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中药诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡机制研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中药及其生物活性成分具有毒副作用小、无残留、药理作用独特等特点,在抗肿瘤研究方面,已经成为抗肿瘤药物或其辅助药物,目前研究的热点是中药治疗肿瘤作用机制的研究。论文从单味中药及其有效成分、中药复方诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡机制等方面对中药诱导细胞凋亡在肿瘤的发生、发展和转归中所起的作用进行了综述。中药可以诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡,其可能的作用机制是通过调控原癌基因和抑癌基因的表达、影响细胞凋亡通路的信号传导及阻滞肿瘤细胞增殖周期等抑制肿瘤细胞的永生化。  相似文献   

在肿瘤的发生与发展中,机体的免疫系统是决定性因素之一。机体的免疫监视功能及时发现消除恶变细胞,制止肿瘤的发生、发展。一旦这一功能出现障碍,就为肿瘤的发生、发展提供了条件。蜂毒治疗是一种生物免疫疗法当前,手术和放化疗仍是治疗恶性肿瘤的常规手段。手术能直接、迅速切除肿瘤,放化疗可以防止术后肿瘤的复发和转移。但手术,尤其是放化疗的副作用非常大,在杀伤肿瘤细  相似文献   

国内尚无用于牛病毒性腹泻病毒(BVDV)的特异性治疗药物,研制抗BVDV的治疗药物已成为当下兽医科研工作者的研究重点之一。研究证实,中药单体或复方可通过降低BVDV所致的细胞病变、抑制细胞内病毒增殖和调节机体细胞免疫等途径实现抗病毒作用,但缺乏关于中药抗病毒的作用靶点及分子作用机制的深入研究。综述单味中药及中药复方抗BVDV的研究概况,以期为创新研制高效的抗BVDV药物提供参考。  相似文献   

由嗜水气单胞菌和迟钝爱德华氏菌引起的青蛙肝炎和腹水病,呈爆发性,是一种恶性传染病,对养殖户危害极大。为了探探讨其防治的合适药物和方法,本文对相关病原菌进行了系列药敏试验,筛选了对该病的病原有效治疗的药物,并组成中西药复方制剂"复方龙胆散",进行了临床试验和有关防治方法研究。结果表明:抗菌药物阿米卡星、头孢曲松钠、氯霉素、诺氟沙星和"复方龙胆散"对嗜水气单胞菌呈高度敏感(+++),阿米卡星、头孢曲松钠、诺氟沙星和"复方龙胆散"对迟钝爱德华氏菌呈高度敏感(+++),均可用于防治蛙的肝炎和腹水症,但由于阿米卡星、头孢曲松钠、氯霉素在水产动物中禁用",复方龙胆散"既有高敏的抗菌活性,而又能保肝、护肝,利于后期的恢复治疗。经临床试验,疗效确实。故可推荐中西药复方制剂"复方龙胆散"做为最佳选择药物。  相似文献   

驼乳营养丰富并含有多种生物活性因子和药用成分,具有一定的食疗保健和辅助治疗作用。本文概述了我国少数民族医学对驼乳食疗作用的认知和应用,简要介绍了现代科学在驼乳调节免疫、抗茵抑菌以及辅助治疗消化道疾病、糖尿病、肾病、肿瘤等方面所进行的实验研究。  相似文献   

治疗性疫苗的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
疫苗按其功能不同可以分为预防性疫苗和治疗性疫苗两种。以往各国学者主要研究预防性疫苗,但它对已发病的个体无效;目前主要研究可以打破机体免疫耐受、调节机体免疫系统功能、增强机体特异性免疫反应从而起到积极治疗作用的疫苗,即治疗性疫苗,这种疫苗对于一些目前尚无有效治疗药物的传染性疾病及肿瘤等起到了一定治疗作用。文章简单介绍了治疗性疫苗的由来、发展基础、特点及作用机制。  相似文献   

肿瘤严重威胁着人类健康,近年来癌症患者不断增多且死亡率逐年上升。中药以其安全性高、价格低、毒副作用小等优点成为抗肿瘤的首选药物。研究证实,肿瘤细胞与端粒酶之间存在相互激发的关系,肿瘤细胞缺乏端粒酶调节机制,一旦端粒酶活性被激活,肿瘤细胞将会有无限增殖的能力。因此,抑制肿瘤细胞端粒酶活性可作为治疗肿瘤的方法之一。文章将从中药的几种有效成分及复方中药对肿瘤细胞端粒酶活性的抑制作用作一综述,探讨中药抑制肿瘤细胞端粒酶活性的研究进展及其应用前景。  相似文献   

本研究依据对黑龙江省部分牧场奶牛乳房炎致病菌分离鉴定以及药敏试验结果,选取盐酸吡利霉素、头孢噻呋钠和复方阿莫西林为试验药物,对患有隐性乳房炎的奶牛进行治疗并对乳品质进行跟踪监测。结果表明盐酸吡利霉素对隐性乳房炎的治愈率最高,对临床型乳房炎的治疗效果略差于复方阿莫西林,盐酸吡利雷素与复方阿莫西林对两种类型乳房炎治疗的总有效率相当,但盐酸吡利霉素对乳品质(尤其是降低体细胞数方面)的改善作用显著好于复方阿莫西林治疗组。  相似文献   

为进一步挖掘磺胺氯吡嗪钠的抗弓形虫疗效,本研究以磺胺嘧啶钠作为对照,观察磺胺氯吡嗪钠(sulfachloropyrazine sodium,SPZ)、黄芩苷、乳酸TMP、乙胺嘧啶和甘草单独使用时的体内外抗弓形虫效果,然后以SPZ-甘草-黄芩苷3种药物的复方制剂作为复方对照组,用叶酸合成双抑制的SPZ-乳酸TMP/乙胺嘧啶复方制剂对人工感染弓形虫RH株的KM小鼠进行体内治疗试验。体外试验表明,这6种药物均可较好地抑制弓形虫增殖;小鼠体内试验表明,单独使用SPZ(250 mg/kg、200 mg/kg)可保护部分小鼠存活(存活率分别为50%和25%),其他5种药物可不同程度地延长小鼠存活时间,但均不能避免小鼠死亡。在复方给药组(SPZ浓度为200 mg/kg),使用SPZ-乳酸TMP/乙胺嘧啶无明显的协同作用,使用SPZ-甘草-黄芩苷时疗效得到明显提高(小鼠存活率达到40%)。结果启示SPZ特别的治疗效果除了与其具有的通过干扰虫体叶酸代谢来抑制虫体繁殖的作用有关外,可能还与其他机制(如药物作用影响弓形虫调节宿主的免疫功能)有关。  相似文献   

仔猪下痢采用土霉素、痢特灵、痢菌净、磺胺脒、庆大霉素等药物治疗有一定作用,但由于这些药物都存在着副作用,长期使用也会产生耐药性。因此笔者应用复方氟哌酸混悬液(又称止痢Ⅱ号)对仔猪进行了预防和治疗试验,效果显著,试验方法如下: 一、材料与方法 (1)药物来源:复方氟哌酸(止痢Ⅱ号)由浙江农业大学牧医系试制,该药物是当前的一种新型抗生素,具  相似文献   

抗生素的药物残留和抗药性问题,正逐渐引起人民的关注,而中草药毒副作用较小,残留少,并且许多中草药还具有很好的免疫调节作用,因此被研究学者广泛关注。灌注剂,给药方式独特,局部用药起效更快,减少全身毒副作用,且对药物浪费比较少。芩红乳房灌注液主要用于治疗奶牛乳房炎,具有化瘀止痛、消肿通乳的功效。本研究通过正交试验,选择较适宜的溶媒、加水量、提取温度、提取时间、提取次数等,确定芩红乳房灌注液的最佳提取工艺,为芩红乳房灌注液的生产和临床应用奠定基础。  相似文献   

免疫,即免除疾病,中兽医和西兽医均有相同的基本意义。然而,如何防治疾病的论述,却不相同,各家均有各自不同的优缺点。中兽医学中的"正气"就是机体抵抗疾病的能力,也就是适应新环境和维持内外环境稳定的能力。"邪气"就是"病源",也就是引起各种疾病的原因。许多常用的免疫调节剂常有副作用,而且不能去除疾病之本。许多中草药具有免疫促进、免疫抑制以及免疫调正作用。中草药可以单独使用,或在西药将产生副作用时与西药结合使用,可改善治疗效果。中西结合防治疾病以及生产保健食品和饲料,乃是保证人类和动物健康的最佳途径。  相似文献   

Feline vaccine associated fibrosarcomas are the second most common skin tumor in cats. Methods of treatment are: surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Nevertheless, the usage of cytostatics in feline vaccine associated sarcoma therapy is limited due to their adverse side effects, high toxicity and low biodistribution after i.v. injection. Therefore, much research on new therapeutic drugs is being conducted. In human medicine, the chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) model is used as a cheap and easy to perform assay to assess new drug effectiveness in cancer treatment. Various human cell lines have different tumors growth on CAM. In veterinary medicine such model has not been described yet. In the present article derivation of feline vaccine associated fibrosarcoma cell line and its growth on CAM is described. The cell line and the tumor grown were confirmed by histopathological and immunohistochemical examination. As far as we believe, this is the first attempt to create such model, which may be used for further in vivo studies in veterinary oncology.  相似文献   

Lactoferrin (LF) is a ubiquitous protein which exists in milk, plasma, synovial fluids, cerebrospinal fluid and other biological fluids. LF is also well known as a natural immunomodulator. Recently, we found that bovine milk-derived LF (BLF) produced micro-opioid receptor-mediated analgesia. In this study, we examined whether oral administration of BLF causes anti-nociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects, and also whether it modulates LPS-induced TNF-alpha and IL-10 production in rat model of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), rat adjuvant arthritis. BLF was administrated once daily, starting 3 hr before (preventive experiment) or 19 days after (therapeutic experiment) adjuvant injection. In both experiments, BLF suppressed the development of arthritis and the hyperalgesia in the adjuvant-injected paw. The single-administered BLF produced a dose-dependent analgesia, which was reversed by naloxone, in the adjuvant arthritis rats. Both repeated and single administration of BLF suppressed TNF-alpha production and increased IL-10 production in the LPS-stimulated adjuvant arthritis rats. These results suggest that orally administered BLF has both preventive and therapeutic effects on the development of adjuvant-induced inflammation and pain. Moreover, the immunomodulatory properties of BLF, such as down-regulation of TNF-alpha and up-regulation of IL-10, could be beneficial in the treatment of RA. Thus, we concluded that LF can be safely used as a natural drug for RA patients suffering from joint pain.  相似文献   

Sixteen cases of malignant soft tissue sarcoma (STS; 10 canines and six felines) were treated with a novel triple therapy that combined photodynamic therapy, hyperthermia using indocyanine green with a broadband light source, and local chemotherapy after surgical tumor resection. This triple therapy was called photodynamic hyperthermal chemotherapy (PHCT). In all cases, the surgical margin was insufficient. In one feline case, PHCT was performed without surgical resection. PHCT was performed over an interval of 1 to 2 weeks and was repeated three to 21 times. No severe side effects, including severe skin burns, necrosis, or skin suture rupture, were observed in any of the animals. No disease recurrence was observed in seven out of 10 (70.0%) dogs and three out of six (50.0%) cats over the follow-up periods ranging from 238 to 1901 days. These results suggest that PHCT decreases the risk of STS recurrence. PHCT should therefore be considered an adjuvant therapy for treating companion animals with STS in veterinary medicine.  相似文献   

黄芪是一味药食两用、补中益气的中国传统中药,黄芪多糖是其最重要的天然活性成分,具有无耐药性、抗菌、抗病毒、提高机体免疫力及抗氧化功能,改善肠道微生态等作用,其中以免疫调节作用最为突出。大量研究证明,黄芪多糖在体内外均具有显著的免疫调节作用。作者归纳了黄芪多糖对免疫相关基因的调控,在器官免疫、细胞免疫、细胞因子和胞内信使物质、心血管系统免疫、抗菌免疫、抗病毒免疫等方面的作用,以及其作为免疫佐剂在猪瘟(CSF)、猪圆环病毒病(PCVD)、猪口蹄疫(FMD)、猪繁殖与呼吸综合征(PRRS)、猪支原体肺炎(MPS)等仔猪疾病应用的最新研究进展,发现黄芪多糖主要作为免疫佐剂及动物饲料添加剂使用,应用范围狭窄,缺乏深度的研究开发。今后应加强对分离、纯化后的均一组分低分子质量黄芪多糖及其结构特点,以及其与免疫调节作用间构效关系的研究以提高黄芪多糖疗效,推广其临床应用。  相似文献   

Two commercially available adjuvants, Gerbu LQ 3000 and Montanide ISA 50V, were assessed as potential replacements for Freund's adjuvant by evaluating their efficacy in the production of polyclonal antibodies to veterinary drugs in rabbits. The aim was to find an adjuvant that could produce a similar (or enhanced) immune response in the host animal without the undesirable side effects associated with Freund's complete and incomplete adjuvant. The assessment involved the examination of each injection site and the characterisation of the resultant antibodies with regards to antibody titre and sensitivity. It was found that the rabbits immunised with Gerbu adjuvant produced some of the most sensitive antibodies. However, titres were relatively low and adverse effects at injection sites were relatively common. Montanide adjuvant produced no adverse effects and the related antibodies were found to be of adequate sensitivity when compared to those from rabbits immunised with Freund's. It was concluded that Montanide ISA 50V could be considered as a suitable replacement to Freund's for the production of polyclonal antibodies, to low molecular weight compounds in rabbits.  相似文献   

佐剂作为疫苗的重要组成部分,其自身的安全性及对疫苗的免疫增强效果受到广泛重视。动物疫苗佐剂种类较多,包括铝佐剂、油乳佐剂和脂质体佐剂等。但由于可应用的佐剂有限,疫苗的需求量增大,因此寻求更加安全有效的疫苗佐剂成为新的研究热潮。中药具有易获取、毒性低和免疫活性强等特点,有潜力成为新型疫苗佐剂。笔者对中药有效成分的佐剂活性、联合疫苗后的免疫调节效果及作用机制进行综述,阐明中药有效成分作为动物疫苗佐剂的可能性及研究进展,为新型佐剂的研制提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Objective – To review the use of IV lipid emulsion (ILE) for the treatment of toxicities related to fat‐soluble agents; evaluate current human and veterinary literature; and to provide proposed guidelines for the use of this emerging therapy in veterinary medicine and toxicology. Data Sources – Human and veterinary medical literature. Human Data Synthesis – Human data are composed mostly of case reports describing the response to treatment with ILE as variant from mild improvement to complete resolution of clinical signs, which is suspected to be due to the variability of lipid solubility of the drugs. The use of ILE therapy has been advocated as an antidote in cases of local anesthetic and other lipophilic drug toxicoses, particularly in the face of cardiopulmonary arrest and unsuccessful cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation. Veterinary Data Synthesis – The use of ILE therapy in veterinary medicine has recently been advocated by animal poison control centers for toxicoses associated with fat‐soluble agents, but there are only few clinical reports documenting successful use of this therapy. Evidence for the use of ILE in both human and veterinary medicine is composed primarily from experimental animal data. Conclusions – The use of ILE appears to be a safe therapy for the poisoned animal patient, but is warranted only with certain toxicoses. Adverse events associated with ILE in veterinary medicine are rare and anecdotal. Standard resuscitation protocols should be exhausted before considering this therapy and the potential side effects should be evaluated before administration of ILE as a potential antidote in cases of lipophilic drug toxicoses. Further research is waranted.  相似文献   

Often overlooked in the presence of neoplasia, PNDs constitute significant clinical entities in dogs with hematopoietic tumors. They may cause morbidity and mortality in such patients, with effects more severe than those caused by the associated tumor. Accurate clinical evaluation of these disorders is important in differential diagnosis and treatment, for failure to realize that cancer can produce many clinical signs similar to those of other diseases may lead to incorrect diagnosis and delayed therapy. Early recognition of the problem underlying the PND is essential to selecting the proper therapeutic approach and maximizing the patient's chances for remission and survival. The presence of these disorders may complicate or rule out the preferred therapy in some cases of hematopoietic neoplasia, because the addition of cytotoxic drugs may worsen the existing PND, predisposing the dog to a variety of complications. Appropriate management of the PND may be of more immediate importance than treatment of the tumor. The study and recognition of PNDs in dogs with hematopoietic tumors may be valuable for a number of reasons: to facilitate early diagnosis of the tumor, for the observed abnormalities may represent tumor cell markers; to allow assessment of premalignant states; to aid in the search for metastases; to help quantify and monitor response to therapy; to aid in the evaluation of tumor recurrence or progression; to aid in identifying specific pathophysiologic processes by which cancer produces systemic effects; and to provide insight into the study of malignant transformation. Recognition of PNDs is relevant to the diagnosis and treatment of many problems in veterinary cancer medicine. With increasing emphasis on diagnosis and treatment of canine hematopoietic tumors, PNDs will be recognized with greater frequency and will assume greater importance in the therapeutic management of those patients. Research in veterinary and human cancer medicine needs to be directed toward identifying more definitively those substances and pathways that are responsible for PNDs, because therapy directed toward arresting the specific pathophysiologic processes causing the PND may offer the best approach for successful management of cancer.  相似文献   

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