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贾广杰 《种子科技》2023,(18):64-66
小麦、花生和玉米作为我国的主要农作物,其生产效率直接影响农作物的总产量和农民的收入。然而,传统、单一的作物种植方式往往无法充分利用土地资源,也容易导致土壤养分的枯竭。为了解决这些问题,相关研究者提出了小麦、花生和玉米的间作套种模式,这种模式通过优化种植结构,实现了作物的互利共生,既提高了农业生产效率,又改善了土壤的肥力。文章探讨了间作套种模式要点,以期为提高小麦、玉米、花生产量和质量提供参考。  相似文献   

为探索新疆北疆玉米与大豆间作模式对作物根系分布及产量的影响,本试验以大豆单作、玉米单作、豆玉间作3种种植模式为研究对象,分析不同模式作物根系形态和产量变化。结果表明,间作种植模式使各作物之间根系分布更为合理,间作种植大豆和玉米的SPAD值较单作的有所提高,缩短了大豆的生育期,节约土地资源,玉米与大豆间作土地当量比大于1,表明该间作模式有效提高了土地利用率。本文研究对新疆北疆滴灌地区推广发展豆玉间作具有指导意义。  相似文献   

春马铃薯、春玉米/秋马铃薯、花椰菜高产高效种植模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马铃薯生育期短、性喜冷凉,是适宜的间作套种作物。枣庄市马铃薯种植属中原二季作栽培区,常年种植面积4万hm2,主产区滕州市是著名的“中国马铃薯之乡”,是山东省最大的马铃薯生产基地。在长期的生产实践中,薯农摸索出了许多间作套种模式,其中春马铃薯、春玉米/秋马铃薯、花椰菜  相似文献   

小麦套朝天椒间作玉米高效栽培模式初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王青兰 《种子科技》2017,(10):49-50
小麦—朝天椒—玉米间套立体高效栽培模式是以小麦为前茬作物的套种技术,在朝天椒中间作玉米。以小麦、朝天椒和玉米3种农作物的种植特点和经济表现等进行研究,通过调节时间差,科学利用农作物的发育季节和农作物的边际优势,还可以充分利用土地、空间和季节因素,发挥土地重复种植效率,提升农作物产量,增加土地的经济效益。对小麦—朝天椒—玉米间套立体高效栽培模式和配套栽培技术进行研究分析,以期为提高种植效率作为参考依据。  相似文献   

旱地作物合理间作绿肥既能缓解绿肥与主作物争地的矛盾,又能使绿肥更好地服务于主作物,进一步提升农业生产可持续性,保证粮食安全。从旱地作物间作的主要绿肥种类、绿肥品种选择原则,间作绿肥后对土壤肥力、主作物产量和品质、农田生态环境效应的影响等方面进行了综述,总结了现阶段绿肥研究和推广中存在的一些问题及今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

旱地宽带宽厢不同种植模式效益分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究余庆县旱地宽带宽厢套种不同作物单位面积产量、产值,摸索最佳套种模式,提高旱地单位产出率。试验结果表明,以玉米套种辣椒产值最高达1096·58元/667m2,玉米套种花生产值居第2位达1062·64元/667m2,玉米套种甘薯产值居第3位达890·97元/667m2,净作玉米产值最低为574·53元/667m2。  相似文献   

不同作物与玉米间套作对玉米产量和生物量累积的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过设置蒜苗、甘蓝、豌豆、大豆、胡麻、小麦与玉米间套作,研究不同作物与玉米间作对玉米产量及生物量累积的影响.结果表明:除大豆/玉米间作模式外,其他模式土地当量比(LER)均大于1,表现出明显的间作产量优势,不同作物与玉米的共生期越短,其模式的LER越大;相对于单作玉米,与蒜苗、甘蓝、豌豆间作的玉米穗粒数和百粒重均显著提高;与大豆间作的玉米百粒重虽显著提高,但穗粒数提高不显著,与胡麻和小麦间作的玉米各产量构成因素均有提高,但不显著.玉米的生物量累积符合logistic增长模型,相比单作玉米,与蒜苗、甘蓝间作的玉米在播后66~ 86d后生物量累积高于单作,与大豆间作,共生期玉米生物积累量始终低于单作;与豌豆、小麦、胡麻间作,间作玉米的生物积累量转折点分别为玉米播后106、86、75d.  相似文献   

陈叶  寇俊福 《作物杂志》2002,18(6):30-31
随着高效农业推广应用和发展,耕作制度也逐步由单一高产栽培模式向间作、套种的复合高产栽培模式发展。近年来,张掖地区围绕种植业结构调整,特别是目前粮食市场不景气的情况下,在生产中总结出了一套小麦套种柴胡高产栽培模式,充分利用了地力、光、热、水等资源,做到了药、粮双丰收,有利的弥补了粮食价格下落造成的损失,提高了单位面积的产量和效益。根据各地的统计资料表明 :可收获小麦产量6000~7500kg/hm2 、收获柴胡种子750~900kg/hm2 、采挖柴胡肉质根1500~2800kg/hm2,总产值达37500~40000元 /hm2 。……  相似文献   

为响应国家扩种大豆油料的号召,解决大豆和玉米争地矛盾,本试验开展新疆大豆玉米带状间作模式和品种的筛选,选取5个大豆品种和7个玉米品种,设置2种不同的间作模式(模式1:大豆:玉米=8行:4行;模式2:大豆:玉米=6行:4行),以各作物单作为对照。得出以下结论:(1)大豆品种新大豆25号和NK0906-19,玉米品种垦玉4606和新玉77在两种模式下产量相对较高且差异较小,是适宜间作种植的大豆和玉米品种;(2)间作系统内玉米占群体产量的主导地位,适宜的带宽有利于玉米边际效应的发挥,提高间作系统的土地产出;(3)各作物产量较各自单作均有所降低,但大豆玉米间作系统的土地收益与单作大豆相比增加了1.5~1.8倍,而且模式2的收益较高。综上,筛选出适宜新疆间作种植的大豆品种为新大豆25号和NK0906-19,玉米品种为垦玉4606和新玉77号,间作模式选择6行大豆4行玉米模式。研究可为新疆大豆玉米带状间作后续的研究和技术推广提供一定参考。  相似文献   

玉米大豆间作试验小结   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
间作套种是我国农业生产的传统经验,是充分利用资源的有效形式,是增加复种的有效措施之一。而间作是充分用地的好形式。玉米大豆间作是我国南、北方旱地的主要间作方式,面积大、地区广、效果好,是农民习用的方式。平塘县每年大豆播种面积在一万亩以上,总产量约百余万斤,其中大部分为玉米大豆间作。在过去几年乃至十几年间,由于杂交玉米的种植推广发展,有的片面强调密植,每亩4000穴条件下,间作大  相似文献   

玉米/大豆间作条件下作物根系对氮素的吸收利用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过田间栽培试验,研究玉米/大豆间作及相应单作不同时期作物地上部干质量、作物吸氮量、作物根际土壤脲酶活性、作物根际土壤细菌数量动态变化差异。结果表明:间作玉米吸氮量、根际脲酶活性、根际细菌数量、地上部干质量分别比单作玉米显著增加37.61%,33.54%,55.76%,27.92%。间作大豆根际脲酶活性、根际细菌数量分别比单作大豆显著增加41.3%,43.08%。间作大豆吸氮量、地上部干质量比单作大豆降低11.93%,11.19%,差异不显著。说明间作促进玉米生长。  相似文献   

玉米沟塘覆膜模式间作马铃薯产量效益研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
针对云南省农业生产中玉米马铃薯间作面临的突发干旱危害和低产低效问题,在云南省宣威市农业技术示范基地,进行了玉米打塘开沟地膜覆盖间作马铃薯抗旱增产增效试验研究。结果表明:玉米开沟或打塘+地膜覆盖间作马铃薯复合技术可以提高土壤水分积蓄量,玉米开沟间作和打塘间作土壤含水量分别比玉米平垄和马铃薯单作最多增加28.32%和25.16%;在玉米生育前期,玉米开沟或打塘地膜覆盖间作马铃薯措施有利于促进玉米和马铃薯的生长发育,开沟和打塘模式玉米株高比平垄分别增加31.94%和26.33%,叶面积指数(LAI)分别增加49.56%和25.29%;开沟和打塘措施的玉米理论产量和经济系数均高于玉米平垄间作和单作,玉米产量、复合产量和土地当量比(LER)均显著增加,打塘种植的土地当量比最大(LER=1.20),比平地处理增加10.52%,增产效益显著。所以,该措施能有效提高作物间作系统抗旱能力,增产增效,对稳定农业收益和保障粮食安全具有重要意义。  相似文献   

To examine the advantages of cereal-legume intercropping system with maize as main crops, field studies conducted for two years on sandy upland loamy soils in Bihar plateau, India, indicated maize-groundnut as the best system. Yield advantages were noticed between 22–44 % over sole maize cropping. Different production indices largely indicated the same pattern in ranking intercropping treatments. Of the other legumes used, mung also showed potential whereas cowpea and soyabean did not. Increasing cropping intensities through use of interspace by legume did not significantly reduce maize yield, particularly in combination with groundnut and mung. Soil nitrogen enrichment through legume cultivation could be noted through examination of soil test values and yield of succeeding wheat crop. Wheat, however, did not show its promise as a follow-up crop without input of water and fertilizer.  相似文献   

研究不同施氮水平下箭筈豌豆、玉米产量对单作和间作的响应,对于优化栽培措施、提高作物产量具有重要意义。本试验于2017年在甘肃河西绿洲灌溉区进行,重点研究是不同施氮水平下箭筈豌豆、玉米在单作及间作模式中干物质累积、产量构成、产量表现。结果表明,间作箭筈豌豆干物质累积量与单作相比在不施氮(N0)、减量施氮(N1)和常规施氮(N2)处理下分别提高44.0%、36.7%和37.2%;施氮水平间,间作模式下N1比N2和N0提高9.1%和25.5%,单作模式下提高9.4%和32.1%。间作玉米干物质累积量与单作相比在N0、N1和N2处理下分别提高23.3%、22.5%和23.0%;施氮水平间,间作模式下N1比N2和N0提高9.3%和19.8%,单作模式下提高9.9%和20.7%。间作模式下箭筈豌豆豆荚数和玉米穗数较相应单作分别增加7.6%和14.5%,两者的产量较单作分别提高34.9%和27.0%。由通径分析可知,箭筈豌豆产量决定次序是豆荚数>粒重>单荚粒数,玉米产量决定次序是穗数>粒重>穗粒数。间作结合施氮量240 kg/hm2能获得较高干物质积累量和产量,是河西灌溉区玉米间作箭筈豌豆适宜的施氮水平。  相似文献   

保护性耕作具有提高作物水分利用效率、减少能耗等优点,但能否将该技术集成应用于间作套种,尚需理论研究和具体实验依据。本研究通过2011至2012年度的田间定位试验,探讨不同耕作和秸秆还田方式对小麦间作玉米作物群体竞争、互补作用及产量的影响。试验设3种秸秆还田处理,分别是小麦带25 cm高茬收割立茬免耕(NTSS)、小麦带25 cm高茬等量秸秆覆盖免耕(NTS)及小麦带高茬等量秸秆还田翻压(TIS),以传统耕作(CT)为对照。秸秆还田后少耕间作的土地当量比高于传统耕作间作,且大于1,说明少耕小麦秸秆还田有利于提高间作优势;少耕秸秆还田降低了共生期小麦相对于玉米的竞争力,以NTS处理对小麦竞争力的影响最大,NTSS、NTS和TIS的小麦全生育期相对竞争力分别降低37%~54%、109%~141%和22%~24%。与单作玉米相比,NTSS、NTS、TIS和CT处理间作玉米的相对生长率分别高54%~59%、66%~71%、61%~63%和71%~78%,其中小麦秸秆还田间作处理中NTS更有利于发挥玉米的恢复效应。间作条件下,3种秸秆还田处理的产量较对照高6%~10%(2011年度)和4%~12%(2012年度),其中NTS增产显著。总体来看,间作群体籽粒产量与小麦相对于玉米全生育期的平均竞争力呈二次相关关系,当该竞争力在0.24~0.27时利于获得间作高产。本研究表明,秸秆还田配合少耕是调控种间竞争力的可行途径,其中小麦等量秸秆(小麦留茬25 cm)还田覆盖是优化小麦玉米竞争力的理想耕作措施。  相似文献   

Inter-row cultivation of a weed-free maize crop may affect yield. This study was done to establish whether inter-row cultivation damages crop roots in maize ( Zea mays L.) and to assess the effect of root pruning on growth and yield. In 1986 and 1987 inter-row cultivation and root cutting treatments were applied to field-grown maize crops in three experiments. Growth analysis revealed that the crop responded differently to the treatments in each trial. Measuring xylem exudate shortly after application of the treatments as an estimator of root damage proved useful in explaining crop responses. In one experiment no root damage occurred and crop growth was not affected. When root damage did occur (in the other two experiments), dry matter yield 3 weeks after treatments was found to be related to xylem exudate yield shortly after the treatments. A reduction of xylem exudate of 1 g/h per plant was associated with a reduction of 360 to 700 kg/ha in whole plant dry matter. In one of these experiments the effect of root damage in whole plant dry matter yield remained until final harvest; in the other experiment all treatments had similar yields at final harvest.  相似文献   

In field trials on the Loess Plateau, China, in 2012–13, maize (Zea mays L.) and soybean (Glycine max L.) were sole cropped and intercropped at three densities and with three sowing proportions. Maize was generally more growth efficient for biomass accumulation than soybean during the entire growth interval, as assessed using the relative efficiency index (REIc). However, most of sowing proportion at each density displayed a trend of decreased growth with development. Throughout the growth period, the dry matter production and leaf area index (LAI) of maize increased as the plant density increased irrespective of whether it was grown as a sole crop or as an intercrop. However, the effect of increasing cropping density was less obvious for soybean. The LAI values of the sole crop treatment for both maize and soybean were greater than that of the intercropping system, indicating that the presence of maize and soybean together suppressed the respective growth of the two crops. At the final harvest, land equivalent ratios (LER) of 0.84–1.35 indicated resource complementarity in most of the studied intercrops. Complementarity was directly affected by changes in plant densities; the greatest LER were observed in 2 rows maize and 2 rows soybean intercrops at low density. The water equivalent ratio (WER), which characterized the efficiency of water resource use in intercropping, ranged from 0.84 to 1.68, indicating variability in the effect of intercropping on water-use efficiency (WUE).  相似文献   

氮肥的过量施用和低效利用, 造成资源浪费和环境污染, 不利于农业的可持续发展。为了减少氮肥的投入量, 发挥氮肥的增产效益, 本研究对玉米-大豆套作模式的施氮量和施肥距离进行优化调整。通过两年田间试验, 探讨了减氮36% (RN36%)、减氮18% (RN18%)和习惯施氮(CN) 3种施氮水平和距离窄行玉米0 cm (D1)、15 cm (D2)、30 cm (D3)、45 cm (D4) 4种施肥距离对作物产量和玉米花后干物质积累与转运、籽粒灌浆特征的影响。结果表明, 与习惯施氮相比, 减氮18%处理的玉米花后干物质转移量、转移率及对籽粒的贡献率分别提高了22.65%、18.75%和15.90%, 籽粒平均灌浆速率和最大灌浆速率提高了9.79%和10.76%; 玉米、大豆产量及系统周年产量提高了4.95%、7.07%和5.35%; 各施肥距离间, 以距离窄行玉米15~30 cm的施肥效果最佳。减氮18%时, D2处理下玉米的平均灌浆速率、最大灌浆速率、穗粒数及百粒重比玉米常规穴施(D1)处理分别提高了10.32%、10.92%、9.08%和4.75%; 玉米、大豆产量和系统总产最高。玉米-大豆套作体系下, 减氮18%和距离窄行玉米15~30 cm施肥有利于增加玉米花后干物质的积累, 促进干物质向籽粒中转运, 增大灌浆速率, 增加百粒重和穗粒数, 提高玉米产量和大豆产量, 以实现系统周年作物增产。  相似文献   

In organic grain production, weeds are one of the major limiting factors along with crop nitrogen deficiency. Relay intercropping of forage legume cover crops in an established winter cereal crop might be a viable option but is still not well documented, especially under organic conditions.Four species of forage legumes (Medicago lupulina, Medicago sativa, Trifolium pratense and Trifolium repens) were undersown in six organic wheat fields. The density and aerial dry matter of wheat, relay-intercropped legumes and weeds were monitored during wheat-legume relay intercropping and after wheat harvest until late autumn, before the ploughing of cover crops.Our results showed a large diversity of aerial growth of weeds depending on soil, climate and wheat development. The dynamics of the legume cover crops were highly different between species and cropping periods (during relay intercropping and after wheat harvest). For instance, T. repens was two times less developed than the other species during relay intercropping while obtaining the highest aerial dry matter in late autumn. During the relay intercropping period, forage legume cover crops were only efficient in controlling weed density in comparison with wheat sole crop. The control of the aerial dry matter of weeds at the end of the relay intercropping period was better explained considering both legumes and wheat biomasses instead of legumes alone. In late autumn, 24 weeks after wheat harvest, weed biomass was largely reduced by the cover crops. Weed density and biomass reductions were correlated with cover crop biomass at wheat harvest and in late autumn. The presence of a cover crop also exhibited another positive effect by decreasing the density of spring-germinating annual weeds during the relay intercropping period.  相似文献   

Results of a field experiment conducted in rainy season (June to December) of 1988 and 1989 at Deochanda Experiment Station, Bihar, India, indicated that intercropping cereals, pulses and oilseeds with normal planted base crop of redgram ( Cajanus cajan [L.] Mill sp.) increased land use efficiency and gave higher total yields compared to pure cropping of redgram under rainfed conditions on upland oxisols of Bihar plateau. Cereals like maize, rice and fingermillet were more aggressive in intercropping system and they tended to have depressing effect on redgram. Intercropping of short duration pulses like blackgram and greengram and legume-oilseed crops like peanut and soybean with redgram showed balanced competitive abilities and proved more efficient in the system. Intercropping system of redgram-peanut proved to be the most efficient and productive.  相似文献   

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