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笔者等于去年在本刊第六期介绍了“几种危害农作物的蜗牛和蛞蝓的识别”,现就野蛞蝓的发生、为害,报道如下: 野蛞蝓(Agriolimax agrestis L.)系一种陆生软体动物,热带、亚热带、温带均有分布,是农业上的间歇性大害虫。近年来由于气候反常、气温偏高、多雨、潮湿,适于野蛞蝓的生长和繁殖,加之滥施农药和化肥,导致野蛞蝓的天敌数量和种类逐年减少,失去生态平衡,在长江流域,尤其江浙  相似文献   

谭荫初 《植物医生》1996,9(2):13-14
旱作蜗牛和蛞蝓的危害与防治谭荫初(湖南省农科院,长沙410125)蜗牛和蛞蝓是几乎所有旱土作物的两大敌害。两者同属软体动物门、腹足纲、柄眼目。其中蜗牛属前鳃亚纲、巴蜗牛科;蛞蝓属肺螺亚纲、蛞蝓科。蜗牛俗称天螺狮、小田缧.水牛等。蛞蝓俗称软蜗牛、奶虫、...  相似文献   

陈连根 《植物保护》1992,18(3):47-47
近年来,随着园林事业的发展,设施栽培规模也在不断扩大,蛞蝓、蚯蚓因湿度大,繁殖快,严重影响了园林植物的生长。我单每年要出口大批树桩盆景,这些有害动物严重影响了盆景的出口创汇,目前,药剂市场上,很少见到针对蛞蝓、蚯蚓的特效药,为此我就蛞蝓、蚯蚓进行了药剂试验。 供试药剂:80%敌敌畏乳油1000倍,40%  相似文献   

宁夏地区温室蛞蝓的发生规律及防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蛞蝓[Agriolimax agrestis(Linnaeus)]属软体动物门(Mollusca),蛞蝓科(Limacidae),俗称鼻涕虫,危害多种农作物幼苗和蔬菜,以及各种花卉[1].近年来,北方地区保护地发展较快,面积很大,温室蛞蝓发生严重.为探索蛞蝓在宁夏地区的发生规律,笔者于2003年对蛞蝓的危害、生物学特性、种群消长规律等作了调查,其目的在于探索防治蛞蝓的途径与方法.  相似文献   

密达控制蛞蝓和蜗牛的理想药剂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
密达控制蛞蝓和蜗牛的理想药剂罗怀海(四川省农业厅植保站成都610041蛞蝓和蜗牛属于软体动物,食性极杂,可为害多种农作物,尤其是棉花、蔬菜、烟草、柑桔等经济作物上。近年来在我省发生普遍,二者常混生为害,不同程度地影响作物的品质和产量。瑞士龙沙公司与广...  相似文献   

陈德牛 《植物检疫》1995,9(1):30-34
美国重要检疫性螺类和蛞蝓早在1960年以前,美国农业部植物检疫部门将48种蜗牛,10种蛞蝓及16种淡水螺类列入重要检疫性有害生物,现将其种类、分布译于后,以供参考。陆生软体动物一、前鳃亚纲Prosobranchia(1)树螺科Helicinidae1...  相似文献   

野蛞蝓发生动态及生活习性观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经多年观察研究,基本明确了野蛞蝓的发生消长和活动、为害规律,提出了可行的防治方法  相似文献   

苦葛根毒杀蛞蝓初步观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国农药植物资源丰富,群众经验很多,1958—1959年我们在四川省雅安、天全等地调查,当地农民早有使用苦葛根毒角及防治农业害虫的经验,经我们鉴定苦葛对蚜虫、蛞蝓等害虫有较好的杀伤效果,无药害,药效较稳定。并对苦葛毒杀蛞蝓的有效成份作了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

<正>2016年5月,莆田出入境检验检疫局从一进境集装箱上截获一头蛞蝓,经福建局国家软体动物检疫鉴定重点实验室鉴定为大灰蛞蝓(Limax maxiums),又叫豹纹蛞蝓,为全国首次截获。大灰蛞蝓原产于欧洲、西非及地中海沿岸,后传入加拿大、美国等地,在我国尚未有分布报道;其可随集装箱等运输工具和潮湿的木质包装材料远距离传播,具有适应性强,食性杂的特点,严重危害农作物幼苗,同时也是多种线虫的中间寄主,误食后可引起人畜嗜酸性脑膜炎等疾病,对农业、生态系统、人类  相似文献   

防治蛞蝓为害郑惜卿(福建云霄县植保站,363300)蛞蝓俗称鼻涕虫,属软体动物门,腹足纲,蛞蝓科。60年代初期蛞蝓在我县零星发生。80年代以来蛞蝓的为害日趋严重,10个乡镇都有发生,成为危害我县农业生产,尤其是蔬菜生产的一种主要杂食性小动物。鉴于此,...  相似文献   

In Ireland, the grey field slug (Deroceras reticulatum) is the predominant slug pest species in arable crops. It can cause enormous damage, but the knowledge about its feeding biology is limited.Adult species were reared under laboratory conditions, and the survival, feeding activity, and weight change of slugs when feed on maize, peas, or wheat seeds were investigated. An especially high mortality was experienced in the wheat treatment. It was hypothesised that the high mortality was due to a Fusarium species, however, a Fusarium infection of the wheat seeds was not confirmed. The weight change of the slugs was very variable due to a high egg production of some slugs.  相似文献   

Exotic slugs have become serious pests of canola, at establishment, in Southern Australian high-rainfall cropping zones. Slugs were monitored using relatively inexpensive 300 mm x 300 mm terracotta tiles acting as refuges. An investigation was made of the effects of the time of application of chelated iron baits on the slug species Deroceras reticulatum Müller and Lehmannia nyctelia Bourguignat. Baits reduced the number of surface-active slug species. A single application at sowing provided greater efficacy than one application before sowing, and efficacy was comparable with that of two applications. Canola seedling densities showed a negative response to D. reticulatum numbers; the presence of even one individual per refuge trap reduced seedling numbers below optimum densities. Thistles and other vegetation were associated with increased numbers of slugs. European guidelines for slug monitoring and damage appear to be at least partly applicable to Australian conditions.  相似文献   

Slugs are major pests of oilseed rape that are poorly controlled by conventional bait pellets. A series of laboratory experiments investigated the potential of seed-dressings to control slug damage in this crop. Four compounds: metaldehyde, methiocarb, cinnamamide and 3,5-dimethoxycinnamic acid (DMCA) were tested at a range of doses for phytotoxicity and ability to reduce damage by Deroceras reticulatum (Müller). Metaldehyde and methiocarb were not phytotoxic at any doses, whereas all doses of cinnamamide and DMCA were. All compounds reduced slug damage, but metaldehyde and methiocarb consistently performed better than cinnamamide and DMCA. Metaldehyde and methiocarb seed-dressings were compared with baited pellets containing the same active ingredients at recommended field doses. The seed-dressings protected plants from damage by D reticulatum and Arion subfuscus (Draparnaud) as well as, or better than, baited pellets. We therefore recommend that metaldehyde and methiocarb should be field-tested as seed dressings to control slugs in oilseed rape.  相似文献   

The influences of cultural control measures on invertebrate pests and their natural enemies in cereals (wheat, barley and oats) are described and discussed, with emphasis on the major pests in north-west Europe. Possibilities for additive and synergistic combinations of cultural measures are identified, together with opportunities for integrating cultural measures with chemical and biological control where appropriate. Recent studies confirm the central role of cultural control measures in integrated pest management and integrated production of cereal crops. However, cultural measures often have opposing effects on different pests as well as diseases and weeds, so that appropriate measures must be selected on the basis of an assessment of the risks from key pests, diseases and weeds. Crop rotation is not an important means of controlling cereal pests, but its use is recommended for control of cereal diseases and weeds, as well as pests of crops grown in rotation with cereals. Diversification of crops and non-crop habitats in predominantly cereal growing areas is thought to increase numbers of certain parasitoids and polyphagous predators of cereal pests. The presence of weeds or an intercrop in a field together with cereals may reduce the severity of aphid and slug damage to cereals. Trap cropping has not yet been adequately tested in wheat, barley or oats. Cover crops reduce damage by wheat bulb fly in a following wheat crop, but increase the risk of slug damage. Resistance to a wide range of cereal aphid species has been identified in wheat and barley, but in Europe, more emphasis is placed on selecting cultivars with resistance to cereal diseases rather than pest resistance. Resistance in wheat to wheat bulb fly and wheat blossom midge is recorded, and resistance to slug damage has been reported in some laboratory studies. Early sowing of winter cereals results in more damage by certain dipterous pests and increased numbers of the aphid vectors of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV), but early sowing results in less damage by wheat bulb fly and slugs in autumn/winter and by late infestations of aphids in summer. Avoidance of ploughing results in reduced incidence of wheat bulb fly, yellow cereal fly and aphids, but increased numbers of slugs, wheat blossom midge and bibionid larvae. Avoidance of ploughing can result in greater numbers of certain polyphagous predators, particularly in the first weeks following crop establishment. The presence of straw residues results in increased slug populations, but reduced incidence of yellow cereal fly and wheat blossom midge. Preparation of fine, firm seedbeds discourages attack by slugs and wheat bulb fly on cereals. Drilling at slightly greater depth in rough cloddy seedbeds helps to protect wheat seeds from slug damage. Nitrogen fertiliser applied in spring can help cereal plants compensate for losses by wheat bulb fly or slugs. However, nitrogen applications tend to result in increased summer infestations of aphids.  相似文献   

为了阐明茶刺蛾(Iragoides fasciata Moore)幼虫的取食为害及生长发育特征,明确其防治适期和防治指标。通过室内饲养观察,测定了茶刺蛾各龄幼虫的取食量、体长、体宽及体重,按防治后挽回的损失与防治成本相等的方法估算了其在有机茶园的防治指标。结果表明整个幼虫期取食茶叶1.547 g/头,其中1~3龄的取食量极小,从4龄开始取食量逐渐增大,6、7龄的取食量分别占总取食量的19%和71.4%。幼虫体重随龄期增加而增长的趋势与取食量一致,从4龄起开始快速增长,至7龄时达到最高值0.167 g。为防止茶刺蛾暴发为害,应在取食量小的4龄前开展防治。有机茶园防治指标拟定为6头/m2。  相似文献   

Slugs are major pests of many crops in the UK, including winter wheat, yet current methods of control are often unreliable. This study investigates the potential use of red clover, as an alternative food source, to reduce the amount of damage caused to winter wheat by the field slug, Deroceras reticulatum (Müller). Two laboratory-based studies, each conducted over a 7-day period, investigated the effects of red clover seedlings and commercial metaldehyde pellets on damage to winter wheat seeds and seedlings. The results indicate that metaldehyde applications, in the form of commercially available pellets, resulted in significantly greater protection to wheat seeds compared with red clover, whereas metaldehyde and red clover were equally as effective in reducing damage to wheat seedlings. A further laboratory experiment investigated the effect of two slug population densities (48 and 16 adults m(-2)) and high and low red clover seed rates (125% and 75% of a standard rate) on damage to wheat seeds. Results showed that, at the highest slug population density, red clover sown at 125% of the standard rate gave 99% protection to wheat seeds, compared with the 75% seed rate which gave 55%. At the lower slug population density, both seed rates of red clover resulted in similar levels of protection. Implications for the potential use of red clover as an alternative food source for reducing damage to winter wheat in field conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

试验发现添加氮磷钾元素对割草地产量、群落组成及草地质量的影响有:(1)对一年割一次的草地,添加氮磷钾水平K2(120kg.hm-2)的小区增长最为显著;对一年割两次的草地,惟有最高水平K4(180 kg.hm-2)可见到显著的增产效果;对于不割草对照区,添加氮磷钾元素有一定增产作用,但没有达到显著性水平(p<0.05)。(2)添加氮磷钾元素能使羊草和大针茅种群在一年割一次和不割草对照中都表现出等补偿和超补偿,但在一年割两次中均为不足补偿;对糙隐子草则相反,在不割草对照中其仅为等补偿,而在割草处理后刈割频度越高超补偿现象越明显。(3)添加氮磷钾元素可提高草地质量,其中K2水平添加量的效果最为明显,草地质量维持的最好。  相似文献   

宝鸡土壤重金属污染及其防治   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
在宝鸡市蔬菜地土壤重金属污染调查的基础上 ,采用单因子指数法、内梅罗综合污染指数法 ,对土壤重金属污染状况进行了评价。以国家《土壤重金属污染评价标准》(GB1 5 61 8- 1 995 )为标准 ,则蔬菜地土壤重金属未超过二级标准 ,个别样点As、Cd污染较重 ,各元素污染顺序为As>Cd >Zn >Pb >Cu >Cr。以《绿色食品产地环境质量评价纲要》中土壤污染分级为标准 ,Cd的污染等级为中污染级 ;As、Zn为污染级 ;Cu为警戒级 ;Cr、Pb为安全级。各元素污染顺序为Cd >As>Zn >Cu >Cr >Pb。调查分析发现 :污水灌溉是重金属污染的主要原因。土壤重金属污染防治 ,应坚持预防为主 ,综合防治的原则。运用工程措施和非工程措施相结合的方法 ,治理污染。  相似文献   

本文报道了从四川省郫县采集的对我国小麦条锈病菌鉴别寄主贵农22具有毒性的新致病类型,其重要特点为对Yr10和Yr26(=Yr24)2个重要抗条锈病主效基因具有毒性,按我国小麦条锈病鉴别体系将其划归为G22类群;同时明确了其在国际及欧洲鉴别寄主上的反应,将其命名为82E8,毒性公式(无毒性基因/毒性基因)为1、3、4、5、11、15、17、18、25、27、28、31、32、Sd、Sk、Sp/2、6、7、8、9、10、24、26、29、30、Su;根据条中33号小种的致病特点将其命名为43E190,毒性公式为5、10、15、24、26、27、Sk、Sp/1、2、3、4、6、7、8、9、11、12、17、18、25、28、29、30、31、32、A、Su,比较了两个致病类型对我国小麦主栽的115个小麦品种的致病性,提出了合理利用Yr10和Yr26的利用策略。  相似文献   

In Ireland, the grey field slug (Deroceras reticulatum) is the predominant slug pest species in arable crops. It can cause enormous damage, but the knowledge about its feeding biology is limited.Adult species were reared under laboratory conditions, and the survival, feeding activity, and weight change of slugs when feed on maize, peas, or wheat seeds were investigated. An especially high mortality was experienced in the wheat treatment. It was hypothesised that the high mortality was due to a Fusarium species, however, a Fusarium infection of the wheat seeds was not confirmed. The weight change of the slugs was very variable due to a high egg production of some slugs.A second experiment examined the food choice and feeding activity of D. reticulatum when offered a choice of the three seed types. Most of the slugs preferred to feed on a mixture of seeds, but the highest feeding activity was recorded on the pea seeds.  相似文献   

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