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以内蒙古四子王旗的典型草原和荒漠草原两种草地类型的家庭牧场为研究对象,通过对牧户的实地问卷调查、模型模拟分析和文献查阅研究,深入剖析牧户家庭的草场参数、家畜参数、饲料参数、气象参数和经济参数等,利用模型模拟计算出草地生长速率、草畜能量平衡状况和经济效益收支现状,以期为指导当地的家庭牧场可持续经营提出可靠依据。结果表明:四子王旗牧草生长周期较短,夏季典型草原牧草生长速率大于荒漠草原,冬季两种类型草地牧草的抗寒能力较差,牧草大部分停止生长,地上部分基本枯死,家畜利用新鲜牧草得到的能量主要集中在夏秋牧草生长季节。中小牧户是草原超载过牧的主体,草地面积越小的牧户,其家畜载畜率越高。草料费支出与家畜载畜率也呈正相关关系,草料费支出越多,载畜率越高。典型草原区和荒漠草原区都呈现出夏季仅有短时间的草地供给能量大于家畜自身能量需求,可以满足家畜良好的生长状态;冬季寒冷且漫长,能量摄入量较低,典型草原地区在1月产羔期能量缺值高达10.5 MJ/(羊单位·d),荒漠草原地区能量缺值高达9.5 MJ/(羊单位·d)。适当调整家畜载畜率有利于四子王旗地区家庭牧场提高草地综合生产能力和增加农牧民经济收入。  相似文献   

针对牧区牧草资源短缺、草畜平衡矛盾突出及生态环境脆弱等问题,本文构建经济效益与生态效益统一度量的家庭牧场草地-家畜优化配置模型。以青海省玛沁县夏季牧场不足、冬春牧场剩余的1牧户为例,在分析现有家庭牧场草畜供需平衡的基础上,设置天然草地、人工草地和家畜优化配置方案集并求解,进而分析草地-家畜优化配置后的经济效益、生态效益和及其综合效益。优化配置中,将载畜量由原来的520个羊单位减为418个羊单位,划分冬春季牧场草地面积5.4 hm2为夏季放牧,秋季牧场不作调整,冬春季牧场营养超载,结合补充精料和人工草地补饲休牧40 d,放牧212 d。优化配置方案下综合效益可分别提高11.8%,27.8%和27.8%。返青期休牧补饲可以使经济效益平均提高5%,生态效益平均提高22.5%,综合效益平均提高27.5%。延长夏季放牧时间为97 d可使经济效益、生态效益及综合效益分别降低24.7%,16.5%和41.2%。  相似文献   

以家庭牧场效益为目标,结合基础数据分析草地干物质产量动态及营养动态以及能量供应,根据家庭牧场草畜能量平衡现状,建立家畜优化生产模型.通过对草地的饲草产量、家庭牧场购买的饲草料、能量消化率等指标参数,结合各种家畜的能量需求,综合对比饲草料的种类、营养状况、价格及其利用方式、利用状况,畜群结构,家畜生产体系,牧场支出及畜产...  相似文献   

家庭牧场中的草畜平衡问题长期以来备受关注,传统意义上的草畜平衡仅仅是指牧场利用的天然草地和人工草地中生产的饲草料总量与家畜年需饲草料总量之间的平衡.由于家畜在整个年度的生长、发育、繁殖等过程中对于饲草料的能量需要存在差异,同时草地生产饲草的能量供应也随时间不断发生变化,因此使用能量供需平衡来衡量草畜之间的动态平衡更加有...  相似文献   

以澳大利亚反刍动物营养标准为参考,Stage one模型为框架,家庭牧场为研究尺度,从家畜营养角度出发,将代谢能(Metabolisable energy,ME)和氮维持需要量作为放牧家畜的营养单位,建立营养模型,模拟该地区典型家庭牧场欧拉型藏羊能、氮需求的月际变化及冬季暖棚利用对于藏羊体况维持的作用,研究青藏高原东缘高寒草甸区典型藏羊生产体系下的草畜平衡问题。结果表明:高寒草甸草地牧草消化率高,能量浓度高,高放牧强度(3.5头/hm~2)下,藏羊仍能获得足够的代谢能用于增重,而冷季由于草地消化率低,能量浓度差,在低放牧强度(3.5头/hm~2)即使放牧率低于暖季藏羊摄取能量仍不足以满足维持代谢,表现为减重(成年母羊平均5kg/头)。冷季低温造成典型牧户藏羊畜群维持代谢能每羊单位提高22%,且怀孕后期(1到2月)母羊能量需求高,草畜能量不平衡严重,因此,冷季补饲应以精饲料为主。暖棚可降低家畜御寒代谢能消耗,并降低冷季维持代谢能水平,有助于减少家畜掉膘,典型牧户藏羊畜群维持代谢能1到4月可分别降低1.08、1.23、1.28、1.26 MJ/(头/d)。冷季精饲料补饲+暖棚是较为可行的管理方式。  相似文献   

为探究在不同载畜率水平下家庭牧场经济收益变化,本研究基于2021年四子王旗荒漠草原89户牧户的半结构调研问卷,根据载畜率水平划分为低载畜率牧场(0.61 SE·hm-2)、中载畜率牧场(0.91 SE·hm-2)、高载畜率牧场(1.34 SE·hm-2),利用草畜平衡以及家畜生产优化管理模型(Optimized management models for household pasture livestock farm production, OMMLP)进行模拟分析。结果显示,四子王旗家庭牧场的草地利用水平均存在差异,不同载畜率水平家庭牧场草地能量夏富冬亏,同时高载畜率牧场在进入冬季后能量亏损相对较高。此外,牧户净收益随载畜率增加先增加后降低。通过对牧户载畜率模拟调整,发现中载畜率牧场和高载畜率牧场分别降低载畜率至0.68 SE·hm-2和0.96 SE·hm-2时,可达到最优净收益12.3万元和30.6万元;当低载畜率牧场的载畜率提高至0.81 SE·hm-2  相似文献   

科尔沁草地家庭生态牧场模式探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
侯丰 《草业科学》2004,21(8):56-58
针对目前科尔沁天然草地超载过牧、普遍退化的实际,论述了家庭生态牧场的概念和建设家庭生态牧场的重要意义,探讨了建设家庭生态牧场的可行性,提出了家庭生态牧场的总体规划模式,确定了每个家庭生态牧场家畜饲养规模控制在300个羊单位以内、出栏率达到100%;各类可食饲草料年生产能力208 065 kg;天然放牧场113.3 hm2,打草场20 hm2,多年生豆科人工草地6.7 hm2,青贮饲料地3.3 hm2的草畜平衡规划模式.  相似文献   

由于超载过牧、掠夺式畜牧业经营方式,使得我国北方草地出现了严重的退化、沙化、盐碱化和水土流失,致使我国北方广大农牧民失去了赖以生存和发展的物质基础——草地,进而导致草地畜牧业的恶性循环及草地生态平衡的严重破坏。通过家庭牧场绵羊育肥模式和配套技术,提高家畜出栏率,加快畜群周转,以减轻草地放牧压力,减少草地的破坏,维持草畜平衡,恢复草地生态平衡,最终达到农牧民收入大幅度提高,生态、经济和社会效益的有机结合。  相似文献   

由于超载过牧、掠夺式畜牧业经营方式,使得我国北方草地出现了严重的退化、沙化、盐碱化和水土流失,致使我国北方广大农牧民失去了赖以生存和发展的物质基础--草地,进而导致草地畜牧业的恶性循环及草地生态平衡的严重破坏.通过家庭牧场绵羊育肥模式和配套技术,提高家畜出栏率,加快畜群周转,以减轻草地放牧压力,减少草地的破坏,维持草畜平衡,恢复草地生态平衡,最终达到农牧民收入大幅度提高,生态、经济和社会效益的有机结合.  相似文献   

家庭牧场是草地生产和经营的主体,其管理水平对于保护草地生态系统至关重要。本研究以草地生态—经济平衡理论、家畜精准管理理论、放牧适宜度理论、非平衡草场生态系统弹性管理理论为研发依据,采用Visual Studio Team System 2010和Microsoft SQL Server 2008开发了一款基于Windows系统的家庭牧场管理模型。该模型包括后台数据库、系统输入和输出3个模块,以12个月为运行周期,通过输入饲草供给、家畜需求、家庭收支等数据,从畜群结构、牧场家畜承载量、草畜平衡、草地健康、牧场收益5个方面进行评价,并形成牧场经营管理评估报告。牧户可根据评估报告进行计算机模拟优化,并依据优化方案相应改进生产管理活动。本模型以祁连山东段高寒草甸区家庭牧场为试点,完成了模型参数调试、生产管理评价以及优化等工作。测试结果证明该模型界面设置便捷、操作简单,评价和优化输出报表图文并茂,可以帮助牧场主施行有效的管理决策。此外,该模型还在后台数据库构建过程中发现一些科研空白,为后期草地畜牧业科研指出攻关方向。  相似文献   

Until recently, the nutritional fate of the grazing animal has been largely ignored by both animal and range scientists despite the economic dependence of the extensive livestock industry on nutrition from grass. Of the three factors that can be manipulated to improve profit gross margin per animal, is one that is directly affected by nutrition and, hence, grazing management. The relationship between economics and grazing management may be summarized as: Gross margin = f(Animal Performance); Animal Performance = f(nutrition); Nutrition = f(grazing). Economical beef production must consider the needs of the animal and the forage plant at the same time. The health of the sward must be maintained while improving individual animal performance and simultaneously increasing stocking rate. Generally, plants that have been defoliated require a period of recovery before again being grazed. A sward is kept in a vigorous state by preventing repetitive defoliation at the one extreme, and avoiding excessive shading (mature growth) of photosynthetic material at the other. This state is best achieved where livestock grazing is controlled. For any individual paddock, periods of grazing are followed by periods that allow adequate physiologic recovery of the plants. A grazing regimen that keeps the plant in a healthy state is fortuitously also well suited to the nutritional requirements of the animal. Animals on overgrazed pastures are likely to suffer from inadequate feed intake because of deficiencies in feed quantity. Conversely, on over-rested pastures, intake deficiency results from paucity in feed quality. On most unmanaged ranges, overgrazed and over-rested plants are likely to be found side by side. By controlling duration of the rest period as well as duration of the grazing period through pasture subdivision, requirements of both the plant and the animal can be met. With artificially high economic demands placed on animal production, some form of supplementation is required in most modern livestock situations. Whereas energy is frequently the nutrient limiting production it is seldom economically feasible to supplement the grazing animal directly with energy. Protein supplementation to increase forage intake, and thus indirectly energy intake, has become standard practice in many grazing situations. When there is adequate forage with a low crude protein content (less than or equal to 7%), microbially degradable protein is the preferred choice. However, when the animals are in an energy deficient state, either through a shortage of available forage or because their requirements exceed energy intake levels, by-pass protein is required.  相似文献   

Perennial ryegrass is the primary forage component of ruminant diets in New Zealand. It is persistent and palatable, and immature ryegrass has a high nutritive value (NV). However, seed-head development substantially lowers its feeding value (FV) as fibre concentration increases, the rate and extent of digestibility decreases, and voluntary intake declines. Ryegrass pastures are susceptible to accumulation of endophytic and saprophytic fungi in dead material at the base of the sward, especially when mature and laxly grazed. Feeding forage legumes to ruminants grazing grass-dominant pastures will improve animal performance and lessen the reliance on a single species to meet all nutritional requirements.

The FV of forage is a function of intake and NV, measured by chemical analyses and animal feeding trials. Performance of individual animals grazing forages is usually limited by energy intake because structural fibre can slow digestion and clearance from the rumen and because of competition between individuals for available feed. The use of metabolisable energy (ME) content of forage to signify FV can give a reasonable indication of animal performance, but it should be used in conjunction with chemical analyses to improve the accuracy of predictions.

The relationship between FV, pasture production, animal performance and profitability is complex. The importance of skilled management to maintain pasture quality and optimise animal performance under inconsistent climatic conditions should not be underestimated. Acceptable animal performance with minimal veterinary intervention requires good nutrition, but the genetic potential of livestock in New Zealand cannot be met solely by grazing pasture, especially when a high utilisation of pasture is required to maintain quality and profitability.

Producers are responding to industry demands to reduce the seasonality in supply of milk and meat by changing lambing and calving dates, and extending lactation length in dairy cows. Social changes include adoption of once-daily milking in the dairy industry. Some changes have necessitated increased use of supplements and others can be met by feeding forages with a higher FV than ryegrass, all of which require an improved knowledge of feed quality. This information is available through rapid and inexpensive near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) analysis, enabling animal nutritional needs to be balanced by appropriate nutrient supply. It is essential that producers continue to improve animal welfare, limit excessive use of fertilisers and meet the demands of overseas consumers. Good nutrition, with an increased use of legumes and other forages to complement ryegrass pastures, will enable these objectives to be achieved.  相似文献   

Perennial ryegrass is the primary forage component of ruminant diets in New Zealand. It is persistent and palatable, and immature ryegrass has a high nutritive value (NV). However, seedhead development substantially lowers its feeding value (FV) as fibre concentration increases, the rate and extent of digestibility decreases, and voluntary intake declines. Ryegrass pastures are susceptible to accumulation of endophytic and saprophytic fungi in dead material at the base of the sward, especially when mature and laxly grazed. Feeding forage legumes to ruminants grazing grass-dominant pastures will improve animal performance and lessen the reliance on a single species to meet all nutritional requirements. The FV of forage is a function of intake and NV, measured by chemical analyses and animal feeding trials. Performance of individual animals grazing forages is usually limited by energy intake because structural fibre can slow digestion and clearance from the rumen and because of competition between individuals for available feed. The use of metabolisable energy (ME) content of forage to signify FV can give a reasonable indication of animal performance, but it should be used in conjunction with chemical analyses to improve the accuracy of predictions. The relationship between FV, pasture production, animal performance and profitability is complex. The importance of skilled management to maintain pasture quality and optimise animal performance under inconsistent climatic conditions should not be underestimated. Acceptable animal performance with minimal veterinary intervention requires good nutrition, but the genetic potential of livestock in New Zealand cannot be met solely by grazing pasture, especially when a high utilisation of pasture is required to maintain quality and profitability. Producers are responding to industry demands to reduce the seasonality in supply of milk and meat by changing lambing and calving dates, and extending lactation length in dairy cows. Social changes include adoption of once-daily milking in the dairy industry. Some changes have necessitated increased use of supplements and others can be met by feeding forages with a higher FV than ryegrass, all of which require an improved knowledge of feed quality. This information is available through rapid and inexpensive near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) analysis, enabling animal nutritional needs to be balanced by appropriate nutrient supply. It is essential that producers continue to improve animal welfare, limit excessive use of fertilisers and meet the demands of overseas consumers. Good nutrition, with an increased use of legumes and other forages to complement ryegrass pastures, will enable these objectives to be achieved.  相似文献   

贾玉山  于浩然  都帅  王伟  卢强  孙林 《草地学报》2018,26(3):533-538
青贮添加剂能够改善天然牧草青贮品质,降低营养成分损失,提高青贮的成功率、牧草的供给水平及家畜的采食量,进一步满足反刍动物的营养需要,解决国内春冬季饲料缺乏和营养不足问题,缓解放牧与牧草生长季饲草供应不足之间的矛盾。本文综述了国内外天然牧草青贮添加剂的种类、效果及应用等方面的研究,总结了青贮添加剂对天然牧草青贮饲料营养品质和发酵品质的影响,展望了天然牧草青贮添加剂今后的发展方向,以期为调制优质天然牧草青贮饲料及天然牧草可持续利用提供可借鉴的理论依据与实践参考。  相似文献   

通过增加天然草原面积和调整人工饲草料地的种植结构及规模,来增加饲草产量,以减轻天然草原放牧压力,达到荒漠草原区饲草料供给平衡。  相似文献   

A mathematical model of the change in quantity of forage during grazing is constructed, assuming (1) that forage requirement by grazing animals is constant, and (2) that intake is equal to requirement when forage is in free supply but (3) that below a certain supply level intake becomes restricted and is proportional to supply. Grazing efficiency is then defined in terms of utilization of the forage present at the start of the period of restricted intake. The need, or otherwise, for a high grazing efficiency can be determined, given the acceptable level of utilization of forage. A particular part of the period of restricted intake is identified; the herd has to remain until well past the end of this part period, to achieve a high grazing efficiency. Because the animals are under stress during this time, it must be made as short as possible. Some ways of doing so are discussed. Subdivision of the grazing area into smaller camps can be an effective way of increasing grazing efficiency, but this method is not the only one which is practicable and it could even decrease efficiency. A formula for calculating the required number of camps is given. It can be used to give the stocking density required.  相似文献   

羊草(Leymus chinensis)是北方草地的优势植物,是放牧家畜重要的饲草来源。有关羊草干草营养价值已有相关报道,但关于不同季节刈割的羊草营养价值数据有限。因此本试验选择7月龄乌珠穆沁公羊12只,平均体重为(31.13±2.61)kg,随机分为4个处理,每个处理3个重复。分别饲喂春季、夏季、秋季和冬季末收割的羊草干草,试验绵羊单笼饲养,预饲期2周,试验期1周,自由采食和饮水,采用全收粪法进行消化代谢试验。结果表明,不同季节收割羊草干草对绵羊干物质采食量和消化率有显著的影响(P<0.05),春、夏和秋季采食量和消化率显著高于冬季,春、夏、秋和冬季干物质日采食量分别为68.30,69.86,57.09和32.53 g·kg-1LW0.75;干物质消化率分别为50.75%,50.94%,46.74%和36.91%。秋季和冬季氮处于负平衡,冬季枯黄的羊草不能满足绵羊的能量和蛋白质的维持需要,还需要优质豆科牧草或其他蛋白源补充,从而获得更好的生产性能。  相似文献   

甘南玛曲不同年龄欧拉型藏羊放牧采食量季节动态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为确立高寒地区天然草地欧拉型藏羊放牧采食量的季节动态变化,本试验采用TiO2外源指示剂法和瘤胃尼龙袋法分别测定欧拉型藏羊不同季节排粪量和牧草消化率从而计算放牧采食量。结果表明:玛曲高寒草地牧草干物质消化率(DMD)和粗蛋白(CP)含量夏季显著(P < 0.05)高于冬春季与秋季;欧拉型藏羊各年龄段排粪量3季差异显著(P < 0.05)且秋季 > 夏季 > 冬春季;随着年龄增长,欧拉型藏羊三季牧草采食量均有增大的趋势,同年龄段不同季节的藏羊采食量和代谢采食量(除4岁母羊)差异显著(P < 0.05)且秋季 > 夏季 > 冬春季;各年龄段藏羊累计牧草消耗量(AFC)差异显著(P < 0.05)分别为339.37,757.58,1185.93和1655.61 kg。由此可见,牧草干机物质消化率、排粪量和采食量夏秋季较高、冬春季较低,随着年龄增大排粪量和采食量有增高的趋势。因此,在高寒牧区应提倡草地季节性畜牧业,充分考虑牧草营养与动物营养需求之间的耦合性来提高经济和生态效益。  相似文献   

随着生活水平的提高和食品消费结构的变化,对动物蛋白的需求迅速增长。然而,由于缺乏优质粗饲料,畜牧业的发展受到了很大的限制。饲用全株小麦产量高、营养品质好,已成为一种优质的饲料来源,因此,围绕饲用小麦的相关研究意义重大。梳理近年来国内外关于饲用小麦生产和利用的现状及发展趋势,重点概述的内容有:1)品种选育:种质创制技术、逆境分子育种和常规饲用小麦品种筛选;2)栽培管理:常规田间管理、放牧利用管理和粮饲兼用管理;3)青贮加工的影响因素:栽培管理、生育期、添加剂和其他因素;4)家畜的饲喂效果:采食量、消化率、畜产品产量和品质等。此外,总结了饲用小麦各研究领域中所存在的问题和不足。同时,对新形势下饲用小麦的研究趋势和研究重点进行了展望,以期对我国饲用小麦的生产和推广利用提供指导与参考。目前,饲用小麦的发展背景主要是粮食过剩、饲草供需矛盾和动物生产性能等问题,它在产量和营养方面表现优异,尤其在冬季饲料缺乏时,小麦具备更大的生长优势,无论是放牧还是青贮利用都较方便,这也缓解了目前的饲料危机,为畜牧业的安全发展提供了保障。但是,粮用小麦品种一般为矮秆,其全株产量受限,为更好地发挥小麦的饲用价值,培育饲用专用品种势在必行。  相似文献   

生长期牦牛的氮代谢及补氮技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本项目在放牧条件下 ,系统地研究了生长期耗牛对不同季节牧草蛋白质的采食、消化、利用 ,并得出了牦牛在维持状态下 ,不同生长速度下的蛋白质需要量 ,还研究了牦牛对非蛋白氮的消化与利用。本项目系统地研究了高寒草甸草场牧草营养的季节动态 ,实测了各时期牧草的生物量、保存率和营养成分变化。在上述2项研究的基础上 ,本项目比较了在全年之间、牧草与家畜之间蛋白质的供需平衡情况 ,所得到的冷季与暖季增重总数据与生产实践十分吻合 ,实测得到了冷季缺额数据。针对冷季蛋白质供应的缺额 ,筛选了几种直接补氮方法。发现在能量蛋白比适当的情况下 ,用糖蜜尿素舔砖自由采食 ,可使牦牛在约200天的冷季内 ,得到的可消化蛋白增加35 %左右 ,接近维持需要水平 ,从而大大地减少体重损失。在暖季用施肥方法间接补氮 ,也可以收到同样效果 ,但2种办法只能使氮的供应达到维持水平 ,使放牧牦牛在安全越冬的条件下 ,达到不减重或少减重  相似文献   

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