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In a first trial the cortical activity of cattle and sheep was tested using only an electrocorticogram (ECoG). The results showed a shorter phase after sticking or the ritual slaughter cut respectively, until the ECoG disappears in stunned animals. However, considering the time between stunning and the cervical state, the interval until disappearance of the ECoG was prolonged in the stunned animals. The observed time differences, however, are only a tendency and not statistically confirmed. Insofar, concerning animal protection, the different slaughter methods could be regarded equivalent. A second trial was designed in a manner to allow a more exact interpretation of the ECoGs and was completed by measuring visually and somatosensorically evoked potentials. Additionally, in contrast to the first trial, only adult cattle were used here. The results revealed shorter intervals until disappearance of cortical activities when using captive-bolt stunning. Also the variance was much lower in this trial than after ritual slaughter. The mean of the time differences was relatively low (5.5 seconds). It was especially remarkable that after captivebolt stunning absolutely no evoked potentials could be registrated, whereas these potentials lasted for 77 seconds (somatosensorically evoked potentials) and 55 seconds respectively (visually evoked potentials) after the ritual slaughter cut. Thus, after ritual slaughter a nervous conduction was measured up to 126 seconds in the extreme cases. However, from the results obtained it can not be concluded whether or not pain sensitivity occurred in the animals.  相似文献   

During the process for a permission of ritual slaughter, regulated by paragraph 4a (2) no.2 Animal Protection Law, the licensing authority has to weigh carefully, because there are different rights in the constitutional law. Ritual slaughter contradicts religious liberty and animal protection so it is necessary to find a balance. Demands on requests for ritual slaughter as well as rudiments for verification and notification are described and aspects of animal protection during ritual slaughter without stunning methods are demonstrated.  相似文献   

The judgement of the German Constitutional Court from February the 15th in 2002 allows Moslems to perform ritual slaughter, provided that they can state compelling religious reasons. Animal protection was assessed just as a public interest in contrast to the constitutional rights of religious and professional freedom. However this can not be kept up any more as it is aimed to integrate animal protection into the German constitutional law. The authorities now have the duty to investigate each request for ritual slaughter carefully. This investigation must include a close look at the compelling religious reasons, the expert knowledge of the applicant (which includes stunning methods), the local facilities of the slaughterhouse and which is more for whom the meat is for. It is also important whether the animal is slaughtered for sacrificial or commercial reasons. Furthermore the consequences which threaten the religious community, if their members don't live according to the rules, have to be shown. Electric stunning and the fact that it is accepted by Islamic authorities has also to be pointed out. It seems to be possible to turn down a request for ritual slaughter referring that to the fact that animal protection is aimed to be part of the constitutional law.  相似文献   

Animal epidemics are part of everyday life in animal husbandry, as are the psychosocial effects of the killing/slaughter of animals on the animal keeper. So here we are talking about everyday life observations of concerned people and veterinarians. But now, after the mass slaughter of contaminated animals in conjunction with BSE and MKS, society and the church have taught us to take a much closer look and we now realise that pathological traumatic states are to be considered almost universal concomitant phenomena. Rural families as well as the veterinarians and slaughtering teams involved (Keulungsteams) have to bear the emotional consequences of the circumstances of the loss of these animal for a long time. For the sake of people and the vitalization of the human-animal-relationship the pastoral service ("Kirchlicher Dienst") has initiated an oecumenically organised and specially trained pastoral care task force in Lower Saxony. Its intention is to support the initiation of trauma coverage regarding psycho-religious ways of connectivity at the entrance point of the crisis.  相似文献   

Studies were made of the behavioural and physiological reactions of cattle undergoing ritual slaughter in the Weinberg holding pen, in which the animal is inverted, and in the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) pen, in which the animal is standing. Behaviour was analysed with reference to the duration of the slaughter procedures by recording activities on an ethogram. Blood samples taken at slaughter were analysed for cortisol levels and haematocrit, and intramuscular pH was measured 45 minutes and 24 hours after slaughter. A wide range of activities was displayed in the ritually slaughtered cattle and these were particularly pronounced in the Weinberg pen. The mean time spent in the Weinberg pen was eight times longer than the time spent in the ASPCA pen. The cortisol and haematocrit values of cattle slaughtered in the Weinberg pen were significantly greater than those of cattle slaughtered in the ASPCA pen or cattle slaughtered conventionally. The results indicate that animals in the Weinberg pen experienced more stress than those in the ASPCA pen.  相似文献   


This research aims to understand the prevalence of religious slaughter practices in Italy. Two different ways of slaughtering animals are identified. Conventional slaughter is performed with prior stunning; kosher slaughter is practiced without stunning. Halal slaughter is performed for most animals without stunning. Halal slaughter with prior stunning is acceptable for 5.90% of small ruminants. For Halal slaughter in Italy, the terms “religious slaughter with stunning” and “religious slaughter without stunning” should be used to differentiate religious slaughter practices, keeping animal welfare in perspective.


An overview of the current European legislation concerning animal welfare is given. The legal requirements concern the housing and care of production animals (poultry, calves and swine), the transport of animals and the killing of animals (not only in slaughterhouses, but also in case of contagious animal disease outbreaks). General information concerning the principles and contents of European pieces of legislation as well as detailed information concerning requirements for individual animal species is given. Furthermore, other elements concerning animal welfare such as castration of piglets, ritual slaughter and animals used for experimental purposes are also reviewed. Finally, some recent initiatives in the field of animal welfare are mentioned and useful links are provided for finding the various legislative acts and additional supportive information.  相似文献   

With the introduction of Art. 20 a GG in August 2002 the moral thought of animal protection has become a constitutional principle. Now an accommodation between animal protection on the one hand and with religious freedom (undisturbed practice of religion), the right to free development of personality and the right to free choice an practice of an occupation on the other hand has become necessary. If somebody is able to substantiate a claim because of compelling religious reasons, the appropriate authority has still to grant him a certificate of exemption for ritual slaughtering pursuant to paragraph 4 a Abs. 2 Nr. 2 animal-protection-act. The following text tries to explain the conditions precedent to get a permission in detail. The author affirms, that the authorities are bounded by the law. Veterinarians as appropriate authorities are not allowed to turn downed an application on reasons of conscience.  相似文献   

Information was collected on the slaughter procedures used in 12 processing plants in Australia. The processing line speed varied from 25 to 125 birds/minute; the voltage in the electrified waterbath varied from 55 to 165 V; the duration of stunning was 2.0 to 7.5 seconds and the time allowed for exsanguination was 45 to 180 seconds. As a result of the variables, some birds were dead on leaving the stunner and prior to exsanguination, while it was probable that others were not dead before entering the scald tank.  相似文献   

For many years animal welfare aspects of slaughtering were not discussed. But in the last ten years the research has much increased in this field. The new knowledges will be taken in account in national and european legislation. The question if ritual slaughtering without pre-slaughter stunning has to be allowed, was answered by the amendment of the Animal Welfare Act: This form of slaughtering is now only allowed in the context of constitutional guaranteed religious liberty.  相似文献   

Investigations were carried out on the response of slaughter pigs to CO2 stunning with two different gas concentrations (80 vol%, 90 vol%, 73 s) under practical conditions in a one gondola-dip-lift system. EEG measurements were performed and blood constituents such as catecholamines (adrenaline, nor-adrenaline) and lactate as well as clinical reactions (nasal septum and corneal reflex, heart beats) investigated. Special EEG-electrodes were adapted for the measurement on pigs and a mobile data logger was prepared for the use in the lairage of the slaughter house and in the stunning unit. The CO2 concentrations were measured continuously close to the head of the pigs when transported up and down in the stunning gondola. The results show that the technique is suited to monitor the effects of different CO2 gas concentrations on the EEG of the pigs under practical conditions. There is strong evidence that CO2 concentrations of 80 vol% applied over 70 s as required by law are not sufficient to stun pigs properly. A large part of the animals still showed typical reflexes when leaving the stunning pit. When an atmosphere of 90 vol% CO2 is applied, most animals are already dead before bleeding commences. This may create problems in respect to meat hygiene. The blood analysis revealed very high concentrations of catecholamines after stunning. The values for adrenaline and nor-adrenaline in the sticking blood rose by a factor of about 1000 as compared to the concentrations in blood samples taken in the lairage before stunning. It seems necessary to revise the current legislation on gas stunning and to look in greater detail in the effects of CO2 stunning on the welfare of slaughter pigs.  相似文献   

甘州区地理区位优势明显,发展养殖业具有天然优越条件,动物饲养量较大。养殖业的发展势必会产生一定数量的病死动物。如果病死动物不经过无害化处理,会造成环境污染,并存在动物疫病传播流行风险。建议通过加强无害化处理设施建设完善、强化动物卫生监督管理、加大动物产品安全消费宣传力度等方法,做好病死动物无害化处理工作,保障人民群众身体健康和公共卫生安全。  相似文献   

Every slaughter process involves problems as to animal welfare as well as safety aspects and the protection of workers. With poultry these are basically concentrated on electrical stunning. Electrical currents and voltages suitable for stunning slaughter animals are principally also hazardous for man in what respect body resistance is of crucial importance. Potential hazards have to be looked upon as present in spite of existing safety regulations. Comparatively high stunning voltages for poultry recently proposed because of animal welfare considerations have met objections not only from the viewpoint of meat hygienic but workers' safety regulations as well. While the former meanwhile could be overcome the latter still has to be investigated, especially as a regulation on the electrical stunning of poultry is currently being prepared. In this respect the question whether adequate stunning efficiency can be obtained by reducing the voltage and prolonging the time of exposure is of special interest. First preliminary results of such investigations are presented. To ensure workers' safety other related aspects should also be taken into account and examined for improvements.  相似文献   

Conditions of trading and handling of animals during transportation are regulated by numerous norms which cover the humanitarian, sanitary, veterinary as well as technical and construction requirements to transportation means. Veterinary services play a particular role in trade of slaughter animals due to their controlling authority. They execute sanitary supervision over animal trading according to the regulations. Polish legislation related to the transport of animals is adjusted to the European Union standards.  相似文献   

Sir:- The Animal Welfare Subcommittee of the New Zealand Veterinary Association is currently examining the animal welfare implications of the export of live animals for slaughter. While this is in particular reference to the shippiing of sheep from New Zealand to the Middle East, we are also interested in the broader philosophical aspect of such trade.  相似文献   

Logistic slaughter is an intervention measure intended to reduce cross-contamination during slaughter by slaughtering contaminated units (=(groups of) animals) last. This paper describes a simple mathematical model which predicts the prevalences of contaminated units after logistic and random-order slaughter. The effect of logistic slaughter is the difference between these prevalences. The model assumes that uncontaminated units can become contaminated by contaminated units that were slaughtered before them; the contributions of contaminated units are independent. It also assumes that a slaughterhouse is uncontaminated at the start of the day and that a unit that is contaminated before slaughter also is contaminated after slaughter. The model was analysed using numerical simulations; for a selection of cases, analytical formulas can be derived and are presented. Contamination of broiler flocks with Salmonella was used as a case study. Even for this simple model, data availability is a problem leading to uncertain parameter estimates. An average cross-contamination scenario predicts that the beneficial effect of logistic slaughter is as low as 9.1%, which casts doubt on its usefulness as an intervention measure. The case study produced these general model results: the effect of logistic slaughter increases with the probability of cross-contamination between units; with the length of the slaughter queue; and with sensitivity (the probability of a positive test from a unit contaminated at the start of slaughter). However, the effect is small if the prevalence of contaminated units before slaughter is low or high.  相似文献   

During a study on the salmonella infection rate in slaughter pigs, bacteriological results were collected from faecal samples and intestinal lymphnodes, and serological results were acquired from meat-juice-ELISA. Serological findings and resulting serological parameters were analysed for their capacity to provide an indication of the salmonella burden in a given lot of slaughter pigs or in the farm of origin. The arithmetic mean antibody concentration of a lot of slaughter pigs or a piggery, or the number of animals reacting above 30% according to the Danish standard, or the number of animals reacting above 40% according to the Danish standard are all three equally suited to differentiate between a low and a high level of infection. The mean antibody concentration was found to be the best parameter for epidemiological studies that compare the serological status between herds or investigate the development of antibodies within a given piggery.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine an influence of parasites invasion on fodder consumption and slaughter yield of fatteners in three different maintenance systems. The experimental part of the study was conducted on pigs farm producing in a close cycle. The study on internal parasites of fatteners were conducted based on coproscopic methods. In order to describe the relationship between following variables: meatiness, slaughter yield, fodder consumption and mean EPG value, the principal component analysis (PCA) was used. The analysis between fodder consumption and maintenance system and fodder consumption and helminths infection did not demonstrate any significant relationship. The analysis between slaughter yield and meatiness and an infection demonstrated in turn a decrease in both parameters values in the two maintenance systems, i.e. in fatteners kept on litter meatiness decrease in infected fatteners of 4.2% and yield of 1.7%. On slatted floor meatiness decrease in infected fatteners of 6.1% and yield of 2.7%. The decreasing tendency in meat content (3.7%) and in slaughter yield (1.1%) was also observed in fatteners maintained on deep litter, however the values were not significant statistically.  相似文献   

The signature of carotenoid pigments stored in the caudal fat has been used to discriminate carcasses of lambs raised on pasture from those fed concentrates. However, the literature reports higher concentration of carotenoids in perirenal than in caudal fat, and it is likely that carotenoid concentration in fat increases with shrinkage time. Our objectives were to investigate the effects of measurement site and shrinkage time after slaughter on the reliability of the discrimination between grass- and concentrate-fed lambs. Thirty-two lambs were fed concentrate-based diets (stall, n = 16) or grazed a natural pasture in France (grass, n = 16). The concentrate supply was regulated to have similar ADG between the two treatments. Periodically lambs weighing about 35 kg were slaughtered. Reflectance spectrum and lightness (L*), redness (a*), and yellowness (b*) were measured at slaughter and after 24 h of shrinkage in the subcutaneous caudal and in the perirenal fat. The spectra were translated to have a value of reflectance at 510 nm = 0 and the integral of the translated spectrum was calculated between 450 and 510 nm (i.e., the zone of light absorption by carotenoids). The integral value of subcutaneous caudal fat at slaughter differed between stall- and grass-fed lambs (P < 0.05) but was not reliable to discriminate between feeding treatments. After 24-h shrinkage, the discrimination was better but was uncertain for 50% of the lambs. The integral value of perirenal fat at slaughter allowed us to discriminate all the lambs fed concentrates (16) from all those fed pasture (16). After 24-h shrinkage, the discrimination based on perirenal fat was partially compromised; 21.9% of the animals were not correctly discriminated. The integral value of the translated spectrum was highly (P < 0.001) correlated with the fat yellowness (b*), but the b* value was not reliable to discriminate between feeding treatments. However, plotting yellowness (b*) against redness (a*) values allowed us to discriminate 31 out of 32 lambs. Measuring reflectance spectrum of perirenal fat at slaughter allowed for complete discrimination of grass-fed from stall-fed lambs. However, because the integral values were affected by shrinkage time, measurements should be rigorously made immediately after slaughter.  相似文献   

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