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<正>肠道平滑肌肉瘤是源自于肠黏膜肌层或固有肌层平滑肌细胞的间叶性肿瘤,是犬第二大常见肠道肿瘤[1]。平滑肌肉瘤通常生长在犬的盲肠和空肠处,发病年龄平均为10.5岁。手术切除是肠道平滑肌肉瘤最常用的治疗方法[2]。犬肠道肿瘤无典型的临床症状,极易与肠道异物和肠套叠等肠道疾病混淆而造成误诊[3]。本院接诊了1例肠道平滑肌肉瘤病例,经手术切除和术后护理,患犬恢复良好,现报告如下。1 病例介绍金毛巡回猎犬,8岁3个月,雄性未绝育,  相似文献   

为探讨白术和白头翁水煎液对鸡离体空肠运动张力的影响,采用离体器官试验法,以鸡的空肠平滑肌张力变化为指标,将鸡的离体空肠置于恒温通气台式液中,分别加入浓度为4.00g/L、8.00g/L和16.00g/L的白术和白头翁的水煎液,以观察白术和白头翁对不同肠管运动张力的影响。试验结果表明,白术水煎液能促进鸡离体空肠平滑肌收缩运动,使收缩张力和舒张张力增强,收缩振幅增大,其剂量越大作用越强,并呈量效关系。白头翁水煎液极显著抑制鸡离体空肠平滑肌的自律性收缩活动,可降低空肠运动张力,减小收缩幅度,加大剂量其抑制效果亦随之加强。  相似文献   

采用离体器官试验法,以鸡的空肠平滑肌张力和频率变化为指标,将鸡的离体空肠置于恒温通气林格液中,分别加入浓度为5mg/mL、10mg/mL、20mg/mL的诃子粗提物溶液,观察并记录数据。结果显示,5~20mg/mL诃子粗提物溶液均能明显抑制鸡离体空肠平滑肌运动。  相似文献   

为了探讨白芍对鸡离体空肠和盲肠运动张力的影响,试验采用离体器官试验法,以鸡空肠平滑肌张力变化为指标,将鸡的离体空肠和盲肠置于恒温通气台式液中,分别加入浓度为4.00,8.00,16.00g/L的白芍水煎液,以观察白芍对不同肠管运动张力的影响。结果表明:白芍水煎液能抑制鸡离体空肠和盲肠平滑肌收缩运动,使收缩张力和舒张张力减弱,收缩振幅减小,其剂量越大作用越强,呈量效关系。  相似文献   

采用离体器官试验法,以鸡的空肠平滑肌张力变化为指标,将鸡的离体空肠和盲肠置于恒温通气台式液中,分别加入浓度为4.00、8.00和16.00g/L的白芍水煎液,以观察白芍对不同肠管运动张力的影响。试验结果表明:白芍水煎液能抑制鸡离体空肠和盲肠平滑肌收缩运动,使收缩张力和舒张张力减弱,收缩振幅减小,其剂量越大作用越强,并呈量效关系。  相似文献   

为了探讨中药复方牛医生的主要药理作用,试验通过体外胃肠平滑肌动力试验和体外抑菌试验,初步考察了中药复方牛医生对正常家兔胃平滑肌条及十二指肠、空肠和回肠肠段平滑肌条收缩力的影响,以及该中药对主要致病菌的抑菌效果。结果表明:低、中剂量的中药复方牛医生能够不同程度地提升家兔胃平滑肌条及十二指肠、空肠和回肠肠段运动张力,同时生药浓度为1 g/mL的牛医生也可以对胃肠道3种常见致病菌有较强的体外抑制作用。说明健胃中药复方牛医生不仅对胃肠平滑肌运动有明显促进作用,还对胃肠道致病菌有抑制作用。  相似文献   

不同处理黄芩对家兔离体小肠张力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨不同处理的黄芩对家兔离体小肠运动的作用规律,采用离体器官测定法,将配制好的不同处理黄芩分别作用于离体十二指肠和空肠,观察其张力的变化.结果表明,黄芩水煎剂对十二指肠和空肠的作用是每毫升含生药0.02,0.04,0.08g有兴奋平滑肌作用.其中,以每毫升含生药0.08,0.04g分别对十二指肠张力、运动幅度兴奋作用最强;以每毫升含生药0.08 g对空肠兴奋作用最强.黄芩水煎醇沉液对十二指肠和空肠的作用是每毫升含生药0.02,0.04,0.08 g具有兴奋平滑肌的作用,以每毫升含生药0.08 g兴奋作用最强.不同处理黄芩每毫升含生药0.16 g对十二指肠和空肠都有极显著(P<0.01)的抑制作用.结论:低剂量黄芩有兴奋平滑肌的作用,高剂量有极显著(P<0.01)的抑制作用.乙酰胆碱对家兔离体小肠有短时间的兴奋作用.频率变化随小肠平滑肌兴奋而加快,随抑制而减慢.  相似文献   

为了观察不同浓度的马钱子水煎液对家兔离体小肠运动性能的影响,笔者采用离体器官试验法,将家兔离体肠管置于恒温(38±0.5℃)平滑肌槽中,向平滑肌槽中加入浓度为5 g/L、10 g/L、15 g/L、20 g/L和25 g/L马钱子水煎液,记录给药前后十二指肠、空肠平滑肌运动性能的变化。结果表明,与用药前比较,5 g/L、10 g/L浓度时能促进十二指肠运动性能,15 g/L、20 g/L和25 g/L浓度时抑制十二指肠运动性能;在10 g/L浓度的时促进空肠运动性能;25 g/L时抑制空肠运动性能。说明马钱子水煎液对离体十二指肠和空肠收缩张力,收缩振幅和收缩频率的作用表现为低浓度兴奋、高浓度抑制。  相似文献   

鸡成肾细胞瘤(Neproblastoma)是一种胚胎性的恶性肿瘤,其外观形态出入很大,从淡红灰色的小结节到淡灰色团块,甚至形成巨大的肿块游离在腹腔内。肿瘤为肉瘤样细胞和上皮样细胞组成。肉瘤样细胞可分化为较成熟的平滑肌、横纹肌、纤维组织、粘  相似文献   

大豆寡糖其特有的发酵特性和非消化性,对动物的消化生理和营养素代谢产生重要影响,本文旨在研究不同添加量大豆寡糖对肉仔鸡肠黏膜形态的影响。在玉米-大豆浓缩蛋白型低寡糖基础日粮中分别添加0、0.50%、1.00%和2.00%的大豆寡糖。选用192只1日龄AA肉公鸡,随机分成4个处理组,每个处理设6个笼(重复),每笼8只鸡。结果表明:添加0.50%大豆寡糖对肉仔鸡的肠黏膜形态产生有利的影响,十二指肠、空肠和回肠的绒毛高度以0.50%大豆寡糖添加组为最大;空肠和回肠的隐窝深度以0.50%大豆寡糖添加组为最小;空肠和回肠的V/C值以0.50%大豆寡糖添加组为最大,这说明0.50%大豆寡糖对空肠和回肠的黏膜形态产生最有利的影响。  相似文献   

In a pet rabbit, 2 tumor masses one on each horn were macroscopically seen in the wall of the uterus. On light microscopic examination, the right horn mass consisted of an admixture of neoplastic epithelial and mesenchymal element. The epithelial element was composed of neoplastic epithelial cells with numerous mitotic figures and formed varied sizes of acini, glandular, and solid structures. The tumor was diagnosed as an adenocarcinoma of the endometrium. The mesenchymal element was composed of well-differentiated smooth muscle cells and was diagnosed as a leiomyoma. While adenocarcinoma cells formed a protrusive mass in the uterine lumen, they also showed an extension into the leiomyoma of the myometrium. By immunohistochemistry, adenocarcinoma stained positive for cytokeratin (MNF116) and leiomyoma stained positive for smooth muscle actin, showing a substantial difference in the cytological nature of these tumor cells. The results may give a further evidence supporting the narrative of the tumor development that an adenocarcinoma of the endometrium extended into leiomyoma of the uterus. To the author's knowledge, this is the first report describing this type of combination of two independent tumors in a pet rabbit.  相似文献   

A 1.5-year-old Holstein heifer had a subcutaneous tumor mass (20 cm diameter) on the ventral portion of the neck, and the tumor was diagnosed as a locally invasive myofibroblastoma. It consisted of moderately cellular fibrous tissue, and the interlobular septum of the thymus was invaded by tumor cells. The neoplastic cells were positive for alpha smooth muscle actin and vimentin, but not for desmin. Electron microscopy disclosed the presence of moderately developed rough endoplasmic reticulum and microfilaments with focal densities.  相似文献   

The intra-abdominal tumor developing in the uterus and lung of a domestic Shorthair cat was examined histopathologically and immunohistochemically. The tumor showed a proliferation of both endometrial stromal and smooth muscle cells accompanied by prominent vasculature. There were well-differentiated endometrial glands, and tubuli made up a monolayer of eosinophilic cuboidal epithelium. Immunohistochemically, the spindle-shaped cells and half of the stromal-like cells reacted to caldesmon and desmin antibodies. The neoplastic epithelium expressed AE1/AE3 cytokeratin. Feline endometrial stromal tumor has, to the best of our knowledge, not been reported previously and has smooth muscle and glandular components that are a unique variant to the human counterpart.  相似文献   

A neoplastic nodular lesion consisting of an admixture of granular cell tumor and adenocarcinoma was found in the uterus of a 26-month-old Djungarian hamster. Neoplastic cells of the uterine adenocarcinoma showed an epithelial nature in their growth patterns and by cytokeratin-immunopositive reaction, exhibiting nuclear pleomorphism. The granular cells had an abundant amount of fine granular eosinophilic cytoplasm and eccentric or central nuclei with no nuclear atypia; the granular structures were positive for periodic acid-Schiff with diastase resistance and were confirmed as lysosomes/autophagosomes by electron microscopy; immunohistochemically, the cells reacted to desmin, vimentin and α-smooth muscle actin and negatively for neurogenic, histiocyte/macrophage or epithelial markers, indicating smooth muscle origin. Because these tumors were generated from different cell origins, a diagnosis of collision tumor was made.  相似文献   

Thirteen uterine tumors were diagnosed in 13 cats and accounted for 0.29% of all feline neoplasms received during a 9.6-year period. Age at diagnosis ranged from 3 to 16 years; median 9 years. Six were Domestic Shorthair cats, and 7 were purebred cats of 5 different breeds. Eight adenocarcinomas and 1 mixed Müllerian tumor (adenosarcoma) comprised the endometrial tumors. Myometrial tumors included 3 leiomyomas and 1 leiomyosarcoma. One of the adenocarcinomas developed in the uterine stump of an ovariohysterectomized cat; the other cats were sexually intact. Concurrent mammary adenocarcinoma was diagnosed in 1 cat with uterine adenocarcinoma and in another with uterine leiomyoma. Tumors were discovered during elective ovariohysterectomy in 2 cats, but at least 3 others had experienced reproductive problems (infertility or pyometra). Five cats presented for abdominal or pelvic masses. Endometrial adenocarcinomas were positive immunohistochemically for cytokeratins and negative for smooth muscle actin (SMA): 1 of 6 cats was positive for vimentin and 4 of 8 were positive for estrogen receptor-alpha (ER alpha). Adenosarcoma stromal cells were positive for vimentin and ER alpha but negative for cytokeratins and SMA. Smooth muscle tumors were positive for vimentin and SMA and negative for cytokeratins. Leiomyomas, but not the leiomyosarcomas, were positive for ER alpha. Adenocarcinomas in 4 cats had metastasized by the time of ovariohysterectomy. Two other cats were euthanized 5 months after ovariohysterectomy; at least one of these cats had developed an abdominal mass that was not examined histologically. Only 2 cats with endometrial adenocarcinoma had disease-free intervals longer than 5 months after surgery. Metastasis was not detected in any mesenchymal tumor; however, these cats were either euthanized on discovery of the tumor or the tumor was first detected at necropsy.  相似文献   

A tumor within the right globe in a 9-year-old Shetland sheepdog was examined pathologically. The tumor was composed of spindle or oval cells arranged in interwoven bundles with intervening collagenous or mucinous matrices. Immunohistochemically, the tumor bound antibody directed to S-100 protein and vimentin, but not to desmin, actin smooth muscle, or neurofilament. Electron microscopy revealed that the tumor cells had poorly developed cytoplasmic processes, desmosomes between closely contiguous cells, and a discontinuous basement membrane-like material. Based on these findings, the tumor was diagnosed as a peripheral nerve sheath tumor (PNST) histologically. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first reported case of intraocular PNST in dogs.  相似文献   

An ovarian mucinous cystadenoma was found in a 5-year-old female cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis). The tumor was composed of various sizes of multilocular cystic glands lined by a single layer of mucin-filled epithelium. Each of these cystic glands was surrounded by a large amount of solid fibrous stroma resembling smooth muscle. The ovarian surface epithelium showed partial invagination into the ovarian cortex, and a transition was observed between the surface epithelium and the mucinous cyst-forming epithelium. Immunohistochemically, the stromal cells were positive for alpha-smooth muscle actin and proliferating cell nuclear antigen. Ultrastructurally, the glandular epithelium had numerous mucinous secretory granules and microvilli. The stromal cells had numerous parallel microfibrils with focal density. It is rare to encounter evidence of a transition from the surface epithelium to the mucinous tumor epithelium and to show stromal smooth muscle proliferation in a mucinous cystadenoma.  相似文献   

Abstract: A granular cell tumor (GCT; myoblastoma) was diagnosed on the tongue of a 12-year-old English Pointer with clinical signs of mild oral dysphagia. The diagnosis was confirmed by histopathologic examination and immunohistochemistry. The tumor was positive for S-100 protein, but also was positive for desmin, and was only weakly positive for PAS, which is unusual for GCTs. An epithelioid type of leiomyoma (leiomyo-blastoma) was considered less likely on the basis of negative staining for smooth muscle actin. Treatment consisted of surgical resection of the tumor. The animal was in excellent clinical condition 1 year after surgery. Although GCT of the tongue has been reported previously in the dog, determining the cell of origin is still problematic. Immunohistochemistry is helpful for histogenetic classification and necessary for differentiation from leiomyoblastoma.  相似文献   

An intrathoracic sarcoma from a 7-month-old female pig was studied by light and electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry. The tumor tissue of varied cell density consisted chiefly of spindle-shaped cells, some of which grew around blood vessels in a concentric fashion. Many tumor cells were positive for alpha smooth muscle actin and not for desmin, though some cells were reactive for both antigens. A majority of tumor cells had ultrastructural features characteristic of myofibroblasts, but a few cells resembled vascular smooth muscle cells in the synthetic state. This neoplasm may have arisen from vascular smooth muscle with features indicating a transition to myofibroblasts.  相似文献   

Gastric stromal tumors in two rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two female rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta, 10 and 24 years old) developed microcytic anemia and became terminally ill. At necropsy, large gastric masses were present, and, in one case, there were widespread abdominal metastases. Except for slightly atypical patterns, at the light microscopic level, the lesions resembled smooth muscle tumors. Ultrastructurally, however, cells in both tumors resembled primitive mesenchyme, while in one of the tumors, there were some characteristics of Schwann cells. No ultrastructural features of smooth muscle were present in either tumor. Vimentin and S-100 were detected immunohistochemically in both tumors. S-100 staining was more intense in the tumor with ultrastructural features of Schwann cells. Actin and desmin were not expressed in either gastric tumor, but diffusely stained a uterine tumor that was concomitantly present in one of the rhesus monkeys. The uterine tumor also exhibited typical ultrastructural features of smooth muscle. In the past, gastrointestinal stromal tumors in all species were thought to be of smooth muscle origin. Recently in human pathology, this conventional viewpoint has given way to the realization that there is a spectrum of neural crest and mesenchymal tumors. We report two gastric stromal tumors in two rhesus monkeys that histologically resembled smooth muscle tumors but were of neuroectodermal and primitive mesenchymal origin.  相似文献   

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