition and management (e.g., diet, supplements, exercise), medical substances (e.g., antimicrobials, anthelmintics, anesthetics), animal-related factors (breed and age), various pathological conditions (colitis, diarrhea, colic, laminitis, equine gastric ulcer syndrome), as well as stress-related factors (transportation and weaning). The aim of this review is to assimilate current knowledge on equine microbiome studies, focusing on the effect of factors influencing equine gastrointestinal microbiota. Decrease in microbial diversity and richness leading to decrease in stability; decrease in Lachnospiraceae and Ruminococcaceae family members, which contribute to gut homeostasis; increase in Lactobacillus and Streptococcus; decrease in lactic acid utilizing bacteria; decrease in butyrate-producing bacteria that have anti-inflammatory properties may all be considered as a negative change in equine gut microbiota. Shifts in Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes have often been observed in the literature in response to certain treatments or when describing healthy and unhealthy animals; however, these shifts are inconsistent. It is time to move forward and use the knowledge now acquired to start manipulating the microbiota of horses.  相似文献   

Maximising the ability of piglets to survive exposure to pathogens is essential to reduce early piglet mortality, an important factor in efficient commercial pig production. Mortality rates can be influenced by many factors, including early colonization by microbial commensals. Here we describe the development of an intestinal microbiota, the Bristol microbiota, for use in gnotobiotic pigs and its influence on synthesis of systemic immunoglobulins. Such a microbiota will be of value in studies of the consequences of early microbial colonization on development of the intestinal immune system and subsequent susceptibility to disease. Gnotobiotic pig studies lack a well-established intestinal microbiota. The use of the Altered Schaedler Flora (ASF), a murine intestinal microbiota, to colonize the intestines of Caesarean-derived, gnotobiotic pigs prior to gut closure, resulted in unreliable colonization with most (but not all) strains of the ASF. Subsequently, a novel, simpler porcine microbiota was developed. The novel microbiota reliably colonized the length of the intestinal tract when administered to gnotobiotic piglets. No health problems were observed, and the novel microbiota induced a systemic increase in serum immunoglobulins, in particular IgA and IgM. The Bristol microbiota will be of value for highly controlled, reproducible experiments of the consequences of early microbial colonization on susceptibility to disease in neonatal piglets, and as a biomedical model for the impact of microbial colonization on development of the intestinal mucosa and immune system in neonates.  相似文献   

益生元是以天然来源的碳水化合物为基础的聚合物,可以被胃肠道中的一些细菌利用,但不被宿主动物消化。益生元作为家禽饲料添加剂,可促进养分消化、吸收,因为它们选择有益的微生物,这些微生物被认为可以促进禽类营养,并可能限制食源性病原体的形成。已经有大量研究来评估其对人类、动物的影响,但只有有限的研究是在非常规生产条件下进行的,同时关于它们对宿主和胃肠道菌群影响的具体机制仍有很多未知。随着对非常规生产系统进行的更详细和精确的研究,结构不同的益生元可能不仅会对胃肠道微生物群产生影响,而且可能以不同的模式与禽类宿主直接或间接地产生相互作用。  相似文献   

Fermented liquid feed is feed that has been mixed with water at a ratio ranging from 1:1.5 to 1:4.By mixing with water,lactic acid bacteria and yeasts naturally occurring in the feed proliferate and produce lactic acid,acetic acid and ethanol which reduces the pH of the mixture.This reduction in pH inhibits pathogenic organisms from developing in the feed.In addition,when this low pH mixture is fed,it reduces the pH in the stomach of pigs and prevents the proliferation of pathogens such as coliforms and Salmonella in the gastrointestinal tract.For piglets,the use of fermented liquid feed offers the possibility of simultaneously providing feed and water,which may facilitate an easier transition from sow's milk to solid feed.Secondly,offering properly produced fermented liquid feed may strengthen the role of the stomach as the first line of defense against possible pathogenic infections by lowering the pH in the gastrointestinal tract thereby helping to exclude enteropathogens.Finally,feeding fermented liquid feed to pigs has been shown to improve the performance of suckling pigs,weaner pigs and growing-finishing pigs.In this review,current knowledge about the use of fermented liquid feed in pig diets will be discussed.This will include a discussion of the desirable properties of fermented liquid feed and factors affecting fermentation.In addition,advantages and disadvantages of fermented liquid feed will be discussed including its effects on gastrointestinal health,intestinal pH and the types of bacteria found in the gastrointestinal tract as well as the effects of fermented liquid feeds on pig performance.  相似文献   

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