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以‘金桃’‘翠玉’‘金艳’‘黄金果’‘东红’‘徐香’‘红阳’7个宜昌猕猴桃主栽品种为试材,探究在冷藏、冷藏后常温存放5 d两种条件下,果实失重率、硬度、可溶性固形物三个指标随贮藏时间的变化。研究表明,果实失重率均随贮藏时间的延长而上升,冷藏后常温存放5 d的条件下果实失重率高于冷藏条件,两种条件均为‘黄金果’失重率最高,‘徐香’失重率最低。果实硬度随贮藏时间的延长而下降,冷藏条件下,较耐贮的为‘金桃’‘徐香’,其次是‘翠玉’‘黄金果’‘红阳’,贮藏性较差的为‘金艳’‘东红’。冷藏后常温存放5 d的条件下,果实硬度下降较快,‘红阳’最不耐贮。两种条件下均为果实可溶性固形物含量与硬度呈反比,可溶性固形物含量均为‘红阳’>‘金艳’或‘东红’>‘黄金果’>‘翠玉’>‘徐香’>‘金桃’。  相似文献   

影响板栗贮藏的因素及几种贮藏方法影响因素:晚熟品种较早熟品种,北方品种较南方品种耐贮藏;果实呼吸作用强,腐烂率高,坚果进入休眠阶段,腐烂率最低;果实失水多,淀粉酶和呼吸酶活性强,导致感病腐烂;果实成熟度高,耐贮性强。板栗贮前处理可提高其耐贮性:(1)...  相似文献   

为提高无花果果实的耐贮性,以5年生无花果品种布兰瑞克为试材,进行果实生长发育期喷钙和萘乙酸处理对无花果贮藏品质影响的研究.结果表明:采前钙和萘乙酸处理能使贮藏期间无花果的硬度、可溶性固形物、可滴定酸、维生素C含量的下降速度得到抑制,减少了营养物质随时间变化的损耗,降低了无花果的腐烂速度,延缓了果实的衰老过程,对提高无花果果实的耐贮性起到了良好作用,以1.0?Cl2 30 mg/LNAA处理的果实贮藏效果最佳.  相似文献   

将秋子梨与鸭梨在相同自然冷室条件下,进行了对比贮藏研究。无论在贮前还是贮后,秋子梨的可溶性固形物总是高于鸭梨。且随贮藏期的延长而增加,以果实硬度、呼吸强度和失重率等指标考察了秋子梨的耐藏性,结果表明秋子梨优于鸭梨。  相似文献   

以河北省辛集市南智邱镇大车城村桃园9年生桃新品种‘保佳红’与‘早久保’为参试对象,测定分析了其果实生长发育过程中单果重、横纵侧径、总糖含量、可滴定酸含量等指标的动态变化以及贮藏过程中可溶性固形物含量、硬度和失重率的变化。结果表明,‘保佳红’果实生长动态与‘早久保’相似,单果重、横纵侧径增长均呈双“S”形曲线;在果实整个生长发育过程中,总糖含量呈上升趋势;可滴定酸含量呈现先上升后下降趋势;硬度在果实发育前期变化较小,至果实第二次快速生长阶段迅速下降;糖酸比逐渐增加。‘保佳红’比‘早久保’耐贮,常温下贮藏6天、0℃条件下贮藏27天仍保持固有风味。  相似文献   

不同品种沙果果实品质评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用合理-满意度和多维价值理论复合评价方法,以单果质量、可溶性糖、可滴定酸、单宁含量和果实硬度5个因子为评价目标,对13种沙果品质进行综合评价。结果表明,山东沂水的‘一窝蜂’单宁含量最低,糖酸比最高,果肉硬度适中,口感风味最好,果形指数1.05,高桩,缺点是果个小;夏津秋沙单果质量最大;天平南王沙果果实硬度最高,这些品种优异性状突出,是极具价值的育种资源。不同品种沙果单果质量、可溶性糖、可滴定酸、单宁含量和果实硬度差异极显著,可滴定酸、还原糖、可溶性总糖与可溶性固形物含量呈显著或极显著正相关。‘天平南王’沙果、‘泰安’沙果、‘东北’沙果以及‘太谷红果’果实合理满意度高,综合品质优良。  相似文献   

对凉山州‘红阳’猕猴桃作不同果袋套袋试验,结果表明:套普通猕猴桃单层袋和套外黄内黑双层袋均可显著降低猕猴桃日灼果、机械伤果比率,提高果实外观品质;套单层袋对果形影响不大,套双层袋后,果实变为短圆柱形;套单层袋的果实可溶性固形物含量与干物质含量略有降低,变化不显著,套双层袋导致果实中可溶性固形物含量与干物质含量大幅降低,变化显著。  相似文献   

以5个红色品种("黑比诺""梅鹿辄""品丽珠""蛇龙珠""赤霞珠")与2个白色品种("霞多丽""贵人香")共计7个酿酒葡萄品种为材料,比较分析7个品种果实纵横径、单粒质量、果形指数、可溶性固形物、还原糖、可滴定酸以及果皮酚类物质(总酚、单宁和总花色苷)含量等品质指标。结果表明,不同酿酒葡萄品种之间果实品质存在显著性差异。"贵人香""霞多丽""蛇龙珠"果粒大,果实可溶性固形物、还原糖含量高,可滴定酸含量较低,糖酸比高,果皮酚类物质含量低;"黑比诺""品丽珠"果粒相对较小,果实可溶性固形物、还原糖含量较低,可滴定酸含量高,糖酸比较低,果皮单宁和总花色苷含量高;"梅鹿辄"果皮总酚和单宁含量最高。这些结果为武威地区酿酒葡萄栽培中品种选择、品种结构优化提供理论基础,以及为提高该产区酿酒葡萄原料和葡萄酒质量提供参考。  相似文献   

醋栗7-8月成熟,易受到机械损伤和微生物污染腐烂变质。醋栗常用低温和气调保鲜等方式进行贮藏,贮藏时间短,营养物质易损失。为丰富醋栗果实的保鲜技术,以新鲜醋栗果实为对象,对其进行壳聚糖-明胶涂膜保鲜处理,每隔2 d测定1次生理指标。结果表明:在贮藏第10 d时,对照组的果实失重率达6.7%,试验组的果实失重率仅3.4%;对照组VC含量为1.201 mg·g~(-1),而试验组VC含量达1.611 mg·g~(-1);由于涂膜保鲜的醋栗果实持水性较好,贮藏第10 d时可溶性固形物含量下降较对照组显著; POD活性测定表明涂膜保鲜贮藏的醋栗果实衰老速度得到延缓。  相似文献   

以沾化冬枣为试材,研究了不同浓度CO2对冬枣果实品质及贮藏效果的影响。结果表明,在温度-1℃~-2℃,氧气3%~5%条件下,1.0%~1.5%的CO2浓度能有效抑制冬枣呼吸作用,减缓可溶性固形物的增加,减少维生素的损失,保持果实硬度,降低冬枣的失重率和腐烂率,保持贮藏品质,延长贮藏期。  相似文献   

余甘子营养(化学)成份研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

余甘子生物学特性及其利用初步研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
本文介绍了余甘子形态特征、物候期、结果特性、生长发育周期、生态习性以及果实贮藏加工利用技术等,指出了当前余甘子研究和开发利用中存在的问题,并提出了相应对策措施。  相似文献   

经5年重复实验,筛选出胡柚果实最佳贮藏方法。果实用50ppm2,4-D+0.1%托布津溶液浸果10秒钟,待干耗5.5%左右,用0.025mm厚聚乙稀薄膜袋充氮包装或0.015mm薄膜单果包装,室温贮藏,11月入库至翌年4月中旬,其干烂耗总和分别为1.8%和2.13%,为对照干烂耗总和的10.95%和11.73%。贮藏结束时,枯水果比对照明显减少。氮气包装枯水果3%以下。  相似文献   

为选育良种及为产业生产提供优质穗条,在腾冲红花油茶集中分布的滇西5县(区)开展优树选择。按照优树选择标准,经初选、复选、决选共选出优树50株,其平均单果重66.42g变幅39.7~99.9、鲜果出干籽率18.19%变幅14.1-25.2、种子出仁率69.35%变幅60,93~77.76、仁油率55.90%变幅50.89-62.68、果油率7.05%变幅5.2-10.2、果实产量3.53kg/m^2变幅1.55~8.47,优树间种实性状及果实产量差异仍然较大。利用优树无性系建立3个品比试验园,为长期保存优树种质、良种选育及开展种间杂交育种工作创造了条件。  相似文献   

Studies of tree-to-tree variation in fruit traits are a pre-requisite for cultivar development. Fruits were collected from each of 63 marula (Sclerocarya birrea) trees in Bushbuckridge, South Africa and from 55 trees from the North Central Region of Namibia. The South African trees were in farmers fields, communal land and natural woodland, at three sites: Acornhoek road, Allandale/Green Valley and Andover/Wits Rural Facility. The Namibian trees were all from farmers fields in three areas: North east, North west and West. The fruits were partitioned into skin and flesh/juice to examine the extent of the variation found in different components of marula fruits from different trees. Namibian fruits were significantly larger than those from South Africa (26.7 vs 20.1 g), due to their greater pulp mass (22.2 vs 16.2 g), especially the flesh/juice component. In South African fruits, those from farmers fields were significantly larger in all components (Fruit mass = 23.6 vs 19.3 and 18.0 g in natural woodland and communal land respectively). In Namibia, mean fruit mass did not differ significantly across sites (25.5 − 27.0 g). However, within each sample there was highly significant and continuous variation between trees in the pulp (S Africa = 7.5 − 31.3 g; Namibia = 8.3 − 36.0 g) and flesh/juice mass (S Africa = 2.2 − 7.6g; Namibia = 3.8 − 22. 6g), indicating the potential for selection of trees producing superior products. The fruits of the Namibian trees were compared with the fruits from one superior tree (‘Namibian Wonder) with a mean fruit mass of 69.9 g The percentage frequency distribution of fruit mass from trees in farmers fields in South Africa was skewed, while being bimodal in North east and North west populations from Namibia, suggesting that at these sites farmers are engaged in domestication through truncated selection of the best mother trees. It is concluded that there are trees in on-farm populations that have great potential to be propagated vegetatively as selected cultivars.  相似文献   

Uapaca kirkiana (Muell. Arg.) is a woodland fruit tree that is native to parts of eastern, central and southern Africa. Unripe fruits are harvested from wild and semi-wild sources by dislodging them from trees. Ripe fruits are gathered from the ground after abscission. Utilization of the fruits is affected by problems such as variability of fruit quality and high perishability. Quality attributes of fruits harvested on 1 and 17 November, and 3 December 2003 and kept at 25–30°C, have been evaluated. On the second and third harvests, fruits were also stored in polythene bags to investigate a common incubation method to hasten ripening. Fruit weight and colour before and after ripening, and the soluble solids concentrations (SSC) of ripe fruits were measured. The redness (a*) values at harvest increased from 3.5 to 5.3 units from 1 November to 3 December. Over this period there was a significant decline in both lightness (L*; 63.8 to 58.9 units) and yellowness (b*, 39.6 to 36.4 units). Skin colour became darker during storage as reflected by the decreasing lightness (L* values from 63.8 to 44.5 units), yellowness (b* values from 36.6 to 20.1 units) and increasing redness (a* values from 3.5 to 8.8 units). Fruits harvested on 17 November and 3 December did not darken during storage as much as fruits harvested on 1 November. Fruits harvested on 3 December lost less weight (13.7%) during storage than those harvested on 1 November (34.0%), while the respective SSC measured 6 days after harvest were 18.1% and 9.9%. Fruits kept in polythene bags had 5.3% lower SSC than those kept on plates. The results demonstrate the benefits of delaying fruit harvest to improve quality attributes such as fruit skin colour at harvest and during storage, to reduce weight loss and to obtain higher SSC during storage.  相似文献   

为延长蓝莓贮藏时间,以‘灿烂’蓝莓为试材,将果实放入不同的缓释保鲜纸后在PE袋中低温冷藏,对贮藏期间鲜果的质量损失率、硬度、还原糖含量、可滴定酸含量、总酚含量、花色苷含量等理化指标进行测定分析,研究1-MCP和SO_2缓释保鲜纸对蓝莓采后冷藏品质的影响。结果表明:1-MCP缓释保鲜纸可有效减少蓝莓的质量损失,维持蓝莓硬度,减少坏果率,提高和保持还原糖和花色苷含量,降低可滴定酸和总酚含量,延缓可溶性固形物含量高峰的出现,使蓝莓保持良好的风味和耐贮藏性。SO_2缓释保鲜纸及1-MCP缓释保鲜纸和SO_2缓释保鲜纸一起使用,虽能够减少蓝莓质量损失,增加硬度,但对还原糖、花色苷、可滴定酸、总酚含量等指标无积极作用,且SO_2药害的存在,使得蓝莓外观受到严重影响,风味大幅下降,因此不适合用于蓝莓保鲜。  相似文献   

油茶象危害油茶果实的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对福建省闽侯桐口国有林场油茶杂交试验林果实的果径、果高、果重、籽重(种仁重)以及果实受害率等进行测定,分析油茶象对油茶果的危害情况。结果表明:在调查的油茶林分中,株受害率为94.7%,平均虫果率为14.7%;健康果平均果径为3.01 cm,显著地大于虫果的2.86 cm;健康果平均果高为3.05 cm,显著地高于虫果的2.84 cm;健康果平均果重为16.8 g.个-1,极显著地大于虫果的果重;健康果籽重为6.2 g.个-1,极显著地大于虫果籽重4.8 g.个-1;结果表明:油茶象的危害严重影响了油茶果的生长和油茶的产量。  相似文献   

We analyzed the phenotypic variation of baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) fruits from Mali to define the domestication potential of this species. 269 trees, selected from 10 provenances distributed along a rainfall gradient, were characterized. Five fruits were sampled from each tree. Total individual fruit weight was partitioned into shell, pulp, and seed weight. Ratios were calculated between pulp + seed and total weight, and between pulp and seed weight. For all the measured fruit traits, we detected significant differences between provenances, as well as between trees from the same provenance. Assuming that the measured traits are under genetic control, the latter facts indicate that there are considerable opportunities for tree selection on a local scale. However, candidate plus trees with specific properties, e.g., extremely high pulp or seed weight, were found only in some locations. Mean pulp yield per fruit might be considerably increased by selecting the 5% trees with the highest pulp weight (mean: 45 ± 1 g, best 5%: >100 g). The same might be true for seed production (mean: 71 ± 2 g, best 5%: >150 g). Also the ratio between pulp and seed weight can be an important fruit characteristic for selection: in fruits with a low ratio, relatively more pulp sticks to the seeds when separating the two fruit parts by grinding, and thus more pulp will be lost for further processing. We identified several trees with a high pulp weight combined with a high ratio between pulp and seed weight. It is concluded that there is considerable phenotypic variability in traits of baobab fruit in Mali, offering opportunities for cultivar selection.  相似文献   

选择38个腾冲红花油茶优株,设置八成熟采果、近生理成熟采果与及时脱粒、堆沤12d后脱粒组合而成的4种果实采收脱粒处理,对其主要产量、品质指标进行测定和分析.结果表明:4种处理间产量、品质达极显著差异(P<0.01);果实八成熟采收导致产量严重损失,其仁油率、籽油率、果油率分别降低11.9%、18.2%和31.7%,籽油酸价亦降低10.5%而利于储存;近生理成熟采收“堆沤”处理与及时脱粒比较,其仁油率降低4.5%,而籽油酸价则提高7.3%;因此,腾冲红花油茶果实宜在生理成熟时采收并及时脱粒.研究结果为确定腾冲红花油茶果实合适采收期和采后处理方式提供了技术依据.  相似文献   

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