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本试验旨在研究碘醚柳胺驱虫对6月龄伊犁马驹营养物质消化代谢及生长发育的影响。试验选取在同一草场饲养的6月龄(出生日期±5 d)、平均体重为(117.60±15.84)kg的伊犁马公马马驹10匹,在相同的饲喂条件下随机分为2组,分别为对照组和试验组,每组5匹。试验组马驹灌服碘醚柳胺混悬液驱虫剂驱虫,每匹14 m L,对照组马驹不进行驱虫。驱虫后,进行为期20 d的消化代谢试验,其中预试期15 d,正试期5 d。结果显示:碘醚柳胺驱虫对马驹各营养物质摄入量、消化量、排出量和消化率均没有产生显著影响(P0.05),但试验组中性洗涤纤维、酸性洗涤纤维、钙消化率分别比对照组高18.17%、16.37%、17.36%;试验组马驹氮的沉积量和沉积率分别比对照组高65.90%(P0.05)和73.20%(P0.05);试验组马驹体高和胸围的总增长分别比对照组高123.58%(P0.05)和48.31%(P0.05)。因此,碘醚柳胺驱虫对6月龄伊犁马营养物质消化代谢的积极作用主要体现在氮沉积量和沉积率的增加以及体高和胸围的增长上。  相似文献   

为了评价昭苏马秋季驱虫效果,采用病原学常规检测方法对294匹马粪样进行了驱虫前后对比检测分析。结果表明:马匹驱虫前感染的优势虫种为马圆线虫、无齿圆线虫、普通圆线虫、马副蛔虫、马尖尾线虫和球虫;线虫感染率为73.5%(216/294),球虫感染率为2.7%(8/294),混合感染率为64%;虫卵计数显示,每克粪便感染虫卵为200~600个。本试验使用的内外净(碘醚柳胺悬浮)药物组虫卵转阴率达87%,虫卵减少率达90%,驱虫效果明显,为今后马匹驱虫药的筛选提供参考。  相似文献   

【目的】研究补喂鞣花酸对哺乳期纯血马马驹肠道寄生虫感染情况的影响,揭示鞣花酸在马属动物消化道寄生虫防治方面的作用,为新型驱虫药物的筛选提供参考依据。【方法】选择平均体重(143.33±16.10) kg、出生日期(±5 d)、寄生虫感染率相近的哺乳期纯血马马驹15匹,随机分为对照组、试验Ⅰ和Ⅱ组,每组5匹。在相同的饲养条件下,对照组马驹不做任何处理,试验Ⅰ组马驹每天补喂15 mg/kg BW鞣花酸,试验Ⅱ组补喂30 mg/kg BW鞣花酸,试验期60 d,分别在试验的第0、15、30、45、60天采集马驹粪便样品,检测各组虫卵种类,统计虫卵数量,并评价驱虫效果。【结果】哺乳纯血马驹感染率高的寄生虫有10种,其中感染率最高的寄生虫是马副蛔虫、马圆线虫及细颈三齿线虫。随着鞣花酸补喂时间的延长及剂量的增加,寄生虫的感染率呈降低趋势,细颈三齿线虫卵、马圆线虫卵、马副蛔虫卵和韦氏类圆线虫卵的排出量显著降低(P<0.05)。补喂鞣花酸后第60天试验Ⅰ和Ⅱ组虫卵总数比对照组分别降低66.59%和97.06%;试验Ⅰ组第30和60天虫卵减少率分别为30.10%和42.97%;试验Ⅱ组第30和60天虫卵减少率分别为37.51%和49.86%。【结论】在本试验条件下,给哺乳马驹补喂鞣花酸能够显著降低寄生虫的感染及粪便中细颈三齿线虫卵、马圆线虫卵、马副蛔虫卵和韦氏类圆线虫卵的排出量,且补喂剂量为30 mg/kg BW效果更佳。  相似文献   

为了解草原放牧绵羊胃肠道线虫对目前常用驱虫药物的耐药情况,本研究选取呼伦贝尔草原放牧地区绵羊,采用伊维菌素、丙硫咪唑、氯氰碘柳胺钠分组给药,运用粪便虫卵减少试验进行耐药性田间检测。结果显示,伊维菌素组和丙硫咪唑组给药后30 d内试验所设时间点均无羊只粪便虫卵转阴,且平均EPG仍达800以上;氯氰碘柳胺钠组则在60 h时虫卵即开始全部转阴,30 d时仅有少数羊只检出虫卵。本试验结果进一步证实该地区绵羊胃肠道线虫对伊维菌素和丙硫咪唑产生了较强的耐药性,而对氯氰碘柳胺钠则相对敏感,研究结果为有效地防控家畜寄生虫病提供重要的基础研究资料。  相似文献   

羊肝片吸虫病是草原畜牧中危害肉羊最为严重的寄生虫病之一,常常造成肉羊黄疸、贫血、慢性营养消耗等对畜牧业经济产生严重影响,为了做好肝片吸虫病的防治,选取自然感染肝片吸虫的绵羊采用不同药物进行驱虫试验,结合沉淀法确定驱虫效果,结果表明:氯氰碘柳胺钠虫卵减少率100%;硝氯酚虫卵减少率91.4%,转阴率84.6%;丙硫苯咪唑虫卵减少率86.6%,虫卵转阴率76.9%;中药肝蛭散虫卵减少率53.2%,虫卵转阴率7.6%。通过试验氯氰碘柳胺钠注射液对肝片吸虫祛除率高,是首选药物。丙硫苯咪唑驱虫需反复灌服为宜,硝氯酚在秋季驱虫效果好但需要联合用药,肝蛭净散驱虫要和广谱抗虫药联合用药,通过筛选为临床寄生虫提供科学依据,为今后研究最佳的驱虫模式奠定了基础。  相似文献   

验证放牧条件下伊维菌素驱虫效果,从饲养管理、放牧条件相同的一群300多只羔羊中通过粪便检查、称重从中选出体重相差不大、感染消化道线虫较为严重60只,根据感染程度均匀搭配,分为三组进行试验,每组20只用伊维菌素预混剂拌料饲喂放牧山羊,试验结果是试验组、药物对照组驱虫后3 d虫卵减少率分别是96.4%和88.7%,虫卵转阴率分别为80%和25%;驱虫后10d两组羊的虫卵减少率分别为100%和97.8%,虫卵转阴率分别为100%和85%,伊维菌素对放牧山羊消化道线虫驱虫效果优于药物左旋咪唑。  相似文献   

以自然感染消化道线虫的绵羊为对象,用复方伊维菌素注射液进行治疗,并用伊维菌素注射液、氯氰碘柳胺钠注射液和空白不用药进行对照,试验结果表明:复方伊维菌素注射液以0.05mL/kg体重剂量一次性肌肉注射,能够有效驱除绵羊消化道线虫。投药后第10天,虫卵减少率和虫卵转阴率分别为96.72%、90%;投药后第21天,均为100%,疗效明显优于单独使用伊维菌素注射液和氯氰碘柳胺钠注射液,且驱虫安全,无任何毒副作用。  相似文献   

为评价伊维菌素注射剂的驱虫效果与对放牧绵羊线虫病及外寄生虫病的防治示范效果,选择1.5岁感染线虫和部分外寄生虫的绵羊150只,设伊维菌素注射剂0.1,0.2和0.3mg/kg体重剂量组和伊维菌素片剂对照组,进行驱虫效果评价;在冬季应用伊维菌素注射剂按0.2mg/kg体重剂量对放牧绵羊进行规模防治技术示范,检查防治效果和考核防治效益。结果:药效试验中伊维菌素注射剂0.2mg/kg对绵羊消化道线虫虫卵转阴率和减少率分别为93.3%,99.3%,对原圆科线虫幼虫转阴率和减少率分别为90.0%和96.1%;0.3mg/kg剂量对消化道线虫虫卵及原圆科线虫幼虫转阴率和减少率均为100.0%;0.1mg/kg剂量对消化道线虫虫卵转阴率和减少率分别为76.7%,88.6%,原圆科线虫幼虫转阴率和减少率分别为66.7%和86.1%。防治示范群绵羊消化道线虫虫卵转阴率为93.3%,虫卵减少率为96.8%;对原圆科线虫幼虫转阴率和减少率分别为90.0%和96.2%。同期检查未防治对照组虫卵EPG和幼虫数略有增加。技术示范群比未示范群每只成年羊平均多增重5.47kg、幼年羊成活率平均提高2.1个百分点。结果表明该防治技术对放牧绵羊主要寄生虫病高效安全,效益显著。  相似文献   

用猪为实验对象,分为2个实验组和1个对照组,比较了阿维菌素1%的注射液和伊维菌素1%的注射液,驱除猪体内寄生虫的效果。结果驱虫后第9天,粪便中线虫虫卵的转阴率均为100%,线虫虫卵减少率均为100%,表明阿维菌素能有效驱除猪体内线虫,且达到伊维菌素驱除体内线虫的效果。两种药物对妊娠母猪的怀孕和哺乳仔猪没有产生可见影响。  相似文献   

为验证乙酰氨基阿维菌素对内寄生虫的驱虫效果,在已经感染内寄生虫的某奶牛场特设计以下试验:随机选取20头奶牛分成试验组和对照组,分别在试验进行的当天、第7天、第14天、第21天、第28天采集每一头牛的粪便,然后分别测定粪便中的线虫虫卵数量,计算注射乙酰氨基阿维菌素后奶牛粪便中虫卵减少率,同时对两组奶牛所产的牛奶进行品质检测。结果表明,自注射乙酰氨基阿维菌素后第二周开始,试验组奶牛粪便内的线虫虫卵数量大幅度减少,而对照组奶牛粪便内的线虫虫卵数量基本保持不变;注射乙酰氨基阿维菌素后虫卵减少率也是从第二周开始大幅度增加,至第四周试验结束时达到95.08%;注射组奶牛所产的牛奶经乳品公司严格的入场检测无抗生素残留。  相似文献   

This test was aimed to research the role of rafoxanide on anthelmintic effects in six months old Yili horses.Ten Yili male horses with same date of birth,body weight(117.60±15.84)kg and the horses of six months old were randomly divided into 2 groups,each group of 5 horses,control and trial groups,respectively.The horses in two groups were fed with the same nutritional levels of roughage and concentrate supplement.Horses of trial group were expelled passasite by rafoxanide,but control group had not treatment.After expelling passasite,and a 18-day feeding trials,the number of worm eggs output and species in each horses were calculated,and anthelmintic effects were evaluated.The results showed that we identified 9 species worm eggs,included Parascaris SP,Capillaria equouum,Cyathostomes,Triodontophorus tenuicollis,G. acgyptiacus,Strongyloides westeri,Dictyocaulus arnfieldi,Oxyuris equi and Paranoplace phala mamillana;on the 3rd day after expelling passasit, EPG was reached 13 500/g in fresh faeces;on the 6th day,the infection rate was 6.37%, the worm eggs reducing rate was 90.59%,the worm eggs flooding rate was 93.63%;On the 18th day, the infection rate was 13.33%,the worm eggs reducing rate was 71.91%,the worm eggs flooding rate was 86.67%.Therefore,there were more categories intestinal parasitic in six months old Yili horse in Xinjiang,rafoxanide had a good effect,and the effect of rafoxanide reduced after expelling passasite 18th day.  相似文献   

A high level of host resistance to Trichostrongylus colubriformis was established in a group of Saanen goats infected weekly with 10,000 infective larvae for 10 weeks, treated with an anthelmintic and then challenged twice with 50,000 larvae, with a further anthelmintic treatment 28 days after the first challenge. A second group of goats exposed only to the two challenge infections developed worm burdens intermediate between, and significantly different from, the first group and a third control group given only the second challenge infection. Nematode fecundity (eggs per female) and male:female ratios were also significantly decreased in the first two groups. Faecal egg counts and worm counts were highly correlated and this relationship was dominated by the influence of the number of eggs/female nematode. The goats were approximately 9 months old at the start of the experiment.  相似文献   

This study was conducted on a stud farm in Sweden to investigate the species composition of cyathostomins expelled in the faeces of horses after deworming using three different anthelmintic preparations. Twenty-seven horses excreting > or = 200 strongyle eggs per gram faeces (EPG) were divided into three comparable groups and dewormed on day 0 with either of following compounds: 0.2 mg ivermectin per kg body weight (bw), 19 mg pyrantel pamoate per kg bw or 7.5 mg fenbendazole per kg bw. For each of the 3 days following anthelmintic treatment faeces was collected from individual horses and subsamples were fixed in formalin. Four days after the anthelmintic treatment all horses were re-treated with ivermectin and faeces was collected on day 5. Individual subsamples from each of the four sampling occasions were examined for cyathostomin nematodes. Sixty-three to 270 worms per horse were identified to the species level. The majority of the worms recovered were expelled during the first day from horses treated with ivermectin or pyrantel pamoate, and during the second day from horses treated with fenbendazole. Fifteen cyathostomin species were identified and the six most prevalent were Cylicocyclus nassatus, Cyathostomum catinatum, Cylicostephanus longibursatus, Cylicocyclus leptostomus, Cylicostephanus minutus and Cylicostephanus calicatus. These species composed 91% of the total burden of cyathostomins. The number of species found per horse ranged from 6 to 13, with an average of 9. No significant differences in species composition or distribution were found between the treatment groups. On day 5, i.e. 1 day after the last ivermectin treatment, 93% of the adult worms were recovered from horses in the fenbendazole group.This study showed that it was possible to identify cyathostomins expelled in faeces of dewormed horses, and that the most prevalent species corresponded to those found in autopsy surveys performed in other countries.  相似文献   

CASE DESCRIPTIONS: 16 horses treated daily with pyrantel tartrate (2.64 mg/kg [1.2 mg/lb], PO) as part of a prophylactic anthelmintic program. CLINICAL FINDINGS: Fecal worm egg counts (FWECs) were obtained on all 16 horses. Mean FWEC was 478 eggs/g (epg; range, 0 to 4,075 epg). Three of the 16 horses were responsible for 85% of the total fecal egg output for the herd on the day of sampling. Six horses had FWECs < 200 epg. Three horses that had arrived within 4 months of the sampling date had FWECs < 100 epg. TREATMENT AND OUTCOME: An FWEC reduction test was initiated the day after FWECs were obtained; all horses with FWECs > 100 epg (9 horses) were treated with pyrantel pamoate (6.6 mg/kg [3 mg/lb], PO), and 14 days later, the FWEC was repeated. During the 14-day period, all horses received pyrantel tartrate (2.64 mg/kg, PO) daily. Fecal worm egg count reduction was calculated for each horse. Mean FWEC reduction for the group was 28.5% (range, increase of 21% in FWECs 14 days after treatment to a decrease of 100% in FWEC 14 days after treatment). CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Farms should be monitored for cyathostomes resistant to pyrantel pamoate prior to use of pyrantel tartrate. Fecal worm egg counts should be monitored routinely in horses before and after treatment to ensure efficacy of cyathostome control measures.  相似文献   

【目的】 研究芒柄花素对伊犁马1 000 m速度赛成绩、血气及抗氧化指标的影响,为伊犁马运动训练过程中营养补喂剂的研发提供参考依据。【方法】 试验选择平均体重(411 kg±29 kg)、平均年龄(2.0岁±0.50岁)、1 000 m速度赛成绩(135.24 s±15.75 s)相近并且健康状况良好的12匹伊犁马公马作为研究对象,随机分为对照组与试验组,每组6匹。在相同的饲养管理、饲粮营养水平及运动训练条件下,试验组每匹马每天补喂芒柄花素8 g,进行为期30 d的补喂试验。在试验第30天进行1 000 m速度赛,记录比赛成绩并在赛后即刻通过颈静脉采集血样,使用血气分析仪测定电解质水平、酸碱平衡及血气指标,使用试剂盒测定抗氧化指标。【结果】 补喂芒柄花素能够显著缩短伊犁马1 000 m速度赛比赛用时(P<0.05);对血浆中电解质水平、酸碱平衡及血气相关指标均无显著影响(P>0.05);在血浆抗氧化指标方面,补喂芒柄花素能够显著提高赛后马匹血浆中超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化氢酶和总抗氧化能力,分别比对照组提高了11.12%(P<0.05)、8.45%(P<0.05)和32.70%(P<0.05);而试验组谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶和丙二醛的含量分别比对照组降低1.56%和11.32%,但无显著差异(P>0.05)。【结论】 在本试验条件下,给伊犁马补喂芒柄花素能够显著提高1 000 m速度赛成绩,并提高其运动抗氧化能力。  相似文献   

试验旨在研究不同季节和不同年龄段伊犁马消化道主要寄生虫感染情况。在新疆昭苏县选取体重及健康状况相近的1岁(106匹)、2岁(116匹)及3岁(110匹)伊犁马,共计332匹,公母各半。分别于春季(4月)和秋季(10月)采集3个年龄的马匹粪便样品664份,每匹马2份(早、晚各1份),用于寄生虫卵的鉴定和计数。结果表明,在不同年龄段春、秋两季伊犁马粪便中共鉴别出6种虫卵,分别是马圆线虫、毛圆线虫、细颈三齿线虫、马副蛔虫、马尖尾线虫、球虫,其中马圆线虫、毛圆线虫、细颈三齿线虫、马副蛔虫感染率较高。春季1岁、2岁、3岁伊犁马,马圆线虫感染率分别为98.11%、90.52%、88.18%;毛圆线虫感染率分别为95.28%、89.66%、97.27%;细颈三齿线虫感染率分别为85.85%、78.45%、87.27%;马副蛔虫感染率分别为46.23%、35.34%、29.09%。秋季1岁、2岁、3岁伊犁马,马圆线虫感染率分别为87.74%、69.83%、78.18%;毛圆线虫感染率分别为74.53%、79.31%、86.36%;细颈三齿线虫感染率分别为65.09%、68.10%、76.36%;马副蛔虫感染率分别为46.23%、35.34%、24.55%。由该试验结果可以得出,新疆昭苏县伊犁马感染率较高的寄生虫有马圆线虫、毛圆线虫、细颈三齿线虫及马副蛔虫;1岁马驹寄生虫感染率及虫卵数量普遍高于2岁和3岁马;春季寄生虫感染率普遍高于秋季。  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Possible anthelmintic resistance on a breeding farm where a rapid rotation anthelmintic programme had been implemented for 9 years was investigated. Cyathostomins resistant to fenbendazole and pyrantel were documented by faecal worm egg count reduction test (FWECRT). OBJECTIVES: To 1) manage small strongyle transmission in a herd of horses in which resistance to both pyrantel pamoate and fenbendazole was identified and thereby reduce the risk of clinical disease in the individual animal, 2) monitor the change in resistance patterns over time and 3) monitor the efficacy of ivermectin over the study period. METHODS: Targeted ivermectin treatment of horses on the farm was instituted for mature horses with faecal worm egg counts (FWEC) > 200 eggs/g (epg) and for horses < age 2 years with FWEC > 100 epg. RESULTS: Over a 30 month period, targeted ivermectin treatment achieved acceptable control in mares, as judged by FWEC, and improved control of patent cyathostome infection in consecutive foal crops. Egg reappearance time (ERT) after treatment with ivermectin was < 8 weeks in mares and foals more frequently in the second year of the study than in the first year. Numbers of anthelmintic treatments were reduced by 77.6 and 533% in the mare and foal group, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Targeted ivermectin treatment may be an economically viable method of managing multiple drug resistant cyathostominosis. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Use of ivermectin should be monitored closely for development of resistance.  相似文献   

A total of 54 lambs, aged between 6–8 months were experimentally infected with Haemonchus contortus to evaluate the efficacy of different anthelmintic brands sold on Ethiopian markets using the faecal egg count reduction test (FECRT) and controlled anthelmintic efficacy trial. Accordingly four different albendazole (Alzole®, Analgon-300®, Albenjung_s® and Ahshialben-300®), two tetramisole (Tetsole® and Ashitetra 600) and two tetramisole-oxyclozanide (Tetraclozan sheep® and Tetraclozash 900®) brands were evaluated at the dosage rates recommended by the manufacturers. Animals were allocated into nine groups of six animals each, and balanced for faecal egg counts (FEC), based on their pre-treatment FEC and treatments were randomized among the groups. One group was kept untreated as a control. Faecal egg count was conducted on day 30 post-infection (day of treatment) and on the 10th day post-treatment. Evaluation of anthelmintics based on FECRT revealed high efficacy (99.55–100% reduction in FEC) for all anthelmintic brands tested against H. contortus. The worm count reduction test using controlled anthelmintic efficacy trial also supported the above finding with 99–100% efficacy of the tested anthelmintics. Therefore, the suspicion on the anthelmintic products as being substandard in quality is not credible, at least, for the brands investigated in this study and it might rather be attributed to under dosing. The need for a good extension system for livestock producers with regard to good anthelmintic usage practices, in light of the inevitable development of anthelminitic resistance, is emphasized. Regular surveillance and laboratory quality evaluation of the anthelmintic products in Ethiopia is indicated.  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究不同加工方式玉米粉对6月龄伊犁马消化代谢、血浆生化指标及生长发育的影响,为蒸汽压片玉米粉、膨化玉米粉在马饲粮中的应用提供参考。本试验选取平均体重为(105.10±11.83)kg、健康状况良好的6月龄伊犁公马20匹,按体重相近原则,随机分为4组,每组5匹。每天每匹马饲喂0.3 kg粉状浓缩料和3.5 kg苜蓿干草,在此基础上对照组、试验Ⅰ组、试验Ⅱ组、试验Ⅲ组每天每匹再分别饲喂0.3 kg粉碎玉米粉、0.3 kg粉碎玉米粉+1 gα-淀粉酶、0.3 kg蒸汽压片玉米粉、0.3 kg膨化玉米粉,进行为期20 d的消化代谢试验,其中预试期13 d,正试期7 d。结果表明:试验Ⅲ组干物质、有机物、粗蛋白质、中性洗涤纤维、酸性洗涤纤维消化量以及中性洗涤纤维、酸性洗涤纤维消化率显著高于对照组(P0.05);试验Ⅲ组氮、钙、磷沉积率显著高于对照组、试验Ⅰ组(P0.05);试验Ⅲ组消化能、代谢能显著高于对照组、试验Ⅰ组(P0.05),而对照组、试验Ⅰ组、试验Ⅱ组之间差异不显著(P0.05);试验Ⅲ组试验期间增重和平均日增重均高于其他各组,但各组间差异不显著(P0.05);就体斜长增加而言,试验Ⅲ组显著高于其他组(P0.05);试验Ⅱ组胸围增加显著高于其他3组(P0.05);各组间血浆生化指标差异不显著(P0.05)。由此得出,饲喂膨化玉米粉可提高饲粮中营养物质的消化率及能量代谢,并促进马的生长发育;而饲喂含酶制剂的粉碎玉米粉或蒸汽压片玉米粉对6月龄伊犁马的营养物质消化率及生长发育无显著促进作用。  相似文献   

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