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为明确不同海拔对天水市小麦条锈菌Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici夏孢子萌发的影响,于显微镜下观察天水市低、中、高海拔地区小麦条锈菌夏孢子在不同温度下的萌发及融合情况,并对与夏孢子萌发相关的温敏基因的表达水平进行测定。结果显示,低海拔和中海拔地区的小麦条锈菌夏孢子的最适萌发温度为9℃,萌发率分别为64.72%和54.21%,高海拔地区的小麦条锈菌夏孢子的适宜萌发温度在12~16℃之间,平均萌发率为59.09%;高海拔和低海拔地区小麦条锈菌夏孢子都存在芽管融合和孢子融合现象,其中高海拔地区小麦条锈菌夏孢子的异核率为6.13%,超过了其无性阶段变异的阈值1%。与夏孢子萌发相关的10个温敏基因在不同海拔地区小麦条锈菌夏孢子中的表达趋势不同,其中,与能量代谢相关的葡萄糖转运蛋白基因和低亲和力磷酸转运蛋白基因在高海拔地区小麦条锈菌夏孢子中的表达量高于低海拔地区小麦条锈菌夏孢子,与毒性变异相关的易化因子超家族(major facilitator superfamily,MFS)转运蛋白基因在高海拔和低海拔地区小麦条锈菌夏孢子中的表达模式均呈上升趋势。表明由于海拔...  相似文献   

 为了解空气中引起玉米南方锈病病原菌多堆柄锈菌孢子数量与田间病情的关系以及气象因素对孢子和病情的影响,于2017年6 ~9月,在中国农业大学开封实验站,监测空气中多堆柄锈菌的孢子动态,并调查病情和记录气象数据,分别利用Pearson 和Spearman等级相关分析孢子数量与病情以及气象因素与孢子数量和病情的相关性,进一步利用多元逐步回归分析构建病害预测模型。结果表明,在调查日期内(8 月 5~26日),孢子数量呈现先升后降的趋势;孢子的空间分布和扩散方向与风向基本一致。8 d前和3 d前的孢子数量均与病情呈显著正相关(P<0.01),相关系数分别为0.720和0.755。孢子浓度与温度(≥27℃)、日照时数呈显著负相关;8d 前的气象因素能够显著影响田间病情的发生。建立了玉米南方锈病病害预测模型:Y= 70.938+ 0.009 SC-2.180 MT(其中Y表示的是病情指数, SC表示孢子数量,MT表示日平均气温,R2为0.716),为病情预测提供指导。  相似文献   

小麦锈菌夏孢子经盐酸处理后的形态观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了快速区分小麦条锈菌、叶锈菌和秆锈菌,用不同浓度的盐酸处理3种小麦锈菌的新鲜夏孢子和在4 ℃冰箱内保存4个月以上的锈菌夏孢子,在显微镜下观察夏孢子形态以及原生质体变化。结果表明, 24.5%、28.5%、32.5%、36.5%4种浓度的盐酸处理条锈菌夏孢子后其原生质体均浓缩成多个分散的小团。而同样方法处理叶锈菌和秆锈菌新鲜菌种时其原生质体浓缩成一个大团或多个小团,浓缩成一个大团的比例随盐酸浓度的增大而提高;用不同浓度盐酸处理保存4个月以上的2种小麦锈菌时,95%以上的夏孢子原生质体浓缩成多个分散的小团,少数(不超过5%)的夏孢子原生质体浓缩成一个大团。研究还发现叶锈菌和秆锈菌夏孢子活力、盐酸浓度等对夏孢子原生质体浓缩状况有很大影响,且与病菌生理小种有一定的关系。因此,锈菌夏孢子经36.5%浓盐酸处理后的原生质体浓缩状况只能作为小麦锈病田间快速诊断检测的辅助手段,不能作为锈病种类鉴别的唯一标准,必须结合病害症状特征、孢子形态以及分子生物学方法等进行综合判别。  相似文献   

紫外线照射对小麦条锈菌生物学效应的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以紫外线(UV)不同剂量照射小麦条锈菌夏孢子,结果表明,其严重削弱夏孢子的存活,剂量效应曲线无明显肩区和尾指数区,小表条锈菌夏孢子对低剂量照射较为敏感;经紫外线照射的夏孢子接种小麦感病品种,其致病性发生改变,潜伏期延长,反应型降低,严重度减少;亦降低了小麦条锈菌的繁殖能力,单叶孢子堆数量减少,孢子堆长度变短,产孢量降低,产孢期缩短。这些生物学效应随照射剂量增加而加强。  相似文献   

紫外线照射对小麦条锈菌生物学效应的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 以紫外线(UV)不同剂量照射小麦条锈菌夏孢子,结果表明,其严重削弱夏孢子的存活,剂量效应曲线无明显肩区和尾指数区,小表条锈菌夏孢子对低剂量照射较为敏感;经紫外线照射的夏孢子接种小麦感病品种,其致病性发生改变,潜伏期延长,反应型降低,严重度减少;亦降低了小麦条锈菌的繁殖能力,单叶孢子堆数量减少,孢子堆长度变短,产孢量降低,产孢期缩短。这些生物学效应随照射剂量增加而加强。  相似文献   

2014和2015两年度利用Burkard定容式孢子捕捉器监测了高感小麦白粉病品种京双16种植区和中感品种众麦2号种植区田间空气中的病菌孢子浓度变化动态,同时利用小型气象站监测了田间的气象因子,通过分析京双16和众麦2号种植区空气中孢子浓度与空气温度、湿度、降雨、风速和太阳辐射率的相关性,发现空气中的孢子浓度主要与空气温度呈显著的正相关性(r0.348 3,P0.05)。在此基础上,分别分析了田间病情与调查日期前累积孢子浓度、一周前累积孢子浓度、前一周累积孢子浓度和当周累积孢子浓度的关系,结果表明,中感品种众麦2号田间病情与累积孢子浓度的关系均呈指数关系,其中田间病情与调查日期前累积孢子浓度或一周前累积孢子浓度的拟合效果最好,而感病品种京双16的田间病情与累积孢子浓度多呈对数关系,其中病情指数与一周前累积孢子浓度的拟合效果最好。  相似文献   

不同培养载体对小麦条锈菌夏孢子人工萌发的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索适合小麦条锈菌寄主体外萌发的载体,并建立基于不同研究目的的小麦条锈菌夏孢子人工萌发技术,采用超声波水雾培养法,以小麦条锈菌生理小种CYR32为供试材料,探讨了不同培养载体对小麦条锈菌夏孢子萌发特性的影响.在最适温度和湿度条件下,以4种不同材料为培养载体,小麦条锈菌夏孢子的萌发率、芽管生长率和外观显示情况有显著差异.在尼龙纱网上的夏孢子萌发速度和芽管伸长速度最快,12 h内萌发率最高可达93.40%,芽管最长可达446.71 μm;亲水滤膜上夏孢子的萌发率和芽管长仅次于纱网;亲水塑料膜和PVDF膜上夏孢子的萌发率均高于普通亲水载玻片,而芽管长度低于普通亲水载玻片.采用侧光照明时,在亲水滤膜和PVDF膜上极易清晰观测到夏孢子及其芽管内的黄色颗粒物.在亲水塑料膜上,还可观察到夏孢子萌发12 h后,芽管尾部膨大形成类似附着胞的结构.结果显示,超声波水雾可使条锈菌夏孢子处于水分饱和的环境,而纱网纤维组成的小格具有很好的保水结露功能,能使夏孢子萌发快,萌发效率高,芽管生长快;另一方面,使用其他培养载体还可满足观测条锈菌夏孢子内黄色颗粒物向芽管内转移和芽管尾部形成类似附着胞结构的目的.  相似文献   

田间空气中小麦白粉菌分生孢子的动态监测研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2012和2013两年度采用Burkard定容式孢子捕捉器,对田间空气中小麦白粉病菌分生孢子的监测结果表明,小麦冠层内、外白粉菌分生孢子浓度存在显著的正相关性,冠层内的白粉菌分生孢子浓度明显高于冠层外;田间空气中分生孢子的浓度逐渐升高,到小麦灌浆期达到最大值之后逐渐降低。时间序列分析结果表明,两年度田间空气中白粉菌分生孢子浓度均符合ARIMA(1,1,0)模型且与温度有显著的相关性,建立了基于温度的白粉菌分生孢子浓度预测模型,模型回归效果均达到了显著水平。研究结果发现,田间白粉病病情与空气中病菌分生孢子和关键气象因子具有显著相关性,并在此基础上分别建立了基于空气中分生孢子浓度,以及基于分生孢子浓度和气象因子的田间白粉病病情预测模型,其中基于分生孢子浓度的预测模型普适性要优于基于分生孢子浓度和气象因子的预测模型,可以用来预测田间小麦白粉病的发生流行程度。  相似文献   

应用real-time PCR评价三种杀菌剂对小麦条锈病的防治效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为更加精确有效地评估杀菌剂对小麦条锈病的防效,本研究利用real-time PCR检测潜育阶段的分子病情指数(molecular disease index,M DI)并结合田间病情分析,对三种杀菌剂的防效进行评价。春季返青后在品种铭贤169和京0045试验小区的诱发中心接种小麦条锈菌夏孢子,待充分发病后将其铲除。设置播种前2%立克秀拌种,接种后21和28 d分别喷施25%阿米西达和30%苯甲-丙环唑1 500倍液三种处理。发病后调查不同处理的普遍率和严重度,计算病情指数和AUDPC。结果表明,阿米西达和苯甲-丙环唑对小麦条锈病具有良好的防效且能够明显抑制发病中心的扩展,而经立克秀拌种对该病害的防治效果和发病中心扩展的抑制作用均不理想。对京0045于发病中心接种后24和33 d采样,经双重real-time PCR定量检测,计算MDI。结果显示潜育检测获得的M DI与AUDPC之间均具有极显著的相关性;阿米西达和苯甲-丙环唑对潜育期小麦条锈菌的扩展具有明显的持续抑制作用,而立克秀拌种仅对小麦条锈菌潜伏初期的扩展表现出一定的抑制作用。  相似文献   

陇东发现一种小麦条锈菌的天敌昆虫高兆国,吴中堡,鱼洁波,张明科(甘肃省泾川县农技推广中心744300)小麦条锈病是陇东地区小麦的一种重要病害,近几年我们在调查锈病病情时,发现一种取食条锈菌的夏孢子堆,约2mm长的桔红色小虫,经室内饲养并初步鉴定,确认...  相似文献   

为了解西藏林芝地区气象因子对小麦条锈病的影响及其流行动态,2016年采用五点取样法对林芝地区小麦条锈病的发病情况进行监测,通过相关性分析、逐步回归C(p)统计法和线性回归等方法,分析了病情指数与气象因子的关系,并结合时间和病情指数建立了病害预测模型。结果表明,在林芝地区,温度X_1、湿度X_2均与小麦条锈病病情指数Y呈极显著相关,降雨量X_3与病情指数Y呈显著相关;线性回归方程为:Y=-482.5991+19.7494X1+3.7974X2-0.8439X3。根据模拟情况选择的病害流行动态方程为Y=1/e~((0.914t+0.385)),决定系数为0.952,模型的拟合效果较好,表明该模型能够为林芝地区小麦条锈病的预测预报提供有效的参考依据。  相似文献   

In order to better understand the epidemiology of Puccinia triticina and the relationship between airborne inoculum and disease severity, a method for quantifying airborne inoculum was developed using volumetric Burkard 7-day spore traps and real-time PCR. The method was applied using a spore trap network from 1 March to 30 June over a 5-year period. At one site, the inoculum was quantified continuously over 3 years, during which it showed a seasonal distribution, with the highest quantities and detection frequencies occurring between May and June. High mean daily quantities (65.8–121.2 spores/day) and detection frequencies (±20 % of days) were also reported after harvest from September to December. In the coldest months of the year, almost no detection was recorded (1–6 % of days). The study results indicate that the absence of inoculum in the air when upper leaves are emerging could be a limiting factor for the risk of epidemics. Mean daily quantities of airborne inoculum (0–131.4 spores/day) were measured from the beginning of stem elongation (GS30) to the flag leaf stage (GS39). These values were well correlated with the disease severity levels measured during grain development. A multiple regression analysis showed that total rainfall in late summer and autumn and mean minimum temperature in winter positively influence spore density between GS30 and GS39 in the following spring (R2 = 0.73). This relationship and the patterns of airborne inoculum observed in fields strongly suggest the existence of a ‘green bridge’ phenomenon in Belgium. Our study also showed that the quantification of airborne inoculum or its estimation using a weather-based predictive model could be useful for interpreting disease severity models and avoiding over-estimates of disease risk.  相似文献   

Trunk disease pathogens of grapevines, viz. Phaeomoniella chlamydospora, Eutypa lata and several species in Botryosphaeriaceae, Phaeoacremonium and Phomopsis are known to infect fresh pruning wounds by means of air-borne inoculum released after rainfall or prolonged periods of high relative humidity. Recent surveys have demonstrated that most or all of these pathogens are present in climatically diverse grape growing regions of South Africa. However, the factors controlling spore dispersal of these pathogens in vineyards were largely unknown. To address this question, spore trapping was done in a Chenin Blanc vineyard in the Stellenbosch area, South Africa, for 14 weeks during the grapevine pruning period from June to mid-September of 2004 and 2005. Hourly recordings of weather data were done by a weather station in the row adjacent to the spore trap. Spores of E. lata and Phomopsis and species in Botryosphaeriaceae were trapped throughout the trapping periods of 2004 and 2005, with higher levels of trapped spores recorded in 2005. The spores of all three pathogens were trapped during or after periods of rainfall and/or high relative humidity. In neither of the 2 years were spores of Pa. chlamydospora or Phaeoacremonium spp. trapped. Results indicated that spore event incidence, as well as the amount of spores released during a spore event of above-mentioned pathogens, were governed by rainfall, relative humidity, temperature and wind speed prior to and during the spore events.  相似文献   

小麦条锈病菌和白粉病菌多重TaqMan Real-time PCR方法的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>小麦条锈病(Puccinia striiformis f.sp.tritici,Pst)和小麦白粉病(Blumeria graminis f.sp.tritici,Bgt)是我国小麦生产上的重要病害。条锈病主要发生在西北、华北、长江中下游和西南各省、自治区;白粉病则在西南各省和河南、山东、湖北、江苏、安徽等省发生较重,且西北、东北麦区也日趋严重[1]。条锈病菌依靠夏孢子造成小麦初侵染和再侵染并随气流远距离传播导致大区流行,白粉病菌则依赖于分生孢子或子囊孢子进行初侵染和再侵染。二者作为典型的气传病害,空中的接种体在  相似文献   

In a three-year Hungarian study, conidial density of Monilinia fructigena in the air determined from mid-May until harvest was related to brown rot disease progress in integrated and organic apple orchards. Conidia of M. fructigena were first trapped in late May in both orchards in all years. Number of conidial density greatly increased after the appearance of first infected fruit, from early July in the organic and from early August in the integrated orchard. Conidial number continuously increased until harvest in both orchards. Final brown rot incidence reached 4.3–6.6% and 19.8–24.5% in the integrated and organic orchards, respectively. Disease incidence showed a significant relationship with corresponding cumulative numbers of trapped conidia both in integrated and organic orchards, and was described by separate three-parameter Gompertz functions for the two orchards. Time series analyses, using autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models, revealed that the temporal patterns of the number of airborne conidia was similar in all years in both integrated and organic orchards. Conidia caught over a 24-h period showed distinct diurnal periodicity, with peak spore density occurring in the afternoon between 13.00 and 18.00. Percent viability of M. fructigena conidia ranged from 48.8 to 70.1% with lower viability in dry compared to wet days in both orchards and all years. Temperature and relative humidity correlated best with mean hourly conidial catches in both integrated and organic apple orchards in each year. Correlations between aerial spore density and wind speed were significant only in the organic orchard over the 3-year period. Mean hourly rainfall was negatively but poorly correlated with mean hourly conidial catches. Results were compared and discussed with previous observations.  相似文献   

Atmospheric concentrations of Botrytis cinerea conidia were monitored for two seasons in a strawberry crop in Moguer (Huelva, southwestern Spain). Concentrations of conidia were estimated using a Burkard volumetric spore sampler. A diurnal pattern of conidial release was observed. Airborne conidial concentration was significantly and positively correlated with the average solar radiation and mean temperature, and negatively with rainfall and relative humidity. Among the weather variables considered, solar radiation showed the most consistent results in the regression analysis, explaining over 40% of airborne conidial concentration variability. Correlation between Botrytis fruit rot incidence and accumulated number of conidia over seven days was significant and positive. Two regression models containing three variables explained over 62 and 52% of the fruit rot incidence variability. A positive but non-significant correlation was established between B. cinerea incidence in flowers and airborne conidial concentration. It was not possible to fit a consistent regression model to relate flower infection incidence to conidial concentration or weather variables.  相似文献   

中国夏季区域干旱特征比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用全国515站(1957~2000年)气象资料,修正计算帕默尔干旱指数,研究中国夏季区域干旱演变特征及其与东亚夏季风的关系.结果表明:除内蒙古高原区、华北北部及长白山脉区、黄土高原区、云贵高原区、东北平原区等5区域夏季干旱指数呈下降趋势外,南岭区、长江中下游区、黄淮区域、塔里木盆地区、天山北部区域、河西走廊及其沙漠戈壁区、青藏高原区等广大区域夏季干旱指数均呈上升趋势.中国夏季干旱指数大多存在5~8 a的短周期年际周期变化,12~13 a、15~16 a的长周期年际周期变化存在于部分区域,个别区域还存在20~25 a长周期年际周期变化.西北和青藏高原夏季干旱指数与东亚夏季风指数呈负相关,中东部地区夏季干旱指数与东亚夏季风指数呈正相关.  相似文献   


Studies were conducted on the effect of pruning time, host age, urediniospore release and weather parameters on the incidence and intensity of mulberry leaf rust (Peridiopsora mori). Rust severity significantly increased with increasing shoot age, irrespective of pruning time. Maximum disease severity was observed in plants pruned during the third week of October, and minimum severity in plants pruned during last week of November. Apparent infection rate was higher in younger shoots. Infection rate was higher in plants pruned during the last week of November. Urediniospore release was influenced by prevailing climatic conditions. A higher rate of spore release was noticed during sunny days. Maximum spore release was found between 12.00 h and 14.00 h. Spore release was positively correlated with temperature and negatively correlated with relative humidity. Rust severity (34.97%) was higher in January and least (1.03%) during May. Rust severity was negatively correlated with both temperature and rainfall. An exponential model was developed for the prediction of rust severity which was accurate up to 96.60%.  相似文献   

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