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鲑鳟鱼类是世界上最早采用现代数量遗传学理论指导育种实践的水产动物之一,在近50年育种实践中积累了大量经验,形成了一整套行之有效的育种策略、选择方法,为其他水产动物的遗传选育提供借鉴。育种者为满足消费市场和养殖者对鱼肉品质、鱼体规格、高抗病力、高饲料转化率等需求,利用多种育种策略和选择方法来开发相应的养殖品种和品系。本文从育种策略、选择方法等概括介绍目前我国鲑鳟鱼遗传育种领域的主要支撑技术,以期为其他水产动物育种提供参考。  相似文献   

冷水性鲑科鱼类肉质鲜美,高蛋白、高不饱和脂肪酸、营养丰富、无肌间刺、易加工,是世界性养殖鱼类,其中大西洋鲑、虹鳟和红点鲑属鱼类等主要养殖鲑科鱼类,一直是水产遗传育种领域的重要研究对象。本文简要叙述了鲑科鱼类遗传育种研究的历史和现状,主要介绍了经济性状遗传参数估计、选择育种、分子遗传与标记辅助育种等方面的研究进展,提出了我国鲑科鱼类遗传育种工作重点研究的方向。  相似文献   

鲑科鱼类及其养殖状况   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文介绍鲑科鱼类及其主要生物学特点、鲑科鱼类在世界渔业经济中的重要地位和养殖产业技术发展现况。鲑科鱼类属典型的冷水性鱼类,高蛋白、富含不饱和脂肪酸、营养丰富、可食部分大、无肌间刺、易加工,是欧美人民的传统水产食品和重要养殖鱼类。鲑鱼是世界三大养殖鱼类之一,其养殖产量仅在鲤鱼和罗非鱼之后,海水鱼类养殖中,半数以上(54.3%)来自鲑鱼产量。2005年,世界鲑鱼产量280万吨,其中195万吨(69.6%)来自人工养殖。本文也简要叙述了我国鲑鱼养殖的历史和现状,以及在鲑鳟鱼类遗传育种、养殖新品种开发、营养与饲料、病害防治、繁殖期调控等方面的研究进展,并针对我国鲑鳟鱼产业发展存在的问题提出了建议。  相似文献   

<正>由黑龙江水产研究所孙大江研究员主编的《中国鲟鱼养殖》和由王炳谦研究员主编的《中国鲑鳟鱼养殖》两部专著分别于今年3月和6月正式与读者见面。这两部著作系统地梳理和总结了20世纪末至21世纪初近10年来我国鲟鱼、鲑鳟鱼养殖和繁育方面的主要研究成果,并以翔实的数据反映了我国目前冷水性鱼类养殖产业发展现状。黑龙江水产研究所多年来从事冷水性、亚冷水性鱼类的养殖、育种、病害防治、营养、生理生化等方面的研究,尤其在鲟鱼养殖技术、虹鳟育种技术、细鳞鲑和哲罗鲑等土著鱼类的  相似文献   

为促进鲑鱼类增养殖业的持续发展,中国水产学会与北京顺通虹鳟养殖中心定于2005年10月20~22日在北京举办“中日鲑鱼类增养殖技术学术报告会”。会议将邀请日本著名水产学家隆岛史夫先生做学术报告:①世界鲑鱼类的发展趋势与展望;②鲑、鳟鱼类增养殖生物学研究;③鲑鱼类遗传育种新技术。邀请国内专家做学术报告:1.我国鲑鱼类养殖新品种开发及养殖新技术;2.鲑科鱼类流行病学及药物的安全使用;3.鲑鱼类的高效养殖;4.西南地区鲑鱼类养殖现状与发展对策;5.白鲑属鱼类及其增殖途径的探讨;6.云南冷水鱼养殖发展现状及对策。欢迎从事鲑科鱼类科研、…  相似文献   

正一、品种概况(一)培育背景鲑鳟鱼是世界第一大水产贸易品种,投资回报率非常高,全球产量约为317万吨(鲑鱼235万吨,鳟鱼82万吨),为第三大养殖种类(FAO,2018)。淡水养殖品种主要以虹鳟为主,虹鳟属鲑形目,鲑科,鲑亚科,大麻哈鱼属,原产于北美地区。虹鳟为世界性养殖鱼类,自1959年首次引进以来,我国先后从不同国家引进了数个虹鳟品系,  相似文献   

娄忠玉 《淡水渔业》2002,32(1):44-44
鲑鳟鱼是优质的冷水性鱼类 ,欧美国家养殖极为普遍。我国从上世纪 5 0年代开始养殖虹鳟 ,主要集中在北方地区。随着渔业生产技术的不断发展 ,我国鲑鳟鱼类的养殖范围 ,正由北方向南方扩展 ,养殖品种也由单一的虹鳟鱼扩大到金鳟 ,白点鲑 ,银鲑 ,大西洋鲑 ,等等。虽然这些鱼类都属鲑科 ,但是它们摄食习性相差很大 ,在生产中必须采取不同的投喂方式。1 虹鳟。虹鳟是养殖时间最长的鲑科鱼类 ,已经完全驯化。虹鳟性凶猛 ,贪食 ,能在水面、水中和池底摄食 ,抢食激烈 ,有跟人走动索饵习性。投喂时 ,可定点成片地撒投饲料 ,一般站在池埂的中间 ,向…  相似文献   

鲑鳟鱼是优质的冷水鱼类 ,欧美国家养殖极为普遍。我国从上世纪 5 0年代开始养殖虹鳟 ,主要集中在北方地区。随着渔业生产技术的不断发展 ,我国的鲑鳟鱼类的养殖范围也在不断扩大 ,养殖品种也由单一的虹鳟扩大到金鳟、银鲑、大西洋鲑等。但在养殖过程中鲑鳟鱼常常因病害造成大批死亡 ,经济损失较大 ,因此在养殖过程中必须坚持无病先防 ,有病早治 ,防重于治的原则。现将近几年来在养殖过程中积累的防治经验简述如下 :1 工具消毒 :鲑鳟鱼养殖常用工具消毒非常重要 ,如果病鱼用过的工具不经过消毒而使用就会把病原体带入鱼池 ,引起交叉感染。…  相似文献   

一、前言 大西洋鲑鱼、太平洋鲑鱼以及虹鳟统称为鲑鳟鱼类。由于他们价位较高,但为相对容易养殖的鱼类,所以成为世界上主要养殖的肉食性鱼类。鲑鱼与鳟鱼可存活于各种不同的养殖环境,某些鳟鱼可在0℃到28℃的水温之间生存,  相似文献   

西部渔业开发——应重视冷水资源的利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冷水资源,因水温低不宜灌田,也不适于养殖常温性鱼类。之所以称其为资源,就是利用这种低温水可以养殖喜低温的冷水性鱼类,创造可观的效益。 冷水性鱼类主要指分布于北半球海淡水域的鲑科鱼类,习惯上也称之为鲑鳟鱼类。我国的大麻哈鱼、太门哲罗鱼、红鳟鱼、川陕哲罗鱼以及引进的虹鳟、金鳟、山女鳟、白点鲑等都属蛙鳟鱼类。这类鱼的生物习性与我国的家鱼不同,主要有以下几个特点。鲑鳟鱼性腺成熟的关键时期是自然光照时间由长变短的秋冬季节,所以也称之为短日照型鱼类,其繁殖季节是初冬至翌年早春、繁殖盛期多在11月至翌年2月。…  相似文献   

东北地区虹鳟IHN和IPN流行病学的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
牛鲁祺  赵志壮 《水产学报》1988,12(4):327-332
本文报道了虹鳟鱼病毒性疾病IHN和IPN的流行与危害情况,对这二种病毒性疾病的症状和病理变化作了初步的研究,并进行了病原学鉴定。文中建议严格地把住进口鱼卵或鱼苗的检疫工作,采取更严格的防疫措施,多层次地防止疫病的传播和蔓延。  相似文献   

为了能够成功表达虹鳟IgM,本研究利用生物信息学软件对虹鳟IgM的亲水性及抗原性进行了分析,根据GenBank收录的虹鳟IgM重链恒定区,参照生物信息学分析结果,设计用于扩增截短的IgM基因的引物,以虹鳟头肾RNA提取物为模板,利用RT-PCR方法扩增虹鳟截短的IgM重链恒定区部分基因片段,连接原核表达载体pET-27b,利用大肠杆菌Rosetta进行表达。SDS-PAGE及HPLC结果显示,纯化后截短的IgM大小约为47.7 ku,且纯度达到90%。利用其制备兔抗血清后ELISA分析结果显示,所制备的兔抗血清与本研究所表达的截短IgM蛋白的反应效价为1∶40 000,与虹鳟血清提取的全长IgM反应效价为1∶20 000并且呈现出抗原计量依赖性。研究表明,重组IgM蛋白与虹鳟血清中的天然IgM重链恒定区具有近似的结构,利用其所制备的兔抗血清能够与虹鳟鱼体中的天然IgM发生特异性反应。  相似文献   

电子标记辅助虹鳟家系建立及快速生长家系筛选   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以中国水产科学研究院黑龙江水产研究所选育的虹鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)优良品系G1世代为基础群体,开展了电子标记辅助的大规模虹鳟家系构建工作,建立了G2世代全同胞家系72组,并初步进行了快速生长家系的筛选工作。对不同家系鱼种进行电子芯片植入后放在同池进行生长比较,本研究中虹鳟上市日龄(约为850日龄)体质量、体长的总体家系效应都达到了极显著水平(P<0.0001);通过对不同家系间850日龄体质量和体长的家系效应显著性检验与最小二乘均值的多重比较分析,获得了682BABB、6717B7A、6828308、682A50A、6829C24、6829DC7、682A382、68284DA这8个体质量和体长性能优良的家系。上述家系将作为优先入选家系进入组建G3世代的储备亲本群体。本研究结果可以与本课题组先期开展的基于个体育种值BLUP分析的多性状复合育种工作相互印证。这将有助于提高对虹鳟生长性状进行遗传选择的准确性,同时对其他水生动物数量性状的遗传选育研究也具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), were first introduced into Australia over 100 years ago, and forms the basis of important recreational inland fisheries and an aquaculture industry in south‐eastern Australia. This paper investigates the genetic variation within and between samples of Australian rainbow trout using allozyme electrophoresis. The levels of genetic diversity within Australia do not show marked differences from those observed in hatchery and wild populations from throughout North America, New Zealand and South Africa, but there is evidence for the loss of some rare alleles during translocation from California to Australia via New Zealand. No appreciable difference in genetic diversity was apparent between hatchery and self‐sustaining wild populations of rainbow trout from mainland Australia. However, significant differences in allelic frequencies were observed, with consistent genetic differences between Victorian and New South Wales samples most likely reflecting state‐based hatchery and stocking policies.  相似文献   

为调整养殖品种结构,提高养鱼的经济效益,探讨能适合本地区的新的名优养殖品种和途径,以提高资源利用效率和生产者的经济效益,利用原有养殖虹鳟鱼的水源及饲养池开展西伯利亚鲟鱼的引种养殖试验,获得了理想的效果。经过10个月的饲养获得平均规格700g以上的成鱼4万kg,13.3kg/m~2的好成绩。为今后在本地区推广鲟鱼养殖奠定了技术基础和理论依据。  相似文献   

2000~2009年,全球鲑科鱼类养殖产量合计达1989万t,2010年养殖产量已达到240万t以上,产量一直在稳步上升。十年累计产量超过10万t的有大西洋鲑(Sdmosdar)、虹鳟(Oncorhynchttsmykiss)、银大麻哈鱼(0.kisutch)、大鳞大麻哈鱼(0.tshawytscha)、褐鳟(Sdmotrutta),能够形成单独统计产量的有5属13种,大西洋鲑、虹鳟、银大麻哈鱼占鲑科鱼类养殖总产量的97%。养殖产量居前三位的是挪威、智利、英国。全球共有67个国家和2个地区(台湾、法属留尼旺岛)开展鲑科鱼类养殖,其中欧洲33个国家、美洲13个国家、亚洲11个国家和1个地区、非洲6个国家和1个地区、大洋洲4个国家,虹鳟是养殖最普遍的种类,遍布5大洲的64个国家和2个地区。  相似文献   

We quantified microhabitat selection of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) at 2 flows (low= 1.13 m3. s?1 and high =4.95 m3. s?1) in the Pit River, California. Flows were controlled by an upstream dam and habitat availability was similar during 4 sampling periods at low flow and 2 periods at high flow. A principal components analysis reduced 6 microhabitat variables to 3 new variables that explained 80% of the observed variance. The 3 components loaded heavily on velocity variables, depth variables and substrate. Microhabitat selection generally differed among macrohabitats (i. e., pools, runs, and riffles). Rainbow trout selected different microhabitats at high flow relative to low flow in response to the availability of deeper, faster water. At low flow, depth and velocity selection were positively correlated with seasonal temperature change for adults but not juveniles. Rainbow trout apparently sought shelter in interstitial spaces in the substrate of runs and riffles during the day in early winter. Generally, large rainbow trout were observed in pools, intermediate-sized fish in runs, and small trout in riffles. The largest fish occurred in slow, deep areas of pools, where they moved slowly without orientation to flow and were not observed feeding, whereas small fish generally faced upstream and fed in all habitat types. Foraging forays were directed up in the water column at velocities similar to the mean water column velocities at holding positions. Rainbow trout were the most abundant species in 76% of the population survey stations. Other species that might have influenced microhabitat selection by rainbow trout were uncommon.  相似文献   

Abstract. In temperate regions of North America, the culture of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), in ponds is constrained to the period mid-November to early April by water temperature. Feeding practice may influence production time. The effects of three feeding practices on growth and body composition of rainbow trout raised in ponds during a 142-day winter growth period were investigated. Feeding practices were (1) hand-feeding to satiation, (2) feeding according to a fish size/water temperature chart, and (3) feeding by demand feeder.
Fish fed to satiation consumed 66% more diet than fish fed according to a feeding chart and 163% more than fish fed by demand feeders. Fish fed to satiation had significantly higher (P < 0·05) weight gain, harvest weight, specific growth rate, and protein gain with no significant increase (P > 0·05) in percentage body fat or feed conversion ratio (FCR) compared to the other two treatments. Survival percentage did not differ significantly (P > 0·05) between treatments. These data indicate that by using satiation feeding, marketable size rainbow trout can be produced in temperate region ponds without increases in percentage body fat or FCR.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) is one of the most popular aquacultured species in the world. Sustainable production of this fish at commercial scale is very important but requires maintaining good water quality throughout the total rearing period. The present study aimed to develop a rainbow trout production index in order to raise awareness about the conditions of the rearing environment, enhance production, and reduce losses. For this purpose, an intensive rainbow trout production system was selected as the study system. In this system, there were seven stations including (a) 3000 5-g fish, (b) 3000 25-g fish, (c) 3000 50-g fish, (d) 3000 100-g fish, (e) 3000 220-g fish, (f) 2000 350-g fish, and (g) 2000 830-g fish. The fuzzy inference system was used to develop the target rearing index. Water quality parameters involved in the variation in the rainbow trout rearing conditions were classified into three groups including un-ionized ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate, Alkalinity and phosphate, along with dissolved oxygen and linear velocity. For each group and condition of rearing, a separate fuzzy inference system was defined and the output of each fuzzy system was named I1, I2, I3. Finally, I1, I2, and I3 were considered as the inputs to a fuzzy system in order to evaluate their effects on the index of general rearing conditions (I). The results indicated that un-ionized ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and phosphate had negative effects while dissolved oxygen, linear velocity, and alkalinity positively affected water quality and rearing index. Most of the decline in the rainbow trout rearing index was related to the effect of un-ionized ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate due to food decomposition. Therefore, intelligence feeding based on fish appetite through reducing food conversion rate and water pollution can improve rainbow trout production in this system. The index of rainbow trout production conditions reflects the type, amount, and effect of water quality pollutants on rearing conditions. Producers can use this information to reduce the negative environmental effects and improve the product quality.  相似文献   

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