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几种旱生植物碳水化合物和蛋白质变化的研究   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
干旱对植物的形态,解剖结构以及物质代谢都有很大影响。在同样的干旱胁迫下,抗旱能力不同的植物的物质代谢受到的影响是不同的。研究干旱对植物物质代谢的影响,对认识植物的抗旱机制,以及比较不同植物抗旱能力的强弱,选育抗旱性强的植物固沙造林都有意义。植物最基本的有机物质代谢是碳水化合物和蛋白质代谢。本文对几种旱生植物在干旱条件下体内淀粉,可溶性糖和蛋白质的变化进行了测定和研究。  相似文献   

内蒙古生态脆弱带森林生态网络体系建设技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在内蒙古干旱、半干旱区生态脆弱带 ,通过对内蒙古大青山干旱阳坡、绿色通道和山前冲积、洪积平原农田防护林等三个类型森林生态网络体系的构建 ,遵循适地适树的原则 ,选择适宜树种、营养杯或带土托大苗 ,采用了保水抗旱造林技术措施 ,使得干旱阳坡造林成活率达到了 85~ 95% ;绿色通道林造林成活率为 80 -1 0 0 % ;农田防护林造林成活率为 90~99.8%。且绿色通道林和农田防护林已初见成效 ,发挥了较好的绿化、美化和防护效益。  相似文献   

为探讨抗旱保水袋在废弃采石场造林中的应用效果,通过室内试验和室外盆栽试验研究了抗旱保水袋性能及对容器苗生长的影响。结果表明:大袋保水袋的吸水速率和吸水倍数比小袋保水袋分别增加1.4倍、1.9倍,在蒸馏水溶液下的吸水速率和吸水倍数比自来水分别增加0.6倍、0.1倍;大袋保水袋的保水率大于小袋保水袋;保水袋能显著增加渣土土壤体积含水量,比对照高1.29倍,苗高平均比对照增加2.36cm,成活率平均比对照增加69.5%,出现死亡天数平均比对照推迟12d。结论得出,抗旱保水袋是干旱、半干旱及半湿润地区废弃采石场困难立地提高造林成活率并促进植被恢复的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

在当今世界上,水资源不足的矛盾在日益尖锐,即使是非干旱区,干旱缺水现象仍会频繁发生,因而各个国家都有一定的抗旱措施和方法,值得干旱地区借鉴。现根据一些文件和报告,予以摘编,以供参考。抗干旱的措施可以分为内部措施与外部措施两大类。内部抗旱措施是以建立生态环境系统对干旱的适应性(如发展抗旱型作物品种、增加土壤抗旱能力)或者减少干旱区域内部的用水量等。外部抗旱措施则是以调节地区间的水情变化为基础的,这类措施又可分为下面三  相似文献   

为了加强陕西省农业干旱风险评估和应急管理能力,以10个地级市为研究对象,选择表征农业干旱风险的危害性、暴露性、脆弱性和抗旱能力等方面的17个代表性指标,建立了具有区域适用性的农业干旱风险评价指标体系;基于模糊聚类循环迭代方法构建了农业干旱风险评估模型,并结合GIS技术,对陕西省农业干旱风险进行评估和区划研究。结果表明:全省农业干旱风险具有明显的区域差异性和规律性,极严重-严重干旱风险区主要分布在榆林、渭南、商洛地区;中度干旱风险区主要分布在延安、宝鸡和咸阳地区;一般-轻度干旱风险区主要分布在铜川、安康、西安和汉中地区,农业干旱风险总体呈北部地区大于南部地区,关中东部地区高于西部地区的特点。依据研究结果,为管理部门决策制定提出了不同风险区抗旱减灾措施建议。  相似文献   

农业干旱灾害发生机理复杂,评价指标众多,为确定合理的干旱风险评价指标,以陕西省为研究对象,提出基于主成分分析和层次分析法(AHP)相结合的农业干旱风险评价指标体系和评估方法。运用主成分分析,结合陕西省干旱成因及特点,基于风险四要素(危险性、暴露性、脆弱性和抗旱能力)筛选并构建了农业干旱风险评价指标体系,采用AHP评估了陕西省农业干旱风险。结果表明,在考虑地区抗旱能力情况下,陕西省农业干旱风险从北向南,从东向西均呈现出递减趋势,北部榆林地区和东部渭南、商洛地区,农业干旱风险较高。通过主成分分析和AHP相结合的评价体系,可以合理选取评价指标,缩减指标个数;准确评估干旱风险,指出风险要素来源,为抗旱部门有效识别致灾因子,提出相应的抗旱减灾方法。  相似文献   

8个乡土树种抗逆性对比研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在半干旱地区内蒙古中部3个不同造林立地类型对当地的8个乡土树种进行亚区造林对比试验,调查了被试树种在自然状态条件下的生长特征,应用PV技术测定了其水分生理指标,测定了抗寒及抗春季干旱风的等级,运用综合指标(成活、保存率、抗旱水分生理、耐寒性等)分析各树种的抗逆性和对不同立地条件的适应能力。结果表明:柄扁桃、桃叶卫矛、荆条和山杏(对照)抗逆性强,毛樱桃、山桃抗逆性较强,酸枣(山西种源)、欧李(山西栽培种)为中等,臭椿较差。  相似文献   

正《干旱地区农业研究》立足于中国北方干旱半干旱及半湿润易旱地区农业科学研究前沿,兼顾湿润地区季节性干旱农业实际和国外旱区农业研究动态,全面反映我国干旱、半干旱及湿润易旱区农业科学技术研究新成果、新理论、新技术、新经验,介绍国外有关最新研究进展。以旱作农业为重点,重视水资源合理利用及灌溉农业的发展。主要刊登抗旱(逆)遗传育种、节水灌溉理论与技术、作物与土壤水分调控、植物抗旱(逆)生理、旱作栽培、土壤与作物营  相似文献   

正《干旱地区农业研究》立足于中国北方干旱半干旱及半湿润易旱地区农业科学研究前沿,兼顾湿润地区季节性干旱农业实际和国外旱区农业研究动态,全面反映我国干旱、半干旱及湿润易旱区农业科学技术研究新成果、新理论、新技术、新经验,介绍国外有关最新研究进展。以旱作农业为重点,重视水资源合理利用及灌溉农业的发展。主要刊登抗旱(逆)遗传育种、节水灌溉理论与技术、作物与土壤水分调控、植物抗旱(逆)生理、旱作栽培、土壤与作物营  相似文献   

山西南部季节性干旱特征及综合防御技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用标准化降水指数(SPI)为干旱指标,计算了山西省运城市49年(1958—2007年)各月干旱指数,并在此基础上分析了山西南部地区季节性干旱特征。研究表明,干旱强度与干旱频率在不同年代际表现特征不同。与运城地区49年同期均值相比,进入20世纪90年代后,春旱发生频率、干旱强度分别提高了29.0%、5.1%;夏旱发生频率提高41.9%,干旱强度下降了7.4%;秋旱发生频率下降了23.8%,干旱强度提高了7.7%;冬旱发生频率下降了26.6%,干旱强度下降了37.5%。干旱的季节性特征为春旱和夏旱有加重趋势,秋旱和冬旱有减弱趋势。春旱(3—5月)和伏旱(7—8月)作为可预见性干旱,可采用土壤墒情监测、干旱预警、制定系统性抗旱措施等综合防御技术。对于不可预见类型干旱,可采用建立抗旱水源、储备抗旱机械等策略。  相似文献   

梭梭林“肥岛”效应的初步研究   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
梭梭由树冠截留的降雨形成的树干径流将营养物质运送至根颈周围的土壤中,在根颈周围形成“肥岛”,增加该区域土壤的养分含量和水分含量,对自身生存环境产生正向反馈效应,增强了适应干旱环境的能力  相似文献   

The water deficit in arid and semi-arid regions is the primary limiting factor for the development of urban greenery and forestation. In addition, planting the species that consume low levels of water is useful in arid and semi-arid regions that have poor water management measures. Leaf water potential (Ψ) is a physiological parameter that can be used to identify drought resistance in various species. Indeed, Ψ is one of the most important properties of a plant that can be measured using a pressure chamber. Drought avoiding or drought resistant species have a lower Ψ than plants that use normal or high levels of water. To determine drought resistance of species that are suitable for afforestation in arid urban regions, we evaluated twenty woody species in the Isfahan City, central Iran. The experimental design was random split-split plots with five replications. The species were planted outdoor in plastic pots and then subjected to treatments that consisted of two soil types and five drip irrigation regimes. To evaluate the resistance of each species to drought, we used the Ψ and the number of survived plants to obtain the drought resistance index (DRI). Then, cluster analysis, dendrogram, and similarity index were used to group the species using DRI. Result indicates that the evaluated species were classified into five groups: (1) high water consuming species (DRI>-60 MPa); (2) above normal water consuming species (-60 MPa≥DRI>-90 MPa); (3) normal water consuming species (-90 MPa≥DRI>-120 MPa); (4) semi-drought resistant species (-120 MPa≥DRI>-150 MPa); and (5) drought resistant species (DRI≤-150 MPa). According to the DRI, Salix babylonica L., Populus alba L., and P. nigra L. are high water consuming species, Platanus orientalis L. and Albizia julibrissin Benth are normal water consuming species, and Quercus infectoria Oliv. and Olea europaea L. can be considered as drought resistant species.  相似文献   

兰州市南北两山的绿化是为当地居民营造良好居住环境的重要工作,该地区造林树种生长规律更是植被恢复中树种选择和抚育管理的依据。以2005年在兰州市甲子坪1号和2号试验地以及2006年在皋兰山试验地栽植的侧柏和山杏为对象,通过树高和胸径调查以及树干解析,对其生长特性进行研究。结果表明:在2014年调查时,甲子坪1号和2号试验地以及皋兰山试验地的侧柏平均树高分别为3.0 m、3.7 m和3.0 m,平均胸径分别为3.5 cm、5.2 cm和3.0 cm,侧柏的存活率为80%~88%,山杏的存活率达到80%以上。2008—2014年的3次调查结果表明,侧柏的树高平均增长量为0.15~0.18 m·a~(-1),山杏的树高平均增长量为0.17~0.20 m·a~(-1)。对侧柏优势木(树高4.5 m)、平均木(树高3.5 m)和劣势木(树高2.8 m)的树干解析得出,侧柏苗期(栽植后3 a)的高生长速率为0.3~0.4 m·a~(-1),个体间没有显著差异,但造林3 a后优势木的高生长速率为0.2~0.4 m·a~(-1)、平均木为0.2 m·a~(-1)、劣势木为0.1~0.2 m·a~(-1),个体间差异显著。  相似文献   

对南疆干旱地区四种主要造林树种晒根及造林灌溉间隔地成活率影响进行试验研究。裸根苗经不同时间的晾晒处理后,不同树种的茎,的含水率,水分亏缺,水势力不分生理指标存在着明显差异,两个杨树树种抗水分逆境的能力要优于沙枣和黑桑。  相似文献   

Growth-promoting bacteria(GPB) have shown promising effects on serving plants against environmental constraints such as drought. Nevertheless, simultaneous effects of different GPB have less been considered for arid land plants and under field conditions. We investigated the effects of single and combined application of GPB, including free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria(NFB), phosphate solubilizing bacteria(PSB), potassium solubilizing bacteria(KSB), a combination of NFB, PSB, and KSB(NPK), and...  相似文献   

呼和浩特市绿化树种综合评价及树种选择   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以呼和浩特市建成区内公园绿地、道路绿地、居住绿地、机关、学校、工厂等单位附属绿地的树种为调查对象,调查内容包括树种、株高、冠幅、病虫害、观赏性及在寒冷、干旱、贫瘠、污染等不利条件下的树木长势.运用特尔菲法和层次分析法建立由耐寒性、耐旱性、耐瘠薄、抗病虫害能力、抗污染能力、环境卫生、观赏性和生态效益等8项指标组成的绿化树...  相似文献   

基于Holdridge分类系统的东北地区主要树种的水热分布类群   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据东北地区树种分布资料和233个气象站资料,利用Holdridge生命地带分类系统计算了东北地区50种主要树种的Holdridge生命地带分类系统的年生物温度(BT)、可能蒸散(APE)、年降水量(PREC)和可能蒸散率(PER)。构建了Holdridge指标与树种分布的纬度、经度和海拔高度的回归模型,定量的分析了东北地区树种分布的气候规律。综合年生物温度(BT)和可能蒸散率(PER)两个气候指标将50种主要树种划分为8个水热指标类群,分别为寒温耐旱型、寒温湿润型,寒温潮湿型,中温耐旱型,中温湿润型,中温潮湿型,暖温耐旱型和暖温湿润型。  相似文献   

The penetration and metabolism of [14C]deltamethrin was studied in susceptible and resistant Chinese and Pakistani strains of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner), which were resistant to deltamethrin by 330- and 670-fold, respectively. The penetration of deltamethrin into resistant individuals was significantly slower than into susceptible individuals over a 24-h period. The time taken for 50% penetration of the applied deltamethrin was 1 h for the susceptible strain and 6 h for both of the resistant strains. The internal radioactivity was reduced by the larvae of resistant strains much faster than by the susceptible larvae. After 48 h, 40% of the penetrated deltamethrin was still inside the larvae of the susceptible strain, in comparison with 1.5-5% in the Pakistani strain and 8-14% in the Chinese strain. Both of the resistant strains produced methanol-soluble and water-soluble metabolites, but the susceptible strain produced methanol-soluble metabolites only. By 12, 24 and 48 h after dosing, the amount of methanol-soluble metabolites excreted by the resistant strains was almost double that of the susceptible strain. Both of the resistant strains also excreted 5-7% of the penetrated dose as a water-soluble metabolite after 48 h. In comparison with the Chinese strain, the Pakistani strain exhibited slower penetration, lower internal content and faster excretion of deltamethrin, which correlated with the higher resistance of the Pakistani strain. These findings show that the resistant Pakistani and Chinese strains of H. armigera possess mechanisms of reduced cuticular penetration and enhanced metabolism of deltamethrin and perhaps other pyrethroids.  相似文献   

Determining the mechanisms controlling the changes of wet and dry conditions will improve our understanding of climate change over the past hundred years, which is of great significance to the study of climate and environmental changes in the arid regions of Central Asia. Forest trees are ecologically significant in the local environment, and therefore the tree ring analysis can provide a clear record of regional historical climate. This study analyzed the correlation between the tree ring width chronology of Juniperus turkestanica Komarov and the standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index(SPEI) in Northwest Tajikistan, based on 56 tree ring samples collected from Shahristan in the Pamir region. Climate data including precipitation, temperature and the SPEI were downloaded from the Climate Research Unit(CRU) TS 4.00. The COFECHA program was used for cross-dating, and the ARSTAN program was used to remove the growth trend of the tree itself and the influence of non-climatic factors on the growth of the trees. A significant correlation was found between the radial growth of J. turkestanica trees and the monthly mean SPEI of February–April. The monthly mean SPEI sequence of February–April during the period of 1895–2016 was reconstructed, and the reconstruction equation explained 42.5% of the variance. During the past 122 a(1895–2016), the study area has experienced three wetter periods(precipitation above average): 1901–1919, 1945–1983 and 1995–2010, and four drier periods(precipitation below average): 1895–1900, 1920–1944, 1984–1994 and 2011–2016. The spatial correlation analysis revealed that the monthly mean SPEI reconstruction sequence of February–April could be used to characterize the large-scale dry-wet variations in Northwest Tajikistan during the period of 1895–2016. This study could provide comparative data for validating the projections of climate models and scientific basis for managing water resources in Tajikistan in the context of climate change.  相似文献   

东北地区主要树种分布与气候的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据东北地区树种分布资料和气象资料,计算了东北地区50种主要树种的Kira温暖指数(WI)、温暖指数的全范围和最适范围以及徐文铎提出的湿度指数(HI)。建立了东北地区气候因子与树种地理分布的回归模型,并对气候因素与树种地理分布的相关关系进行了分析。综合50种主要树种的水热指标值,将其划分为寒温湿润型,寒温潮湿型,中温耐旱型,中温湿润型,中温潮湿型,暖温耐旱型和暖温湿润型7个Kira水热指标分布类群,论述了东北地区主要树种沿热量和水分梯度的分布格局。  相似文献   

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