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饲料中黄曲霉毒素不仅关系到畜禽动物的安全和生产效率,更直接影响人们的身体健康和生命安全。本文综述了黄曲霉毒素对畜禽的危害及其机制,提出防制饲料黄曲霉毒素中毒的对策措施。  相似文献   

黄曲霉毒素是由黄曲霉和寄生曲霉产生的一类最常见的具有高毒性、诱变性和致癌性的霉菌毒素,对畜禽多系统多器官有损伤作用,对肝脏的毒害作用尤甚,导致畜禽免疫力低下、生长缓慢,使畜牧生产造成巨大影响。本文着重总结了黄曲霉毒素对畜禽肝毒的作用机制,同时也总结了抗黄曲霉毒素的方法,为实际畜牧生产提供参考。  相似文献   

近年来畜禽因食用含有大量黄曲霉毒素的饲料而引起中毒的事件时有发生,并有上升趋势。因此,特将畜禽黄曲霉毒素B1中毒症状、饲料中黄曲霉毒素的危害及控制方法作一简介,以帮助大家认识了解黄曲霉毒素。畜禽黄曲霉毒素中毒病主要是由发霉饲料引起的畜禽常见病之一。它是由于畜禽采食了被黄曲霉或寄生曲霉等污  相似文献   

黄曲霉毒素广泛存在于天然谷物中,给食品、饲料行业造成严重危害,严重威胁畜禽和人类健康.主要介绍黄曲霉毒素的特点、理化性质、分布、作用机理、饲料及饲料原料中污染状况、限量标准及其危害,并从预防和脱除两个方面阐述控制饲料中黄曲霉毒素污染的措施,以期为保障饲料及畜牧产品质量安全提供参考.  相似文献   

饲料及其原料中不可避免地存在霉菌毒素污染现象,给畜禽养殖业及饲料工业带来不良影响。笔者对2013年上半年霉菌毒素检测结果进行分析,结果发现,饲料及原料总体上黄曲霉毒素污染较轻,玉米赤霉烯酮和呕吐毒素污染严重;玉米副产物霉菌毒素污染最严重;玉米和配合饲料主要霉菌毒素污染为玉米赤霉烯酮和呕吐毒素;小麦、麸皮主要污染物为呕吐毒素;饼粕类特别是花生粕中黄曲霉毒素污染较严重。  相似文献   

饲料中黄曲霉毒素的危害及脱毒方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄曲霉毒素是由黄曲霉菌产生的对人体和畜禽有毒的一类生物毒素,给畜牧养殖业造成了极大的损失。黄曲霉毒素对饲料的污染具有季节性和区域性,南方夏季高温高湿的气候极易发生饲料黄曲霉毒素污染。文章主要从黄曲霉毒素对畜禽的危害、黄曲霉毒素的检测方法及脱毒方法进行概述。  相似文献   

猪黄曲霉毒素中毒的救治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄曲霉毒素是由黄曲霉和寄生曲霉产生。黄曲霉和寄生曲霉广泛存在于自然界中,各种谷物及其副产品极易被污染,尤其是梅雨季节及温、湿度适宜时。如收割、脱粒、贮藏保管不当,霉菌极易繁殖,产生大量菌丝体,释放出各种黄曲霉毒素。该毒素稳定,一旦产生则不易消除,并随饲料加工过程混入长期存在,畜禽采食后不易被胃酸和消化酶破坏,不易被肝脏分解,从而在体内不断蓄积,并产生毒性作用。  相似文献   

黄曲霉毒素是黄曲霉菌的代谢产物,具有致癌作用,可导致畜禽和人类肝损害和肝癌.对人畜危害极大。由于黄曲霉菌最适宜的繁殖温度为24~30℃.相对湿度为80%以上,秋季因多雨最易感染黄曲霉菌的玉米、豆类、花生饼等畜禽主要饲料极易发生霉败。这些霉败饲料饲喂畜禽后,可导致畜禽黄曲霉毒素中毒,且奶牛食入黄曲霉毒素后,可由奶中分泌黄曲霉毒素,危害人体健康。现将畜禽黄曲霉毒素中毒的发病状况及防治措施介绍如下。  相似文献   

黄曲霉毒素是黄曲霉菌的代谢产物,具有致癌作用,可导致畜禽和人类肝损害和肝癌,对人畜危害极大.由于黄曲霉菌最适宜的繁殖温度为24~30℃,相对湿度为80%以上,秋季因多雨最易感染黄曲霉菌的玉米、豆类、花生饼等畜禽主要饲料极易发生霉败.这些霉败饲料饲喂畜禽后,可导致畜禽黄曲霉毒素中毒,且奶牛食入黄曲霉毒素后,可由奶中分泌黄曲霉毒素,危害人体健康.现将畜禽黄曲霉毒素中毒的发病状况及防治措施介绍如下:  相似文献   

饲料中的黄曲霉毒素是影响饲料品质的一个重要指标。黄曲霉毒素是本世纪60年代初发现的一种真菌的有毒代谢产物,主要是由曲霉菌属中的黄曲霉和寄生曲霉产生。黄曲霉毒素是二呋喃香豆的衍生物,基本结构为二呋喃氧杂奈邻酮。黄曲霉毒素是一种高度致癌性物质,它不但危害畜禽的生长、健康和生育,而且还可以通过动物性食品进入人体内,影响人的健康。当饲料中黄曲霉毒素含量大于1ppm时,可使所喂的畜禽中毒死亡,黄曲霉毒素中毒以猪和鸡多见,其次是鸭和牛。在饲料安全相当重视的今天,有必要就饲料中黄曲霉毒素的产生原因及其综合防治问…  相似文献   

霉菌毒素是由多种真菌产生的次级代谢产物,广泛存在于食品和饲料中。霉菌毒素污染的粮食和饲料会给畜牧业生产和畜产品质量安全带来极大隐患。研究霉菌毒素致毒机理,为今后研究其对动物及人的影响开展更深入更全面的研究提供理论依据。细胞模型作为一种常用的体外试验方法广泛用于毒理学研究中。本文简述了黄曲霉毒素B_1(AFB_1)、赭曲霉毒素A(OTA)、脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇(DON)、玉米赤霉烯酮(ZEA)和展青霉素(PAT)的一般特性,并综述了利用细胞模型进行AFB_1、OTA、DON、ZEA和PAT毒性、联合毒性及致毒机理研究的进展。  相似文献   

Mycotoxin interactions in poultry and swine   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mycotoxins are toxic compounds produced by fungi. When one mycotoxin is detected, one should suspect that others also are present in a contaminated feed ingredient or finished feeds. The toxicity and clinical signs of observed in animals when more than one mycotoxin is present in feed are complex and diverse. Some mycotoxins, such as the combination of aflatoxin with either ochratoxin A or T-2 toxin, interact to produce synergistic toxicity in broiler chicks. The effects observed during multiple mycotoxin exposure can differ greatly from the effects observed in animals exposed to a single mycotoxin. For example, fatty livers in poultry are used for presumptive diagnostic identification of aflatoxicosis. However, simultaneous presence of ochratoxin A prevents fatty livers. Of the mycotoxin combinations that have been investigated in poultry and swine, the aflatoxin + ochratoxin A and aflatoxin + T-2 toxin interactions appear to be the most toxic.  相似文献   

Aflatoxins, a family of closely related, biologically active mycotoxins, have been known as a prominent cause of animal disease for 30 yr. The toxins occur naturally on several key animal feeds, including corn, cottonseed, and peanuts. Occurrence of aflatoxin on some field crops tends to spike in years when drought and insect damage facilitate invasion by the causative organisms, Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus, which abound in the crop's environment. Acute aflatoxicosis causes a distinct overt clinical disease marked by hepatitis, icterus, hemorrhage, and death. More chronic aflatoxin poisoning produces very protean signs that may not be clinically obvious; reduced rate of gain in young animals is a sensitive clinical register of chronic aflatoxicosis. The immune system is also sensitive to aflatoxin, and suppression of cell-mediated immune responsiveness, reduced phagocytosis, and depressed complement and interferon production are produced. Acquired immunity from vaccination programs may be substantially suppressed in some disease models. In such cases the signs of disease observed are those of the infectious process rather than those of the aflatoxin that predisposed the animal to infection. Mixtures of aflatoxin with other mycotoxins can result in greatly augmented biological responses in terms of rate of gain, lethality, and immune reactivity. Because of its great biological activity, its wide-spread potential presence in areas where critical feed crops are grown, and its propensity to spike in problem years, aflatoxin promises to be a continuing problem in animal production.  相似文献   

霉菌毒素属于霉菌次级代谢产物,具有种类多、分布广、毒性大的特点.霉菌毒素作为畜牧业中的"隐形杀手",不仅严重降低了饲料品质,而且常存在于饲料原料中,影响动物机体健康,直接或间接造成食品安全问题.肠道作为消化吸收的主要场所,对霉菌毒素的刺激具有强烈的抵御和免疫作用,同时也深受霉菌毒素的损伤.玉米是主要的饲料原料之一,而黄...  相似文献   

实验旨在监测实验动物饲料中化学污染物的含量。按照国标对鼠饲料、豚鼠饲料、家兔饲料和犬饲料中砷、铅、镉、汞、六六六、滴滴涕、黄曲霉毒素B1等化学污染物含量连续3年进行监测。结果表明:4种实验动物饲料一些重金属含量超国标,而六六六、滴滴涕和黄曲霉毒素B1含量均未超国标,3年中4种实验动物化学污染物超标发生率分别为14.29%、19.05%、19.05%和9.52%;4种重金属超标发生率镉=汞>砷>铅;豚鼠饲料和家兔饲料最易受重金属污染,然后依次为鼠饲料、犬饲料;不同年份,实验动物饲料化学污染物超标情况不一致。结果提示,实验动物饲料中重金属含量易超国标。  相似文献   

Aflatoxin B1 was detected in 23 of 55 Australian feedstuffs known to be either water damaged or visibly mouldy. The highest contamination was 0.7 mg/kg of feed and the mean concentration 0.14 mg/kg. Of 36 feedstuffs purchased from local manufacturers, only a peanut meal contained aflatoxin B1 (0.5 mg/kg).
Eleven feedstuffs were associated with field outbreaks of animal disease and 7 of these contained aflatoxin. However, the level of aflatoxin contamination was insufficient to account for the described disease symptoms.  相似文献   

黄曲霉毒素生物降解的研究及前景展望   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
黄曲霉毒素的强毒性和强致癌性严重威胁动物的生产性能和人类健康,每年给食品工业、饲料工业和畜牧业带来巨大的经济损失.由于物理和化学方法去除黄曲霉毒素存在种种应用缺陷,目前生物降解黄曲霉毒素成为安全、高效且环保的解毒方法而备受关注.本文就国内外黄曲霉毒素生物降解的研究作一综述,同时对生物降解应用前景进行展望.  相似文献   

Aflatoxin B1 in poultry: Toxicology, metabolism and prevention   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aflatoxins (AF) are ubiquitous in corn-based animal feed and causes hepatotoxic and hepatocarcinogenic effects. The most important AF in terms of toxic potency and occurrence is aflatoxin B1 (AFB1). Poultry, especially turkeys, are extremely sensitive to the toxic and carcinogenic action of AFB1, resulting in millions of dollars in annual losses to producers due to reduced growth rate, increased susceptibility to disease, reduced egg production and other adverse effects. The extreme sensitivity of turkeys and other poultry to AFB1 is associated with efficient hepatic cytochrome P450-mediated bioactivation and deficient detoxification by glutathione S-transferases (GST). Discerning the biochemical and molecular mechanisms of this extreme sensitivity of poultry to AFB1, will contribute in the development of novel strategies to increase aflatoxin resistance. Since AFB1 is an unavoidable contaminant of corn-based poultry feed, chemoprevention strategies aimed at reducing AFB1 toxicity in poultry and in other animals have been the subject of numerous studies. This brief review summarizes many of the key recent findings regarding the action of aflatoxins in poultry.  相似文献   

Twelve pigs were subjected to model trials to study the effect of an aflatoxin-contaminated pig-fattening diet, administered for 26 days. Aflatoxin B1 constituted 55% of the aflatoxins tested. The aflatoxin concentrations used in the trials were 30 and 300 micrograms per 1 kg of feed. No clinical effect of aflatoxin was observed in the pigs. Aflatoxins were found to have adverse effects on proteosynthesis. A decrease in the weight gains of the pigs was accompanied by a decrease in the total plasma protein and, in the group with the higher aflatoxin dose (300 micrograms per 1 kg of feed), also by an increase in the total bilirubin concentration in the blood serum. Perilobular steatosis, dissociation of the liver trabeculae, and more pronounced activation of the reticuloendothelial system were demonstrated by the histological examination of liver tissue. An increase in the content of hydroxyproline was recorded in the muscle of the experimental pigs. It is documented by the results that the aflatoxin dose of 30 micrograms per 1 kg of feed (the recommended maximum admissible concentration for the Czech Socialist Republic) is high enough to reduce the performance of pigs and the biological value of their meat.  相似文献   

近年来由于国内外乳品安全问题层出不穷,作为乳品中广泛存在的一类剧毒物——黄曲霉毒素越发地引起了人们的关注。黄曲霉毒素具有强烈的致癌性、致畸性及诱变性,已被证实可对人和动物的健康造成极大伤害,牛乳中以其代谢产物黄曲霉毒素M1最为常见。本文阐述了牛乳中黄曲霉毒素M1的来源与危害,并重点介绍了对其检测方法的研究进展。  相似文献   

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