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采用猪大肠杆菌C83549(O149:K88ac)、C83644(O68:K99)、C83710(O9:987P)菌株制备抗原,以蜂胶为佐剂,研制仔猪大肠埃希氏菌病三价蜂胶灭活疫苗,疫苗成品各项检验均符合相关要求。将疫苗免疫妊娠母猪并用微量凝集试验测定其所产仔猪的抗体消长规律,并研究疫苗免疫保护情况。结果表明:妊娠母猪产前40d和15d各免疫1次,所产仔猪母源抗体效价较高,仔猪在整个哺乳期都可以得到保护。同时也可运用产前30d和10d进行免疫接种的方法。  相似文献   

选用4株带有K88、K99、987P、F41粘附素抗原的产肠毒素性大肠杆菌,分别接种于BBL、Minca、Slanetz和Minca培养基进行培养,将培养物加热提取粘附素抗原后,加入油佐剂制成四价亚单位疫苗。经成品检验合格后分别免疫小鼠和怀孕母猪,同时监测怀孕母猪抗体。最后1次免疫后15 d,分别用同源ETEC确定的攻毒剂量攻击。结果显示,经2次免疫后,K88、K99、987P、F41对小鼠的免疫保护率与1次免疫没有显著差异(P>0.05);对仔猪,1次免疫跟2次免疫均可显著地降低腹泻指数(P<0.05),2次免疫与1次免疫没有显著差异(P>0.05)。怀孕母猪免疫1周后(产前23 d)抗体开始上升,第2周(产前16 d)达到高峰。2次免疫后抗体迅速回升,第4周(产前2 d)达到最高峰,产后2 d抗体大幅度下跌,几近免疫前水平。二免母猪所产仔猪发病率明显低于一免母猪(P<0.05)。攻毒保护试验和抗体消长规律的结果表明,制备的仔猪大肠杆菌病K88-K99-987P-F41四价亚单位疫苗具有良好的免疫原性,能有效预防仔猪大肠杆菌病的发生。  相似文献   

试验选择广东某规模化猪场怀孕母猪30头及其所产仔猪30头用进口猪伪狂犬病病毒基因缺失疫苗(B苗)和国产猪伪狂犬病病毒基因缺失疫苗(A苗)进行免疫试验.结果表明:各组母猪产前10 天免疫接种后20~30 d的母猪抗体水平接近或达到峰值,其所产仔猪10~60 d获得的母体抗体恰巧达到最佳.根据母猪产仔时抗体水平及其后代母源抗体维持时间的关系,建议母猪产前20~30 d为猪伪狂犬病病毒加强免疫接种的适宜时间,仔猪60日龄为适宜的首免时间;使用B苗和A苗免疫对母猪产前免疫是必要的,有利于控制带毒母猪猪伪狂犬病病毒野毒的排放,降低感染其他猪只的机会,提高仔猪保护率.  相似文献   

为研究猪病毒性腹泻弱毒疫苗与灭活疫苗联合使用的免疫效果,本实验应用"猪流行性腹泻病毒(PEDV)-猪传染性胃肠炎病毒(TGEV)-猪轮状病毒(PoRV)三联弱毒疫苗"和"PEDV-TGEV二联灭活疫苗"对100头妊娠母猪和所产140头仔猪进行不同免疫,在不同日龄对仔猪前腔静脉采血并离心取上清,利用直接ELISA方法测定其免疫抗体滴度。结果表明,妊娠母猪于产前40 d首次免疫和产前20 d二次免疫,所产仔猪3日龄滴鼻接种三联弱毒疫苗,28日龄二次免疫和65日龄三次免疫后14 d,抗体滴度开始上升。通过本实验基本分析猪病毒性腹泻疫苗母源抗体和免疫抗体水平的消长规律,为猪病毒性腹泻疫苗免疫程序提供理论参考。  相似文献   

为了解猪病毒性腹泻(PED)疫苗免疫后母猪乳汁中IgA抗体消长规律,筛选100头妊娠母猪,平均分为5组(4个试验组和1个对照组),采用"猪流行性腹泻病毒(PEDV)-猪传染性胃肠炎病毒(TGEV)-猪轮状病毒(PoRV)三联弱毒疫苗"(PTR)和"PEDV-TGEV二联灭活疫苗"(PT)进行不同的免疫。其中,试验Ⅰ组产前40d和产前20d免疫PTR,试验Ⅱ组产前40d和产前20d免疫PT,试验Ⅲ组产前40d免疫PTR和产前20d免疫PT,试验Ⅳ组产前40d免疫PT和产前20d免疫PTR,对照组产前40d和产前20d注射生理盐水。通过PEDV IgA抗体检测试剂盒分别检测母猪分娩后0,1,2,3,5,7,10,14d各组乳汁中特异性PEDV IgA抗体水平。结果显示,试验组IgA水平明显高于对照组,其中试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ组与试验Ⅲ、Ⅳ组间差异极显著(P<0.01),而试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ组间以及试验Ⅲ、Ⅳ组间差异不显著(P<0.05)。结果表明,产前40d和产前20d交替使用PTR和PT的抗体滴度明显优于单一接种PTR或PT的抗体滴度。其中只注射PTR母猪分娩后10d乳汁对仔猪没有保护力,注射PT母猪分娩后7d乳汁对仔猪没有保护力。通过本试验基本上了解了PEDV母源抗体消长规律,为今后规模化猪场制定免疫程序提供理论支持。  相似文献   

为了评估不同免疫策略对猪场免疫效果和经济效益的影响,以确定最佳的疫苗免疫程序,本试验将处于产前1个月的四胎次健康三元母猪随机分为2个组,A组(联合免疫组)母猪于产前27 d联合免疫猪圆环病毒2型基因工程疫苗、猪肺炎支原体灭活疫苗和猪瘟活疫苗(圆柯欣+柯喘宁+稳柯健),其所产仔猪于21日龄联合免疫圆柯欣、柯喘宁和稳柯健;B组(对照组)母猪于产前34和27 d分别免疫稳柯健、猪圆环病毒疫苗和猪肺炎支原体疫苗二联疫苗(圆-支二联疫苗),其所产仔猪于14日龄免疫圆-支二联疫苗,28日龄免疫稳柯健。统计和分析免疫各组临床指标、生产性能和持续性抗体水平。结果显示,免疫疫苗后,2个组的母猪采食情况均正常;2个组的仔猪整体精神状态良好,哺乳情况正常,均未出现咳嗽和喘气等呼吸道疾病。在试验期间内,2个组的母猪的窝产健仔数和仔猪出生健仔均重并无差别。A组和B组的出生至23日龄死淘率、出生至50日龄死淘率分别为3.77%、5.11%和4.07%、5.43%,A组略优于B组。抗体监测结果显示,A组母猪的CSFV和PCV2抗体水平较B组无显著差异(P>0.05);A组仔猪的CSFV抗体阳性率与B组无明显差...  相似文献   

为了应对现在可能出现的A型口蹄疫疫情,本试验对口蹄疫A型、O型和亚洲1型三价灭活疫苗在猪上的使用情况进行了验证,选取了45日龄左右的仔猪36头,妊娠母猪5头,进行了疫苗免疫,并定期监测其O型、A型抗体水平,免疫后30 d仔猪O型、A型抗体水平合格率均能达到80%以上,二次免疫后可达100%,妊娠母猪免疫后O型、A型抗体水平合格率均能达到100%,所产仔猪14 d的O型抗体水平合格率也可以达到85%。  相似文献   

为探讨和评估猪PED疫苗不同免策略对经产母猪乳中IgA的影响,筛选出猪PED疫苗接种最佳方案,本试验以某规模猪场50头经产母猪及其商品后代为研究对象,分析比较了腹泻疫苗免疫后不同组别母猪产仔指标与母猪乳汁中的IgA抗体水平差异。结果显示,在产前25 d和产前10 d免疫腹泻疫苗可产生较好的免疫保护,对经产母猪推荐使用后海穴注射2次免疫灭活苗,保护力更好,保护时间更长,可保护仔猪在整个哺乳期免受PEDV的侵袭。  相似文献   

用实验室制备的仔猪产气荚膜梭菌肠毒血症A型疫苗、C型疫苗和AC型二价疫苗各3批,分别免疫接种初产或无特异性中和抗体的经产怀孕后期妊娠母猪36头.免疫母猪所产仔猪在其采食初乳后,分别攻击致死量的产气英膜梭菌毒素.试验结果表明,3种疫苗对免疫母猪所产仔猪的保护率分别为100%、100%和96.63%.疫苗保存期试验表明,疫苗在2~8℃条件下保存3年,其效力保持不变.  相似文献   

本试验对遂宁市船山区部分猪场的传染性胃肠炎(TGE)流行情况和疫苗免疫效果进行了监测。结果显示:抽样检测10个未免疫TGE疫苗的规模化猪场,其血清样品TGEV抗体阳性率为53.50%,且母猪的抗体阳性率高于断奶仔猪,猪场规模越小抗体阳性率越高;母猪在产前二次免疫TGEV灭活苗后,母猪的抗体阳性率和抗体平均滴度上升不显著,但能降低所产仔猪2周龄内的腹泻发病率和死亡率,提高2周龄内的TGE抗体阳性率。  相似文献   

The efficacy of a new vaccine against neonatal Escherichia coli diarrhoea in piglets containing purified F4ab, F4ac, F5 and F6 fimbriae and detoxified heat-labile toxin (LT) was tested in challenge experiments by the method described by the European Pharmacopoeia (3rd edn, EDQM, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France). A group of 11 young sows from a herd without E. coli problems was vaccinated 6-8 and 2-4 weeks prior to expected farrowing and another group of nine young sows were non-vaccinated controls. Escherichia coli antibody titres were determined in serum samples taken from the sows before first vaccination and before farrowing and in colostrum samples. The newborn piglets were allowed to suckle colostrum from their mother immediately after birth. The piglets were marked with individually numbered ear tags. Approximately 12 h after birth, 118 piglets from vaccinated sows and 79 piglets from non-vaccinated control sows were challenged by oral instillation of 5 ml of a freshly prepared culture of one of the challenge strains [O8:K87:F4ab (LT+) or O149:K91:F4ac (LT+) or O9:K30:F5 or O9:K103:F6 respectively]. The challenge cultures contained as a mean 6.8x10(9) CFU/ml. After challenge the piglets were observed for 7 days and mortality and morbidity were recorded. Vaccinated sows developed significant levels of antibody titres in colostrum and serum. Control sows stayed at a low/seronegative level. The protective efficacy was excellent because 66.7-87.5% of the piglets from vaccinated sows remained without clinical signs after challenge. Only 0.0-28.0% of the piglets from non-vaccinated sows remained healthy and more than 47.1% of the piglets in this group died after challenge. It is concluded that the new vaccine is very effective in protection of piglets against neonatal E. coli diarrhoea.  相似文献   

本研究拟评估仔猪接种猪繁殖与呼吸综合征减毒活疫苗对猪圆环病毒病疫苗、猪瘟疫苗免疫的干扰情况,并分析不同免疫方式对仔猪生长性能的影响,以期为探究PRRSV减毒活疫苗与PCV2、CSF疫苗的联合免疫提供数据参考。本研究先以100头仔猪为研究对象,将其随机分为A、B、C、D 4组。其中A组仔猪免疫PRRSV减毒活疫苗7 d后免疫PCV2疫苗;B组仔猪同期分点注射PRRSV减毒活疫苗和PCV2疫苗;C组仔猪仅免疫PCV2疫苗;D组仔猪仅免疫PRRSV减毒活疫苗。另外再筛选100头仔猪,随机分为E、F、G、H 4组。E组仔猪于免疫PRRSV减毒活疫苗12 d后免疫CSF疫苗;F组仔猪同期分点注射PRRSV减毒活疫苗和CSF疫苗;G组仔猪仅免疫CSF疫苗;H组仔猪仅免疫PRRSV减毒活疫苗。免疫4周后,测定仔猪血清中相关抗体水平。同时,称量免疫前后各组仔猪的体重,计算不同免疫方案仔猪的平均日增重。结果表明:A~D组中, A组和B组仔猪在免疫4周后均产生了较高水平的PRRSV及PCV2抗体,且A组抗体水平略高于B组。C组仔猪仅产生了PCV2抗体,D组仔猪产生了较高水平的PRRSV抗体。E~H 4组中,E组和F组仔猪均产生了较高水平的PRRSV及CSFV抗体。G组仔猪仅产生了高水平的CSFV抗体,H组仔猪仅产生了高水平的PRRSV抗体。A、B、C、D 4组中B组仔猪的平均日增重最高;而E、F、G、H 4组中E组仔猪的平均日增重显著高于其他3组。PRRSV减毒活疫苗与PCV2疫苗或CSF疫苗同期分点免疫、免疫PRRSV减毒活疫苗一段时间后再免疫PCV2或CSF疫苗均能诱导仔猪产生高水平的抗体;在体液免疫方面,PRRSV减毒活疫苗免疫与否均未对另外二种疫苗表现出明显的干扰作用。在仔猪28日龄时同期分点免疫PRRSV减毒活疫苗与PCV2疫苗,12 d后再免疫CSF疫苗的免疫方案不仅能诱导仔猪产生高水平抗体,还可以使仔猪具备较高的平均日增重。  相似文献   

All the K99+ Escherichia coli grown at 37 degrees C stained strongly with a peroxidase labelled K99 monoclonal antibody using a direct immunoperoxidase staining procedure. There was no reaction when these bacteria were cultured at 18 degrees C or when K99- E coli were grown at either temperature. The binding of the monoclonal antibody to K99 antigen was inhibited by OK antisera to heterologous K99+ E coli but OK antisera to E coli producing adhesins other than K99 were without effect. Using the slide agglutination test the reactions of the monoclonal antibody were identical to those of a polyclonal antiserum to K99 when both were used in parallel to examine 100 K99+ E coli from at least 10 somatic O groups and 1308 K99+ E coli from at least 82 different somatic O groups submitted for routine serological typing in England or the, USA. The monoclonal antibody reacted with K99+ E coli in cryostat sections of the ileum from a piglet infected with E coli strain B44 (O9: K30, K99, F41) but there was no reaction with similar material from piglets infected by E coli strains 1751 (O101: F41), X177/81 (O9: K103, 987P) or Abbotstown (O149: K91, K88ac).  相似文献   

The efficacy of a new vaccine against neonatal Escherichia coli diarrhoea in piglets containing purified F4ab, F4ac, F5 and F6 fimbriae and detoxified heat‐labile toxin (LT) was tested in challenge experiments by the method described by the European Pharmacopoeia (3rd edn, EDQM, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France). A group of 11 young sows from a herd without E. coli problems was vaccinated 6–8 and 2–4 weeks prior to expected farrowing and another group of nine young sows were non‐vaccinated controls. Escherichia coli antibody titres were determined in serum samples taken from the sows before first vaccination and before farrowing and in colostrum samples. The newborn piglets were allowed to suckle colostrum from their mother immediately after birth. The piglets were marked with individually numbered ear tags. Approximately 12 h after birth, 118 piglets from vaccinated sows and 79 piglets from non‐vaccinated control sows were challenged by oral instillation of 5 ml of a freshly prepared culture of one of the challenge strains [O8:K87:F4ab (LT+) or O149:K91:F4ac (LT+) or O9:K30:F5 or O9:K103:F6 respectively]. The challenge cultures contained as a mean 6.8 × 109 CFU/ml. After challenge the piglets were observed for 7 days and mortality and morbidity were recorded. Vaccinated sows developed significant levels of antibody titres in colostrum and serum. Control sows stayed at a low/seronegative level. The protective efficacy was excellent because 66.7–87.5% of the piglets from vaccinated sows remained without clinical signs after challenge. Only 0.0–28.0% of the piglets from non‐vaccinated sows remained healthy and more than 47.1% of the piglets in this group died after challenge. It is concluded that the new vaccine is very effective in protection of piglets against neonatal E. coli diarrhoea.  相似文献   

Different vaccines against Escherichia coli diarrhea of piglets were applied parenterally in pregnant sows at an industrial fattening farm. The following vaccines were used: vaccine No. 1 with non-complete Freund's adjuvant. Tween 80 and Arlacel A, comprising O149:K91,K88; O139:K82; O8:K87,K88; O141:K85,K88; and O64:K? E. coli serotypes; vaccine No. 2 with paraffin oil instead of Freund's adjuvant, comprising the same E. coli serotypes as the vaccine No. 1; stable specific vaccine with 10% aluminium hydroxide, based on E. coli serotypes most frequently isolated from piglets which died at the farm (O149:K91,K88; O8:K87,K88; O20:K17; O64:K?); Gletvax K88 (Wellcome) and NOBI-VAC LT-K88 (Intervet International). The number of piglets which died up to the moment of weaning in comparison to the number of born ones was considered as an indicator of acquired protection. It was found that the most effective in conferring protection against E. coli diarrhea were: vaccine No. 1 and NOBI-VAC. The differences in the mortality rate between piglets originating from sows vaccinated with these vaccines and those from unvaccinated ones were statistically significant (P < 0.05). No significant differences were noted between controls and animals vaccinated with the remaining vaccines.  相似文献   

During 1972 to 1974, 112 Escherichia coli strains isolated from diarrheic piglets were recieved from different parts of the Province of Quebec, Canada. Fifty-six strains elicited a positive gut loop response in three week old piglets and were then considered as Moon's class 1 enteropathogens, while four of the 56 remaining strains reacted only in ten day old piglets and were classified as class 2 enteropathogens. Forty-eight strains produced both a heat-labile and a heat-stable enterotoxin, while 12 isolates which included the four class 2 enteropathogens produced only a heat-stable enterotoxin. Fifty-one enterotoxigenic strains could be serogrouped using OK antisera against E. coli strains commonly associated with colibacillosis in piglets. The most common serogroups encountered were O157: K "V17"; 88a,c, O149:K91; 88a.c. O157:K"V1c, O149:K91; 88a.c, O157:K"V17"; 88 a,c or a,b and O45:K"E5"; 88a,c. No significant difference was observed in the fermentation patterns, antibiotic susceptibility, colicin production, production of a filterable hemolysin and transferable tetracycline resistance between the enterotoxigenic and the nonenterotoxigenic strains.  相似文献   

Intestinal immune responses to Escherichia coli antigens were studied in conventionally reared piglets orally infected on the first day of life with a virulent enterotoxigenic E. coli (O149: K88). During the first week of life intestinal antibodies were produced against the homologous lipopolysaccharide (LPS) as well as against the K88 antigen and the heat-labile enterotoxin (LT). On Day 7, anti-LPS antibodies of the IgA and IgG classes were detected in most piglets, whereas anti-K88 antibodies of the IgG and IgM classes predominated; antibodies against the enterotoxin were usually of the IgG class. In 21-day-old piglets antibodies of all immunoglobulin classes had usually been produced. In most cases, the levels of intestinal antibodies were substantially higher on Day 21 compared to Day 7, but the levels varied considerably both between and within litters. The intestinal immune responses did not correlate with the severity of clinical symptoms. One-, 7- and 21-day-old piglets reared in a specific-pathogen-free (SPF) herd lacked significant intestinal antibodies to the antigens examined. The oral challenge did not stimulate systemic immune responses. After colostral intake, all piglets had high antibody levels in the circulation. These levels decreased continuously during the 3-week study period. The possibility that high amounts of antibodies in colostrum could interfere with this early intestinal antibody formation should be considered when planning vaccination programmes against E. coli diarrhoea in piglets.  相似文献   

Pregnant gilts were vaccinated with two doses of alhydrogel adsorbed fimbrial antigens of Escherichia coli (K88ab, K88ac, K99 and 987P) supplemented with beta toxoid of Clostridium perfringens type C. Their piglets, and piglets of nonvaccinated gilts, were subsequently orogastrically challenged with one or other of the four fimbrial types of enteropathogenic E coli. Some of the vaccinated animals were reinjected with a single dose of the vaccine during second gestation and their piglets, and piglets of non-vaccinated sows, were challenged the same way as were litters of gilts. Blood serum and colostra were examined for antibodies to the four fimbrial antigens of E coli and for antitoxin to beta toxin of C perfringens type C. It was found that: (1) a highly significant reduction in mortality and morbidity was achieved in vaccinated litters against all four challenge strains of E coli; (2) excretion of K88ab and K88ac but not of K99 and 987P challenge strains was significantly reduced; (3) revaccination of sows by a single dose of the vaccine during second gestation conferred complete protection against mortality and highly significant protection against morbidity; (4) no correlation was noted between colostral or seroagglutinins to fimbrial antigens of E coli and mortality rates in litters challenged with homologous fimbrial types of E coli, but good correlation was found between colostral precipitins to K88 antigens and mortality rates in litters; (5) antitoxin value in 97 per cent of colostrum of vaccinated sows was 10 iu equivalent of C perfringens type C toxin or more per ml of colostrum.  相似文献   

为比较猪瘟疫苗E2基因工程亚单位疫苗和猪瘟活疫苗对育肥猪免疫效果和生产成绩的影响,以便为规模猪场在选择猪瘟疫苗时提供参考。本试验从汉中某代养场选取了一批健康的断奶仔猪分成三组,A组免疫猪瘟E2基因工程亚单位疫苗(简称E2亚单位疫苗),B组免疫猪瘟活疫苗(脾淋源),C组为对照组不做猪瘟疫苗免疫。免疫60 d后各组随机抽取10、15和12份血样用猪瘟病毒抗体检测试剂盒检测猪瘟抗体水平。结果表明接种的两种猪瘟疫苗对育肥猪的免疫效果差异极显著(P<0.01),其中E2亚单位疫苗相比于猪瘟活疫苗能够明显提高育肥猪抗体阻断率和降低离散度,并且有助于育肥猪的健康生长。  相似文献   

猪附红细胞体感染对仔猪猪瘟免疫效果的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨猪附红细胞体对仔猪猪瘟免疫效果的影响,本试验利用猪瘟抗体检测ELISA试剂盒,对已注射猪瘟疫苗的69头感染猪附红细胞体的仔猪和31头无猪附红细胞体感染的健康仔猪进行了猪瘟抗体检测。结果表明,感染猪附红细胞体仔猪的猪瘟抗体水平低下,其猪瘟疫苗整体免疫合格率(49·2%)明显低于健康仔猪(93·5%),且显性感染仔猪的免疫合格率(41·6%)明显低于隐性感染仔猪(53·5%)。说明猪附红细胞体严重干扰了猪瘟疫苗的免疫效果,且干扰程度与猪附红细胞体的感染程度呈正相关。  相似文献   

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