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Maintaining the health of dogs and cats by feeding wholesome nutritional diets is becoming an important component of responsible pet ownership. Pet owners now seek a long and healthy life for their pet and look to nutrition, as well as to veterinary medicine, to provide such support. Quality of life, measured in terms of reduced incidence of diseases and the ability to maintain an active life, would appear to be able to be enhanced by appropriate nutrition and nutraceutical supplementation. As a consequence numerous improvements in companion animal nutrition have resulted in development of a wide array of foods that provide complete and balanced nutrition. As a result emphasis also has to be placed on product safety and quality parameters, in connection with traceability. The origin of products, including product characteristics and properties, processing conditions and further handling throughout the period chain, is becoming ever increasingly an issue for collective chain management.  相似文献   

Maintaining the health of dogs and cats by feeding wholesome nutritional diets is becoming an important component of responsible pet ownership. Pet owners now seek a long and healthy life for their pet and look to nutrition, as well as to veterinary medicine, to provide such support. Quality of life, measured in terms of reduced incidence of diseases and the ability to maintain an active life, would appear to be able to be enhanced by appropriate nutrition and nutraceutical supplementation. As a consequence numerous improvements in companion animal nutrition have resulted in development of a wide array of foods that provide complete and balanced nutrition. As a result emphasis also has to be placed on product safety and quality parameters, in connection with traceability. The origin of products, including product characteristics and properties, processing conditions and further handling throughout the period chain, is becoming ever increasingly an issue for collective chain management.  相似文献   

Livestock farming development has become increasingly important in recent years. It not only provides us with meat nutrition and pet feeding but also increases the economic value by providing numerous employment opportunities, which improves our life quality. The livestock farming development depends on successful animal reproduction. As a vital process in animal reproduction, folliculogenesis and its influencing factors as well as their underlying mechanisms need to be understood thoroughly. This review is aimed at summarizing the factors such as cellular processes, gene regulation, noncoding RNAs and other endocrine or paracrine regulatory factors that affect follicular development, and their underlying mechanisms of action in livestock in order to provide novel insights for future studies. The above factors were found as significant determinants influencing the follicular development in livestock through various signaling pathways.  相似文献   

At one time, it was estimated that the majority of dogs and cats in the United States received 90% or more of their nutrition from complete and balanced commercially prepared foods, and this estimate was reaffirmed in a 2004 survey. However, 4 years and several pet food and treat recalls later, fewer pet owners are feeding commercial pet food products exclusively and more are asking questions and looking for alternatives. As in any market-driven economy, there are many more alternative diets and food products available today from which pet owners may select. A difficult to measure but growing number of clients are feeding homemade diets that provide 100% of their pet's nutrition, while a larger number are feeding a combination of products, treats, and home prepared meals. Most practitioners can attest to this increase in their client's interest in homemade meals and to having insufficient knowledge to assist them. At a time when motivated clients are considering homemade for their pets as an alternative, veterinarians are less than adequately versed in canine and feline nutrition and dietary options. The article addresses the two most important health issues concerning pet owners and veterinarians about homemade diets: nutritional integrity and food safety.  相似文献   

As pet owners become more conscious of their own diets and the impact it has on their health, they naturally become more interested in what their animal companions are eating and how that might be affecting their pet's health. Many are exploring alternatives to standard commercial pet foods, and some are asking their veterinarians for advice. Small-animal nutrition is an ever-changing field. What veterinarians were taught 10 years ago may no longer be sound advice. This article explores some of the reasoning behind the development of both conventional commercial pet foods and the alternative foods and diets. It questions some of the conventional dogma as well as some of the trendy assumptions in the current marketplace. The intent is to provide the veterinarian with some balanced information on which to base nutritional advice to clients, and to begin forming new opinions or at least asking new questions. Guidelines on formulating a homemade diet for dogs are included.  相似文献   


Aims: To describe the demographics of and predictors for pet ownership, reasons for visiting a veterinarian, and pet-related expenditure in pet owners in New Zealand.

Methods: A cross-sectional online survey was conducted from 18–22 June 2015 using a permission-based panel of New Zealand residents aged ≥18 years. Questions included demographics of respondents, number of pets and reasons for owning or not owning pets, number of visits and reasons for visiting a veterinarian, and pet-related expenditure.

Results: Of the 1,572 respondents who completed the survey, 1,013 (64.4%) owned ≥1 pet. Of these, 443 owned dogs, 696 cats, 32 horses, 103 birds, 55 rabbits, and 159 owned fish. Companionship was the most common reason for getting dogs, cats, and birds; horses were mostly owned as a hobby, rabbits to provide fun for children, and fish as a source of relaxation. The majority of dog, cat, and rabbit owners considered their pets to be family members; horse owners almost equally considered their horses a hobby or a family member. The odds of pet ownership increased for respondents from a rural region, having a higher household income, having children and being female. Overall, 711/1,013 (70.2%) pet-owning respondents had taken ≥1 animal to the veterinarian in the previous year, with the most common reasons being for vaccination or annual check-ups or health issues. Respondents who considered their pets trusted companions, had a higher income, and owned dogs or cats compared with other species, were most likely to have taken their pet to a veterinarian. The greatest pet-related expenditure for all species was food. The median yearly veterinary expenditure was $200–499 by dog owners, $100–199 by cat owners, and <$100 by horse, bird, rabbit, and fish owners. The best source of information for pet-related issues was considered to be veterinarians by 724/1,001 (72.3%) owners, and the internet by 509/1,001 (50.8%) owners.

Conclusions: Among survey respondents, pet ownership was common and pets filled a variety of roles in the household. Pet owners reported spending considerable amounts of money on their pets each year, but some of them may be underutilising veterinary services despite veterinarians being considered as valuable sources of information about pet-related issues.  相似文献   

In the laboratory situation the preferences of dogs and cats for food seem to be relatively uniform. Cats prefer fish and commercial cat food to rats. Dogs prefer beef, pork and lamb to chicken, liver and horsemeat and strongly prefer meat to cereal diets. They prefer canned meat to fresh meat, ground meat to cubed meat and cooked meat to raw meat. Canned or semimoist preparations are preferred to dry ones. Pet dogs have much more variable preferences according to their owner's subjective evaluation. A variety of factors seem to be related in an as yet unknown way to some flavor preferences of pet dogs, i.e. the dog's sex/reproductive status, weight and relationship to owners and the content of the dog's meals. The complicated interaction between (a) a pet's taste, texture and olfactory sensation, (b) its owner's perception of the pet and its preferences and (c) its physical and social environment deserves further investigation.

Obesity can result from endocrinological causes such as those following ovariohysterectomy, but most cases appear to be related to owner-induced variables. In a kennel situation most, but not all, dogs can be allowed free access to palatable food without becoming obese.



The recent advances in the nutrition of companion animals has resulted in a longer possible life-span for dogs and cats and an improvement in their quality of life. Numerous studies about geriatric animals show that an aging dog or cat requires a specific nutritional formulation that considers the metabolic changes associated with age. A correct diet plays an important role in the treatment of some chronic pathologies in aging animals, particularly those for which the aging process modifies the organ function. A correct diet can provide therapeutic support to the administration of drugs that can sometimes compromise organ function. In the present study, we identify key aspects of the clinical nutrition during chronic renal disorders of dogs and cats, diseases with an elevated incidence and a major cause of mortality in geriatric animals. The aim of nutritional treatment for dogs and cats affected by chronic renal disorders is to improve the quality and length of life, assuring an adequate amount of energy and slowing the progression of renal failure. To improve treatment efficacy it is necessary to prepare different dietary rations during the various stages of disease, on the basis of clinical signs and laboratory data.


As rabbits are becoming more popular as pets and owners are willing to pay for specialized care, veterinary practitioners are required to maintain their expertise treating these animals. In recent years, ophthalmic patients have become an important part of the small mammal pet population. Ocular disorders in pet rabbits can be caused by genetic defects, congenital malformations, traumatic events, infections, housing conditions, and nutritional deficiencies. Knowledge of the species-specific anatomy and physiology forms the basis for the interpretation of findings and prevents misinterpretation of a normal state as an abnormality. The ophthalmic examination of rabbits should adhere to the same principles and techniques used for canine and feline patients, although adjustments are required because of different anatomical and physiologic features. Magnification is necessary for accurate assessment. This article summarizes the common ophthalmic disorders of pet rabbits, especially those that are unique to rabbits.  相似文献   

As herpetoculture becomes more commonly practiced, many of the dermatologic problems discussed in this article will be encountered less frequently. Many of the problems result from a general lack of knowledge regarding proper nutrition, husbandry, and the overall needs of reptiles within a captive environment. As reptiles become more a part of the mainstream pet population, information about their care will undoubtedly become more accessible, and as more captive-raised reptiles become available in the pet trade, many of the dermatoses currently associated with wild-caught animals will become less common.  相似文献   

As in all domestic mammals, sexual differentiation in dogs and cats starts early in the embryonic period prenatally and continues into early postnatal life. The result of such a process is, however, not evident until after puberty,a time when the entire reproductive system undergoes significant changes. Normality of sexual differentiation is difficult to observe in neonates of small animals, with the only gender difference being a slightly longer anogenital distance in male (13-15 mm) versus female (7-8 mm)animals. Early diagnosis of deviations from normality can spare breeders the time and effort devoted to raising an animal that may turn out to be unsuitable for becoming part of the reproductive stock and may spare owners the concern for a pet whose health may be unnecessarily threatened by failing to remove a malformed reproductive system early in life. This article reviews the incidence, clinical and gross anatomic features,and diagnostic approaches that veterinarians can use to address inborn errors of the reproductive system of dogs and cats, highlighting those malformations that bear clinical relevance and may become manifest from birth until puberty.  相似文献   

Every clinician is asked "What should I feed my pet?" Understanding the ingredients in pet food is an important part of making the best recommendation. Pet food can be as simple as one ingredient or as complicated as containing more than 60 ingredients. Pet food and its ingredients are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration and state feed officials. Part of that regulation is the review and definition of ingredients. Existing ingredients change and new ingredients become available so the need for ingredient definitions grows. Ingredients for product formulations are chosen based on their nutrient content, digestibility, palatability, functionality, availability, and cost. As an example, a typical, nutritionally complete dry dog food with 42 ingredients is examined and the ingredients are discussed here. Safe, healthy pet food starts with safe ingredients sourced from well-monitored suppliers. The ultimate goal of both veterinarians and pet food manufacturers is the same--long healthy lives for dogs and cats.  相似文献   

Reptiles are one of the fastest growing sectors in the United States pet industry. Reptile‐associated salmonellosis (RAS) continues to be an important public health problem, especially among children. We investigated an outbreak of human Salmonella infections resulting from serotypes Cotham and Kisarawe, predominately occurring among children. An outbreak of illnesses was identified in persons with exposure to pet bearded dragon lizards. Human and animal health officials, in cooperation with the pet industry, conducted epidemiologic, traceback and laboratory investigations. Onsite sampling was conducted at two US breeding facilities, one foreign breeding facility, and a large pet retail chain. A total of 166 patients in 36 states were identified with illness onset dates from 02/2012–06/2014. The median patient age was 3 years (range, <1–79 years), 57% were aged ≤5 years, and 37% were aged ≤1 year. Forty‐four patients (37%) were hospitalized, predominantly children. Sampling at breeding facilities and a national pet store chain resulted in isolation of outbreak serotypes at each facility; isolation proportions ranged from 2%–24% of samples collected at each facility.Epidemiologic, microbiologic and traceback evidence linked an outbreak of uncommon Salmonella serotypes to contact with pet bearded dragons. The high proportion of infants involved in this outbreak highlights the need to educate owners about the risk of RAS in children and the potential for household contamination by pet reptiles or their habitats. Strategies should be developed to improve breeding practices, biosecurity and monitoring protocols to reduce Salmonella in the pet reptile trade.  相似文献   

Hedgehogs are becoming increasingly popular as pets. This article provides a broad overview of those factors with which practitioners must be familiar to provide guidance to hedgehog owners. The taxonomy, anatomy, and natural history of the common pet species are presented along with commonly observed behaviors. Information on the reproduction and neonatal management is described. Current recommendations for handling, housing, and feeding these animals are also discussed.  相似文献   

When oral intake is unsatisfactory or contraindicated, maintenance of nutrition by tube feeding is an alternative to the parenteral route. A large volume of research data supports the decision to use the enteral route whenever possible. Entry of food into the alimentary tract is a stimulus to structural and functional maintenance of that tract. Enteral nutrition can be given via indwelling nasoesophageal, pharyngostomy, esophagostomy, percutaneous or surgical gastrostomy, or enterostomy tube. Use of an appropriate catheter, familiarity with the technique used, and careful patient selection and monitoring are important factors in successful tube feeding. Blenderized pet food diets should be fed whenever possible; commercially available liquid diets provide an alternative when tube caliber or patient factors preclude the use of blenderized foods.  相似文献   

he success of the Human Genome Project and the powerful tools of molecular biology have ushered in a new era of medicine and nutrition. An emerging discipline, known as nutrigenomics, which allows the relationship between diet, genetics and disease to be delineated, looks set to transform clinical pet nutrition. In this article, Professor John Innes, from the University of Liverpool, evaluates the implications of nutrigenomics on pet health and takes a closer look at how this exciting technology is already being used to alleviate some of the symptoms of canine osteoarthritis (OA).  相似文献   

Questions regarding pet animal nutrition are probably among the most frequent queries encountered by companion animal veterinarians. Given the plethora of pet food products available and the amount of advertising used to promote them, it is not surprising that pet owners have concerns as to what they should feed their pets. This "practical" review of pet foods and feeding is designed to assist veterinarians in making nutritional recommendations to their clients, with respect to feeding normal adult pets at maintenance.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine the association between life spans and breed size in the dog, based upon data derived from the pet population. Seventy-seven American Kennel Club breeds were analyzed with data collected for more than 700 dogs. Multiple linear regression analysis was carried out with longevity as the dependent variable and height or weight as the independent variable. A negative correlation was observed between height and longevity (r=-0.603, p<0.05), and between weight and longevity (r=-0.679, p<0.05). Weight was the significant predictor of life span (p<0.001), revealing that breeds smaller by weight generally live longer than heavier breeds. These data form the ground work for investigations of aging utilizing the dog as a model and provide owners with a quantitative method for predicting lifespan of dog breeds, thereby aiding in pet selection.  相似文献   

BackgroundDomestic rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculi) can develop a variety of cutaneous neoplasms, including squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). A detailed review of gross and microscopic pathology and response to treatment of spontaneously arising SCCs in domestic rabbits has not been published.MethodsA retrospective survey study of the clinical characteristics and response to treatment in 39 cases of spontaneous SCC in pet rabbits was performed in an attempt to better characterize the typical presentation, prognosis, and therapeutic response of SCCs in domestic rabbits. Sixteen of these cases were also selected for papillomavirus testing using a generic polymerase chain reaction.ResultsSCC was identified in rabbits between 2 and 10 years of age, with a median age of 7 years. The neoplasm has a predilection for ears and feet and the conventional subtype is most commonly diagnosed microscopically. Lighter colored rabbits may be predisposed to developing SCC. The majority of cases examined were found in rabbits housed primarily indoors. Only one SCC tested positive for papillomavirus and was located in the oral cavity. Sequencing of the detected PCR product detected 98.75% similarity to human papillomavirus type 120. The significance of this virus for tumorigenesis is unknown.Conclusions and clinical relevanceAggressive surgical resection provided the most successful therapeutic option and proved curative in 12 of 23 rabbits. Papillomavirus likely does not play a major role in the development of spontaneous SCCs in pet rabbits. More research is needed to investigate the use of adjunctive therapies in treatment of this neoplasm in pet rabbits.  相似文献   

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