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猪喘气病并发猪瘟的诊治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年4月3日,宁夏盐池县某养殖场饲养的猪发生以喘气、腹泻为症状的疾病,根据发病情况、临床症状、病理解剖,诊断为猪喘气病并发猪瘟。通过采取综合防制措施,疫情得到控制。1发病情况2004年4月1日畜主从集市上购回仔猪20头,有个别猪出现拉稀、咳嗽,用土霉素等药物治疗无效。随后自养的猪也被传染发病,死亡30头。2临床症状病猪精神沉郁,食欲减少或废绝,阴囊积尿,喘气,呈犬坐姿势,严重者两肋翕动,拉灰绿色稀粪,体温41.5~42℃,走路摇摆,腹股沟淋巴结肿大,后腹部有紫色出血点,病情严重的出现死亡。3病理解剖解剖检查病死猪2头,表现为会厌软骨…  相似文献   

1发病情况山西省某猪场2005年7月20日从江苏某处引进仔猪560头,先后有400头猪相继发病。曾用青霉素、链霉素、卡那霉素、阿莫西林、痢菌净等治疗,效果不佳,死亡300头。后经临床诊断和实验室检查,确诊为猪附红细胞体、猪链球菌和猪巴氏杆菌混合感染,经综合治疗很快控制了疾病。2临床症状病猪精神沉郁,嗜睡,呼吸困难,有的猪嘴里流出白色泡沫,食欲减退,体温40.5℃~41.0℃;有的寒颤、抽搐、站立不稳,严重者四肢呈游泳状;有的皮肤苍白或发红,特别是耳尖、鼻端、四肢、腹部、尾部、会阴部呈紫红色;有的先便秘后拉稀,粪便呈黄色、黄褐色或灰绿色水…  相似文献   

2006年6月,凉州区某养猪户的23头50日龄左右的仔猪发生高温、意识障碍为特征的疫病,经临床、剖检和实验室检验诊断为猪李氏杆菌病,报告如下。1发病情况5月下旬,从市场两次购入仔猪23头,饲喂商品仔猪料,仔猪生长发育良好。6月13日有个别仔猪发病,6月15日,其中一圈(11头)仔猪全部发病,另一圈也有部分发病,至19日,全部发病,死亡4头。2临床症状病猪皮肤发红。体温42℃~43℃。呼吸加快。精神高度沉郁。食欲下降或废绝,饮水增加。有典型的神经症状,共济失调,步态强拘,意识障碍,无目的地行走或转圈运动。有的两前肢呈八字型前蹬不由自主地后退。有…  相似文献   

伪狂犬病又名奥捷土奇氏病,为猪的主要传染病之一.近年来,我国一些省时有发生,给养猪业造成一定损失.发病猪主要表现为孕猪流产或产下弱胎,仔猪死亡率高,严重时可达95%以上.成年猪症状轻微,一般仅表现感冒症状,死亡较少.1996年8月11日,湖南某猪场一窝仔猪突然发病,神经症状十分明显,共济失调,四肢呈游泳状,体温40.0~41.Z℃,两天内全部死亡.后又陆续10窝、140头发病,死亡138头,死亡率98.6%,诊断为伪狂犬病.1临床症状发病初期,体温上升到41~42℃,精神沉郁,厌食,呼吸急促,腹泻,断续性抽搐,转圈或头抵栏栅…  相似文献   

1 发病经过6月,养殖专业户购进长白仔猪11头,本地土种猪13头。6月末开始,在猪粮中加入方便冷面的残渣(主要成分为荞麦) ,占到猪日粮的60 %以上。用此饲料饲喂1周后,长白猪相继发病,出现中毒症状。2 临床症状及诊断体壮、食欲良好的猪首先发病且症状明显。轻症猪食欲减退,体温正常;先在耳背、颈部、胸部、臂部等体表被毛稀少处、无色素处出现不规则的红肿斑块,同时猪有痒感,不断地擦痒,日晒后痒感更加加剧,夜间擦痒减轻。重症猪,红肿斑块肿胀加剧形成面积大小不等的脓块,刺破后流出呈黄稠膏状物,猪食欲废绝,精神不振,体温升高,行动迟缓,不…  相似文献   

1998年秋天以来寿光一猪场先后发生不明原因整窝仔猪全部死亡 ,或全窝死胎 ,或产下易死亡弱仔。通过流行病学调查、临床症状、病理变化及实验室诊断 ,确诊为猪伪狂犬病。症状母猪怀孕期间无明显异常 ,只是有的猪食欲下降 ,精神沉郁 ,有的早产。仔猪出生后 2d开始发病 ,1 0d内死亡率几乎 1 0 0 % ,个别窝猪仅剩 2~ 3头仔猪。有的母猪生下全部死胎。发病仔猪眼眶发红 ,昏睡 ,有的体温升至 42℃ ,不吃奶 ,口角有大量泡沫或流出唾液。有的病仔猪呕吐或腹泻、抽搐、转圈、共济失调 ,有的呈犬坐姿势 ,有的仔猪临死时发出尖叫声。剖检变化鼻腔有…  相似文献   

<正>1发病情况遂川县某生猪养殖场报告41头仔猪先后发病,体温升高,精神沉郁,伴有咳嗽,并已死亡4头。通过临床症状和剖检病变初步诊断为猪传染性胸膜肺炎。2临床症状突然发病,体温升高,个别病猪体温达42℃、废食、呼吸困难,常呆立或呈坐式,张口伸舌并有腹式  相似文献   

<正> 唐山市丰润区高丽铺村王某养猪场饲养母猪25头,自繁自养仔猪268头。其中有一窝仔猪突然发病,综合诊断为猪附红细胞体病。现将诊治情况报告如下;一、发病情况该窝仔猪23头,35日龄开始发病。20日龄注射猪瘟弱毒苗,30日龄断奶,最初有2头仔猪食欲减退,体温上升到39.5℃以上,精神略沉郁,其中1头仔猪眼睑水肿,于是按仔猪水肿病注射治疗,无效死亡1头,后其余仔猪陆续发病。带2头病猪和1头死猪来丰润县畜牧局化验室检验。二、临床症状2头病猪均精神沉郁,1头猪体温39.8℃,1头40.5℃,2头猪耳朵、背部、腹部皮肤发红,畜主诉其余仔猪体温均升高,精神不振,食欲减退甚至废绝,有的腹泻,有的眼圈发青,还有3头仔猪有咳嗽气喘症  相似文献   

<正>1基本情况邯郸某育肥猪场王某现有仔猪100头,最近有部分猪只出现呼吸道感染现象,体温偏高。使用抗生素与解热药物3天后,猪群精神食欲好转,但第4天时又开始不食、发烧,如此反复发烧。后来出现1头仔猪死亡后,兽医站对病猪检查并对死猪剖检后建议作疑似猪瘟治疗,治疗1周后又陆续有2头死亡。2临床症状部分猪只精神不佳,喜卧懒行,寒颤,食欲不好,次日发现猪大便偏干,有黏液,有的粪便稀软呈灰绿色,猪只嗜睡、皮肤发红。仔细检查体温在39.6℃~40.5℃,大部分猪眼结膜发红,眼分泌物增多,有的咳嗽、流鼻  相似文献   

猪伪狂犬病 (AujeszkyDisease)是由伪狂犬病病毒(PRV)引起的急性传染病。其特征为发热、脑脊髓炎,成年猪常为隐性感染,有流产、死胎及呼吸道病变,新生仔猪有神经症状和消化道病变。我镇曾发生该病,现将诊治预防情况报告如下。1 发病情况我镇自 2001~2002年分四批引进外二元母猪 461头,以养殖大户和农户散养相结合,饲养 10头以上的 19户 208头,散养农户 215户。饲养户中不断出现病例报诊,发病主要是新生仔猪,发病数 85头,死亡 62头,病死率为 73%;成年母猪发病呈隐性流产,发病数 25头,死亡 2头。2 临床症状体温上升达 41 6℃,呼吸困难,大…  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Based on clinical observation, it is hypothesised that horses with duodenitis-proximal jejunitis (DPJ) that are treated surgically have a shorter duration, smaller volume, and slower rate of nasogastric reflux (NGR) compared to horses treated medically, are more likely to develop diarrhoea than medically managed cases, and have a higher incisional infection rate than a sample population of horses undergoing abdominal exploration for gastrointestinal disease other than DPJ. OBJECTIVES: To compare: 1) duration, volume and rate of NGR and the percentage of horses with diarrhoea between medically and surgically treated DPJ cases; and 2) incisional infection rate in horses with DPJ undergoing abdominal exploration to a sample population of horses undergoing abdominal exploration for gastrointestinal disease other than DPJ. METHODS: Medical records of cases with DPJ diagnosed 1995-2006 were reviewed. Information obtained included subject details, presenting clinical findings, treatment category (medical/surgical), complications (diarrhoea, incisional infection), and outcome (survival/nonsurvival). Data were analysed using a Chi-squared test and a mixed model analysis of variance. Level of significance was P<0.05. RESULTS: Compared to medical cases, surgical cases had significantly decreased survival, a longer duration and larger total volume of NGR, and were more likely to develop diarrhoea. The incisional infection rate for horses with DPJ undergoing abdominal exploration was 16% compared to 7% for the sample population of horses. CONCLUSIONS: Surgical treatment of horses with DPJ did not lead to resolution of NGR faster than medical treatment. Surgical cases were more likely to develop diarrhoea and did not have a significantly higher incisional infection rate than the sample population.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare serum triglyceride concentrations obtained after food had been withheld (i.e., fasting concentrations) in dogs with epilepsy that had been treated long term (> or = 3 months) with phenobarbital or with phenobarbital and potassium bromide with concentrations in healthy control dogs. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. ANIMALS: 57 epileptic dogs that had been treated with phenobarbital (n=28) or with phenobarbital and bromide (29) and 57 healthy, untreated control dogs matched on the basis of age, breed, sex, neuter status, and body condition score. PROCEDURES: Blood samples were collected after food had been withheld for at least 12 hours, and serum biochemical and lipid concentrations were determined. Oral fat tolerance tests were performed in 15 control dogs and 9 dogs with epilepsy treated with phenobarbital alone. RESULTS: 19 of the 57 (33%) epileptic dogs had fasting serum triglyceride concentrations greater than the upper reference limit. Nine (16%) dogs had a history of pancreatitis, and 5 of the 9 had high fasting serum triglyceride concentrations at the time of the study. A significant relationship was found between body condition score and fasting serum triglyceride concentration in all dogs, but serum triglyceride concentration was not significantly associated with phenobarbital dosage or serum phenobarbital concentration. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggested that dogs treated long term with phenobarbital or with phenobarbital and bromide may develop hypertriglyceridemia. Fasting serum triglyceride concentration should be periodically monitored in dogs treated with phenobarbital because hypertriglyceridemia is a risk factor for pancreatitis.  相似文献   

三月底一个风和日丽的日子,我们去镇江采访土著菌养鸡的情况。对于土著菌,我们并不佰生,因为,我们几年前就报道过镇江广电总局基地的土著菌养鸡。只是那时镇江的主要精力放在稻鸭共作的研究和推广上,这几年土著菌养鸡养猪才被越来越多的人重视起来。不但如此,镇江人又用推广稻鸭共作的热情推广起土著菌养鸡养猪来。  相似文献   

The pain-relieving effect of carprofen and tolerance to the drug were investigated in 805 dogs that were lame as a result of osteoarthritis. The dogs were of different breeds, ages and bodyweights and of both sexes, and were selected from 51 veterinary clinics. Each dog was treated orally by its owner with 4 mg/kg carprofen for 84 consecutive days. Twenty-four dogs were removed from the study because of side effects, and 55 left the study for reasons unrelated to the treatment. The condition of the dogs and the benefit of the treatment were evaluated by the veterinary surgeons and the owners after 14 days, and at the end of the period of treatment, when 194 of the dogs (26.7 per cent) were no longer lame, and 357 (49.2 per cent) had improved. The period for which the dogs had been lame before entering the study significantly (P<0.01) affected the results and the rate of improvement. Too much exercise during the 84 days of treatment caused some dogs to relapse.  相似文献   

Eleven dogs diagnosed with refractory idiopathic epilepsy were treated orally with gabapentin for a minimum of three months at an initial dose of 10 mg/kg every eight hours. They were all experiencing episodes of generalised tonic-clonic seizures and had been treated chronically with a combination of phenobarbital and potassium bromide at doses sufficient to reach acceptable therapeutic serum levels without causing significant side effects. In each dog, the number of seizures per week, the average duration of the seizures and the number of days on which seizures occurred were compared for the three months before and after they were treated with gabapentin. A minimum 50 per cent reduction in the number of seizures per week was interpreted as a positive response to gabapentin, and six of the dogs showed a positive response. After the addition of gabapentin, both the number of seizures per week (P= 0.005) and the number of days with any seizures in a one-week period (P=0.03) were significantly reduced. Mild side effects of ataxia and sedation were observed in five of the dogs, but they were not severe enough to warrant the treatment being discontinued during the trial.  相似文献   

A 14-month-old female crossbreed dog with leishmaniasis, receiving allopurinol, was presented with acute paraplegia. A diagnosis of renal failure with pelvic limb lower motor neuron signs was made and the dog was euthanased. Histopathological examination demonstrated leukocytoclastic vasculitis in multiple organs. Malacia and haemorrhage affecting the spinal cord was associated with multiple foci of vasculitis within the nervous tissue. Rupture and thrombosis of inflamed vessels caused haemorrhage in the spinal cord and subsequent paralysis.  相似文献   

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