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在家禽业中需要重点防控的病毒性呼吸系统疾病有新城疫、传染性支气管炎、传染性喉气管炎、禽偏肺病毒病、禽流感.这类呼吸系统疾病的防控策略由于受到很多因素的影响,效果不一.结合生物安全、有效免疫、快速准确的诊断以及全面的现代管理技术综合性措施的实施可以获得较好防控效果.并且,了解家禽遗传因素、营养、管理和传染性疾病之间的互作有助于更好地防控家禽病毒性呼吸系统疾病.  相似文献   

猪传染性胸膜肺炎是由胸膜肺炎放线杆菌引起的猪呼吸系统疾病,2008年2月以来,某养猪基地陆续发生病猪体温升高、倦怠、厌食、消瘦为主要临床症状的疾病。用青霉素、链霉素及抗病毒药物治疗无效。笔者接诊后,根据临床症状、剖检病变及实验室检验,诊断为猪传染性胸膜肺炎,并及时用敏感药物进行治疗,使疫病得到控制。现将流行病学、剖检变化、实验室诊断及防治措施报告如下:  相似文献   

羊肠毒血症,又称过食症,临床为急性、致死性、传染性疾病。常规用西药治疗,对毒素的作用甚微。笔者尝试采用中药配方治疗,解毒消毒理想,对多种致病菌有抑制作用。文章介绍诊断要点,阐述中西药疗法技术要点,以供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

鸡传染性支气管炎是鸡养殖过程中一种传染性非常强的急性呼吸系统疾病。虽然该疾病并不会出现较高的死亡率,但是在鸡患病之后,会出现生长发育迟缓或是产蛋量下降的情况,严重制约鸡养殖业的健康发展。针对该疾病,及时发现并采取有效的综合防治措施是最有效的手段。基于此,文章对鸡传染性支气管炎的治疗办法进行了分析和探究。  相似文献   

犬传染性呼吸系统疾病,即犬窝咳,临床特征表现为发热、咳嗽、流涕,是一种多因素和多种病毒、细菌引起犬的重要疾病,其中犬副流感病毒是犬传染性呼吸系统疾病主要病因。该病在世界各国普遍存在,是危害犬业重要传染病之一。  相似文献   

雾化吸入疗法(又称喷雾疗法)是利用气体射流原理。将药物的溶液或极细粉末经喷雾器或雾化器等形成药物蒸汽、雾粒或气溶胶悬浮于气体中,形成气雾剂而输入呼吸道。进行呼吸道湿化或药物吸入来治疗疾病的一种方法。目前雾化吸收疗法在人类呼吸系统疾病的治疗与危重病人的护理领域已经取得了良好的效果,是当前呼吸系统疾病的主流治疗手段。与口服法相比雾化吸入疗法能将药物直接作用于病变部位,具有用药剂量小、见效快、副作用小和使用方便等优点,且疗效显著。  相似文献   

目前,猪呼吸系统疾病已成为我国许多规模化猪场和农村养猪大户十分关注的问题,因为他们所饲养的猪大多都遭受着呼吸系统疾病的侵害,这些疾病主要有:猪繁殖与呼吸综合征、猪伪狂犬病、猪气喘病、猪传染性胸膜肺炎、猪传染性萎缩性鼻炎、猪链球菌病、猪肺疫、猪流行性感冒等。这些疾病在临床症状上易于被混淆,诊疗不当常导致猪的大批死亡,造成重大经济损失。现阶段,这些疾病的诊断主要依赖于实验室检测,而在基层实际临床防治过程中,由于受多种因素和条件的限制,很难以做到这一点。为此,我们根据这些疾病特定的临床症状、病理变化,简述这些疾病…  相似文献   

在猪的所有疾病中,传染性胸膜肺炎与其他呼吸系统疾病是猪群在一定的应激条件下感染1种或多种病原从而使猪的呼吸系统表现出系列的呼吸障碍综合征候群。猪呼吸系统疫病传播迅速,猪只不分大小、品种、年龄等均可感染,且感染的猪只数量巨大。单独感染或交叉混合感染,临床诊断与防治困难,猪呼吸系统疾病一旦发生,  相似文献   

<正>中国猪业:猪场常见呼吸道疾病的种类有哪些?病原有哪些?其危害有多大?郭小权:猪场常见呼吸系统疾病发生的因素复杂,有传染性和非传染性的,常是多因子引起的,且是各因素相互作用的结果,这些因素包括:病原、饲养管理、季节、环境、应激、药物等。呼吸系统疾病的主-传染性病原包括:(1)病毒:猪繁殖和呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)、Ⅱ型圆环病毒(PCV-2)、猪流感病毒、猪瘟病毒、伪狂犬病毒、猪巨细胞病毒  相似文献   

正引起猪呼吸系统疾病的因素较为复杂,细菌、病毒、支原体、寄生虫、异物、低温等均可引起猪呼吸系统方面的疾病。现猪场较为常见的呼吸系统疾病有猪肺疫、传染性胸膜肺炎、气喘病、流行性感冒、繁殖与呼吸障碍综合征等。下面对以上几种疾病做简要鉴别诊断,为有效治疗奠定基础。1猪巴氏杆菌病本病是由多杀性巴氏杆菌引起的一种传染病,又称猪肺疫或猪出血性败血症。1.1症状最急性型:俗称"锁喉风",常无明显症状  相似文献   

Respiratory tract disease is commonly diagnosed in captive collections of reptiles and associated with high morbidity and mortality. Improper environmental conditions are often contributing factors for the development of respiratory disease in reptiles. A detailed knowledge of the unique reptilian respiratory morphology and function is essential to successfully diagnose and treat respiratory disease. A variety of noninfectious and infectious causes have been identified in the etiology of reptile respiratory disease. Knowledge of the pathophysiology of reptilian diseases is increasing, and with the availability of new therapeutic agents and advanced diagnostic techniques, the diagnosis and treatment of reptile respiratory tract disease has become more successful.  相似文献   

Fungal infections affecting the integumentary system, the upper and lower respiratory system and the gastro-intestinal tract have been reported in many species of captive reptiles. Systemic mycoses are diagnosed rarely in reptiles, and in most cases, they are a postmortem finding. Commonly, immunocompromised reptiles, kept in suboptimal environmental conditions are affected. In many cases, mixed bacterial and fungal infections of opportunistic organisms may be present. A diagnosis of a primary fungal infection is based on proper selection and collection of diagnostic specimens such as biopsies of infected tissues. Treatment of fungal infections in reptiles includes administration of effective antifungal agents and correction of inappropriate environmental conditions such as poor hygiene, too high or too low temperature and humidity, inadequate diet, and stress from overcrowding. Few studies have investigated effective dosages and dosage intervals of antifungal agents in reptiles.  相似文献   

Primary respiratory disease is uncommon in marsupials, but generalized disease often involves the respiratory tract in these animals. Other disease entities may spread to involve the respiratory system secondarily. Treatment is challenging because most animals are severely compromised on presentation. Bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi and yeasts, trauma, and neoplasia all can affect the respiratory systems of marsupials. Some of these conditions are only incidental findings, whereas others are pathogenic. Many therapies and diagnostic procedures are extrapolated from those in companion animal medicine and surgery. Despite the problems associated with the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory disease in marsupials, new therapeutic agents and diagnostic techniques are making these tasks easier and ultimately more successful.  相似文献   

The number of reptiles maintained as pets, along with the captive reproduction of these animals, has increased dramatically over the last 2 decades. Reproductive tract pathology, secondary to an inadequate captive environment, is a common occurrence that can lead to abnormal reproductive activity and resulting disease. Additional factors such as malnutrition, obesity, systemic disease, infection/inflammation, trauma, and dehydration contribute to the development of reproductive tract disorders. The diagnosis of reproductive tract disease requires a thorough history, laboratory testing, and diagnostic imaging. An understanding of a species' biological and environmental requirements is essential for the prevention of reproductive tract disease. The purpose of this article is to review the reproductive tract anatomy and physiology of snakes, turtles, and lizards, and to provide a brief overview of the common disorders affecting the reproductive tract of reptilian species.  相似文献   

Bronchoscopy is a useful diagnostic and therapeutic tool in veterinary medicine. The increased availability of fiberoptic technology and video-endoscopy has enhanced recognition of the benefits gained from visualization of the lower airways in animals with lower respiratory tract disease. Specimens retrieved from the lower airway during bronchoscopy have greater diagnostic capacity, and a better understanding of the pathophysiology of disease is provided through application of bronchoscopy to animals with respiratory tract disease.  相似文献   

The etiological participation of different viruses in the pneumonia complex of cattle is undisputed. The significance of the individual viruses in the genesis of disease symptoms is still mostly unclear. Since the pneumonia complex of cattle is a multifactorial syndrome, vaccination programs as the only measure of prophylaxis in most cases do not show the desired effect. Against those viral agents causing self-standing diseases of the respiratory tract, specific vaccinations are applicable with success. Prerequisite for their effectiveness, however, is the exact etiological clarification of the cause of disease or of the existing infections respectively in the herd. The frequency of possible viral agents in infections of the respiratory tract in cattle from herds of the province of Schleswig-Holstein found in routine diagnostic work during the last four years is presented in addition.  相似文献   

马病毒性动脉炎(EVA)是马属动物之间通过呼吸道或生殖器官传播的传染病,是危害养马业及赛马比赛的重要疾病之一,应用各种诊断技术对该病做出准确的诊断是预防和控制该病的前提.EVA的诊断技术包括检测病毒,检测血清抗体,涉及的技术和方法包括病毒的分离及中和试验、血凝及血凝抑制试验、免疫荧光试验以及酶联免疫吸附试验等.每种诊断技术都有其各自的优势和局限性,应根据目的及工作条件等综合情况予以选择,论文就各种诊断技术的原理、方法及特点进行了概述和比较,并对今后的应用前景和发展趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   

An adult female royal python was referred with an 18-month history of chronic respiratory tract disease. Anemia and moderate leukocytosis with heterophilia and monocytosis were detected and interpreted as evidence of a chronic inflammatory condition. Evaluation of lateral and dorsoventral radiographic views revealed multiple soft-tissue opacities within the cranial lung fields. Endoscopic evaluation revealed that the normal reticulated pattern on the surface of the lung had been largely replaced by diffuse, granulomatous tissue. Histologic examination of biopsy specimens revealed classic pyogranulomas. Ziehl-Neelsen stains revealed numerous acid-fast bacilli consistent with Mycobacterium spp. Molecular methods including polymerase chain reaction restriction assays and DNA sequencing confirmed the identification of M. haemophilum and M. marinum. The snake was euthanatized. Mycobacteriosis is an uncommon and sporadic pyogranulomatous disease of reptiles. In most cases of reptile mycobacteriosis, treatment is not advised because of the chronic nature and often advanced stage of the disease, long-term and expensive nature of potential treatment regimens, and the risk of spread to other animals, including humans.  相似文献   

Respiratory diseases play an important role in reptiles kept in captivity. Microbiological examinations are described as an essential part of the diagnostic possibilities. Therefore the aim of this study was to collect data on the usefulness of results obtained after aerobic culture (sheepblood, brilliantgreen, sabouraud's agar) of swabs and tracheal lavages following standardized sampling. Respiratory symptoms were found in 24.3% of the snakes, 16.5% of the tortoises/turtles and 1.6% of the lizards presented in the clinic for birds and reptiles at the university Leipzig. Altogether, 52% of the examined samples were found to be bacteriologically and 31% mycologically of pathologic significance. The tracheal lavage proved to be more sensitive in comparison to swabs taken from the pharynx. The bacteria most often found in the samples were Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Stenotrophomonas maltophila. Mycologic culture revealed Aspergillus sp. and yeast most often. In boids and pythons, the highest number of bacteriologic results assessed to be of pathological significance were found (75%). Mycologically, samples from tortoises were found most often to have a result of pathological significance (48%). To summarize the aerobic cultivation on standard media (in this study: Columbia-Agar with sheep blood, brilliant-green-, Sabouraud-Agar) can be recommended as an initial diagnostic measure in reptiles presented with respiratory symptoms; further pathogens (eg, viral examination, Mycoplasma) should be checked additionally.  相似文献   

Even though the respiratory system is one of the most accessible organs for diagnostic testing, it is not always easy to define chronic lower airway disease in the horse. Diagnostic procedures performed by first opinion veterinarians in the field are often restricted to taking the history and performing clinical examination. Respiratory tract endoscopy, tracheal or bronchoalveolar lavage, and blood sampling are sometimes used but other specific ancillary examinations are seldom performed in stable settings. Therefore, our objectives were to evaluate the diagnostic value of different techniques and examination types routinely used in the diagnostic workup of chronic equine lower airway cases in both stable and clinical circumstances. Another aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of different chronic pulmonary disorders among horses admitted to a Hungarian referral clinic. According to the conditional inference tree method, age of the horse, history, clinical examination, respiratory tract endoscopy, and bronchoalveolar lavage cytology proved to be the most valuable tools to define pathology. It was also concluded that in 22% of cases, more specific ancillary diagnostic modalities, unavailable for the field veterinarian, were needed to establish the final diagnosis. According to our study, the most frequently diagnosed chronic pulmonary disorders in Hungary are of noninfectious origin, principally recurrent airway obstruction. Regardless of the cause, and interestingly including recurrent airway obstruction as well, these diseases occur primarily during the warm months.  相似文献   

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