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当前,世界林业生产较发达的各国(如美国、加拿大等)轮式集材机已经取代了履带式集材机。而我国目前生产使用的林用集材拖拉机仍有履带式、轮式两类,其中尤以轮式集材机的发展起步较晚。为了不断提高轮式拖拉机的研制水平,笔者在伊春儿个林业局进行了实地调查,并针对调查中发现的国产轮式集材机在驾驶座舒适性方面存在的问题进行了试验测试,现将有关情况介绍  相似文献   

通过对FYJ-1型轮式抚育伐集材拖拉机与畜力集材两种生产作业方式进行比较,对两个冬运期集材作业的实测数据进行整理与核算表明,集材拖拉机比畜力集材生产方式的经济效益提高2.99倍,生产效率提高2~3倍。 FYT-1型轮式抚育伐集材拖拉机不仅适合在零星分散的森林抚育间伐场地作业,更适合在集中连片和远距离(800m以上)、坡度适中的场地作业。  相似文献   

将轮式小拖拉机进行改造,装配绞盘机和搭载板后进行集材,在集材距离200~300 m时,日集材量为:冬季20~30 m3,夏季15~20 m3,比畜力集材提高了4~6倍;集材成本为15~20元.m-3,是畜力集材的50%。利用轮式小拖拉机进行集材,对地表及幼苗幼树的破坏程度大幅度降低,是目前可供选择的一种较好的集材方式。  相似文献   

1问题的提出 哈尔滨拖拉机厂是我国唯一一家生产林业集材拖拉机的工厂,林业拖拉机制造技术处国内领先水平.20世纪60年代开发生产的集材-50A履带式拖拉机及其随后工厂自行研制生产的集材-80A型拖拉机在国内市场上处于垄断地位,除满足国内市场需求外,还多次出口印度尼西亚、俄罗斯、赞比亚、马来西亚、索罗门群岛、坦桑尼亚等国家和地区.集材-50A拖拉机是部优产品."七五"和"八五"期间工厂引进了美国卡特彼勒公司的轮式营林集材拖拉机系列产品底盘制造技术及部分关键设备,使工厂在林机产品开发、工艺手段及检测水平上又有了新的提高.但由于国家在20世纪80年代后期实施"天保"工程,实行封山育林并限制采伐,使得林业集材拖拉机的需求量锐减,出现了近二十年的产业萧条.  相似文献   

据国内外调查研究表明:拖拉机集材对作业区面积的破坏为5-12.54%;对幼树的损伤率为13-50%;集材后使土壤容重提高20%,大孔隙减少40%、对水份的渗透速率降低47%.为减少拖拉机集材对林地破坏和对幼树的损伤及有利森林更新,应采取如下措施:(一)拖拉机集材应安排在冬季进行;(二)在择伐伐区,拖拉机原条集材应不离道,绞集单根抽;或拖拉机原木集材,集材道间距加宽到100M,以畜力或人力将原木小集中到集材道旁;(三)在皆伐伐区,拖拉机集材也应尽可能保护幼树和保留一定株数母树;(四)采用特宽低压轮胎轮式集材机集材.  相似文献   

介绍了FYT-1型轮式抚育伐集材拖拉机磨合的正确方法,根据多年的生产实践总结出其在磨合过程中要特别注意的八点事项。阐述了专用集材装置的磨合及技术保养方法,并以技术规程的形式对整机的磨合以及磨合后的技术保养进行说明,对正确磨合和使用FYT-1型轮式抚育伐集材拖拉机具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

我国东北林区经过多年采伐后,现森林资源主要分布在坡度15°以上地区,这对集材机的爬坡性能要求大幅增加.通过对集材机爬坡过程进行受力分析,得到集材机牵引力、最大爬坡度、爬坡速度和能耗的表达式.对三角履带式集材机ZLY-930E和轮式集材机ZLY-925D的参数进行爬坡度、爬坡速度和能耗的计算和分析,结果表明:在多种集材路面上,三角履带式集材机都能保证空载最大爬坡度达到20°以上,而爬坡速度较低,一般不超过19km/h.轮式集材机不能保证在不同集材路面上空载最大爬坡度都能达到15°以上,但最大爬坡速度都在20 km/h以上.在冬季坡度过大不允许集材机满载通过的路面上,为适当提高集材机爬坡度,三角履带式集材机集材质量可降至2000 kg,轮式集材机集材质量可降至1 400 kg.  相似文献   

对小兴安岭林区森林采伐后土训理化性质变化及土壤侵蚀进行了研究。结果表明,森林采伐后土壤容量增大,孔隙度减小,土壤养分初期增加,随之迅速减少,产生土壤侵蚀现象。进一步研究表明,皆伐比择伐对土壤影响大,集材道土壤的破坏最大。  相似文献   

集材—80拖拉机是我国自行设计的第一个型号的轮式集材拖拉机,于1975年初通过国家鉴定。集材—80拖拉机是一种绳索式轮式集材拖拉机(图1)。该机装有4120FT4型电起动风冷柴油机;四个低气压大轮胎均为驱动轮,牵引力大,附着性能好;传动系统中设有后桥脱开机构,前后桥差速锁、前桥大角度摆架,越野性能好;铰接式车架,全液压转  相似文献   

毛主席语录 学习有两种态度。一种是教条主义的态度,不管我国的情况,适用的和不适用的,一起搬来。这种态不好。另一种态度,学习的时候用脑筋想一下,学那些和我国情况相适合的东西,即吸取对我们有益的怨验,我们需要的是样一种态度。“集材拖拉机技术性能参数”一文(该文经摘译刊登在《林业机械》一九六六年第6期上——编者注)正确地指两点:1.对于集材拖拉机来讲,由于不以挂钩为工作机构,“挂钩牵引力”这个参数是没有意义的;2.在硬土上作集材拖拉机牵引验与实用条件不符。但是,驱动轮“自由牵引力”作为参数来“评定履带式和轮式集材拖拉机,”这个论点是错误的。  相似文献   

JANSSON  K-J.; JOHANSSON  J. 《Forestry》1998,71(1):57-66
Alterations to some soil physical parameters were evaluatedafter passes by a tracked forest machine and a wheeled one ofequal mass (about 20 000 kg). Measurements were made after arange of machine passes, with a maximum of eight. The measuredsoil physical parameters were dry bulk density, penetrationresistance, intrinsic air permeability, saturated hydraulicconductivity, porosity and pore-size distribution. Rut depthwas also measured. Although the wheeled machine caused deeper ruts than the trackedone, alterations caused by the two machines to the measuredsoil parameters were similar, except in the uppermost 5–10cm. The wheeled machine caused a decrease in bulk density at5 cm depth, whereas the tracked machine caused an increase,despite its lower ground pressure.  相似文献   

介绍了J-80A型轮式集材拖拉机底盘的保养和调整方法.  相似文献   

我国营林、集材拖拉机的基本情况及分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了营林、集材拖拉机的特点及我国营林、集材拖拉机的基本现状和发展历史;分析了营林、集材拖拉机目前的需求状况及市场前景;提出了保留和发展营林、集材拖拉机的必要性和意义.  相似文献   

Summary A new logging-method, developed in Austria, was tested in an upper Bavarian mountainous forest-district. It is based on a semi-stationary debarker, combined with equipment for cutting the stems into lengths; simultaneously the logs were classified. It is installed on a central conversion-site. The trees were felled and limbed as far as possible without being turned. The stems were then yarded by articulated rubbertired skidders, equipped with double-drum winch and chokers, blade and rear supportblade. Later they were transported by trucks on the forest roads to the conversion-site. In the individual operations time-studies were carried out to analyse the working-processes and to explore their interdependency. The results, calculated by applying statistical methods and computer-programs, were expressed in diagrams, which can be used for the calculation of needed workers and machines for comparable conditions. This very efficient logging-method is then discussed. The high performance in the felling-operations (7.74 m3 p.h.) is remarkable. The time for loading the skidders and trucks was noticeably high. The influence of the slope on the skidders on the returntrip uphill is significant. Finally it is to be noted, that in spite of using big machinery for transport-operations (up to 7 skidders and 2–3 trucks) it was not possible to utilize the debarkers capacity.   相似文献   

对11个供试的杨树无性系品种在5种不同的灌水量处理条件下,进行了连续3年的大田苗木生长对比试验,方差分析结果表明:5种灌水量处理对各个无性系品种地径、树高、枝茎干重影响极为显著;在相同灌水量处理条件下,部分无性系品种之间地径、树高、枝和干干重之间差异显著。根据上述试验结果,灌水量和枝和干干重作为选择指标,从中选育出灌水量少而干物质产量较高的J-4、J-3和J-1为优良品种,J-2、J-6、J-8为进一步选择的中试试验品种。  相似文献   

根据集材拖拉机压盘零件的特点,设计了加工非正圆孔的卡具和刀具,采用推削的方法加工压盘上的6个非正圆孔。  相似文献   

The dynamics of rapid changes in carbon (C) partitioning within forest ecosystems are not well understood, which limits improvement of mechanistic models of C cycling. Our objective was to inform model processes by describing relationships between C partitioning and accessible environmental or physiological measurements, with a special emphasis on short-term C flux through a forest ecosystem. We exposed eight 7-year-old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) trees to air enriched with (13)CO(2) and then implemented adjacent light shade (LS) and heavy shade (HS) treatments in order to manipulate C uptake and flux. The impacts of shading on photosynthesis, plant water potential, sap flow, basal area growth, root growth and soil CO(2) efflux rate (CER) were assessed for each tree over a 3-week period. The progression of the (13)C label was concurrently tracked from the atmosphere through foliage, phloem, roots and surface soil CO(2) efflux. The HS treatment significantly reduced C uptake, sap flow, stem growth and fine root standing crop, and resulted in greater residual soil water content to 1 m depth. Soil CER was strongly correlated with sap flow on the previous day, but not the current day, with no apparent treatment effect on the relationship. Although there were apparent reductions in new C flux belowground, the HS treatment did not noticeably reduce the magnitude of belowground autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration based on surface soil CER, which was overwhelmingly driven by soil temperature and moisture. The (13)C label was immediately detected in foliage on label day (half-life = 0.5 day), progressed through phloem by Day 2 (half-life = 4.7 days), roots by Days 2-4, and subsequently was evident as respiratory release from soil which peaked between Days 3 and 6. The δ(13)C of soil CO(2) efflux was strongly correlated with phloem δ(13)C on the previous day, or 2 days earlier. While the (13)C label was readily tracked through the ecosystem, the fate of root C through respiratory, mycorrhizal or exudative release pathways was not assessed. These data detail the timing and relative magnitude of C flux through various components of a young pine stand in relation to environmental conditions.  相似文献   

概述红木的形态特征、育苗栽培技术和在广州市地区引种栽培情况,表明红木适应广州地区的土壤与气候环境,具有粗生、速生、抗逆性强和耐修剪等特点,适用于园林绿化种植。同时提出了发展红木经济林用于提取胭脂树橙色素的做法。  相似文献   

本文系统分析了J-50型拖拉机“砸车”故障发生的原因,提出了排除“砸车”的方法。  相似文献   

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