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为了评估不同免疫策略对猪场免疫效果和经济效益的影响,以确定最佳的疫苗免疫程序,本试验将处于产前1个月的四胎次健康三元母猪随机分为2个组,A组(联合免疫组)母猪于产前27 d联合免疫猪圆环病毒2型基因工程疫苗、猪肺炎支原体灭活疫苗和猪瘟活疫苗(圆柯欣+柯喘宁+稳柯健),其所产仔猪于21日龄联合免疫圆柯欣、柯喘宁和稳柯健;B组(对照组)母猪于产前34和27 d分别免疫稳柯健、猪圆环病毒疫苗和猪肺炎支原体疫苗二联疫苗(圆-支二联疫苗),其所产仔猪于14日龄免疫圆-支二联疫苗,28日龄免疫稳柯健。统计和分析免疫各组临床指标、生产性能和持续性抗体水平。结果显示,免疫疫苗后,2个组的母猪采食情况均正常;2个组的仔猪整体精神状态良好,哺乳情况正常,均未出现咳嗽和喘气等呼吸道疾病。在试验期间内,2个组的母猪的窝产健仔数和仔猪出生健仔均重并无差别。A组和B组的出生至23日龄死淘率、出生至50日龄死淘率分别为3.77%、5.11%和4.07%、5.43%,A组略优于B组。抗体监测结果显示,A组母猪的CSFV和PCV2抗体水平较B组无显著差异(P>0.05);A组仔猪的CSFV抗体阳性率与B组无明显差...  相似文献   

何京 《北方牧业》2003,(24):15-15
<正> 猪传染性萎缩性鼻炎在临床上极为常见,它是猪的一种慢性传染病,在世界各国广泛流行。疾病特征表现为:病猪不安,打喷嚏,呼吸困难,采食和吮乳障碍,以后病渐加重,发生鼻甲骨萎缩,甚至蔓延到鼻骨、上颌骨和门齿内。病初一般认为是感冒而得不到及时诊治,乳猪多由此而大量死亡。本病无明显季节性。预防①注重饲养管理,特别是保持圈舍卫生,定期用3%的热火碱水或5%的漂白粉水喷洒消毒;②养好母猪,保证仔猪奶水充足,并给仔猪补喂2%的硫酸亚铁液和1%的硫酸铜液,每头喂服2~5毫升,以防止贫血;③母猪临产前5~7天和产后肌肉注射长效抗菌剂,按每10千克剂量1毫升,亦可在产前10天喂中药一剂。中药方例于下:当归30克、川芎20克、白芍25克、防风30克、黄芬30克、黄柏30克、千里光30克、银花20克、连翘25克、甘草15克、艾叶25克,煎水服,1天分3次喂母猪。  相似文献   

利用屠宰场鼻甲骨病变评估法对某农牧公司猪萎缩性鼻炎的感染状况进行了评估诊断,结果表明:已评估的上市猪中,50.0%(15/30)存在不同程度的鼻甲骨萎缩,10.0%(3/30)鼻甲骨萎缩严重。萎缩性鼻炎在该公司猪场感染比例大,且处于亚临床感染状态,但各品种间鼻甲骨病变评分差异不显著(P>0.05)。萎缩性鼻炎的防控需依靠改善环境、疫苗免疫与药物干预相结合的综合策略。  相似文献   

本文报道了经胎盘感染猪圆环病毒2型对猪流行性腹泻病毒引起新生仔猪肠炎的影响。6头怀孕母猪被随机分为感染组和对照组,每组3头。感染组3头怀孕母猪在分娩前3周鼻内接种6mLPCV2组织培养毒(病毒含量为1.2×105TCID50/mL,毒株为SNUVR000470);对照组3头怀孕母猪同时接种正常细胞培养上清液。PCV2感染母猪所产的30头仔猪被随机分为A、B两组,每组15头;对照组非感染母猪所产的30头仔猪被随机分为C、D两组,每组15头。A和C组仔猪在3日龄口服2mLPEDV第3次传代病毒液(病毒含量为1×106.5TCID50/mL,毒株为SNUVR971496)。在感染后36、48和72h测量绒毛高度与隐窝深度的平均比值,A组PCV2感染母猪所产的仔猪感染PEDV与C组PCV2阴性母猪所产的仔猪感染PEDV差异显著。在感染后24h,A组PEDV感染仔猪的空肠组织中比C组检测到更多的PEDV核酸。此后,在感染后36、48、60和70h,C组PCV2阴性母猪所产的PEDV感染仔猪的空肠组织中比A组检测到更多的PEDV核酸。由此推断,经胎盘感染PCV2显著影响PEDV所致疾病的临床进程。  相似文献   

猪传染性萎缩性鼻炎是一种由支气管败血波氏杆菌和产毒素多杀性巴氏杆菌引起的猪呼吸道慢性传染病。该病以鼻炎和鼻甲骨萎缩为主要特征,常发于2~5月龄的仔猪。特别是支气管败血波氏杆菌Ⅰ相菌感染仔猪后,可在其鼻腔里生长繁殖,且存留时间长(可定居5个月以上,甚至长达1 a之久)。2012年8月下旬,华坪县某生猪养殖场发生了该病,笔者通过流行病学调查以及临床症状和剖检病变观察进行确诊,并采取了综合防治措拖,效果非常理想。现将该病的发病和防治情况介绍如下。1流行病学各个年龄阶段的猪只均可感染本病,但以仔猪的感染率最高。仔猪感染本病后,多会引起鼻甲骨萎缩。年龄稍大的猪只感染后,可能不发生或只发生轻度鼻甲骨萎缩,但成年猪常常成为无症状的带菌猪。病猪和带菌猪是本病的主要传染源,病菌常存在于其上呼吸道,主要通过飞沫经呼吸道感染。  相似文献   

猪萎缩性鼻炎是猪的一种重要的慢性呼吸道传染病,主要特征是鼻甲骨萎缩、口鼻变形和生长迟滞。该病对养猪业危害很大,病猪由于鼻甲骨萎缩而导致上颌短缩、上下齿咬合不齐、鼻盘歪斜,大大影响猪的外观,降低了上市的品质;哺乳仔猪感染本病后,除了引起鼻甲骨甚至鼻腔变形、萎缩或消失  相似文献   

猪流行性腹泻近年来严重危害养猪业发展,为了查明不同免疫程序对防控本病的效果,对山西各地市10个规模化种猪场母猪疫苗免疫情况、免疫程序及防控效果等进行了调研。结果显示,未免疫疫苗的猪群乳猪死亡率为61.70%,而母猪产前40 d和20 d后海穴注射胃流轮三联活苗,肌肉注射胃流二联灭活苗的猪群乳猪死亡率为10.26%;母猪产前40 d和20 d后海穴注射胃流轮三联活苗,3日龄乳猪后海穴注射胃流轮三联活苗的猪群乳猪死亡率为9.63%;应用PCR检测病原,PEDV、TGEV的阳性率分别为64.1%和2.56%;ELISA检测母猪乳汁中IgA抗体,阳性率为95%;检测母猪、乳猪、断奶仔猪血样中IgA抗体,阳性率为30%。通过本次调研与检测,筛选出两种较好的免疫程序,为猪场防控该类疫病提供参考。  相似文献   

试验选择广东某规模化猪场怀孕母猪30头及其所产仔猪30头用进口猪伪狂犬病病毒基因缺失疫苗(B苗)和国产猪伪狂犬病病毒基因缺失疫苗(A苗)进行免疫试验.结果表明:各组母猪产前10 天免疫接种后20~30 d的母猪抗体水平接近或达到峰值,其所产仔猪10~60 d获得的母体抗体恰巧达到最佳.根据母猪产仔时抗体水平及其后代母源抗体维持时间的关系,建议母猪产前20~30 d为猪伪狂犬病病毒加强免疫接种的适宜时间,仔猪60日龄为适宜的首免时间;使用B苗和A苗免疫对母猪产前免疫是必要的,有利于控制带毒母猪猪伪狂犬病病毒野毒的排放,降低感染其他猪只的机会,提高仔猪保护率.  相似文献   

用我所研制的猪传染性萎缩性鼻炎油佐剂灭活菌苗于妊娠母猪产仔前1个月皮下注射一次。其初乳和仔猪1周龄攻击时的血清K抗体平均价分别在12万倍和4万倍以上,仔猪鼻甲骨萎缩减少率为95.5%。以荷兰菌苗在产仔前8及2周两次免疫的母猪,其初乳和仔猪攻击时血清K抗体平均价与我所菌苗基本相同,但鼻甲骨萎缩减少率低于我所菌苗8.8%。将荷兰菌苗的免疫次数和菌量改为与我所菌苗相当时,母猪初乳和仔猪攻击时血清K抗体平均价分别只有1万倍和4000~5000倍,仔猪鼻甲骨萎缩减少率平均只有40%,并且有明显萎缩病例出现。日本菌苗的抗体应答和免疫效力与荷兰菌苗一次注射时基本相同。被动免疫仔猪的日增重普遍高于未免疫对照组。与对照组仔猪的日增重相比,我所菌苗组差异极显著(P<0.001),荷兰菌苗两次注射组差异显著(P<0.01),而荷兰菌苗一次注射组和日本菌苗组差异均不显著(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

猪萎缩性鼻炎是猪的一种重要的慢性呼吸道传染病,主要特征是鼻甲骨萎缩、口鼻变形和生长迟滞。该病对养猪业危害很大,病猪由于鼻甲骨萎缩而导致上颌短缩、上下齿咬合不齐、鼻盘歪斜,大大影响猪的外观,降低了上市的品质;哺乳仔猪感染本病后,除了引起鼻甲骨甚至鼻腔变形、萎缩或消失外,还可引起全身性钙代谢障碍,致使仔猪发育迟缓,有些成为僵猪,饲料利用率降低,有时伴发急、慢性支气管炎,导致仔  相似文献   

The trial involved eight large white sows obtained from a closed experimental specific pathogen free herd. Four sows (two each for an experimental vaccine and for Nobi-Vac AR) were vaccinated twice (eight weeks and two weeks before parturition) with 2 ml of vaccine administered intramuscularly. Two unvaccinated sows were used as an infected control group and two unvaccinated sows served as an uninfected control group. Forty-six piglets (28 from vaccinated sows and 18 from unvaccinated sows) were challenged by intranasal instillation of Bordetella bronchiseptica at two days of age and Pasteurella multocida type D, dermonecrotic toxin at seven days of age. Among the infected control group some piglets died and there were clinical signs of pneumonia and severe turbinate atrophy. In the vaccinated groups the results showed that immunisation of the pregnant sows had provided a good level of antibodies, which were transmitted to their offspring. There was a significant reduction in the clinical signs and no lesions were observed in the group vaccinated with the experimental vaccine and only moderate atrophy of the turbinates in the Nobi-Vac AR group. B bronchiseptica and P multocida were never recovered from the lungs of the vaccinated groups and in the nasal cavities their frequency declined with age.  相似文献   

Vaccination with bacterins is an important tool for the control of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae infection of pigs. Because such vaccination often involves piglets that have suckled M. hyopneumoniae antibody-positive dams it is important to understand the effect of pre-existing (passively acquired) antibody on vaccine-induced immunity. To investigate this issue experimentally, 20 sows that were seronegative for M. hyopneumoniae were selected from a M. hyopneumoniae-infected herd and then randomly allocated to one of four treatment groups (five sows/group): Group A, vaccinated sows/vaccinated piglets; Group B, vaccinated sows/non-vaccinated piglets; Group C, non-vaccinated sows/vaccinated piglets; Group D, non-vaccinated sows/non-vaccinated piglets. Sows (Groups A and B) were vaccinated 14 days before farrowing and seroconverted within the next 14 days. Conversely, none of the non-vaccinated sows was seropositive at farrowing. Piglets (Groups A and C) were vaccinated when they were 7 days of age. Regardless of treatments none of the piglets had any evidence of an active immune response until many of those of Groups A and C and a few of those of Groups B and D seroconverted after it had been shown that at least some pigs of all groups had been naturally infected with a field strain of M. hyopneumoniae. This pattern of immune responsiveness (i.e. the collective results of Groups A, B, C and D) suggested that vaccination of pigs had primed their immune system for subsequent exposure to M. hyopneumoniae, and that passively acquired antibody had little or no effect on either a vaccine-induced priming or a subsequent anamnestic response. According to the statistical analysis sow serological status did not interfere with the antibody response in early vaccinated piglets. In conclusion, the results pointed out that early vaccination of piglets may assist M. hyopneumoniae control independently from the serological status of sows.  相似文献   

The regulation for the keeping of pigs from 1988 acknowledges in principle only results of research, induced by long term problems in pig husbandry. Therefore it is only relevant for problems, that became apparent at least ten years earlier. Group housing for sows is not taken into consideration in the regulation. However, in the near future veterinarians will be expected to produce an opinion about the welfare of sows kept in group housing systems. In the houses for pregnant sows and in the ones for farrowing sows and for sows with piglets, problems can be expected resulting from group housing. Practice is not always according the nice theory, telling us, that sows want a place on their own for farrowing. Thus it can be difficult to end up with one sow in one farrowing nest. If piglets leave the farrowing nest to early, they will not be able to recognize their own sow amidst the group of others. This results in "multisuckling", with its large number of runts. However, group housing expects every piglet to stay with its own sow. In considering the welfare of sows kept in group housing systems a veterinarian will have to ask himself again and again, whether the sows are able to cope with the presented situation. The same counts for the piglets.  相似文献   


The effects of group size during pregnancy (12 or 24 sows) and introduction methods on behaviour in multi-suckling pens were studied. The introduction methods were: A) (control) all sows and piglets were moved simultaneously to the multi-suckling pen on day 11 after farrowing; B) sows and piglets were moved simultaneously on day 14 after farrowing; C) sows were moved simultaneously and, two hours later, all piglets were moved simultaneously on day 11 after farrowing; D) each sow and her litter were moved separately at three-hours intervals on day 11 after farrowing. The effects of group size during pregnancy interacted with the effects of introduction method. When housed in groups of 12 during pregnancy, treatments B-D resulted in more initiated, but fewer successful nursings compared to A. However, when sows had been housed in groups of 24 during pregnancy, increased age (B) resulted in a decreased number of initiated nursings compared to A, but an increased nursing synchrony. The results indicate that it is possible to affect behaviour in multi-suckling pens through the social environment during pregnancy and by the choice of introduction method.  相似文献   

The investigations were carried out with 484 sows from two farms (farm A: housing the sows in small groups of 8 animals each, farm B with a large group of 100 sows) and a total number of 982 inseminations. The number of agonistic interactions was registered for each sow during 48 h after mixing soon after weaning the piglets at farm A. The individual rank place in the social hierarchy was calculated on the basis of wins and defeats and the sows were divided in high and low ranking sows. At farm B the rank position was estimated on the basis of the daily feeding order at two electronic feeding stations (first half of the sows in the feeding order = high ranking, second half = low ranking). Additionally, the following parameters were recorded for each sow: parity, genotype, farrowing rate and litter size (total and alive born piglets). The analysis showed that sows with a high rank position had a significantly higher farrowing rate (88.8%) compared to group-mates with low rank places (82.8%, p = 0.051) (farm A). Sows with a high rank position reached a significantly higher litter size of total born piglets (12.66, 16.14 piglets per litter respectively) than the low-ranking group-mates (12.13, 14.83 piglets/litter respectively — farms A and B). When mixing sows, the time and the conditions (e.g. group size, space allowance per sow) have to be considered to prevent the negative influence of low rank order on fertility.  相似文献   

This study evaluated how socializing piglets before weaning affects behavior of lactating sows and the pre- and postweaning behavior and performance of piglets. Two farrowing rooms, each with 6 pens, and 1 nursery with 4 pens were used. In total, data were obtained from 24 sows and their litters. In each farrowing room, the solid barriers between 3 farrowing pens were removed on d 12 after farrowing, and the sows remained confined in their crates (experimental group). In the other 3 farrowing pens of each farrowing room, sows and their litters were kept under conventional conditions until weaning (control group). All piglets were weaned 28 d after birth. After weaning, piglets from each group remained together in 1 pen of the nursery. The behavior of sows (lying, standing, sitting, nursing) and piglets (lying, active, suckling) in the farrowing rooms was observed for 24 h before and for 48 h after removal of the barriers between the pens. In addition, behavior (active, lying, feeding, agonistic behavior) of piglets was observed in the nursery during the initial 48-h period after weaning. Each piglet was weighed on d 5, 12, and 28 after birth and thereafter weekly until the fifth week of rearing. In the farrowing room, mixing of litters did not influence behavior of piglets and sows. Preweaning weight gain of the piglets did not differ (P = 0.60) between the treatments. In the initial 48 h after weaning, less agonistic behavior (P < 0.001) was observed in piglets belonging to the experimental group. During 5 wk of rearing, piglets in the experimental group gained more weight compared with the control group (P = 0.05). The advantage shown by the experimental group became especially conspicuous in the first week after weaning (P = 0.05). By socializing unfamiliar piglets before weaning, stress due to mixing could at least be distanced in time from the other burdens of weaning, thereby improving performance.  相似文献   

A field trial was carried out with Nobi-Vac AR vaccine in 11 swine breeding herds. One herd suffered from severe B. bronchiseptica (BB+) rhinitis in piglets, while no clinical Atrophic Rhinitis (AR) was observed. Ten herds were described as AR problem herds, because clinical AR was observed for at least 1 year in spite of the fact that medication of sows and piglets was carried out and adequate housing and management systems were available in most herds. BB+ was isolated in 9 of these 10 farms and the AR pathogenic P. multocida (PM+) in all these farms. The trial started when piglets were born of sows which had been vaccinated 3 times. All piglets between 7 and 10 weeks old were examined clinically for AR. Nasal swabs from 20 pigs on each farm were screened bacteriologically for BB+ and PM+ every other month. A severe reoccurrence of AR was found in 2 of the 10 AR problem farms. In these 2 herds the 'all in-all out' system was not applied in farrowing and weaning houses. In the 8 other AR problem herds the percentage of pigs with AR decreased significantly below the average level of 1% per year. The percentage of pigs infected with BB+ and PM+ also decreased significantly. PM+ was significantly related to the percentage of clinical AR piglets. Seasonal effects contributed to a minor extent to the percentage of AR piglets. After 2.5 years of this trial PM+ could not be isolated during the last 12 months in six of the remaining AR problems herds. The conclusion is that Nobi-Vac AR vaccination of the sow gave protection against clinical AR in piglets on those farms (80%) which provided adequate housing and management systems.  相似文献   

The effect of a straw dispenser in farrowing crates was investigated to determine the extent to which the provision of small quantities of straw has an influence on both sows and piglets. Sows and suckling piglets are often housed in barren environments with limited opportunities to show behavior they are highly motivated to perform. Enriching the environment might be a solution; for example, by providing materials that can be manipulated. In this study, 20 sows received a straw dispenser with chopped straw (treatment group) and 20 other sows did not receive any enrichment (control group). The treatment group was split up in 2: in treatment group A, the straw dispenser was placed in front of the sow, above the feed trough; and in treatment group B, the straw dispenser was placed next to the sow. Sows from the treatment groups received the straw dispenser from arrival in the farrowing crate until weaning. The total straw use within the treatment group was very variable but did not differ before and after farrowing. Sows took on average 53.0 g (±8.85) straw from the straw dispenser during the whole period in the farrowing crate. The frequency of undesirable and stereotypical behavior performed by the sows did not differ between treatment and control groups, and the same is seen with nest-building behavior before farrowing. By positioning the dispenser in front of the sow, the frequency of lateral lying increased, which means the udder was exposed more toward the piglets. This was reflected in the higher frequency of udder activity, performed by piglets from this treatment group. By positioning the dispenser next to the sow, sows showed more ventral lying behavior, because of disturbance of lying behavior by piglets. Piglets from this treatment group also showed less udder activity and possibly because of this, more pain-related behavior. These piglets performed more playing behavior in the third week of life compared with other groups, but it cannot be stated with certainty that this is a positive effect. A lower weight gain and weaning weight were seen in piglets within treatment group B. Possible explanations are the higher level of activity among these piglets as the straw dispenser was positioned within their reach or decreased milk consumption because of decreased udder activity and increased ventral lying by the sows. It can be concluded that the straw dispenser has positive effects on the behavior and welfare of sows and piglets, but positioning the straw dispenser in reach of both sow and piglets is not preferred as it is associated with undesirable effects on behavior such as ventral lying in sows and pain-related behaviors in piglets.  相似文献   


A field trial was carried out with Nobi‐Vac AR vaccine in 11 swine breeding herds. One herd suffered from severe B. bronchiseptica (BB+) rhinitis in piglets, while no clinical Atrophic Rhinitis (AR) was observed. Ten herds were described as AR problem herds, because clinical AR was observed for at least 1 year in spite of the fact that medication of sows and piglets was carried out and adequate housing and management systems were available in most herds. BB+ was isolated in 9 of these 10 farms and the AR pathogenic P. multocida (PM+) in all these farms.

The trial started when piglets were born of sows which had been vaccinated 3 times. All piglets between 7 and 10 weeks old were examined clinically for AR. Nasal swabs from 20 pigs on each farm were screened bacteriologically for BB+ and PM+ every other month.

A severe reoccurrence of AR was found in 2 of the 10 AR problem farms. In these 2 herds the ‘all in‐all out’ system was not applied in farrowing and weaning houses. In the 8 other AR problem herds the percentage of pigs with AR decreased significantly below the average level of 1% per year. The percentage of pigs infected with BB+ and PM+ also decreased significantly. PM+ was significantly related to the percentage of clinical AR piglets. Seasonal effects contributed to a minor extent to the percentage of AR piglets.

After 2.5 years of this trial PM+ could not be isolated during the last 12 months in six of the remaining AR problems herds.

The conclusion is that Nobi‐Vac AR vaccination of the sow gave protection against clinical AR in piglets on those farms (80%) which provided adequate housing and management systems.  相似文献   

The present results suggest that mannanoligosaccharides (MOS) included in a sow nutrition may affect its immune system and humoral antibody production in colostrum and milk, and thus increase the piglet immunity at the postnatal period. The studies involved sows of the Polish Landrace breed mated with boars (Hampshire x Duroc). In each experiment, the sows were assigned to two groups: control and experimental (MOS). Each group consisted of 16 sows managed in pens (2 animals in each) during pregnancy, whereas at farrowing and lactation period they were placed in individual pens. The basal diet during pregnancy (PR-S) and lactation (LC-S) period contained wheat (40% in experiment I--groups 1 and 2) or triticale (40% in experiment II--groups 3 and 4), as well as barley, soybean meal, soybean oil and mineral-vitamin premix. Throughout both experiments, the sows from the experimental group had a dietary supplement of mannanoligosaccharides (MOS) preparation for 4 of weeks prepartum and 4 weeks of post partum period. A level of the MOS supplementation (8 g of MOS per sow daily) based on the recommendations of the manufacturer. Blood samples were collected from the sows on days 84 (the start of trial) and 110 of pregnancy, after farrowing, and on day 21 of lactation period, while from the piglets at birth and on day 21 of age. Colostrum was collected between 1-3, 12, 24 and 48 h after farrowing. The blood samples taken from sows and piglets as well as the samples of sow colostrum and milk were evaluated for the presence of IgG, IgA and IgM antibodies. The present study has provided considerable evidence that MOS supplementation of sows feedstuff before and after farrowing (4 weeks before and 4 weeks after) exerts a positive effect on IgG content in the colostrum and plasma of sows and following this on serum IgG level in the suckling piglets. Higher level of colostral (passive) immunity influences positively body weight gain and survival rate of the piglets at weaning.  相似文献   

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