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为了探索方斑东风螺的健康养殖技术,在总面积为6 433 m2的水泥池中,共放养壳高0.6~1.8 cm的贝苗667.0万粒,针对方斑东风螺养殖中常见的肿吻病、脱壳病等疾病,通过定期药物消毒、强化饵料营养等措施,避免了重大流行病的发生。所有贝苗经6~9个月的养殖,共收获规格为150粒/kg的商品螺38 564kg,每平方米生产商品螺6.0 kg,平均成活率为96.0%,饵料系数为4.1。  相似文献   

水泥池养殖方斑东风螺Babylonia areolata的生长特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对室外水泥池养殖方斑东风螺的生长特性进行了研究。对1龄内不同生长发育阶段的1400余个方斑东风螺的壳高、体重生长参数进行测量和分析,结果表明:(1)水泥池养殖方斑东风螺壳高和体重呈幂函数关系,W=0.2349H~(2.89)(R~2=0.9822,P<0.01);(2)1龄内养殖方斑东风螺的壳高生长曲线和体重生长速度曲线呈现出不断升高趋势,壳高日均增长和体重日均增重为0.11 mm·d~(-1)和0.03 g·d~(-1);壳高特定增长率 IGR_H 和体重特定增重率 IGR_W 平均为0.69%和1.96%;养殖方斑东风螺在1龄以内为快速生长期,远没有达到生长的拐点;同时,方斑东风螺的生长明显受水温影响,当水温降到20.2℃时,其日均增长和日均增重降到最低,分别为0.09 mm·d~(-1)和0.01 g·d~(-1);特定增长率和特定增重率分别降到0.42%和0.64%。  相似文献   

以泥东风螺幼螺为试验材料,研究了其在海区底播的生长、存活以及不同底播密度对其生长、存活的影响。采用单因素方差分析进行数据的显著性分析。2013—2014年第一次试验结果显示,泥东风螺幼螺底播475 d,壳高、体重分别达到(28.4 177±3.7 837)mm、(4.9 438±2.0 669)g,成活率为71.43%;除了68 d数据显示底播密度对其存活率有显著影响(P0.05)外,其它均显示对其壳高、体重、存活率没有显著影响(P0.05)。2013—2014年第二次试验结果表明,泥东风螺幼螺底播385 d,壳高、体重分别达到(20.9904±2.8 276)mm、(2.5 936±0.9 482)g,成活率为38.65%;放养密度对其壳高、体重、存活率均没有显著影响(P0.05)。综上所述,5~20粒/m2为泥东风螺幼螺适宜的海区底播密度。  相似文献   

报道了2009年8月10日和2010年7月10日,二批次进行露天水泥池养殖方斑东风螺试验的结果。表明在福建闽南沿海养殖方斑东风螺7月初前后投放壳高0.6~1cm螺苗是最佳时间,整个养殖过程水温平均26.1℃,日均增长和日均增重高达0.16mm和0.037g。特定增长率和特定增重率平均达到0.97%和2.74%,养殖商品...  相似文献   

在水温保持约28℃条件下,方斑东风螺日均摄食率、日均体重增长率,随其生长逐渐下降,而日均体重生长量逐渐上升。在密度300~1500个/m2范围内、小换水量(30%/d)试验条件下,当体重为1~2g、壳高15~20mm时,不同密度组方斑东风螺生长无明显差异,适宜的密度在1500个/m2以内;当体重3~4g、壳高25mm左右时,密度1500个/m2,方斑东风螺生长速度明显低于其他组,认为适宜的密度为900个/m2左右;当体重4~5g、壳高25~30mm时,适宜密度应为600~900个/m2。  相似文献   

方斑东风螺肉壳分离病病因的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
螺肉与螺壳分离病是方斑东风螺养殖中的常见病害,主要发生在壳高0.5cm以下的稚、幼螺阶段,严重时可造成螺苗在短时间内大量死亡。本文报道了方斑东风螺中间培育过程中由于养殖水体中混入以婆罗异剑水蚤(Apocyclops borneoensis)为主的桡足类对稚、幼螺的攻击,导致稚、幼螺受伤部位发生溃疡性病变,进而诱发稚、幼螺肉壳分离疾病发生的镜检检查结果。通过采取杀灭螺池中桡足类的措施后,病情很快得到控制,研究结果验证了桡足类对方斑东风螺稚、幼螺的危害性。  相似文献   

正三疣梭子蟹、日本对虾混养模式是沧州区域经多年养殖试验总结出的成功养殖模式,该模式充分利用了两种养殖对象的经济价值、生长特性。海螺(脉红螺)主要食物为双壳类,喜食杂鱼等动物尸体,把幼螺放入虾、蟹养殖池一起养殖,以虾、蟹类的残留饵料、死虾和池底自然生长的贝类等作为饵料。春季投入壳高2~3cm的海捕幼螺,到当年年底,壳高可长至7~8cm,体重150~250g。1试验材料与方法1.1材料来源  相似文献   

2004—2006年对经中间培育的青蛤苗种进行滩涂和围塘养殖研究。研究结果:(1)滩涂养殖成活率达75%,养殖12个月平均壳长2.43cm,平均体重9.19 g,4—5月份壳长增长速度较快,6—8月份体重增长速度较快;(2)围塘养殖成活率达80.1%,养殖12个月平均壳长达2.45?,平均体重达9.53 g,3—5月份壳长增长速度较快,6—8月份体重增长速度较快。  相似文献   

采用盐度渐变和突变2种方法试验低盐度对平均体重3.7 mg、平均壳高(2.24±0.24)mm的泥东风螺稚螺生长与存活的影响。结果表明:盐度28时,稚螺的生长速度最快,盐度降到24时,对稚螺的影响并不明显,摄食基本正常,但活力略有降低;变态7 d的泥东风螺稚螺能够适应高于21的低盐环境,存活基本正常,有比较高的成活率,但对其摄食和生长有一定的影响;当盐度突变至18时,泥东风螺稚螺仍能存活,突变至15时,则不能存活;而盐度渐变至15时,稚螺仍可存活;盐度逐渐降低只可扩大泥东风螺稚螺的存活盐度范围,但其对最适生长盐度范围影响有限。  相似文献   

<正>东风螺俗称"花螺"、"海猪螺"和"南风螺",因其肉肥味美、酥脆爽口,是国内外市场十分畅销的优质海产贝类。但由于近年来的过度捕捞,造成海上天然东风螺资源匮乏,价格一涨再涨。目前,40~80粒/斤规格的东风螺收购价已达50元/斤。近年来,广阔的市场前景使东风螺一度成为南方颇为热门的海水养殖新品种。湛江腾飞实业有限公司(以下简称"腾飞公司")更是开启东风螺工厂化养殖模式,加足马力进军东风螺养殖市场,并将  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the feasibility of using seaweeds as biofilters in a hatchery scale recirculating aquaculture system for juvenile spotted babylons (Babylonia areolata). Two seaweeds Gracilaria salicornia and Caulerpa lentillifera were used with three initial biomass levels of each species (280, 560 and 840 g wet weight m−3). Spotted babylon with an average initial shell length of 1.32 ± 0.01 cm and body weight of 0.37 ± 0.01 g was used with a stocking density of 300 snails m−2. The experiment was carried out in triplicate over a period of 120 days. Results showed that seawater quality (water temperature, conductivity, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen and total suspended solids) gradually changed with no significant differences between treatments throughout the experimental period, except alkalinity, total ammonia nitrogen, nitrite–nitrogen, nitrate–nitrogen and phosphate. Growth rates in weight and shell length of the spotted babylon cultured in all seaweed treatments used were not significantly different between seaweeds and density treatments, but significant differences in final survival rate of the spotted babylon were found between seaweed and density treatments. Growth rate and biomass gain of C. lentillifera were significantly higher than those of G. salicornia for all stocking density treatments. This study shows that Gracilaria salicornia and Caulerpa lentillifera can be used as biofilters for regulating water quality in a recirculating culture system for spotted babylons.  相似文献   

Growth, production and economic analysis was performed for the polyculture of juveniles spotted babylon, Babylonia areolata, and milkfish, Chanos chanos, to marketable sizes using a large‐scale production of earthen ponds in Thailand. The analysis was based on actual cost and production data from a pilot commercial‐scale farm. A total farm area of 0.8 ha was comprised of 0.3 ha grow‐out earthen ponds, a 0.4 ha seawater reservoir, and a 0.08 ha accommodation and office. Each pond was stocked with spotted babylon juveniles of 0.3 g initial body weight at a density of 200 snails m?2, and they were harvested at a 7‐month period, at an average body weight of 4.6 g for a total yield per production cycle of spotted babylon and milkfish of 9875 and 6875 kg ha?1 respectively. Based on farm data and harvest data used in this study, initial investment requirement was estimated to be $4837. The ownership cost and operating cost per production cycle were $2241 and $18 501 respectively. Total cost per production cycle was $20 742. The cost of producing spotted babylon marketable sizes in this grow‐out farm design was $6.56 kg?1. The enterprise budgets based on the price of spotted babylon at a farm gate in 2003 of $9.00 kg?1 results in gross return, net return, return to capital and management, and return on investment of $31 190, $10 448, $12 689 and 2.62 respectively. Milkfish was not calculated for any returns because they were less than marketable sizes.  相似文献   

A feeding experiment was conducted to determine the effects of dietary calcium and phosphorus, and the interaction between calcium and phosphorus, on the growth of juvenile spotted babylon, Babylonia areolata, cultured in a recirculating culture system. Nine isonitrogenous experimental diets supplemented with three levels of calcium (1, 4, and 7%) for each of three levels of phosphorus (1, 3, and 5%) were prepared using fish meal, squid meal, and shrimp meal as the main protein sources. Juveniles with an initial average body weight of 0.59 ± 0.09 g were fed to satiation once daily with one of the nine diets for 180 days. Absolute and specific growth rates were calculated for both shell length and whole wet body weight. Results showed that dietary calcium and phosphorus supplementation significantly affected the growth of juvenile spotted babylon (P < 0.05), but not survival and feed-conversion ratio. The specific growth rate in shell length (SGRL) ranged from 0.32 to 0.39% day−1. No significant difference among phosphorus levels and no significant interaction between calcium and phosphorus in SGRL of the spotted babylon (> 0.05) was found, but significant differences were observed among calcium levels, irrespective of phosphorus levels (< 0.05). For 1 and 7% supplemental calcium, the spotted babylon had significantly higher SGRL than those fed diets supplemented with 4% calcium. However, the specific growth rate in body weight (SGRW) ranged from 0.91 to 1.19% day−1 with no significant difference among calcium and phosphorus levels and no significant interaction between calcium and phosphorus (> 0.05). Survival and feed-conversion ratio were not significantly affected by dietary calcium and phosphorus levels with ranges from 91.00 to 95.00% and 2.43 to 2.76, respectively. At the end of the experiment, shell abnormality of B. areolata was found for all feeding trials.  相似文献   

Juvenile spotted babylon (Babylonia areolata) and sea bass (Lates calcarifer) were cultured in 11.5‐m3 indoor rearing tanks supplied with flow‐through of ambient natural sea water over a 120‐day experiment. Each species, stocked at the following densities for the following treatments, was tested with three replicates per treatment: 5000 B. areolata per tank (Treatment 1); 200 L. calcarifer per tank (Treatment 2); and 5000 B. areolata plus 200 L. calcarifer per tank (Treatment 3),. The average growth (length and weight), feed conversion ratio and total production of spotted babylon and sea bass from Treatment 3 were not significantly different from those of Treatment 1 and 2 (P > 0.05). Average survival rates for both spotted babylon and sea bass exceeded 95% for all treatments.  相似文献   

Hatchery‐reared juvenile spotted babylon Babylonia areolata (mean initial shell length 12.8 mm) were cultured intensively to marketable size in three 3.0 × 2.5 × 0.7 m indoor canvas rectangular tanks. The duplicate treatments of flowthrough and semi‐closed recirculating sea‐water systems were compared at an initial stocking density of 300 individuals m?2 (2250 juveniles per tank). The animals were fed ad libitum with fresh carangid fish Selaroides leptolepis once daily. During 240 culture days, average growth rates in shell length and body weight were 3.86 mm month?1 and 1.47 g month?1 for the flowthrough system and 3.21 mm month?1 and 1.10 g month?1 for those in the semi‐closed recirculating system. Survival in the flowthrough system (95.77%) was significantly higher than that in the semi‐closed recirculating system (79.28%). Feed conversion ratios were 1.68 and 1.96 for flowthrough and semi‐closed recirculating systems respectively.  相似文献   

池塘养殖斑节对虾生长、发育与性成熟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解不同养殖条件下斑节对虾的生长、外生殖器发育、性腺发育及性成熟之间的关系,对其养殖进行跟踪调查研究.结果显示:①斑节对虾雌雄外生殖器官发育和头胸甲长呈线性关系;②不同养殖环境条件下,斑节对虾性成熟生物学最小型个体无显著差异.雄性精荚出现的生物学最小型个体为头胸甲长3.1 cm,体长11.1 cm,体质量20.0 g;雄性性成熟个体的头胸甲长3.7 cm,体长13.0 cm,体质量37.0 g.池养雌性斑节对虾的性成熟生物学最小型个体以纳精囊的发育完全(可与雄虾交配)为标志,其最小性成熟个体的头胸甲长4.3 cm、体长15.1 cm、体质量53.0 g,雌性性成熟个体为头胸甲长5.0 cm,体长17.0 cm,体质量75.0 g以上;③池塘养殖斑节对虾性成熟与日龄和养殖环境相关.鱼塭雄虾精荚出现的最早时间为日龄120 d前后,其性成熟日龄约为160 d;池塘养殖雄虾精荚出现的最早时间为日龄150 d前后,其性成熟日龄约为260 d.鱼媪雌虾最早交配发生在日龄165 d前后,性成熟日龄205~236 d,池养雌虾最早交配发生在日龄240~ 280 d,性成熟日龄295~360 d以上.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the feasibility of growing out hatchery‐reared spotted babylon juvenile (Babylonia areolata) in earthen ponds. The growth, survival and water quality for monoculture of spotted babylon were compared with the two polyculture trials with sea bass (Lates calcarifer) or milkfish (Chanos chanos). This study provided good results for growth and survival of spotted babylon in earthen ponds. The mean body weight gain of snails held in the monoculture was 5.39±0.08 g, and 4.07±0.16 and 4.25±0.11 g for those held in the polyculture with sea bass or milkfish respectively. Food conversion ratios (FCR) were 2.69, 2.96 and 2.71 for snails held in the monoculture and polyculture with sea bass and milkfish, respectively, and the final survival rates were 84.94%, 74.30% and 81.20% respectively. There were no significant differences in each parameter of water quality among the treatments but significant differences among the culture period were present (P<0.05). Salinity and total alkalinity showed the greatest changes during the culture period for all treatments. Seawater temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, nitrite–nitrogen and ammonia–nitrogen gradually changed over the culture period for all the treatments. The present study indicated the technical feasibility for monoculture and polyculture of B. areolata to marketable sizes in earthen ponds.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to evaluate the use of brewers yeast and nucleotides as a growth promoter and to provide vibriosis resistance for the juveniles of gastropod spotted babylon (Babylonia areolata). Juvenile spotted babylon (0.3 g initial weight) were randomly distributed at a density of 50 snails in 45-L aquaria and fed a basic diet (40% crude protein) containing two incremental levels of 1 and 2% brewers yeast and nucleotides singularly for 4 months. After the feeding trial, snails from each treatment were challenged by pathogenic bacteria Vibrio alginolyticus given by intramuscular injection and kept under observation for 5 days to record clinical signs and daily mortality rates. Results indicated that the snails fed with diets supplemented with brewers yeast or nucleotides exhibited significantly greater growth than those fed the basic diet (P < 0.05) and significantly better food conversion ratios compared to snails fed the basic diet (P < 0.05). These results indicated that dietary supplementation of brewers yeast or nucleotides, at least at the tested dosages, enhanced spotted babylon growth. Supplementing the diet with 1% brewers yeast promises to provide appropriate resistance to V. alginolyticus.  相似文献   

吊养在池塘不同水层中的三角帆蚌的存活和生长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年5~11月在浙江省诸暨某池塘研究了吊养在池塘水表层下10 cm、40 cm和80 cm处三角帆蚌(Hyri-opsis cumingii)的生长。实验结果表明:吊养在不同水层的三角帆蚌成活率无显著差异,但吊养在表层下40 cm水层的蚌蚌壳长、蚌壳宽和蚌重增长速度明显高于吊养在表层下10 cm和80 cm水层的蚌,吊养在表层下10 cm处的蚌生长最慢。  相似文献   

A growth trial was conducted to determine the effects of dietary carbohydrate level on growth performance, feed utilization and metabolism of juvenile spotted babylon. Six isonitrogenous and isoenergetic experimental diets (48% crude protein and 15 MJ kg− 1 diet) using wheat starch as the carbohydrate source, were formulated to contain six carbohydrate levels. Triplicate groups of 45 animals (initial average weight, 168.39 ± 0.69 mg) were stocked in 120-l tanks and fed to apparent satiation twice daily for 10 weeks. Growth performance and feed utilization were significantly affected by dietary carbohydrate level. Maximum weight gain and specific growth rate occurred at 20% dietary starch inclusion, survival and soft body to shell ratios were not significantly different among diets. There were significant differences in protein, lipid, moisture and glycogen content in soft body. Glycogen content in soft body was positively correlated with dietary starch level. The activities of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase were significantly affected by dietary starch level, with both peaking in the 20% treatment; however, there were no significant differences in 6-phosphofructokinase activity in any treatment. Quadratic regression analysis of weight gain against dietary starch level indicated that the optimal dietary carbohydrate level for maximum weight gain of juvenile spotted babylon is 27.1% of dry diet.  相似文献   

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