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半滑舌鳎性腺分化的组织学观察   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16  
运用组织学方法,对半滑舌鳎性腺的发育和分化过程进行了观察。半滑舌鳎的性腺发育为雌雄异体的分化类型,可以分为3个阶段:性腺的原始阶段、性腺分化前期阶段和性腺分化完成阶段。在50日龄以前,原始性腺形成但未分化。62日龄,个体达到40.5mm时,一种性腺形成了成簇发育的原始细胞群,性腺迅速增大变宽,后来发育成为卵巢;另一种仍处于休止阶段,相对较小,后来发育为精巢。雌鱼在120日龄形成明显的卵巢腔,开始了细胞学的分化;精巢在100日龄精原细胞开始快速增殖,体细胞有丝分裂,形成输精管原基,在150日龄左右开始细胞学的分化,并形成精小叶,190日龄左右出现初级精母细胞,性腺分化基本完成。雌鱼性腺分化时期早于雄鱼。  相似文献   

大黄鱼性腺性别分化的组织学观察   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
利用组织学方法研究了大黄鱼的性腺分化和发育规律。大黄鱼受精卵于2009年9月22日开始孵化,孵化水温26℃,育苗水温22.0~25.8℃,养殖水温11.5~25.6℃。20日龄稚鱼(体长17.6~19.2 mm)腹腔中一对原始性腺已经形成。55日龄幼鱼(体长27.5~37.0 mm)半数个体性腺中形成成簇发育的卵原细胞群,标志着卵巢解剖学分化开始。减数分裂和卵巢腔的形成同时开始于60日龄(体长28.0~37.2 mm)。120日龄幼鱼(体长39.2~51.0 mm)性腺中,初级卵母细胞出现,标志着卵巢细胞学分化的开始。精巢分化开始于第95日龄(体长38.0~48.0 mm),其解剖学标志为生精导管的形成及体细胞在性腺中的散布方式。145~195日龄,由于水温过低,鱼苗停止生长,期间性腺发育水平没有明显变化。215日龄幼鱼(体长44.0~59.2 mm)性腺中精母细胞的出现标志着精巢细胞学分化的开始。精小叶于230日龄(体长56.2~72.8 mm)形成。由此可见,大黄鱼雌性性腺发育早于雄性性腺,且大黄鱼性腺分化类型属于分化型雌雄异体型。  相似文献   

对新安江人工养殖虹鳟性腺的自然分化进行了系统组织学研究。刚孵化出膜仔鱼的生殖嵴巳形成,原始生殖细胞成单行排列于生殖嵴上,并正在进行有丝分裂。水温10—11℃时,孵出后6—8周仔鱼的性腺出现解剖学分化。紧接着卵巢中的卵原细胞开始向初级卵母细胞过渡。精巢中的精原细胞向初级精母细胞过渡的时间比卵巢约晚2—3周。性腺的细胞学分化时间,雌雄鱼表现不一致。  相似文献   

牙鲆三倍体批量化诱导及其生长和性腺发育观察   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对牙鲆三倍体鱼苗的诱导、生长及性腺发育进行了一系列研究,发现在14.8~15.5 ℃的海水温度条件下授精,授精后3 min将受精卵放入3 ℃的海水中冷休克处理45 min,可以得到牙鲆三倍体;120日龄、348日龄、630日龄时对三倍体和二倍体的全长和体质量进行测量,发现在120日龄时二倍体与三倍体体质量差异不显著,348日龄时三倍体体质量明显大于二倍体体质量(P<0.05),630日龄时三倍体的全长和体质量均高于二倍体,且差异极显著(P<0.01)。通过比较630日龄时的性腺指数,发现二倍体牙鲆雌性和雄性的性腺指数分别是三倍体的3.3倍和3.1倍,三倍体牙鲆性腺明显小于二倍体,二倍体和三倍体卵巢指数之间及精巢指数之间差异均极显著(P<0.001);组织切片观察显示,在二倍体卵巢中可见正常卵母细胞,三倍体卵巢处于未分化的卵原细胞阶段,三倍体精巢中有精母细胞,但数量明显少于二倍体精巢。结果表明,研究采用的方法能够大量获得诱导率为100%的三倍体牙鲆鱼苗,三倍体成鱼性腺发育不良,并且其生长速度显著快于二倍体对照,适合在生产中推广。  相似文献   

莫桑比克罗非鱼幼鱼的性腺发育与分化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文介绍了莫桑比克罗非鱼幼鱼性腺的发育和分化的观察结果。用组织学方法观察,莫桑比克罗非鱼幼鱼的性腺发育,可以明显地区分为三个阶段,即:性腺的原始阶段,性腺分化前期阶段,性腺分化完成阶段。作者认为,对莫桑比克罗非鱼的诱变试验,应在前两阶段进行;当幼鱼体长达到15mm以后,性腺分化已基本完成,性激素的处理不可能取得性诱变的明显效果。  相似文献   

二、三倍体鲤鱼在单养时,三倍体鱼的性腺重和GSI均低于二倍体,经t检验,性腺重数值差异显著(P<0.05)、GSI数值差异极显著(P<0.001);在混养时,三倍体鱼的性腺重和GSI均低于二倍体,差异均显著(P<0.05)。雄性三倍体鲤鱼的精巢发育比较一致,均完成了精子发生过程  相似文献   

为了评估三倍体熊本牡蛎(Crassostrea sikamea)的繁殖潜力, 采用细胞松弛素 B 诱导了熊本牡蛎三倍体, 比较了 60 日龄(2016 年 8 月)~450 日龄(2017 年 9 月)三倍体与二倍体性腺发育特点, 分析了性腺发育与繁殖周期的相关性。研究结果表明, 熊本牡蛎三倍体与二倍体性腺发育均可分为形成期、增殖期、成熟期、排放期和耗尽期 5 个时期; 在一个繁殖周期内 22%的三倍体性腺可发育至成熟期, 但与二倍体相比, 三倍体成熟性腺的滤泡小、结缔组织丰富; 三倍体与二倍体性腺发育周期同步, 繁殖季节均位于 3—9 月, 繁殖期较长; 150 日龄(2016 年 10 月)三倍体与二倍体中发育的性腺(包括增殖期、成熟期、排放期、耗尽期)分别占 70%与 90%, 210 日龄(2017 年 1 月)减小至 3%与 18%, 之后性腺再次发育, 分别在 360 日龄(2017 年 6 月)和 450 日龄(2017 年 9 月)成熟期性腺比例达到最大值(40%和 90%)。三倍体与二倍体雌雄比分别为 1.35 : 1 和 0.95 : 1, 三倍体性比显著偏离 1 : 1 (P<0.01)。性腺成熟期三倍体与二倍体平均卵径分别为(44.30±6.88) μm 与(37.76±5.76) μm, 三倍体卵径比二倍体大 17.33% (P< 0.05)。本研究可为熊本牡蛎三倍体和二倍体繁育提供参考依据。  相似文献   

本文报导了应用外源性类固醇激素:甲基睾酮和雌酮投喂虹鳟稚鱼对其性腺发育和性别分化影响的光显观察结果。利用激素诱导性反转,培育全雌虹鳟种群的研究,对虹鳟鱼养殖生产有一定实践意义。  相似文献   

王朔  于红  李琪 《水产学报》2022,46(12):2297-2305
为探讨不同育性长牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)性腺发育过程中主要供能物质的利用和变化差异,利用过碘酸雪夫氏染色(PAS染色)和油红O染色法对不同育性三倍体长牡蛎及二倍体长牡蛎性腺组织进行观察分析。结果显示,增殖期,二倍体和三倍体长牡蛎性腺结缔组织中均含有大量糖原和脂质。随着性腺发育,二倍体和可育型三倍体(3nα型)长牡蛎性腺结缔组织中糖原含量明显下降,到成熟期几乎检测不到糖原,说明性腺结缔组织中的糖原为配子发生提供能量。脂质主要存在于性腺结缔组织和卵母细胞的细胞质中,说明脂质是卵细胞发育的重要组成物质。雌性二倍体和3nα型长牡蛎性腺结缔组织中的脂类含量随着性腺发育并未发生明显下降,推测糖原可能转化为脂质以满足性腺发育的物质需求。脂质在二倍体雄性长牡蛎的性腺发育过程中出现明显的减少,说明脂类在雄性性腺发育中的主要功能可能是供能而不是结构组成。糖原和脂类作为长牡蛎性腺发育过程中重要的供能和组成物质,在不育型三倍体(3nβ型)长牡蛎性腺发育过程中含量没有发生明显的变化,这与3nβ型配子发生受阻密切相关。推测3nβ型长牡蛎由于配子发育受阻,性腺发育初期积累的糖原和脂质并未分配至生殖细胞,而留在结缔组织中,从而使其在繁殖季节仍然能够保持快速生长。研究结果为牡蛎生殖发育调控机制及育性控制育种提供重要信息。  相似文献   

以花鲈(Lateolabrax maculatus) 1~214 dph (day post hatching)的仔稚鱼、幼鱼以及18月龄的雌鱼和雄鱼为研究对象,研究了花鲈早期性腺发生、发育和分化情况;分析了性腺分化过程中性别相关基因(cyp11b和cyp19a1a)的表达及与性别之间的关系。结果显示,在30 dph [全长为(1.28± 0.10) cm],首次在中肾管前端的腹腔膜周围观察到原始生殖细胞(primordial germ cells, PGCs),说明30 dph前是花鲈胚后PGCs迁移至生殖嵴的关键时期;在55 dph [全长为(2.45±0.19) cm],观察到一对呈对称分布的原始性腺已经形成,说明花鲈幼鱼的原始性腺在30~55 dph (全长为1.28~2.45 cm)之间发生;55~180 dph时(全长为2.45~12.28 cm),原始性腺不断发育变大,并且一直处于未分化状态;180 dph后性腺开始分化;在195 dph [全长(14.54±1.54) cm]观察到精巢开始分化,卵巢于205 dph [全长为(15.86±0.94) cm]开始分化,且性腺的解剖学分化要早于细胞学分化;18月龄的花鲈幼鱼性腺发育到Ⅱ期。性别分化相关基因cyp19a1a在花鲈卵巢中的表达量高于同期精巢,说明其在卵巢的分化及维持中发挥更关键的作用,而cyp11b在18月龄幼鱼Ⅱ期精巢中的表达量显著高于同时期的卵巢及Ⅰ期精巢,说明其主要在精巢的分化及维持中扮演重要角色。本研究结果不仅可以丰富花鲈的繁殖生理学资料,也为其性别调控技术的研究提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Triploid rainbow trout were produced by heat shock treatment of eggs soon after fertilization with either normal sperm or sperm from masculinised females. The proportion of triploid fry, as judged from red blood cell nuclear volume, varied between 75% and 100% in three experiments using different batches of eggs from an autumn-spawning strain of trout while a single batch of eggs from a winter-spawning strain yielded 50% triploids.

A microscopic examination of the gonads was made on 5-month-old fish weighing between 1 and 3 g. In female controls the ovaries were packed with oocytes while those from female triploids, although showing the typical lamellar structure of an ovary, contained no oocytes, thus indicating that female triploids are sterile. The testes from triploid males appeared to be developing normally.

The use of masculinized females combined with heat shock treatment of eggs to produce triploids, allowed the production of sterile all-female triploids. This should have considerable potential for aquaculture.  相似文献   

养殖中华鲟性腺发生与分化的组织学研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
陈细华 《水产学报》2004,28(6):633-639
用组织切片方法研究人工繁育中华鲟的性腺发生及两性分化过程。中华鲟出膜后3d,原始生殖细胞以单细胞的形式存在于肾管区腹下方。出膜后11d,生殖褶形成,到2月龄和7月龄时,性腺中分别出现血管和脂肪组织,直到8月龄性腺均处于两性未分化状态,划分为0期。9月龄(体重0.6~1.1kg),性腺出现组织学水平上的两性分化,性腺划入I期。I期性腺中,精(卵)原细胞进行有丝分裂。以初级精(卵)母细胞出现作为Ⅱ期开始的标志,精巢和卵巢分别于1.8~2.2年龄(1.55~5.6kg)和2.5~3.0年龄(3.1~8.2kg)进入Ⅱ期。3年龄以后,性腺发育分化陆续达到肉眼可分辨性别的程度,5~5.6年龄(18~35.5kg)时,所有的性腺能肉眼区分雌雄,但精巢和卵巢仍都处于Ⅱ期,其中卵母细胞的卵径为60~240μm。  相似文献   

黑脊倒刺鲃性腺早期分化的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对黑脊倒刺鲃(Spinibarbus caldwelli)早期性腺分化的过程进行了显微和亚显微研究。结果显示:在5日龄仔鱼中,观察到生殖嵴出现;在28日龄稚鱼中,观察到精巢的早期分化;在32日幼鱼中,观察到明显分化;而直到42日龄幼鱼中,才观察到早期卵巢的早期分化;在90日龄幼鱼中,观察到明显分化。结果表明,黑脊倒刺鲃的精巢分化要明显早于卵巢的分化。  相似文献   

Wild caught Asian catfish were spawned manually following HCG injection, and a portion of the eggs were subjected to cold-shock at 4 C for 15 min within 2-min post-fertilization. Nuclear diameter measurements of cold-shocked fish revealed that 96% were triploids (3N), while non-shocked fish were all diploids (2N). During larval and fry culture (first 26 d), triploid fish mortality was =50%, while diploid mortality was =25%. Following 8-mo culture in tanks at three stocking densities, triploid fish survival was significantly greater ( P < 0.05), than diploids, with 84.0% and 57.3%, respectively. Triploid live weight was also significantly greater than diploids, with 69.2 and 45.9 g averages, respectively. Ninety-two percent of diploids had welldeveloped gonads after 8 mo; whereas none of the triploids had mature gonads. Gonads were undifferentiated with 31% of the triploids. These sexually undifferentiated fish had greater growth rates than male or female triploids, and greater growth than all diploids. Carcass weight (gutted) of triploids was 95.8% of live weight, compared with 92.5% for diploids. Lastly, triploids had very few deformities compared with diploids, with 1.3% and 17.6%, respectively. Deformities included curved spines, and humped backs just posterior of the head.  相似文献   

Initial appearance and development of Leydig cells (LCs) during testicular differentiation in tilapia,Oreochromis niloticus, were investigated histologically. In addition, changes of testosterone levels in gonadal tissue and serum were examined by radioimmunoassay. In the gonads of fry at 23–26 days after hatching, initial testicular differentiation was confirmed by the observation of the differentiation of connective tissues into tissues which are characteristic of the adult testis. LCs, which were identified by the ultrastructural features (a moderate number of mitochondria with tubular cristae, well developed smooth endoplasmic reticulum and many free ribosomes) appeared initially at the time of testicular differentiation. LCs increased in number rapidly in the testes of fish at 70 days after hatching. Concomitant with this increase, spermatogonia increased in number. Testosterone was detectable in the fish at 40–50 days after hatching, but levels in tissue and serum were low. Testosterone levels increased gradually in the fish beginning at 70 days after hatching and increased still more at 100–150 days accompanying active spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

Synaptonemal complex protein 3 (Scp3), which is encoded by scp3, is a meiotic marker commonly used to trace the timing of gonadal differentiation in vertebrates. In the present study, the ricefield eel scp3 cDNA was cloned, and a fragment encoding amino acids 49 to 244 was overexpressed. The recombinant Scp3 polypeptide was purified and used to generate a rabbit anti-Scp3 polyclonal antiserum. In adult ricefield eels, scp3 mRNA was predominantly detected in the gonads and faintly detected in discrete brain areas. In the gonads, Scp3 immunoreactivities were shown to be localized to the germ cells, including meiotic primary growth oocytes, spermatocytes, and pre-meiotic spermatogonia. During early ovarian differentiation, immunoreactive Scp3 was not detected in the gonads of ricefield eels at 6 days post-hatching (dph) but was found to be abundantly localized in the cytoplasm of some oogonia at 7 dph, coinciding with the appearance of the ovarian cavity and ovarian differentiation. At 14 dph, strong Scp3 immunostaining was detected on one side of the nucleus with a distinct polarity in some germ cells, presumably at the leptotene stage. Consistent with these results, the expression of scp3 mRNA was faintly detected in the gonads of ricefield eels at 6 dph, increased at 8 dph, and then remained relatively high thereafter. Taken together, these results suggest that the appearance of immunoreactive Scp3 in oogonia could be a marker for early ovarian differentiation in ricefield eels. The translocation of the Scp3 protein from the cytoplasm to the nucleus in the oogonium of ricefield eels appears to be a controlled process that warrants further study.  相似文献   

三倍体大黄鱼的诱导及其对生长、性腺发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
林琪 《水产学报》2004,28(6):728-732
自20世纪50年代以来,采用染色体操作技术人工诱导多倍体在鱼类遗传育种领域已得到广泛的应用。国内外已先后在三棘刺鱼[1]、鲤[2]、水晶彩鲫[3]等30多种鱼类成功获得三倍体。在理论上,由于三倍体性腺发育受阻,其用于性腺发育的能量可全部用于生长。因此鱼类育种学家期望通过诱导三倍体,使经济鱼类生长更快,经济效益更高。但历经30余年的研究,诸家看法仍未统一。一些学者认为三倍体鱼比二倍体生长快[4,5],另一些学者则认为三倍体鱼并不比二倍体生长快[6,7]还有一些学者的研究表明三倍体鱼在性成熟以后比二倍体生长稍快[8,9]。对于三倍体…  相似文献   

The sex differentiation period of the Siberian sturgeon was investigated through expression profiling of two testicular markers (dmrt1 and sox9). At the molecular level, a clear sexual dimorphism of dmrt1 and sox9 was observed in 3-year-old fish with immature gonads, in which males showed higher expression of these genes. Among 16-month-old sturgeons cultured in Uruguay, gonad morphology analyses showed one group of fish with undifferentiated gonads and a second group which had started their histological differentiation into ovaries or testes. dmrt1 showed a significantly higher expression in testes of recently differentiated fish, but this was not the case for sox9. In undifferentiated fish, we observed two clearly different groups in terms of expression: one group of fish over-expressing male markers (dmrt1, sox9) and another group of fish showing very low expression of these genes. This suggests that fish undergoing male differentiation can be identified by their profiles of gene expression before they undergo morphological differentiation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Lipid class and fatty acid composition of phospholipids from the gonads of skipjack tuna were examined to evaluate effective utilization of the processing of by-products. The predominant phospholipids in the ovaries were phosphatidylcholine (PC; 47.9%), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE; 19.3%) and lyso-phosphatidylcholine (LPC; 19.1%). In contrast, those in the testes were PC (40.1%), PE (29.3%) and phosphatidylserine (PS; 9.6%). The percentage of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) was markedly high at more than 50% in LPC of the ovaries, and PE and PS of the testes were also high. The percentages of DHA at sn-position 2 of the predominant phospholipids, except for PC in the testes, were more than 60%, in particular PE in the testes was remarkably high at 81.9%. After storage for 2 days at 5°C, the LPC content in the ovaries increased twofold and the DHA level of LPC was the same as before, though the contents of other phospholipids decreased.  相似文献   

SOX9是SOX家族的SOXE亚族成员,在脊椎动物骨骼发育、胰腺发育、性别决定与分化以及肿瘤形成中发挥重要的作用。sox9在不同种类脊椎动物性腺中的表达存在差异,在无脊椎动物性腺中的表达特征尚不清楚。本研究利用RACE技术克隆了栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri)sox9(Cf-sox9)全长的c DNA序列,其长度为2835 bp,开放阅读框为1413 bp,编码470个氨基酸。预测的氨基酸序列具有SOX家族的HMG-box和SOXE亚族的高保守区域,但没有脊椎动物羧基端的Pro-Gln-Ser rich区域。原位杂交和免疫组织化学技术确定Cf-sox9 m RNA和Cf-SOX9蛋白均定位在栉孔扇贝精巢和卵巢的所有生殖细胞中,并且在不同发育时期性腺中呈现了类似的表达规律,即在精巢中,阳性信号在精母细胞中最强,在精子中最弱;在卵巢中,阳性信号在卵原细胞、卵母细胞以及成熟卵中呈现逐渐减弱的趋势。这一表达特征与脊椎动物性腺中多样的性别差异表达特征不同,提示sox9在贝类性腺发育和配子发生中的作用可能与大多数脊椎动物不同。  相似文献   

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