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黄土丘陵区植被恢复与流域养分环境演变研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对在陕北黄土丘陵沟壑区实施的植被恢复及不同土地利用类型调整的政策,在小区和流域尺度上,就植被恢复对流域水土流失、养分流失、养分循环平衡影响方面的国内外研究概况进行了综述。指出植被恢复可减少流域水土流失和养分流失,使流域养分循环平衡能力加强、向良性循环方向发展,同时指出了在这方面需进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

从宏观计算和田间模拟试验两方面分析了江苏南部农田养分循环和平衡特征的变化趋势,农田养分投入结构由有机养分为主转向以无机养分为主,农田养分内循环变弱,农田养分平衡N素由亏损转为过剩,P由亏损转为持衡,但K素亏缺愈加严重。指出增加P、K肥投入,适当控制N肥投入,在机械化条件下增加有机肥的投入是合理调控该地区农田养分平衡的重要途径。  相似文献   

苏南地区农田养分循环特征及平衡调控途径   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从宏观计算和田间模拟试验两文献分析了江苏南部农田养分循环和平衡特征的变化趋势,农田养分投入结构由有机养分为主转向以无机养分为主,农田养分内循环变弱,农田养分平衡N素由亏损转变过剩,P由亏损转为持衡,但K素亏缺愈加严重。指出增加P、K肥投入,适当控制N肥投入,在机械化条件下增加有机肥的投入是合理调控该地区农田养分的平衡的重要途径。  相似文献   

黑龙江省农田养分循环与平衡状况的初步探讨   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
王英 《土壤通报》2002,33(4):268-271
本文对黑龙江省 1977~ 1997年农田生态系统中氮、磷、钾三要素输入输出及其平衡状况、土壤养分变化状况进行了研究 ;分析了农田养分循环与平衡的变化趋势 ,提出了黑龙江省土壤实行稳氮减磷补钾的施肥措施  相似文献   

长期不同施肥措施下红壤稻田的养分循环与平衡   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
吴晓晨  李忠佩  张桃林 《土壤》2009,41(3):377-383
红壤丘陵地区荒地或旱地开垦为水田不仅可以治理土壤侵蚀,而且能增加土壤肥力,提高农田生产力.本文分析了长期不同施肥措施下垦自红壤荒地的稻田 2004-2007 年的养分循环和平衡特征及变化.结果表明:不同垦殖年限施肥措施对水稻产量的影响基本不变,都是 NPK+有机质循环 (8589 kg/hm2) > NPK (7804 kg/hm2) > N+有机质循环 (6626 kg/hm2) >有机质循环 (4525 kg/hm2) >无肥区 (2707 kg/hm2),且随着垦殖年限增加,不同施肥措施间产量差异有增大趋势.P 是中低肥力红壤稻田的主要限制因子,不施 P 肥对早稻产量的影响高于晚稻.有机物循环可以提高系统养分的再循环率,循环及循环配施化肥处理的养分都有盈余,单施化肥则会导致养分亏缺.高产稻田生态系统 N 素输入主要依靠化学 N 肥,有机肥是重要的 P 素资源,秸秆还田对于稻田 K 平衡有重要作用.  相似文献   

红壤稻田不同施肥制度对土壤钾平衡和水稻产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
基于14年田间定位试验,研究了红壤稻田系统在不同化肥配施条件下,有机养分循环利用对土壤K素平衡和水稻产量的影响。结果表明:不施肥或仅施化肥,土壤K素严重亏缺,其中以不施K的NP处理最严重,平均每年亏损K120.1kg/hm2,有机物养分循环利用的施肥制度可大幅度降低稻田土壤K素的亏损甚至出现K素盈余,NP C处理平均每年亏损K素2.2kg/hm2,而NPK C处理平均每年盈余K素154.5kg/hm2,但过高的K输入可能导致K营养元素的大量流失,降低K肥资源利用效益并增加环境污染风险,实行有机物养分循环利用时应适当减少化肥K的施用量;在不同施肥基础上的有机物养分循环利用都能显著提高水稻产量,但“循环”增产率随化肥配施程度提高而降低,不施肥基础上有机物养分循环利用的稻谷增产率为56%,与NP配施后,有机物养分循环利用的增产率降至18.8%,而在NPK配施基础上有机物养分循环利用的增产率只有10.2%,处理NPK C2与处理NPK之间的稻谷产量却没有显著差异,可见有机养分循环利用可以代替化肥K的施用;有机养分循环利用降低了K内部利用效率(IKUE)值,大小顺序为NPK C相似文献   

持续10a的田间试验结果表明,在保持农业系统养分循环再利用的基础上,根据土壤养分供给力设计化肥施用量,可以在实现作物高产的同时,平衡土壤养分收支,从而避免土壤中肥料养分(主要是氮)过剩而进入环境。  相似文献   

不同施肥模式对作物-土壤系统养分收支的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以1 组20 年长期定位试验为基础, 针对不同施肥模式下作物-土壤系统养分收支状况进行研究。本试验共8 个处理, 分别由化肥氮(N)、磷(P)、钾(K)和循环有机肥(M)组合而成。结果表明, 养分循环再利用有利于作物产量的提高, 对大豆和玉米籽实平均增产率分别为22.9%和16.4%; 但随化肥的均衡施用, 有机肥增产作用明显降低。仅施用循环有机肥可缓解土壤养分收支赤字, 但无法实现作物高产和土壤养分收支平衡; 施用氮肥加剧土壤磷收支赤字, 同时施用氮、磷肥加剧土壤钾赤字。本研究中同时施用氮、磷、钾肥和循环肥模式可满足作物高产的养分需求, 同时能够平衡土壤养分收支, 是较为理想的施肥模式。  相似文献   

黄土旱塬麦田生态系统物质平衡及评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据长武试区 1986~ 1995年的统计资料并结合田间试验 ,对黄土旱塬麦田生态系统的主要物质 (氮、磷、钾 )循环及平衡特征进行了较为系统的分析。结果表明 ,农田中养分的流动量大 ,流通途径少 ,养分循环的开放性大 ,外循环规模大 ,内循环率小 ;系统养分平衡中 N基本保持收支平衡 ,K2 O入不敷出 ,P2 O5 输入大于输出 ;养分输入中 ,人工投入的化肥与有机肥是养分的主要来源 ,输出中 N主要集中于籽粒 ,K2 O主要集中于秸秆 ,P2 O5 主要残留于土壤中。指出在农业生产中 ,应采用秸秆还田以增加钾的投入 ,同时要增加氮肥投入尤其是有机肥的投入 ,而磷应以提高其有效性为主。  相似文献   

金华地区降雨中养分含量的初步研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
降雨中的养分含量不少国家进行过长期测定,如欧洲曾联合进行了130年的连续测定。这不仅因为它是土壤养分的循环和平衡以及生态学研究的基本资料,而且因为雨水中的某些养分的供应量可能在农业上有重要作用(库克,1973),特别是氮和硫。但我国在这方面的资料似乎还很少。我们在红壤的研究任务中,为了估计降雨中的不同养分供应量在整个养分平衡中的可能意义,在1976年1-12月,在浙江金华地区的金华、衙县和兰溪三县进行了雨水的收集和分析。雨水由三县气象站协助收集。三县气象站均设在城郊,其中兰溪气象站靠近火车站。这一地区,在一定程度上可作为我国亚热带地区的一个代表。  相似文献   

红壤农业生态系统的养分循环、平衡及管理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
HE Yuan-Qiu  LI Zhi-Ming 《土壤圈》2000,10(2):107-116
An experiment was conducted in a red soil derived from Quaternary red clay in the Ecological Experiment Station of Red Soil, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, located in Yingtan (28° 15' 30' N, 116° 55' 30' E), Jiangxi Province. The results show that the major ways of nutrient loss are leaching and nitrogen volatilization. Rationalizing crop distribution, stimulating nutrient recycling, and improving internal nutrient flow are effective measures to decrease nutrient loss and to promote nutrient utilization efficiency. The important ways of regulating nutrient cycling and balance in the agroecosystem of the red soil are to establish optimal eco-agricultural models, practice balanced fertilization and combine the cropping system with the livestock system.  相似文献   

科学施肥是实现农业增产和土壤健康的重要手段。深入认知土壤微生物驱动的养分元素循环过程对于评价和指导科学施肥具有极为重要的意义。近年来不同施肥策略对土壤微生物影响的认知虽取得长足进步,但多限于单一养分元素的影响。土壤养分元素循环过程及与碳循环过程具有不可分割性,互作和协同也是土壤微生物的重要特性之一。因此,揭示土壤微生物介导的养分元素的耦合会更有助于我们全面了解农田土壤养分循环过程和指导科学施肥。笔者研究团队多年来以中国科学院封丘农业生态试验站养分平衡长期定位试验为平台,利用土壤微生物学、分子生态学、微量热和同位素测定等技术,系统研究了不同施肥策略下潮土微生物介导的碳、氮、磷元素循环及耦合过程。本文综述相关研究成果。对于缺磷潮土,磷肥施用能够提高微生物生物量碳氮、转化酶活性、脲酶活性、呼吸强度及微生物代谢活性等,使得微生物能够保障土壤养分转化与作物养分吸收,增加潮土综合碳氮汇效应,“高效低排”地为生态系统服务;与之相反,缺施磷肥条件下,即使长期施用其它养分如氮肥,潮土微生物代谢效率仍然低下,且代谢过程会损失更多碳氮素,不利于潮土碳氮累积,致使土壤质量无法提高,还加剧了生态环境的污染。在阐明了微生物对潮土养分的响应与反馈后,还进一步揭示了潮土碳磷耦合的微生物学机制,提出了“缺磷耗碳,增碳活磷”的理论框架。长期缺磷使得外源碳经由微生物转化进入潮土有机碳库的比例减少,却增加了外源碳的净矿化量,使得更多外源碳以CO2形式排放到大气,即缺磷潮土不利于外源碳向潮土有机碳的转化。但是,外源碳的添加能够长效刺激缺磷潮土中微生物的增殖,特别是解磷微生物。该过程可以使得土壤化学固持的磷素转移到微生物体内,增加了潮土中潜在有效磷含量,后续可以提供给植物利用,即外源碳的添加能够通过解磷微生物活化土壤中不可利用态磷素。最后,对今后农田土壤养分耦合循环的微生物学研究方向和内容进行了展望。这些结果会加深对科学施肥重要性的认知,有助于指导调控土壤微生物更好地服务农田生态系统。  相似文献   

【目的】土壤养分循环是土壤肥力和作物生长的基础,土壤微生物是驱动养分循环的关键因子。挖掘微生物调控土壤–植物系统养分循环功能的潜力,已成为提高农田养分资源利用效率的发展趋势。通过梳理我国土壤养分循环和土壤微生物学交互研究的发展历史和脉络,审视与国际前沿研究比较的不足之处,指出未来的研究热点,促进我国在相关领域研究水平的提高。【方法】本文利用文献计量学及大数据可视化方法定量分析了60年来土壤养分循环和土壤微生物学交互研究领域的国内外的科学文献,研究了相关领域不同时期的发展与演变过程,对比了国内外土壤养分循环和土壤微生物学交互研究发展的异同点。主要进展分析表明国内研究主要分为起步期 (1981~1990年),发展期 (1991~2005年) 和定型期 (2006~2016年)。起步期的研究热点分散,主要研究了红壤、水稻土和紫色土中特定微生物和酶活性的肥力功能。发展期研究热点关联度加强,主要研究了红壤、黑土、水稻土中微生物量和酶活性的肥力和环境功能。定型期研究热点间的连接度不断增强,主要研究了土壤养分循环与微生物群落结构耦合的微生物学机制。通过与国际相关研究比较,国内学者追赶国际研究可以分为起步追赶期 (1990~2005年) 和快速追赶期 (2006~2016年)。在起步追赶期,国内学者追随国际上对碳氮转化与微生物交互研究的热点,但研究热点的关键词交互网络成熟程度低,侧重对红壤的研究,缺少对根际的研究。加速追赶期,国内学者从水稻土和根际方面强化了对养分转化微生物机制研究,开展了土壤微生物网络结构和功能的研究,但需要加强土壤生物网络结构和功能的实证研究。总体上,与国外相比,国内研究相对滞后,但发展迅猛,从简单关注酶活性,发展到微生物网络结构与土壤功能的交互。同时国内研究热点的关键词交互网络日益成熟,且与国际相比表现出趋同趋势,但仍需深入研究微生物群落结构演替对养分循环的驱动机制。结论与展望在未来研究中,应在建立养分利用率提升的区域微生物调控技术体系的同时,不断发展和完善土壤微生物结构和功能协同演变的理论体系。  相似文献   

丘陵红壤耕作利用过程中土壤肥力的演变和预测   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
孙波  王兴祥  张桃林 《土壤学报》2002,39(6):836-843
通过区域尺度上两个时段的定位采样 ,结合田块尺度上的长期试验 ,研究了耕作利用变化对我国中亚热带低丘红壤区土壤肥力演变的影响。分析了土壤肥力演变的驱动力 ,建立了土壤养分变化与养分平衡间的相关预测模型。对比分析表明 ,丘陵红壤肥力的变化与养分平衡量的变化趋势一致。在保持荒地和水田利用方式时 ,土壤有机质含量显著降低 ;旱地系统中速效磷和速效钾含量增加 ,但在不施肥的针阔混交林中却下降 ;荒地开垦为水田后 ,土壤肥力有增加趋势。旱坡地红壤全氮和速效钾的变化量与氮、钾的平衡量的显著相关 ,而土壤速效磷与磷的平衡量间相关不显著 ,其原因是没有考虑磷的固定和矿化。  相似文献   

The rhizosphere is the most active soil area for material transformation and energy flow of soil, root, and microorganism, which plays an important role in soil biochemical cycling. Although the rhizospheric nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) were easily disturbed in the agroecosystem, the effects of rhizosphere on the dynamics of soil N and P cycling have not yet been systematically quantified globally. We summarized the magnitude, direction, and driving forces of rhizosphere effects on agroecosystem's N and P dynamics by 1063 observations and 15 variables from 122 literature. Rhizosphere effects increased available N (AN, 9%), available P (AP, 11%), and total P (TP, 5%), and decreased nitrate N (NO3–N, 18%) and ammonia N (NH4–N, 16%). The effect of rhizosphere on total N (TN) was not significant. These effects improved AN in tropical (12%) and subtropical (14%) regions. The effect of rhizosphere on TP was greater under subtropical conditions than in other climates. The most substantial effects of the rhizosphere on TP and AP were observed under humid conditions. Rhizosphere effects increased AN and AP in vegetables more than in other crop systems. Application of N > 300 kg ha−1 had the most significant and positive rhizosphere effects on TN and AN. P application of 100–150 kg ha−1 had the greatest rhizosphere effects on TP and AP. These effects also improved the microbial (biomass N and P) and enzymatic aspects (urease, acid phosphatase, and alkaline phosphatase) of soil P and N cycling. Structural equation modeling suggested that aridity indices, fertilizer application rate, soil pH, microbial biomass, and soil enzymes strongly influence the magnitude and direction of the rhizosphere's effect on the P and N cycles. Overall, these findings are critical for improving soil nutrient utilization efficiency and modeling nutrient cycling in the rhizosphere for agricultural systems.  相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》1999,11(2-3):135-146
Most studies of nutrient cycling in arctic ecosystems have either addressed questions of plant nutrient acquisition or of decomposition and mineralization processes, while few studies have integrated processes in both the soil and plant compartments. Here, we synthesize information on nutrient cycling within, and between, the soil/microbial and the plant compartments of the ecosystems and integrate the cycling of nutrients with the turnover of organic matter and the carbon balance in tundra ecosystems. Based on this compilation and integration, we discuss implications for ecosystem function in response to predicted climatic changes.Many arctic ecosystems have high amounts of nutrients in the microbial biomass compared to the pools in the plant biomass both due to large nutrient-containing organic deposits in the soil and low plant biomass. The microbial pools of N and P, which are the most commonly limiting nutrients for plant production, may approach (N) or even exceed (P) the plant pools. Net nutrient mineralization is low, the residence time of nutrients in the soil is long and the nutrients are strongly immobilized in the soil microorganisms. This contributes to pronounced nutrient limitation for plant productivity, implies that the microbial sink strength for nutrients is strong and that the microbes may compete with plants for nutrients, but also that they are a potential source of plant nutrients during periods of declining microbial populations. The extent of this competition is poorly explored and it is uncertain whether plants mainly take up nutrients continuously during the summer when the microbial activity and, presumably, also the microbial sink strength is high, or whether the main nutrient uptake occurs during pulses of nutrient release when the microbial sink strength declines.Improved knowledge of mechanisms for plant-microbial interactions in these nutrient-limited systems is important, because it will form a basis also for our understanding of the C exchange between the ecosystems and the atmosphere under the predicted, future climatic change. High microbial nutrient immobilization, i.e. low release of plant-available nutrients, paired with high microbial decomposition of soil organic matter will lead to a loss of C from the soil to the atmosphere, which may not be compensated fully by increased plant C fixation. Hence, the system will be a net source of atmospheric C. Conversely, if plants are able to sequester extra nutrients efficiently, their productivity will increase and the systems may accumulate more C and turn into a C sink, particularly if nutrients are allocated to woody tissues of low nutrient concentrations.  相似文献   

基于WebGIS 中国农田养分平衡与环境风险评价系统的构建   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
周娟  沈润平  孙波 《土壤》2008,40(6):883-889
在分析了ArcIMS的体系结构及其运行机制的基础上,基于ArcIMS9.0平台,采用空间数据引擎技术、数据库技术及ASP.NET编程技术,结合农田养分平衡模型和环境风险评价模型,设计开发基于WebGIS中国农田养分平衡与环境风险评价系统。系统主要包括远程基础数据库管理、基本数据查询分析、养分专题制图、在线养分平衡分析、环境风险评价分析及施肥策略咨询等6大功能,将农业基础数据通过模型运算的结果与地图数据相结合,实现了全国范围内基本农业数据、农田养分平衡与环境风险等信息的在线共享、评价与施肥咨询服务。  相似文献   

In the present investigation, the long-term effect of pulse crop inclusion in the maize-wheat rotation was assessed for the nutrient availability and soil-plant nutrient cycling under different nutrient management practices. Including pulses in the maize-wheat rotation improved soil organic carbon (SOC) and plant available macronutrients being higher in maize-wheat-mungbean rotation. Inclusion of mungbean to maize-wheat rotation enhanced the nitrogen (33.9%), phosphorus (46.4%), potassium (36.3%), and sulphur (55.5%) uptake in maize crop; likewise, alternate-year chickpea inclusion increased the uptake of these nutrients by 18.2, 19.1, 21.7, 32.1%, respectively. Inorganic fertilization maintained the positive annual balance of nitrogen, phosphorus, and zinc. By contrast, the nutrient balance under organic nutrient management was mostly negative. The magnitude of negative balance of potassium and sulphur was higher in inorganic than that of organic nutrient management. The low nutrient supply (particularly nitrogen) in organic fertilization largely inhibited the yield of cereal crops but not that of pulses. In view of this, the inclusion of pulses in the cereal-cereal systems could cause substantial improvement in soil fertility and sustainability in Indo-Gangetic plains. We infer that supply of nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus in organic, and potassium and sulphur in recommended inorganic fertilization merit special attention.  相似文献   

This paper deals with a study on the effects of Chinese fir,lobolly pine and deciduous oak forests o the nutrient status of soils in northern subtropics of China,adopting the principle of forest ecology in the case of similar climate and soil type.The experimental area was situated in the Xiashu Experimental Centre of Forest,where the soil is yellow-brown soil derved from siliceous slope wash.Sample plots of these 3 stands were established to study the nutrient status in litter ,the amount of nutrient uptake by roots,the quantity of nutrient output by percolating water outside the deep layer of soil,and the seasonal dynamics of available nutrient in surface soil.It was whown that the intensity of nutrient cycling in soil under deciduous oak was the highest,and the effect of oak in improving soil fertility was the best.The result of improving soil fertility by Chinese fir was the most inferior,though the intensity of nutrient cycling under that stand was higher than that under loblolly pine stand.The influence of loblolly pine on the improvement of soil fertility was better than that of Chinese fir,in spite of its lowest intensity of nutrient cycling.  相似文献   

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