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黑龙江省设施园艺现状及发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
30年来,我国设施园艺工程取得了长足进步,全国以蔬菜为主体,花卉、果树为辅助的设施园艺栽培面积不断扩大,特别是改革开放以来的大背景,使得我国的设施园艺工程事业得到了迅猛发展,其中日光节能温室、智能化连栋温室的发展,是近30年来我国农业种植业中效益最大的产业,它解决了长期困扰我国北方地区的蔬菜冬、春淡季供应问题,增加了农民收入,节约了能源,促进了农业产业结构调整,带动了相关产业发展,安置了大量就业,避免了温室加温造成的环境污染,为提高城乡居民的生活水平,稳定社会做出了历史性贡献.初步形成了具有中国特色,符合中国国情、以节能为中心的设施园艺生产体系.  相似文献   

<正>袁州区是农业大区,发展现代农业是适应新时期农业产业结构战略性调整的需要。为打造区域性现代化农业产业化龙头,袁州区省级现代农业示范园(以下简称农业园)于2008年底开始规划建设。通过农业园的建设,优化了地区农业产业结构,促进了农民增产增收,推动了优质、高效、生态农业的发展,加速了农业产业化进程,提高了农业科技含量,促进了土地的合理流转,提高了土地利用率,有力地推动了农业升级。1以效益为中心,打造现代农业示范园  相似文献   

<正>新中国成立60年来,特别是改革开放以来,我国种植业生产取得了突破性发展,实现了历史性跨越。我国粮棉油糖菜果茶茧等主要农产品大幅度增长,结束了长期短缺的历史,实现了总量基本平衡、丰年有余,不仅满足了全国十几亿人的吃饭和城乡居民生活改善的需要,而且推动了饮食服务  相似文献   

中国盐碱土壤修复研究综述   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
邓绍云  邱清华 《北方园艺》2011,(22):171-174
综述了中国土壤盐碱化的严峻现实,分析了土壤盐碱化的成因,并归纳了中国土壤盐碱化的类型.回顾了近年来中国盐碱土壤修复的历程和研究成果,归纳了盐碱土壤修复的方法且评述了其各自特性,分析了各自修复方法的优点和缺点,肯定了成绩,指出了不足.最后,对盐碱土壤的修复指明了正确方向,并提出了较高的期望.  相似文献   

简述了我国热带水果保鲜的现状,主要介绍了4种常用的保鲜技术,并分析了保鲜贮运中存在的问题,提出了改进的对策,最后展望了我国热带水果保鲜技术的发展。  相似文献   

老家小院里那棵落了叶的紫荆树上,去年过年的时候挂上去的红灯笼已经褪了色。每年年三十那天,我们都会买上一个漂亮的红灯笼,挂在院中这棵紫荆树的枝丫上,岁末的夜晚,这火红火红的灯光照亮了全家人的祥和幸福。从小到大,就是在这盏灯笼下度过了一年又一年,送走了旧年迎来了新年,送走了冬天迎来了春天。如今又快过年了,今年打算自己动手做个红灯笼,当然不是传统工艺的纸灯笼,那会是什么样呢?请跟我来。  相似文献   

酒泉地区马铃薯优质高产栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1引言马铃薯是重要的粮菜作物,也是重要的工业原料。中国以北方为主,通过建立优质种薯繁育基地,引进了专用品种,优化了配套栽培技术,生产出了具有本地特色的优质商品马铃薯,发挥了地方优势,建立了支柱产业,优化了种植结构,取得了经济与社会效益双丰收,增加了农民收入,已走上产业化发展轨道。  相似文献   

我从小就喜欢养花,不过小时候就养些草花,比如凤仙、牵牛、太阳花之类的。在09年加入QQ群,接触到各地花友后,被他们的花所痴迷,学到了很多养花的知识,了解了很多花的习性,认识了很多未曾见过的植物,结交了很多的朋友,得到了他们的无私分享和帮助,同时也开始了我的疯狂养花之旅,  相似文献   

"我的3.8亩富士园,走了好几年弯路,是果友协会推广的果园管理新技术,让我走上了务果的正道。"扶风县法门镇庄白村村主任刘文昌(图右),7月4日在谈到经营自家果园的坎坷经历时,深有感触的介绍。刘文昌是个能人,也是个英雄。从20世纪70年代开始,他曾先后加工过食品、务过蔬菜、栽过桃树,都取得了不错的经济效益。2004年,他花了4万多元买了一台挖掘机,在1次施工过程中,他挖出了80余件西周时期的青铜器献给了国家,因此,受到了陕西省和宝鸡市的表彰奖励,成了护宝英雄。  相似文献   

据德国Fruchtportal.de网站报道,在过去5年中,欧盟速冻树莓的出口保持稳步增长。欧盟最大的树莓出口国波兰,在这5年中树莓鲜果出口量减少了31%,塞尔维亚减少了77%,西班牙也减少了10%。而同期在波兰,速冻树莓出口量增长了30%,塞尔维亚增长了7%,西班牙则增加了31%。不过,西班牙速冻树莓的出口量依然相对较少。速冻树莓之所以越来越受欢迎,  相似文献   

山葡萄种质资源原花青素分布及其含量动态变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用香草醛-HPLC结合法对39份山葡萄种质资源及"贝达"的种子、果皮中原花青素含量进行测定,比较了山葡萄种质资源间原花青素含量和分布的特点与差异,并对其中4个山葡萄品种"双优"、"双红"、"双丰"和"双庆"的叶片、茎皮、果皮和种子原花青素动态含量进行测定,分析了原花青素在山葡萄各器官中的变化规律。结果表明:山葡萄种质资源原花青素含量存在较大变异,成熟果实种子与果皮原花青素含量变化幅度较大,变化范围分别为0.42~8.00mg/gFW和1.2~14.7mg/g FW;野生资源与选育品种间、不同花性种质间、不同地域种质间原花青素含量差异均不显著;果皮中原花青素含量高于种子,且差异显著;4个山葡萄品种不同器官原花青素含量动态变化与欧亚种酿酒葡萄存在明显差异,叶片原花青素含量在青果期升高,转色期下降,成熟期小幅度升高;茎皮原花青素含量在青果期升高,转色期、成熟期下降;果皮中原花青素含量在青果期,转色期缓慢升高,成熟期迅速升高;种子原花青素含量在青果期、转色期升高,成熟期下降。  相似文献   

蚯蚓对苹果园土壤生物学特性及幼树生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
申为宝  杨洪强  乔海涛  申洁 《园艺学报》2009,36(10):1405-1410
 以果园褐土、潮土和棕壤以及2年生红富士苹果(Malus domestica Borkh. ) 幼树为试材, 在盆栽条件下, 通过向盆土埋放蚯蚓, 研究蚯蚓对土壤酶、土壤微生物量碳和氮以及苹果根系和新梢生长的影响。结果表明, 引入蚯蚓后, 3类土壤中脲酶、酸性磷酸酶和碱性磷酸酶活性以及微生物量氮均显著提高, 其中棕壤脲酶活性提高78.9% , 潮土碱性磷酸酶活性提高170.0% , 棕壤微生物量氮提高180.4%。蚯蚓处理也显著提高褐土和潮土微生物量碳, 其中潮土微生物量碳提高幅度最大, 达299.2%。3类土壤经蚯蚓处理后, 苹果幼树根系活力、根系和新梢生长量均显著提高, 其中, 棕壤中的幼树根系活力最高, 褐土中的幼树根系生长量最大, 潮土中的幼树新梢生长量最大。  相似文献   

日光温室和露地甜樱桃红艳秋季枝叶中氮代谢的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以日光温室和露地栽培的6年生槽栽甜樱桃红艳植株为试材,对秋季枝叶中全氮、总氨基酸、可溶性蛋白质、谷丙转氨酶、谷氨酰胺合成酶、硝酸还原酶的变化动态进行了测定。结果表明,温室条件下叶片中的氮向枝中运转的量少于露地;长枝枝皮、短枝中的可溶性蛋白质减少,而长枝木质中可溶性蛋白质增加很多;叶中可溶性蛋白质高于露地,而且叶中的可溶性蛋白质在整个秋季都维持在相当高的水平。秋季枝中总氨基酸的变化趋势比较复杂,而叶中总氨基酸的变化趋势则很有规律,都有增加的趋势。秋季叶中谷丙转氨酶、谷氨酰胺合成酶、硝酸还原酶的活性在整个秋季都没有急剧减少,有时还有增加,这表明叶片中的氮代谢一直在进行,并没有随叶片的衰老而减弱。  相似文献   

有机态和无机态硼对柑橘枳橙砧木生长及生理的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以柑橘枳橙[Citrus siinensis(L.)Osb.×Poncirus trifoliata(L.)Raf.]砧木为试验材料,采用水培方式,研究有机态山梨醇—硼和无机态硼酸对其生长及各种生理指标的影响。两种形态硼都能增加砧木幼苗各部位的干、鲜质量和株高;有机态山梨醇—硼对地下部生长的促进作用尤为明显。有机态山梨醇—硼比无机态硼酸更易于向叶片等地上部位转运,有机态山梨醇—硼处理根和茎中的硼含量与无机态硼酸处理没有显著差异,但叶片中的硼含量与硼积累量均显著高于无机态硼酸处理,叶片占总硼含量的比例也显著高于无机态硼酸处理。有机态山梨醇—硼处理各部位钾、钙、镁元素含量高于对照,而无机态硼酸处理各部位元素含量则比有机态山梨醇—硼处理高。缺硼易导致叶片中糖类物质的积累,有机态山梨醇—硼比无机态硼酸能更有效地促进叶片中多糖物质的转运,有机态山梨醇—硼处理可溶性糖含量比对照和无机态硼酸处理分别降低26.3%和11.8%,淀粉含量分别降低43.5%和26.1%。在提高枳橙砧木叶片抗逆能力方面,有机态山梨醇—硼效果优于无机态硼酸,两种硼类型处理叶片中脯氨酸和伤害率均显著低于对照,有机态山梨醇—硼和无机态硼酸分别降低了20.6%和19.6%,有机态山梨醇—硼和无机态硼酸处理伤害率降低了13.3%和16.5%,有机态山梨醇—硼处理叶片中丙二醛含量显著低于无机态硼酸处理19.4%。有机态硼对改善枳橙砧木根系的生长发育的作用效果优于无机态硼酸;能有效降低叶片中碳水化合物的含量,有利于光合作用产物顺利转移;而在减少叶片有害物质的积累、保护质膜方面,有机态与无机态硼有同样的效果。  相似文献   

新形势下我国梨产业的发展现状与几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梨是我国原产果树之一,在我国水果产业中有着举足轻重的地位。针对近年来我国梨产、贮、销的变化情况,产业出现的新业态、新模式,以及梨产业在乡村振兴中发挥的作用等方面,细致剖析了我国梨产业的发展现状与趋势,并针对产业发展过程中存在的一些问题提出了几点建议,旨在为我国梨产业健康发展提供参考。  相似文献   

为分析苹果试管种质端粒长度与繁殖能力、衰老的关系,探索端粒长度与苹果试管种质离体保存年限的关系,对保存多年的不同继代次数的3个苹果品种试管苗进行了表型、增殖能力以及端粒长度的研究。结果表明:保存了8~33年的‘富士’、保存8~27年的‘金冠’和保存8~25年的‘嘎拉’苹果茎尖试管苗继代增殖能力大部分没有变化,表型未发生明显变化;3个品种不同继代次数30 d苗龄试管苗叶片端粒长度均差异不显著;继代73代苗龄分别为10、30、50和90 d的试管苗叶片端粒长度变化因品种而异,‘富士’‘嘎拉’差异不显著,‘金冠’50 d苗龄的最长,90 d苗龄的最短;继代71代苗龄30 d的‘金冠’试管苗茎段端粒长度显著高于叶片,茎段和愈伤组织、叶片和愈伤组织之间差异不显著,‘嘎拉’表现为愈伤组织>叶片>茎段。苹果试管苗端粒长度变化与其增殖能力、表型及同一继代周期内衰老程度的变化相吻合。  相似文献   

AIM: The activity and expression of neutral endopeptidase (NEP) and the adrenomedullin (ADM) contents in various tissues were observed in septic shock and control rats to study the possible role of NEP in the change of ADM contents in tissues during septic shock. METHODS: The septic shock model of rats were established by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP). ADM contents, NEP activities, level of NEP mRNA and NEP protein were measured. RESULTS: (1) In early septic shock (ES), the ADM contents were generally higher in detected tissues, the NEP activity in left ventricle and small intestine were lower and was higher in blood than those in controls, and in lung, kidney and aorta were similar with the controls. NEP immunoreactive staining were less in lung, left ventricle, endothelium and media of aorta, but more in adventitia of aorta and kidney than those of the controls; (2) In late septic shock (LS), the ADM contents in small intestine was less but in plasma and other tissues were higher, and the NEP activity were less in plasma and other tissues than those in ES. The NEP immunoreactive staining were less in heart, endothelium and media of aorta, lung and kidney than those in ES, and was no significant change in adventitia of aorta compared with those of ES. RT-PCR found that NEP gene expression were significantly less in left ventricle, aortas, lung and small intestine than those in the controls. CONCLUSIONS: In septic shock rats, the NEP activity changes heterogeneously but the ADM contents elevate in most tissues. These results indicate that during the septic shock, the local concentrations and actions of ADM in various tissues may be regulated differently by the NEP.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the effect of exercise stress on chronic cigarette smoking-induced downregulation of expression of large-conductance calcium-activated potassium channel (BKCa) and voltage-dependent delayed rectifier potassium channel (Kv1.5) in rat bronchial smooth muscle cells. METHODS: Rats were divided into 3 groups: normal control, smoking control and smoking plus exercise training group. The alteration of airway responsiveness and plasma cortisol level were detected, and potassium channel expression and pathological changes in lung tissue were determined with HE staining, immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization and Western blot techniques. RESULTS: (1) Cigarette smoking induced an increase in airway responsiveness, smoking plus exercise lead to a decrease in airway responsiveness in contrast to smoking control group; (2) Plasma level of cortisol determined immediately after exercise was higher than that determined before exercise; (3) HE staining showed that there was severe chronic pulmonary inflammatory response in smoking control group, which was slight in the smoking plus exercise group; (4) The protein and mRNA expression of BKCa in cigarette smoking group were less than that in control group in BSMC, the mRNA expression of BKCa in exercise group were higher than that in smoking group; (5) The protein and mRNA expression of Kv1.5 in smoking group were less than that in control group in BSMC, and expression of Kv1.5 in exercise group was higher than that in smoking group in bronchioli. CONCLUSION: Proper exercise training can increase the expression of potassium channel BKCa and Kv1.5, and increase the cortisol secretion, which may contribute to the decreasing of airway hyperresponsiveness induced by cigarette smoking.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the changes of short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (SCAD) in hypertensive vascular remodeling and to explore the relationship between SCAD and vascular remodeling in hypertension.METHODS: The spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR; 24 weeks old) and Wistar rats (24 weeks old) were used as experimental control groups. The SHR and Wistar rats of 16 weeks old were trained by swimming as experimental groups. The systolic pressure was measured periodically. The thickness of vascular wall and the diameter of the vascular lumen were measured. The contents of ROS and ATP, the enzyme activity of SCAD, and the expression of SCAD at mRNA and protein levels in the aorta were determined. The free fatty acid in the serum and aorta was also measured.RESULTS: Compared with Wistar group, the diameter of vascular lumen decreased in SHR group. The thickness of vascular wall, the ratio of vascular wall and the diameter of vascular lumen, and the blood pressure in SHR group were increased significantly (P<0.05). Compared with SHR group, the diameter of vascular lumen increased in SHR+swim group. The thickness of vascular wall, the ratio of vascular wall and the diameter of vascular lumen, and the blood pressure in SHR+swim group were decreased significantly. Compared with control group, the expression of SCAD at mRNA and protein levels, the enzyme activity of SCAD, and the content of ATP were decreased in SHR group. However, the free fatty acid in the serum and aorta, and the content of ROS in the aorta were increased in SHR group. The expression of SCAD at mRNA and protein levels, the enzyme activity of SCAD, the content of ATP were increased in Wistar+swim group and SHR+swim group. However, the free fatty acid in serum and aorta, and the content of ROS in the aorta were decreased in Wistar+swim group and SHR+swim group.CONCLUSION: Decrease in SCAD expression may be associated with hypertensive vascular remodeling. Swimming training can reverse hypertensive vascular remodeling by increasing the expression of SCAD in the aorta.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the effect of chronic hypoxia-hypercapnia and L-arginine (L-Arg) liposome on L-Arg transport in rats pulmonary artery. METHODS: Forty Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into four groups, normal control group (NC), chronic hypoxia-hypercapnia group (HH), chronic hypoxia- hypercapnia group+L-Arg (HL) and chronic hypoxia-hypercapnia group+L-Arg liposome (HP). Changes in pulmonary artery L-Arg transport and pulmonary arterial microscopy were observed. RESULTS: (1) The mean pulmonary artery pressure (mPAP) and weight ratio of right ventricle to left ventricle and septum (RV/LV+S) in HH group were higher than those in NC group, and in HP group was lower than that in HH group and HL group, but there was no significant difference between HL group and HH group; (2) At 0.005 mmol/L, 0.01mmol/L, 0.02mmol/L, 0.05 mmol/L, 0.1 mmol/L and 0.2mmol/L concentration of L-Arg, the velocity of L-Arg transport in HH group was lower than that in NC group, and in HL group higher than in HH group, and in HP group was much higher than that in HH group and in HL group. (3) Light microscopy showed that vessel well area/total area (WA/TA) and media thickness of pulmonary arterioles (PAMT) were much higher in rats of HH group than those in NC group, WA/TA and PAMT in HP group were obviously improved. CONCLUSION: The above results indicated that there existed a functional disturbance in L-Arg transport of pulmonary artery in rats chronically exposed to hypoxia-hypercapnia, and it was obviously enhanced when liposome was used as L-Arg carrier. Thus, it appears that liposome-L-Arg may have clinical perspective in the treatment of chronic hypoxic pulmonary hypertension.  相似文献   

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