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Breeding practices were analysed for 32 registered dog breeds representing very small registries (120 Central Asian shepherd dogs) through to very large registries (252,521 German shepherd dogs) in Australia. The vast majority (91%) of registered kennels in Australia that were sampled did not regularly employ either close breeding or popular sire usage in their kennels and the weighted mean inbreeding coefficient of Australian pedigree dogs was <5%. Australian breed mean inbreeding coefficients ranged from 0% (Central Asian shepherd dog) to 10.1% (Bichon Frise). Breed effective population sizes ranged from 26 (Ibizan hound) to 1090 (Golden retriever), comparable with other species of domesticated animals. The relatively low levels of inbreeding suggest that pedigree dog disorders are unlikely to arise frequently from the use of popular sires or close breeding in Australian registered dog breeds. It is possible that deleterious allele fixation might be driven by founder effects, genetic drift or adverse selection practices, which were not assessed in this analysis. European popular sire definitions should be revisited for rare breeds.  相似文献   

为探讨中国鸽品种资源的遗传多态性与系统进化关系,利用PCR测序和生物信息学分析技术,测定分析了中国境内现存的8个主要鸽品种资源共120份样本mtDNA D-loop区部分序列.结果显示:在所获761 bp mtDNA D-loop区序列间发现3个变异位点,约占分析位点总数的0.39%,共具4个单倍型.8个群体内单倍型多...  相似文献   

华山新麦草是仅分布于中国秦岭山脉华山段的特有农作物野生近缘物种,具有抗寒、耐旱、耐瘠薄、抗病、优质等优异性状特点。因此,华山新麦草可作为小麦抗病、抗逆等性状遗传改良的重要种质资源,对拓宽小麦遗传基础、创制新种质资源具有重要意义。本文围绕华山新麦草种群生态保护研究及其在小麦遗传改良中的应用现状,阐述了华山新麦草分类及进化、种群生态和小麦遗传改良过程中的应用情况,并针对华山新麦草的生态保护及在小麦育种中的应用前景进行了展望,以期对今后特异种质资源在小麦遗传育种实践中高效利用该种质资源有所启发。  相似文献   

Molecular characterization of breeds and its use in conservation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The conservation of farm animal resources is important for coping with future breeding needs and for facilitating the sustainable use of marginal areas. The increasing availability of molecular markers for most farm animal species and the development of techniques to analyse molecular variation is widening our capacity to characterise the genetic variation of breeds. In this paper we review the most popular molecular markers used in conservation and animal breeding studies, the different measures of genetic diversity that they provide, and their application for managing within-breed genetic diversity and for setting between-breed conservation priorities. We also address the relationship between genomic and marker heterozygosity, the relationship between molecular and quantitative measures of genetic diversity, and the characterization of breeds based on non-neutral markers.  相似文献   

This review assesses evidence from DNA analysis to determine whether there is sufficient genetic diversity within breeds to ensure that populations are sustainable in the absence of cross breeding and to determine whether genetic diversity is declining. On average, dog breeds currently retain approximately 87% of the available domestic canine genetic diversity. Requirements that breeding stock must be 'clear' for all genetic disorders may firstly place undue genetic pressure on animals tested as being 'clear' of known genetic disorders, secondly may contribute to loss of diversity and thirdly may result in the dissemination of new recessive disorders for which no genetic tests are available. Global exchange of genetic material may hasten the loss of alleles and this practice should be discussed in relation to the current effective population size of a breed and its expected future popularity. Genomic data do not always support the results from pedigree analysis and possible reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: This paper aims to suggest an alternative, or supplementary, conceptual and practical framework for livestock genetic resource conservation in developing countries. In a paradigmatic shift away from the reductionist approach of regarding 'breeds' as manifestations of certain genes that deserve to be either saved or not saved, an evolutionary model is adopted which views livestock genetic resources as products of certain specific socioeconomic conditions. This model focuses on the processes that have caused the development of domestic animal diversity historically, such as the livestock-exchange mechanisms and breeding practices that function among traditional societies. A new definition for the term 'breed' is suggested that does not only apply to western Europe and its former colonies, but also to developing countries. The need to integrate knowledge into the identification and conservation of threatened livestock breeds is emphasized. By exploring these additional dimensions, new and participatory strategies for maintaining livestock genetic diversity can be discovered, that will have a wider application than technical approaches. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: In diesem Artikel werden alternative, bzw. zus?tzliche Ansatzweisen zur Erhaltung tiergenetischer Ressourcen in Entwicklungsl?ndern vorgeschlagen. Abweichend von der vorherrschenden reduktionistischen Perspektive, die Tierpopulationen nur noch als Tr?ger bestimmter Allele betrachtet, wird hier ein evolution?res Modell aufgezeigt, das tiergenetische Ressourcen als Produkte bestimmter sozio?konomischer Kontexte betrachtet. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die Prozesse, die historisch zur Entstehung der tiergenetischen Vielfalt in traditionellen Kulturen geführt haben, wie Viehaustauschmechanismen und indigene Zuchtpraktiken. Eine neue, anthropologisch orientierte Definition des Begriffs "Rasse"wird vorgeschlagen, die auch auf die ph?notypisch oft nicht einheitlichen Tierpopulationen in Entwicklungsl?ndern anwendbar ist. Die Notwendigkeit indigenes Tierzuchtwissen in die Identifikation und Erhaltung bedrohter Rassen einzubeziehen wird betont. Durch Erforschung dieser zus?tzlichen Dimensionen werden sich neue partizipatorische Ans?tze zur rhaltung der tiergenetischen Vielfalt entwickeln lassen, die eine breitere Anwendungsbasis haben als rein technische Ma?nahmen.  相似文献   

Controlling the increase of coancestry and inbreeding coefficients in selected populations is made possible through calculation of the optimal contributions allowed to breeding animals, given the current situation with regard to genetic diversity, and further, through optimal design of matings. The potential of such an approach for pig breeding was tested by retrospective optimization on the French Landrace population in reference to the matings actually carried out during a 21-week test period. The major constraint was that the average overall estimated breeding value (EBV) should be the same as the observed one, for not decreasing short-term genetic gain. Optimizing breeding allocations to boars would have led one to decrease coancestry and inbreeding coefficients by approximately 20%. This decrease would have even increased to approximately 30%, would have replacements and disposals been optimized after accounting for genetic variability, keeping the same constraint of genetic level identical to the observed one. These results showed the potential value, in the future, of completing each periodical calculation of EBVs by optimizations considering genetic variability and of releasing corresponding information to breeders, in order to enhance maintenance of genetic variability.  相似文献   

驯养经济动物养殖及种群遗传多样性的研究方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
我国貉、银狐、北极狐、水貂、梅花鹿等野生动物养殖作为一项新兴的产业已成为建设新农村新的经济增长点,但是无论是野外资源的保护成效,还是人工驯养繁殖业的发展状况以及野生动物及其产品的经营利用秩序与社会需要和客观要求相比,还存在着相当大的差距。与野外环境中的种群比较,圈养种群是进行遗传学研究的最好的模型对象,对于研究野生种群近交与群体灭绝间的关系是非常合适的材料。目前国内外对于驯养经济动物与野生种群遗传多样性的研究主要集中于线粒体DNA、核糖体DNA、微卫星分子标记及主要组织相容性复合体等几个方面。作者针对目前国内外尤其是国内有关驯养经济动物养殖现状及其与野生种群形态、遗传多样性差异几个重要研究技术方面的研究进行了详细的论述和探讨,旨在通过利用我国养殖的野生小种群遗传学特性,为珍稀野生动物种群保护遗传学研究及加快国内经济动物养殖提供理论支持。  相似文献   

Popular sires, a limited population size, and the founder event are widely considered the main reasons for the low genetic diversity observed in many dog breeds. However, these factors have had only a small role in the historic decrease in diversity observed in the Norfolk Terrier breed. We show that the decrease in this breed has been mainly due to large, popular kennels. Dogs from these kennels have, on average, larger genetic contributions to subsequent generations than others. A test for the presence of a popular kennel effect is proposed and applied (P < 0.001). These kennels were found to be the same as nuclei of selection existing in other livestock species. This result revealed a hierarchical structure of dog breeding schemes, with an asymmetric gene flow predominantly from the nuclei toward the main population. Possible reasons for this structure and implications for future population management are discussed. The main reason is probably that the breed type was established by large, popular kennels and that small kennel breeders used their stud dogs to benefit from the achievements of the popular kennels. Many kennels, however, were unable to make their own substantial genetic contributions to the breed.  相似文献   

Genomic selection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Genomic selection is a form of marker-assisted selection in which genetic markers covering the whole genome are used so that all quantitative trait loci (QTL) are in linkage disequilibrium with at least one marker. This approach has become feasible thanks to the large number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) discovered by genome sequencing and new methods to efficiently genotype large number of SNP. Simulation results and limited experimental results suggest that breeding values can be predicted with high accuracy using genetic markers alone but more validation is required especially in samples of the population different from that in which the effect of the markers was estimated. The ideal method to estimate the breeding value from genomic data is to calculate the conditional mean of the breeding value given the genotype of the animal at each QTL. This conditional mean can only be calculated by using a prior distribution of QTL effects so this should be part of the research carried out to implement genomic selection. In practice, this method of estimating breeding values is approximated by using the marker genotypes instead of the QTL genotypes but the ideal method is likely to be approached more closely as more sequence and SNP data is obtained. Implementation of genomic selection is likely to have major implications for genetic evaluation systems and for genetic improvement programmes generally and these are discussed.  相似文献   

遗传多样性的研究主要包括形态学水平,染色体水平、蛋白质水平、DNA水平等。中国地方鸡种类繁多,研究地方鸡种的遗传多样性,不仅能加强生物多样性的保护,同时对起源、进化、分类鉴定及遗传育种等都有重要意义。20世纪80年代以来,分子生物学技术的快速发展为遗传多样性检测提供了更直接、更精确的方法,即直接通过分析DNA水平的序列变化检测动物遗传多样性。DNA分析方法成为目前最有效的遗传分析方法,避免了根据表型性推断基因型时可能产生的误差。作者对目前中国各种鸡群的遗传多样性在DNA水平的研究进行了综述,旨在发掘地方鸡种的优良基因,为地方鸡种的分子育种、改良提供参考。  相似文献   

The pedigree of the current Austrian Noriker draught horse population comprising 2808 horses was traced back to the animals considered as founders of this breed. In total, the number of founders was 1991, the maximum pedigree length was 31 generations, with an average of 12.3 complete generations. Population structure in this autochthonous Austrian draught horse breed is defined by seven breeding regions (Carinthia, Lower Austria, Salzburg, Styria, Tyrol, Upper Austria and Vorarlberg) or through six coat colour groups (Bay, Black, Chestnut, Roan, Leopard, Tobiano). Average inbreeding coefficients within the breeding regions ranged from 4.5% to 5.5%; for the colour groups, the coefficients varied from 3.5% to 5.9%. Other measures of genetic variability like the effective number of founders, ancestors and founder genomes revealed a slightly different genetic background of the subpopulations. Average coancestries between and within breeding areas showed that the Salzburg population may be considered as the nucleus or original stock whereas all other subpopulations showed high relationship to horses from Salzburg. The target of draught horse breeding in the 21st century does not meet the breeding concept of maximizing genetic gains any more. Stabilizing selection takes place. In this study, we show that demographic factors as well as structure given by different coat colours helped to maintain genetic diversity in this endangered horse breed.  相似文献   

青藏高原和新疆地区垂穗披碱草种质的SRAP及RAPD分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
使用SRAP和RAPD标记对采集自我国青藏高原和新疆地区的64份垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans Griseb.)进行遗传多样性和亲缘关系分析,并测其遗传变异和各地理类群的遗传多样性水平。结果表明:2种标记都显示供试材料具有较高的遗传多样性水平(PPB=85.86%,90.39%),且新疆地区材料的遗传多样性水平高于青藏高原地区,它们分别得到相似但并不完全相同的聚类图,相似生态地理环境的材料可以聚为一类;2种标记的分子方差分析(AMOVA)揭示了地理类群内部和地理类群间分别有48.23%,39.87%和51.77%,60.13%的变异;通过2种标记的比较分析,SRAP能更高效地对垂穗披碱草种质进行遗传变异分析;青藏高原和新疆地区的材料存在明显的遗传分化,气候和山脉等生态地理条件以及繁育系统等可能是使材料发生遗传变异的重要因素。这些结果将为垂穗披碱草种质的育种以及种质资源的收集和保存提供基础依据。  相似文献   

汤绮明  苏瑛 《家畜生态》2011,(4):97-100
论文从分子遗传学的角度对鸭的遗传资源在群体遗传多样性、群体起源、进化及构建遗传图谱等多个方面的评估进行综述,并对分子遗传标记技术在鸭遗传资源的保护利用上的应用进行概述,以期通过现代动物分子育种技术加快鸭的育种进程。  相似文献   

掌握地方鸡种遗传资源起源与驯化、开展遗传多样性和群体结构研究、解析各资源优势特色遗传性状,是进行地方鸡种有效保护和新品种培育的关键.文章通过查阅NCBI、Highwire等数据库,搜集了2020年全球地方鸡种遗传资源研究相关文章100余篇,从鸡的起源与进化、遗传多样性研究、优势特色性状研究与分子标记筛选等对该领域相关研...  相似文献   

陈辉  杨晖  强维亚 《草业学报》2016,25(9):96-103
采用ISSR分子标记对10个歪头菜自然居群的104个样本进行遗传多样性分析,筛选的10条ISSR引物共扩增出115个位点,其中多态性位点110个。在物种水平上多态性比率(PPB)为95.65%,在居群内多态位点比率为24.35%~49.70%。POPGENE分析结果显示,物种水平上Nei’s 基因多样性(H)为0.2632,Shannon’s遗传多样性信息指数(I)为0.4046,基因流(Nm)为0.4553,基因分化度(Gst)为0.5283,AMOVA分析居群间遗传分化程度为50.51%。研究表明,10个采样点的歪头菜在物种水平上具有较高的遗传多样性,但在居群之间已经出现了一定程度的遗传分化,且居群间的遗传分化程度高于居群内的分化程度。同时,证明了环境压力大小对于遗传多样性的高低具有选择作用,环境压力小的烟台和环境压力大的合作地区具有较高的遗传多样性,但环境压力介于二者之间的地区遗传多样性水平相对较低。本研究结果不仅对于了解歪头菜遗传进化和其生长地的环境的关系具有重要的参考价值,对合理利用歪头菜遗传资源及育种还具有非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

Urbanisation in developing countries entails deep changes in the livestock sector and the management of animal genetic resources (AnGR). Sheep breeding around Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) illustrates these changes and the need to coordinate genetic improvement in general and the use of crossbreeding in particular. For this, it is important to understand breeders’ choices and improvement strategy, to accompany them within a national plan for AnGR management. In a context of missing market for breeding rams, a stated choice experiment was conducted with 137 farmers, together with a characterisation of herd management practices. This survey analyses farmers’ preferences for breeding rams, estimating their willingness to pay (WTP) for different traits (attributes). Their practices were characterised by a high reliance on natural pastures (82% of farmers) and a minority of crossbreeding (23%). The highest WTP was observed for disease resistance. However, the subgroup of farmers practicing crossbreeding showed a tolerance to high susceptibility. A strong preference for the white colour was revealed. Although significant, the influence of sheep body size on decision-making showed a lesser importance, again with a distinct behaviour in the subgroup practicing crossbreeding. These results illustrate the need to take account of the diversity of goals and preferences among smallholder sheep keepers to gain their adhesion to a coordinated genetic improvement framework.  相似文献   


The study aimed to identify important factors threatening genetic diversity within small sheep populations, and to propose sustainable management strategies. Demographic evolution, genetic diversity and current genetic management practices were analyzed in a population of Polish Olkuska sheep. Unbalanced contributions of individual rams to the next generation were observed due to differences in the period of their utilization, the number of progeny and the number of daughters used in reproduction. Matings between closely related animals were common. Pedigree completeness was satisfactory and inbreeding coefficient was high, 11.71% for lambs born in 2012. Relatively high values of potential and realized coancestries within flocks showed the importance of keeping more than one ram. The genetic conservation index and average relatedness coefficient, and their comparison between regions was helpful in considering management options. The information on genetic relationships and genetic conservation parameters of rams should be provided to breeders with simple interpretations.  相似文献   

全基因组测序在畜禽中应用的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在基因组研究方面,目前全基因组测序已由第一代测序技术发展到第三代测序技术,全基因组测序与传统方法相比具有更加全面、精准、高效等优势。随着测序技术的发展和费用的降低,全基因组测序(whole genome sequencing,WGS)技术逐渐成为基因组研究应用最广泛的技术。全基因组测序已经在畜禽起源进化、重要经济性状基因挖掘、分子育种等方面取得了诸多成果。通过全基因组重测序,能够发现拷贝数变异(copy number variation,CNV)及单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphism,SNP)变异,丰富现有的CNV和SNP数据库,为抗病、生长、食欲、代谢调节、表型、环境适应机制及重要经济性状基因的分析提供重要数据。作者针对全基因组测序技术在主要畜禽上的研究进展,综述了全基因组测序在畜禽的品种遗传多样性、群体演变机制、功能基因挖掘等研究中的应用,并探讨了全基因组测序存在的问题,旨在为畜禽种质资源保护和分子育种实践提供参考。  相似文献   

Understanding the genetic diversity and the relationships among the show Arabian horse populations is a current issue for breeders and professionals. This study aimed to define the relationship among the Desert breed, the Straight Egyptian, and the Polish Arabian populations by considering the historical background of their origin and to verify their genetic diversity. All selected samples were related to Arabian show activities. One hundred forty four hair samples were collected from horses at stud farms having notoriety in the breeding of Arabians from different geographic regions. A set of 17 microsatellites markers for parentage control were used for genotyping. Genetic diversity among and between these populations were evaluated using several statistical methods. All the microsatellites were informative and the marker set analyzed provided 145 alleles. The average number of alleles per locus was 6.52, 6.35, and 7 for the Desert breed, Straight Egyptian, and Polish Arabian, respectively. The high genetic diversity observed within the three populations (0.63-0.71) was associated with a high number of effective alleles. Desert breed and Polish Arabian populations appeared the closest, whereas the Egyptian population was more distant. The significant positive inbreeding coefficient FIS found in Desert breed, Straight Egyptian, and Polish Arabian horses (0.09, 0.14, and 0.11, respectively) confirmed the deficit of heterozygosity observed in these populations. These results suggested that the three populations have high levels of gene flow or share the same origin and have a recent divergence. This study may highlight the risk of the loss of gene diversity in these populations and help to implement appropriate breeding programs to preserve genetic diversity.  相似文献   

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