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草业在西部开发中的作用   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
陈春叶 《草业科学》2002,19(5):49-51
以加强生态建设,改善生态环境为出发点,提出了“封出退耕,植树种草,含饲养畜,林牧主导,强农富民”的生态建设思路,合理利用和开发草业资源,重视草业在西部建设中的先锋作用与地位。  相似文献   

退耕还林还草怎么退 ?退多少 ?种什么草 ?怎么种 ?这些关系到生态建设的关键技术难题 ,现在得到了科学的解释与答复。由我国著名的草原生态学家、中国工程院院士任继周教授主持的“甘肃生态建设与草业开发专家系统”目前通过了成果鉴定 ,专家一致认为该成果达到了世界先进水平。该系统不仅可查询到甘肃省乡镇不同类型的退耕还林还草与草业的开发问题 ,而且对全国的退耕还草也有重要的参考价值。该成果首次创造性的将生态建设与草业开发的多种技术、多种学科、多种资料汇于一体 ,内容丰富、实用性强。图文并茂 ,直接明了。此专家系统 ,发行了…  相似文献   

西部大开发--草产业发展的机遇与挑战   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
以退耕还林还草和产业结构调整为主的生态建设是西部大开发的重要内容,也为草业经济发展带来了机遇,但包括牧草品种选育、播种技术、草产品加工与开发、牧业生产专业化等草产业及相关经济发展都存在诸多技术问题。文中对这些问题进行了分析和探讨,提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

甘肃省草业开发专家系统的结构与功能   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
系统地分析、设计了甘肃省草业开发专家系统的总体结构,详细地讨论了数据库、知识库和模型库的基本内容以及系统应具备的主要功能。以3S技术和国际互联网络为基础的草业开发专家系统,可以将近年来草业专家积累的知识、经验和技术,以文本、图形、图像和视频等多媒体信息集成的方式集中展示在用户面前,并可动态更新系统内容,对指导我国西部地区生态环境建设与草业开发均具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

甘肃省发展草业具有土地、气候、生物和劳力优势。根据4个生态经济区的特点,分别讨论了草业发展与生态建设的关系。牧区生态保护与草业开发和草地畜牧业的产业更新;河西农区草畜产品生产和荒漠生态系统保护;河东黄土高原区保持水土与草畜产业链延伸;特别是甘肃省陇南山区最适于发展包括生物柴油的新型生物产业。  相似文献   

青海省绿海草业开发服务中心是青海省畜牧厅属下青海省草原总站专门从事草业开发服务的综合部门。主要从事优良进口及国产牧草种子、草坪种子以及牧业机械、草原防火通讯设备的定购供销、草业技术咨询、技术培训、技术承包、草业技术推广服务工作等 ;同时兼营草坪工程设计实施等其他服务项目。绿海草业开发服务中心成立 1 0多年来 ,依托本站草地资源勘察规划设计 ,草地改良植物保护以及牧草种子、牧业机械、草地建设等方面的技术人才优势 ,积极参与省内外草地畜牧业生产建设。取得了良好的社会效益和生态效益。特别自“九五”以来 ,为了适应…  相似文献   

学科建设是推动草业可持续发展的基础   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
草业是一个集生态功能、生产功能和生活功能为一体的复合生态系统,草业的发展是关系国家生态安全、边疆稳定和民族团结及牧民生活与牧区发展的重大政治、经济和社会问题。我国的草业科学体系和产业基础已初具雏形,在经济发展与生态建设中发挥着重要的作用。因此,从国家战略发展的需求出发,把草业单独列入国民经济发展规划,确立草业在经济发展和生态建设中的重要性,加强草业学科建设,推动草种业、牧草种植业、草地畜牧业、草畜产品加工业、草坪业等的快速发展,提升草业产业化整体水平,不断增强草业可持续发展能力,使草业成为维护生态安全、保障食物安全、促进社会和谐发展的支柱产业。  相似文献   

西部草业工程技术研究有限公司 (以下简称“西部草业”)是由国内草坪、牧草行业的龙头企业——农业部北京克劳沃草业技术开发中心、农业部甘肃省草原生态研究所、中国科学院寒区与旱区环境工程研究所、中国农科院兰州畜牧兽医研究所为满足西部大开发中环境与生态建设需要而共同出资成立的股份制专业草业公司。由我国草业科学的创始人、中国工程院院士任继周教授任董事长、法人代表 ,吴序卉博士出任总经理。公司下设生产部、市场部、工程部、发展部、财务部。公司依托西部草业工程技术研究中心 (国内 15家大专院校、科研单位、草业企业共同组…  相似文献   

伴随着21世纪到来的钟声,在党中央、国务院实施西部大开发战略的起步之年,为积极响应西部大开发,参与西部大开发,促进草业联合,推进草业发展,由中国草原学会主办、甘肃省农牧厅承办的"草业与西部大开发学术研讨会暨中国草原学会2000年学术年会",于 10月14~17日在祖国地理中心--西北工业重镇兰州隆重召开.  相似文献   

芦竹作为清洁生物质能源牧草开发的潜力分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
利用多年生牧草开发能源草业是在当今能源紧张和环境保护的背景下能源工业发展的一个新方向,国内外相关研究发现芦竹Arundo donax具有作为生物质能源牧草开发的潜力,而在我国目前仅作为造纸制浆的原料。在介绍芦竹生物质特点的基础上,分析了其作为能源牧草的植物学、生态学特点,及其经济价值和开发的潜力,并提出了其相关的种植管理技术,为利用芦竹作为能源牧草、开发能源草业提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

为提高实蝇粘虫板对桔小实蝇的诱杀效果,减少对天敌的诱杀,为科学悬挂实蝇粘虫板提供参考依据。采用4种悬挂方式,分别为悬挂于树冠中部胶面与地面垂直、悬挂于树冠中下部胶面朝下、悬挂于树冠中下部胶面朝上、悬挂于树冠上部胶面朝上,调查实蝇粘虫板上桔小实蝇、其它害虫和天敌的种类和数量。结果表明,4种悬挂处理的实蝇粘虫板共诱杀到20个昆虫种或类群,其中悬挂于树冠中部胶面与地面垂直的实蝇粘虫板诱杀昆虫种类、多样性指数最高,而悬挂于树冠中下部胶面朝上的实蝇粘虫板的益害比最高;悬挂于树冠中部胶面与地面垂直、树冠中下部胶面朝下的实蝇粘虫板对桔小实蝇的诱杀数量显著高于其它2种悬挂方式的实蝇粘虫板(p<0.05);悬挂于树冠中下部胶面朝上和树冠上部胶面朝上的实蝇粘虫板均对食蚜蝇具有较强的诱杀作用。因此,采用树冠中部胶面与地面垂直、树冠中下部胶面朝下的悬挂方式均可以作为田间应用实蝇粘虫板的方法;但采用树冠中下部与地面平行朝下的悬挂方式更有利于天敌的保护。  相似文献   

Lentiviruses are species-specific, exogenously transmitted retroviruses that have a unique ability to replicate continuously but at a restricted rate in host tissues. This property is thought to be related to the retroviral nature of the replication process (RNA to DNA to RNA) and to the ability of the viruses to do this in cells of the macrophage lineage. The viral genomes are expressed only in certain populations of macrophages and this is dependent on a number of interactive factors including the genus of the host, the age of the host, maturation/differentiation factors in macrophages, the strain of virus and regulatory factors in the virus and the regulatory factors in the virus and the macrophages. Macrophages permissive for virus replication are found in specific tissues and virus replication in the cells causes development of lesions in the particular tissues. The nature of the lesions varies from virus induced necrosis to immunopathology to possible toxic infects of monokines produced by the infected macrophages. Cats and primates have further complicating diseases caused by the remarkable sensitivity of their helper T lymphocytes to infection with their lentiviruses. Elimination of these cells leads to onset of various local and systemic diseases caused by opportunistic agents. Whereas equidae and small ruminant animals develop diseases related to infection in macrophage populations, felines, macaques and humans develop diseases related to both infection in their macrophages and elimination of their T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Resistance to 16 antimicrobial agents was monitored in 109,125 Salmonella cultures isolated from animals, their environment and feedstuffs between 1988 and 1999. The sensitivity of the 6512 isolates of Salmonella enterica enterica serotype Dublin to all the antimicrobial agents tested varied from 98.2 per cent in 1997 to 99.7 per cent in 1990 and 1996. In contrast, among 28,053 isolates of Salmonella enterica enterica serotype Typhimurium, there was a marked decrease in their sensitivity to all the antimicrobial agents tested, from 57.4 per cent in 1992 to 7.6 per cent in 1995, owing to the widespread occurrence in farm animals of S Typhimurium isolates of the definitive type DT104, resistant to ampicillin, sulphonamides, streptomycin, chloramphenicol and tetracyclines, although the percentage of sensitive isolates increased to 18.4 per cent in 1999, when the incidence of DT104 had decreased. Some isolates of DT104 also showed an increase in resistance to potentiated sulphonamides (2.4 per cent in 1989 to 19.2 per cent in 1999) and nalidixic acid (0 per cent in 1992, 3.8 per cent in 1995 to a peak of 16.9 per cent in 1998). In 1996, 5.1 per cent of 1086 isolates of S Typhimurium from cattle and 35.9 per cent of 192 isolates of S Typhimurium from poultry showed resistance to nalidixic acid. Of the other 74,528 Salmonella isolates, the percentage of strains sensitive to all the antimicrobials tested decreased slightly from 88.2 per cent in 1988 to 70.6 per cent in 1996 and then increased slightly to 73.7 per cent in 1999. The commonest of these other Salmonella serotypes was Salmonella Enteritidis (20,982), which remained predominantly susceptible (ranging from 81.4 to 97.4 per cent) during the study period. Few isolates were resistant to commonly used veterinary antimicrobials, for example, furazolidone, the use of which was banned in 1990, and the aminoglycoside, apramycin.  相似文献   

1. Three experiments were designed to determine the response of broiler chickens to dietary isoleucine, and to quantify the antagonistic effects of excess leucine and valine on this response. 2. A dilution technique was used to measure the responses in growth rate and food intake to a range of diets differing in their isoleucine concentrations. A summit diet was formulated to contain isoleucine at 1.14 times the requirement and with leucine (1.76 times the requirement) and valine (1.87 times the requirement) at the minimum possible concentrations, given the ingredients available. A dilution mixture, devoid of protein, was formulated to correspond in all respects, other than in amino acid content, to the summit diet. These two basal diets were blended in different proportions to give a range of diets of decreasing isoleucine and protein content. 3. In experiment 1 the response was measured to isoleucine with leucine and valine remaining in the same proportion to isoleucine throughout the range of diets fed. In experiments 2 and 3, however, L-leucine and L-valine were added to the diets either singly or in combination to give 6 isoleucine concentrations and 3 ratios of each of leucine and valine to isoleucine. 4. Weight gain decreased as the isoleucine content of the diet was reduced, whereas food intake of broilers fed on the marginally deficient diets increased to a maximum and then decreased. FCE decreased curvilinearly as the isoleucine concentration in the food decreased, reflecting a concomitant change in the fat content of the broilers. 5. It is possible that the amount of dietary isoleucine assumed to be available to the broilers in these experiments was overestimated by hydrolysing the food samples for 72 h, and the doubt thus created makes an estimate of the efficiency of retention of isoleucine suspect. 6. Excess valine had no effect on the response to isoleucine, whereas an increase in the leucine to isoleucine ratio depressed food intake and hence weight gain, but only at the lowest concentrations of isoleucine. 7. If the food content of isoleucine is sufficient to meet the requirements of the broiler, relatively large excesses of leucine, of valine, or of both will not depress growth.  相似文献   

Communication is a critical clinical skill closely linked to clinical reasoning, medical problem solving, and significant outcomes of care such as accuracy, efficiency, supportiveness, adherence to treatment plans, and client and veterinarian satisfaction. More than 40 years of research on communication and communication education in human medicine and, more recently, in veterinary medicine provide a substantive rationale for formal communication teaching in veterinary education. As a result, veterinary schools are beginning to invest in communication training. However, if communication training is to result in development of veterinary communication skills to a professional level of competence, there must be follow-through with effective communication modeling and coaching in practice settings. The purpose of this article is to move the communication modeling and coaching done in the "real world" of clinical practice to the next level. The development of skills for communication coaching and feedback is demanding. We begin by comparing communication coaching with what is required for teaching other clinical skills in practice settings. Examining both, what it takes to teach others (whether DVM students or veterinarians in practice for several years) and what it takes to enhance one's own communication skills and capacities, we consider the why, what, and how of communication coaching. We describe the use of teaching instruments to structure this work and give particular attention to how to engage in feedback sessions, since these elements are so critical in communication teaching and learning. We consider the preconditions necessary to initiate and sustain communication skills training in practice, including the need for a safe and supportive environment within which to implement communication coaching and feedback. Finally we discuss the challenges and opportunities unique to coaching and to building and delivering communication skills training in practice settings.  相似文献   

This article reviews the literature regarding the role of house dust and forage mite allergens in canine atopic dermatitis. The presence of immunoglobulin E (IgE) to these mites, especially to Dermatophagoides farinae, is common in both normal and atopic dogs. Exposure of dogs to the different mites is described both in the direct environment and in the coat of animals for house dust mites and in the food for forage mites. Allergens causing allergic disease in dogs seem to be different from those in humans. Dogs seem to react to high molecular weight allergens, compared to the low molecular weight group 1 and group 2 proteases that are commonly implicated in humans with atopic diseases. Despite numerous published studies dealing with this subject, a number of questions still need to be addressed to better understand the exact role of these mites in the pathogenesis of canine atopic dermatitis and to improve the quality of the allergens used in practice.  相似文献   

对1990-2009年中国与世界主要畜产品生产和贸易进行分析,近20年世界和中国主要畜产品产量均呈增加趋势。1990-2009年,世界和中国肉类产量由17.99和3.0千万t增到28.39和7.8千万t,中国占世界比重由16.9%增到27.5%;世界鸡蛋产量由3.52千万t增到6.28千万t,中国占世界比重从18.61%增到37.61%;中国牛奶产量近20年增加8倍;世界羊毛产量从3.35百万t降至2.04百万t,中国羊毛产量由23.94万t上升到36.40万t。牛肉净贸易逆差量从478 t增到1694 t;2009年羊肉贸易逆差量和逆差额为7.65万t和1.566亿美元(美元),比1990年增加745.6%和1102%。中国猪肉进出口除2000年和2006-2008年外,其他年份贸易量和贸易额都处顺差;中国禽肉进口远超出口,1990-2006年贸易额处顺差,2007-2009年贸易额处逆差。2000-2009年,鸡蛋出口量持续增至13.47万t,2009年鸡蛋进口量268 t。过去20年,中国牛奶贸易处顺差,2009年其进口量和进口额增至1.46万t和1.18千万美元,比2008年增加80.9%和64.05%;中国羊毛贸易处逆差,逆差量和逆差额由3.52万t和1.274亿美元增至26.92万t和1.368亿美元。因动物疫病、药物残留、动物福利等问题,中国畜产品国际贸易受到限制,需从饲草生产、养殖、产品加工、流通等环节加以改善。  相似文献   

Interviews with all the households in the Agropastoral Zone (ZAP) of Yalé, southern Burkina Faso, were conducted in 1994 and again in 1997 to assess the impacts of a tsetse control programme implemented from 1994, using insecticide-impregnated targets and pour-on treatments of all cattle with deltamethrin 1%. In the absence of health and productivity monitoring, data were collected in single-visit surveys in order to generate quantitative estimates of relevant reproductive performance variables for cattle and to assess changes in the inputs used and outputs produced. The results indicate a 25% increase in herd size and an increase in the number of oxen from 0.1 to 1.1 per household; a reduction in mortality from 63.1% to 7.1% and reductions in the rates of abortions and stillbirth of 55.9% and 51.3%, respectively; and an increase in the rate of live births of 57.6% and in the milk yield from 0.2 to 2.2 litres/cow per day in the dry season. These results show the dramatic impacts that trypanosomosis control can have on Zebu cattle exposed to high tsetse challenge. Well-designed surveys can be a cost-effective way to obtain estimates of productivity impacts that can be used to simulate projections of herd growth and meat and milk production in herd models. While there are many confounding factors associated with farmers' perception of a gain in productivity, these estimates form a useful alternative to subjective assessments in modelling the economic benefits of tsetse and trypanosomosis control.  相似文献   

Cystic echinococcosis, caused by Echinococcus granulosus, is an emerging disease in many parts of the world and, in particular, in eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. This paper examines the abundance and prevalence of infection of E. granulosus in cattle and sheep in Kazakhstan. Observed data are fitted to a mathematical model in order to determine if the parasite population is partly regulated by intermediate host immunity and to define parameters in the model. Such data would be useful to develop simulation models for the control of this disease. Maximum likelihood techniques were used to define the parameters and their confidence limits in the model and the negative binomial distribution was used to define the error variance in the observed data. The results indicated that there are significant variations in the infection pressure to sheep depending on their location. In particular sheep from Almaty Oblast and from central and northern Kazakhstan appeared to have a greater exposure than sheep from Jambyl or South Kazakhstan Oblasts. The infection pressure to cattle was somewhat lower in comparison. In common with other similar studies, there was no evidence of parasite-induced immunity in sheep or cattle in Kazakhstan due to natural infection. The highest abundance and prevalence were seen in the oldest age classes of animals.  相似文献   

1. The effects of the age of male and female broiler breeders on fertility, hatchability and sexual behaviour were determined in two 2x2 factorial experiments. In the 1st, male and female birds 27 to 29 and 35 to 37 weeks and in the 2nd at 35 to 37 and 55 to 57 weeks of age were compared. 2. Fertility was not affected by the age of the males or females. 3. Early embryo deaths were higher and hatchability of fertile eggs was lower in eggs from females aged 27 to 29 and 55 to 57 weeks compared with eggs from birds aged 35 to 37 weeks. 4. There were no differences in male display behaviours at any age. The number of observed matings were higher in young males 27 to 29 weeks old compared with males 35 to 37 and 55 to 57 weeks of age. There were no detectable differences in the responses of the females to the males at different ages. 5. Plasma testosterone concentration in males increased from 24 to 30 weeks of age and was relatively constant from 36 to 60 weeks. Plasma oestrogen in females was high at 24 and lowest at 30 weeks of age after which it increased. 6. The results suggest that there may be little difference in the fertility of male and female broiler breeders at different ages when body weight is adequately controlled to at least 60 weeks of age.  相似文献   

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