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在水温(22.0±1.0)℃条件下,研究饥饿状态下圆口铜鱼Coreius guichenoti仔鱼生长、初次摄食率、不可逆点(PNR)以及摄食节律。结果表明:圆口铜鱼初孵仔鱼全长(7.50±0.01)mm,卵黄囊体积(3.36±0.11)mm~3,摄食组仔鱼全长生长呈线性增加,饥饿组仔鱼生长呈先增长后下降趋势。早期仔鱼(5日龄)和晚期仔鱼(15日龄)的摄食节律相似,高峰在凌晨6:00和黄昏18:00,属于典型的晨昏摄食类型。1~3日龄仔鱼为内源性营养期;4日龄仔鱼开口摄食,进入混合营养期,初次摄食率约为25.1%;5日龄卵黄囊耗尽,进入外源营养期;7日龄仔鱼摄食率达到最高水平为100%,最高摄食率维持6d,PNR期为13~14日龄。在本实验水温下,圆口铜鱼仔鱼最佳投喂时间为4~6日龄。  相似文献   

黑鲪早期发育与摄食的初步观察   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对黑鲪Sebastes schlegelii早期发育及摄食进行了研究。结果表明,在水温15.4~16.0℃、盐度30~32、pH8.4的培养条件下,黑鲪初产仔鱼全长为6.07±0.25mm,腹部有残存的卵黄囊;1日龄仔鱼全长为6.21±0.31mm,大部分仔鱼进入摄食期,开口饵料为经小球藻强化过的褶皱臂尾轮虫;20日龄仔鱼全长为8.81±0.40mm,开始增投经营养强化的卤虫无节幼体,仔鱼进入快速生长期。依照TL=aD3+bD2+cD+d方程式,对仔鱼个体的全长与日龄进行回归,得到其生长模型为:TL(mm)=0.0096D2-0.0415D+6.7503(R2=0.9877)。仔鱼耐受饥饿的时间临界点(PNR)发生在产出后第4天(3日龄),不可逆转饥饿期的时间为2d。黑鲪仔稚鱼在24h内均有不同程度的摄食。1日龄仔鱼的摄食高峰出现在8:00,5日龄仔鱼摄食高峰则出现在16:00,12日龄仔鱼的摄食强度在12:00达到最大,相应的摄食率高峰出现在16:00,19日龄仔鱼在12:00~0:00出现摄食率高峰,24日龄稚鱼的摄食强度在12:00达到最大,30日龄稚鱼的摄食高峰出现在12:00~16:00,且16:00的峰值明显高于12:00,24h内摄食率达到100%。结果表明,黑鲪仔稚鱼无明显的摄食节律,属于全天摄食型,摄食高峰出现在白天。  相似文献   

为探明拉氏■仔稚鱼发育生物学特性及适宜下塘时间,对拉氏■进行了胚后仔稚鱼发育显微观察、仔鱼饥饿试验和仔鱼下塘试验。胚后仔稚鱼发育观察结果显示,水温16~18℃,拉氏■初孵仔鱼全长(4.69±0.37)mm,卵黄囊全长(3.12±0.10)mm,2日龄眼点变黑,5日龄消化道开始贯通,6日龄仔鱼鳔一室开始充气,7日龄脊索末端开始弯曲,仔鱼开口摄食,9日龄卵黄囊消失,12日龄鳔二室形成,21日龄仔鱼鳔二室充气,23日龄仔鱼背鳍、臀鳍开始形成,27日龄仔鱼腹鳍开始形成,至35日龄仔鱼各鳍发育完善。仔鱼饥饿不可逆点试验结果表明,16~18℃,拉氏■仔鱼开口第1天(7日龄)初次摄食率为36.36%,9日龄达最高初次摄食率85.71%,饥饿不可逆时间临界点为仔鱼14日龄,此时仔鱼摄食率为40.91%。仔鱼开口前全长(L)与日龄(t)符合von-Bertalanffy生长方程:L=8.0031[1-e(-0.3139(t+2.8093))]。拉氏■适宜下塘试验结果表明,水温14.5~20.1℃,池塘轮虫生物量8.30~18.58mg/L,拉氏■仔鱼最高成活下塘时间、体质量增长的适...  相似文献   

白斑狗鱼仔、稚鱼的摄食与生长   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
对白斑狗鱼(Esox luciusL innaeus)的仔、稚鱼的摄食与生长及不可逆点作了实验研究。结果证明:初孵仔鱼全长7.74±0.56 mm,卵黄囊容量3.81±1.07 mm3。孵化8 d仔鱼开始摄食,以桡足类的剑水蚤为主。11 d仔鱼卵黄囊消失,在仔鱼卵黄囊逐渐被吸收的11 d内,前7 d营内源性营养,后4 d则营混合性营养。17 d内平均日增长率为7.14%。仔鱼全长(L)与日龄(t)的关系为:L=1.0547t 5.8927。孵化后的第8、9、10、11、12、13天的初次摄食率分别为91.30%、100%、100%、100%、69.57%和35.48%;不可逆点(PNR)发生在孵化后的第13天。  相似文献   

大泷六线鱼仔鱼摄食及生长的研究↑(*)   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文以大泷六线鱼(Hexagrammosotakii)人工孵化所得的卵黄囊期仔鱼为材料,对仔鱼早期阶段的摄食及生长情况作了实验研究。结果表明:在13.5~14℃条件下,大泷六线鱼仔鱼6日龄开始摄食,约8日龄卵黄囊耗尽,10日龄饥饿仔鱼进入PNR期,混合营养期为2d;饥饿仔鱼的开口率(初次摄食率)开始较低,此后上升,到卵黄囊耗尽时达高峰(63%),以后又下降。仔鱼前期的生长率平均为0.254mm/d,饥饿仔鱼生长几乎停止,同期喂食仔鱼的生长率亦下降为0.102mm/d;摄食仔鱼在孵化后20d内的全长(L)和日龄(d)的相关式为L=0.085d 7.04。仔鱼存在昼夜摄食节律,在1昼夜中有2个摄食高峰,分别出现在14:00和20:00。  相似文献   

泥鳅仔鱼发育、摄食与不可逆点的确立   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在水温21.4~24.8℃、pH6.98~7.54、DO 6~8 mg/L的人工培育条件下,对泥鳅早期发育阶段(0~20日龄)的形态特征和饥饿不可逆点进行了观察和研究。泥鳅仔鱼的发育阶段可依次分为:胚胎、前期仔鱼、仔鱼、稚鱼和幼鱼期。泥鳅初孵仔鱼全长为2.550±0.150 mm,其卵黄囊体积为0.320±0.070 mm3。3日龄,口完全裂开,口裂宽0.260±0.030 mm,仔鱼的外源性摄食关系初步建立;4日龄,仔鱼的巡游模式建立,进入摄食期;6日龄,仔鱼的卵黄完全被吸收,仅小部分个体腹部残留呈细线条状的卵黄;仔鱼耐受饥饿的时间临界点发生在孵化后第11天(即10日龄),不可逆转饥饿期的时间约3 d,不可逆点(PNR)期仔鱼没有出现胸角这一形态学特征。  相似文献   

七带石斑鱼胚胎及仔稚鱼形态观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对七带石斑鱼胚胎和仔稚鱼发育过程进行了观察,描述了从受精卵到仔稚鱼各发育时期的形态特征;在水温22±0.5℃、盐度30条件下进行七带石斑鱼仔鱼的饥饿耐受力实验,记录了饥饿条件下初孵仔鱼的存活与生长、卵黄囊与油球的利用情况。结果表明,胚胎发育可划分为卵裂期、囊胚期、原肠胚期、神经胚期和器官形成期。在水温20.5±0.5℃、盐度30.0条件下,受精卵历时38h45min孵化出膜。初孵仔鱼全长1.059±0.071mm,至4日龄全长2.27~2.36mm时,卵黄囊完全消失;16日龄,全长4.99mm时,鳔形成;至25~30日龄,尾鳍鳍条发育完整。在饥饿条件下,初孵仔鱼的死亡高峰出现在孵化后4~6d,半数死亡时间出现在5d,至7d饥饿仔鱼全部死亡。卵黄囊期仔鱼的生长可分为3个阶段:仔鱼初孵时的快速生长期,卵黄囊消失前后的慢速生长期,以及在不能建立外源性摄食后的负生长期。随着生长发育时间的延长,饥饿仔鱼与正常条件下仔鱼的生长差异显著(P<0.05)。饥饿仔鱼体长较短,头大且体瘦,长期饥饿后脑后部下陷。  相似文献   

在水温22~24℃,pH7.0左右的人工培育条件下,对密斯特黄彩鲶(Mystus sp.)仔、稚、幼鱼的形态特征和生长发育进行了观察与研究。密斯特黄彩鲶的鱼苗发育分为卵黄囊期仔鱼期(初孵至第5天)、晚期仔鱼期(第6~10天)、稚鱼期(第11~20天)和幼鱼期(第20天以后)。初孵仔鱼平均全长5.12 mm,卵黄囊体积1.63 mm3;仔鱼第3天开始摄食,第5天卵黄囊被完全吸收,鱼苗主要外部器官主要集中在晚期仔鱼阶期和稚鱼期内形成。仔鱼在饥饿状态下最高初次摄食率出现在出膜后第6天,为84.0%,其饥饿的不可逆点则为出膜后第8天,第8天以后即进入不可逆PNR期,至第11天绝大部分饥饿仔鱼死亡。  相似文献   

为了更好地救护和增殖中国特有易危物种准噶尔雅罗鱼,在水温(21.0±1.5)℃条件下,利用人工采卵授精法获得准噶尔雅罗鱼初孵仔鱼进行饥饿试验,确定仔鱼不可逆点(PNR),研究投饵对仔鱼的生长、发育和行为的影响。结果显示:1)准噶尔雅罗鱼仔鱼3日龄开口摄食,开始营外源性营养,仔鱼卵黄囊于5日龄已基本被消耗完毕,混合营养期仅维持2 d,属于易遭受饥饿胁迫鱼类;2)初次摄食率为36.0%,初次摄食率最高在7日龄,可达96.6%,PNR出现在仔鱼孵化后的9~10日龄,3日龄后饥饿组对仔鱼卵黄囊的吸收速度影响极显著(P0.01)。仔鱼具有摄食能力仅6~7 d,在到达PNR后3 d左右饥饿组即全部死亡,其耐受饥饿能力较差;3)在饥饿胁迫条件下的仔鱼对卵黄囊的吸收进程慢于正常对照组仔鱼,5日龄后饥饿对仔鱼体长影响显著(P0.05),饥饿组仔鱼6日龄生长发育出现负增长,7日龄开始出现脊索弯曲、腹部凹陷、胸角,集群性、初次摄食力均与饥饿时间呈负相关,并且表现出一系列明显的由饥饿导致的形态和行为学特征。  相似文献   

鬼鲉早期发育阶段的摄食节律与饥饿致死时间   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用实验生态学方法研究鬼鲉(Inimicus japonicus)早期发育阶段的摄食特性和仔鱼饥饿致死时间.结果表明,仔鱼和营游泳生活的稚鱼摄食高峰出现在白天,并以白天摄食为主,6日龄仔鱼、17日龄营游泳生活稚鱼的摄食率高峰为10:00和14:00.随着生活习性的转变,其摄食节律也发生明显变化,稚鱼和幼鱼在营底栖生活方式的阶段,以夜间摄食为主,另一摄食小高峰出现在早晨.进入底栖生活阶段的29日龄稚鱼、40日龄幼鱼的摄食高峰为22:00和6:00.鬼鲉仔、稚、幼鱼各阶段的日摄食率分别为:6日龄仔鱼69.7%,17日龄稚鱼57.7%,29日龄稚鱼42.3%,40日龄幼鱼17.7%.在饥饿条件下鬼鲉初孵仔鱼、1、3、5、8和10日龄仔鱼的全部死亡时间分别为192 h、216 h、168 h、80 h、178 h和264 h,半数死亡时间分别为144h、120 h、120h、60h、108 h和144h,说明5日龄仔鱼是鬼鲉早期发育中最为敏感的阶段.饥饿仔鱼呈现头大、体短、身瘦、体色发白等形态特征,行为上表现为游动缓慢,反应迟钝和静卧底部.长期饥饿后仔鱼脑后部下陷明显,其形态特征可作为判断仔鱼饥饿致死的重要指标.  相似文献   

卞晓东  万瑞景 《水产学报》2014,38(10):1731-1746
研究灯笼鱼属仔稚鱼的发育形态与分类特征,为以后相关的海洋生态调查的仔稚鱼种类鉴定提供参考资料,以相关的灯笼鱼属仔稚鱼形态与分类特征文献为依据,对1978年4—5月和8—10月太平洋中部热带水域、1979年5—6月西太平洋热带水域,1984年4—7月、1984年12月—1985年1月和1985年4—6月东海外海黑潮流域调查采集到的灯笼鱼属鱼类的仔稚鱼样品进行分类鉴定,共鉴定了栉刺灯笼鱼、闪光灯笼鱼、粗鳞灯笼鱼、斑点灯笼鱼、金焰灯笼鱼、东方灯笼鱼、钝吻灯笼鱼和灯笼鱼Myctophum sp.等8种仔稚鱼。观察和描述了其个体发育形态,并引用发光灯笼鱼、双灯灯笼鱼、粗短灯笼鱼、短颌灯笼鱼、Myctophum sp1.和Myctophum sp2.的形态特征,构建了目前全球已了解的11种灯笼鱼以及3种未定到种的Myctophum sp.、Myctophum sp1.和Myctophum sp2.仔稚鱼的种类分类检索表。观察结果显示,灯笼鱼属仔稚鱼鱼体细长,头部呈三角形、微扁,眼非圆形,眼部脉络组织发达或有发达眼柄支撑,颊部、胸鳍和鳃盖骨边缘具黑色素,消化管末端内侧或外侧色素均匀分布,两颌生有小利牙,具脂鳍,发育过程除金焰灯笼鱼外均具有发达扇形胸鳍,这是灯笼鱼属仔稚鱼共有的形态特征。金焰灯笼鱼形态特征独特,头部非常扁平,两眼眼柄非常发达,向体外两侧伸展,消化管末端游离于体外。仔稚鱼两眼前后是否具眼柄和眼部脉络组织形状,上下颌骨末端是否具黑色素,胸鳍柄和鳍条间黑色素有无,尾柄末端、脂鳍和臀鳍后缘是否具黑色素斑分布,消化道末端色素的分布等发育形态特征是该属仔稚鱼种类鉴别和分类的主要依据。  相似文献   

Argopecten purpuratus, as several other scallops of commercial importance is a functional hermaphrodite. The usual methods for breeding cause an unavoidable degree of self-fertilization with the subsequent deleterious effects on survival and growth rates. Some researchers have unsuccessfully attempted to eliminate self-fertilization in these bivalves. Applying our knowledge of the cellular mechanisms of spawning in this species we have developed a method by which self-fertilization was eliminated. By this in vitro fertilization method, oocytes were obtained by scraping the female portion of the gonad, meiosis resumption was induced by serotonin, and then the oocytes were fertilized with sperm from different individuals. The progeny obtained by this method were compared with others obtained by cross-fertilization and self-fertilization. In all these procedures, the oocytes were fertilized at a ratio of 60 sperm per oocyte. The fertilization rates and D larvae survival were determined at 2 and 48 h, respectively. After the D larval stage, the hatchery culture of larvae continued as usual with sampling for survival and growth rates every three days. When larvae looked ready to settle and metamorphose, netlon collectors were introduced into the tanks. After 12 days the collectors were placed in 1 mm mesh collection bags and transferred to the sea. Juveniles were brought back to the hatchery every 40-70 days, to be counted, measured, and placed in mesh pearl nets. The assay of the three procedures for fertilization showed similar fertilization rates but low survival for D larvae obtained from the in vitro method. However, this procedure resulted in the highest size and survival rates of larvae. Survival of juveniles coming from this fertilization procedure was also the highest. The growth of juveniles obtained by in vitro fertilization was also higher than that of those obtained by self-fertilization. We conclude that this in vitro fertilization procedure provides a methodology that results in higher survival and growth rates of juveniles than obtained by procedures involving any degree of inbreeding. This in vitro procedure should be applicable to other simultaneous hermaphroditic scallops.  相似文献   

为考察饥饿及恢复摄食对胭脂鱼仔鱼氨基酸和脂肪酸的影响.在水温(19±0.5)℃下,对胭脂鱼仔鱼实施延迟首次投喂0、1、3、5、7、9和11d共7个处理,随后进行饱食投喂,分别在延迟处理结束时以及摄食后(19日龄和29日龄)取材对鱼体的含脂量、脂肪酸和氨基酸含量进行检测.结果如下:(1)随延迟首次投喂时间的增加,胭脂鱼仔鱼鱼体的脂肪含量呈显著下降趋势.在实验结束时(29日龄),各处理组仔鱼的脂肪含量均与对照组无显著性差异,表现出完全补偿效应.(2)胭脂鱼仔鱼在饥饿期间,主要以单不饱和脂肪酸作为能量代谢基质,按n-6>n-9>n-3顺序被先后利用,且C22∶6n-3 (DHA)优先于C20∶5n-3(EPA)被保存下来.同时,鱼体中DHA和ARA的百分含量与仔鱼体质量和含水率存在极显著相关关系.(3)随延迟首次投喂时间的增加,胭脂鱼仔鱼的丙氨酸、异亮氨酸、亮氨酸和组氨酸显著下降;天冬氨酸和谷氨酸显著上升;而甘氨酸、赖氨酸和精氨酸则呈先上升后下降的趋势.结果表明:胭脂鱼仔鱼对饥饿有较强的适应性,在饥饿初期以消耗脂类物质为主,当脂类物质趋于阈值,氨基酸开始被大量消耗;胭脂鱼仔鱼在饥饿后恢复摄食时,鱼体氨基酸的恢复比脂肪酸更慢.  相似文献   

The indispensable AA profile of fish carcass has been commonly used as a good indicator of fish amino acids requirements. Amino acid composition of the whole body tissue of Diplodus sargus was determined for the larval ages of 0, 2, 5, 8, 12, 17, 25, 35 and 45 days after hatching (DAH). No significant differences were found during this species ontogeny, except for phenylalanine. A comparative analysis of amino acid profiles from larvae and respective diet was performed. Low correlation was found to rotifers (R2 approximately 0.5), while higher correlations were found for Artemia nauplli, metanauplii (R2 approximately 0.8) as well as for the dry feed. These results suggest that D. sargus are subjected to higher nutritional imbalances during the first 10 days of feeding when larvae are fed on rotifers alone. Arginine, threonine, lysine, cysteine and histidine appeared to be limiting amino acids at 2, 12, 25 and 45 DAH, respectively. Similar results were reported in literature for Sparus aurata and Solea senegalensis, although D. sargus diets seem to have more amino acids in deficiency as well as more severe differences between larval and diet amino acid profiles. To solve these apparent nutritional imbalances, amino acid supplementation should be considered. The use of inert diets in early larvae ages seems to be most adequate as live feed supplementation appears to be more difficult.  相似文献   

The results of a series of pilot-scale runs with P. mazatlanica larvae from 2004 through 2006 are reported. Preliminary runs in 2004 and 2005 used broodstock collected in summer, when massive spawning of wild populations naturally occurs. However, results of larval development were very poor and failed to produce spat in both years. In 2006, ripe broodstock were still collected in summer, but also in the spring time, based on the hypothesis that the gonads in this season were in better reproductive condition that in summer. Three larval runs were conducted in 2006: two in spring and one in summer. Larvae growth and survival greatly increased in both spring runs, ending with two successful productions of spat (∼ 20 × 103 and ∼ 100 × 103 juveniles). The summer larval run in 2006 failed again to produce spat. Additionally, the first run of April 2006 refers to an experiment that evaluated two different larval culture conditions: constant temperature (27 °C) and low stocking density (3-4 larvae ml− 1) versus variable temperature (24-28 °C) and high stocking density (8-9 larvae ml− 1). The first trial significantly increased larval survival and growth, which in turn resulted in greater numbers of settled spat, in comparison of the second trial, where survival, growth, and settlement of spat were significantly lower. Also in 2006, the quality of seawater used at the hatchery was evaluated with microbiological and chemical tests. The implication of these tests, together with results from all experiments are analyzed and discussed in terms of the potential development of large-scale hatchery cultivation of P. mazatlanica larvae in Mexico.  相似文献   

Feed preferences of dorado, Salminus brasiliensis, in the early stages of life was studied in larvae, stocked 5 days after hatching in three earthen commercial ponds (810 m2, 900 m2 and 1480 m2) at a density of 30 m− 2. Larvae were fed on natural food from ponds supplemented with a commercial ration (40% crude protein), and for 12 days fish samples were taken daily in the morning and in the afternoon from each pond to analyze the food items present in the diet. Zooplankton available in the environment was also analyzed. Feeding was intensive since 94% of the larvae guts examined contained food. Since the commercial diet was not found in the dorado guts, the natural diet dominated the artificial food, but the cannibalistic behavior typically found in laboratory conditions was not observed. Insect larvae and cladocerans were the main prey items found in the gut of the larvae. In fish ponds dorado larvae can be considered a generalist feeder, since small amounts of different food items were consumed, but they tend to specialize in some items, according to their developmental stage.  相似文献   

Individual size, size variability, cannibalism, total mortality and biomass production were studied in Clarias gariepinus in two experiments. In the Experiment 1st (duration 7 weeks) larvae originated from three females 1, 2 and 4 years old (females A, B and C, respectively). Three sibling (AA, BB and CC) and three mixed (AB, AC and BC, 1:1) larval groups were reared at a 12L:12D, 50 lux light regime. Initial individual weight of larvae in the sibling groups was strongly positively related to female age, this was preserved during 7 weeks of rearing. Initial coefficient of variation for weight was moderate in the sibling groups from young females AA and BB (30-33%), whereas it was elevated in the mixed groups (48-79%), especially in the group AC. Cannibalism was the major component of total mortality. Cannibalism in progeny of young females AA, AB and BB was reduced compared to the groups BC, AC and CC. Final biomass of small larvae issued from young females was higher than the final biomass of large progeny of the oldest female because of reduced cannibalism in the former. In a 6 week Experiment 2nd progeny of one female was reared at three light regimes: L (continuous light, 400 lux), N (“normal” 12L:12D, 50 lux) and D (continuous darkness). The final individual weight of fish was the lowest in the L group, highest in the D group, and intermediate in the N group. Final coefficient of variation for weight, cannibalism and total mortality were significantly reduced by light restrictions. The resulting final biomass was the lowest in the L group, intermediate in the N group and the highest in the D group in which it was higher by a factor 3.8 compared to the L group. Based on the results of present work and on literature overview several pathways were identified along which biomass size may be modified in populations of young fish that exhibit cannibalistic propensity. Selection of young female spawners of uniform age, and light restrictions, are recommended to mitigate cannibalism.  相似文献   

In three separate experiments, harpaticoid copepods Tisbe monozota (alive and dead) and a microparticulate microbound diet were evaluated as alternatives to live Artemia nauplii as food, beginning at either stage PZ2 or M1, in the larval culture of Litopenaeus vannamei. Larvae were cultured in 2 L round bottom flasks at a density of 150 L− 1 (Experiment 1) and 100 L− 1 ( 3.2 and 3.3) at 28 °C, 35‰ salinity and 12:12 LD photoperiod, and fed 4×/day- 1. Larvae were initially fed a mixture of phytoplankton to stages PZ2 or M1 and then fed either live Artemia, live or dead copepods, or a microparticulate microbound diet. The experiments were terminated and all larvae were harvested when more than 80% of larvae had molted to postlarvae 1 (PL1) within any flask representing any of the treatments. The comparative value of the different diets and feeding regimes was determined by mean survival, mean dry weight and total length of individual larva, and percentage of surviving larvae that were PL1. Trypsin activity of samples of larvae from each treatment was also determined. The microparticulate microbound diet effectively served as a complete substitute for Artemia nauplii when fed beginning at stage M1. When fed at the beginning of the PZ2 stage, survival was comparable to that of larvae fed Artemia, but mean dry weight, mean total length, and percent of surviving larvae that were PL1 generally were significantly less. Responses to the feeding of copepods, whether fed dead or live, as a substitute were generally significantly less than those of larvae fed either the Artemia nauplii or the microparticulate diet. Values of trypsin activity (10− 5 IU/μg- 1 dry weight) corresponded to the relative proportions of the different larval stages within a treatment, with higher activity being characteristic of early stages. Previously demonstrated successful results with another species of crustacean suggest that the microparticulate microbound diet has characteristics that should be effective in the culture of the carnivorous stages of other crustacean and fish larvae that are currently fed live Artemia nauplii.  相似文献   

The effect of varying levels of dietary n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acid (HUFA) and docosahexaenoic acid/eicosapentaenoic acid (DHA/EPA) ratios on growth, survival and osmotic stress tolerance of Eriocheir sinensis zoea larvae was studied in two separate experiments. In experiment I, larvae were fed rotifers and Artemia enriched with ICES emulsions with 0, 30 and 50% total n-3 HUFA levels but with the same DHA/EPA ratio of 0.6. In experiment II, larvae were fed different combinations of enriched rotifers and Artemia, in which, rotifers were enriched with emulsions containing 30% total n-3 HUFA, but different DHA/EPA ratio of 0.6, 2 and 4; while Artemia were enriched with the same emulsions, but DHA/EPA ratio of 0.6 and 4. In both experiments, un-enriched rotifers cultured on baker's yeast and newly-hatched Artemia nauplii were used as control diets. Larvae were fed rotifers at zoea 1 and zoea 2 stages; upon reaching zoea 3 stage, Artemia was introduced.Experiment I revealed no significant effect of prey enrichment on the survival of megalopa among treatments, but higher total n-3 HUFA levels significantly enhanced larval development (larval stage index, LSI) and resulted in higher individual dry body weight of megalopa. Furthermore higher dietary n-3 HUFA levels also resulted in better tolerance to salinity stress. Experiment II indicated that at the same total n-3 HUFA level, larvae continuously receiving a low dietary DHA/EPA ratio had significantly lower survival at the megalopa stage and inferior individual body weight at the megalopa stage, but no negative effect was observed on larval development (LSI). The ability to endure salinity stress of zoea 3, zoea 5 and megalopa fed diets with higher DHA/EPA ratio was also improved.  相似文献   

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