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Fengshui, one of the important factors in the layout of Chinese traditional buildings, runs through activities related to traditional Chinese architecture. In order to better interpret and reflect the relationship between traditional buildings and the surrounding natural environment, Fengshui theory is moderately applied when it comes to an environmental improvement project, so as to make the whole design more unified and the sub-design more sound. Therefore, buildings are more coordinated with the overall environment, and the essence of "culture of harmoniousness" of Chinese traditional architecture is reflected.  相似文献   

王平镇是北京市门头沟区的一个山区小镇。在分析王平镇旅游业发展基础、优势条件及存在主要问题的基础上,提出了未来王平镇的生态旅游业的发展思路与布局,王平镇旅游业的发展,要牢牢树立主导产业的发展思想;与特色林果业紧密结合;重点发展怀旧追古游和山川美景观光游,形成3个旅游集散地和4条旅游路线,最后指出了王平镇都市型生态旅游业发展的重点建设项目,主要包括开发历史遗迹与人文传说景点、生态农业园区建设和自然景观游的开发。  相似文献   

京郊园林绿化废弃物数量测量与地区分布研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了加快北京市园林绿化废弃物资源化利用与布局,减少环境污染,实现资源的循环利用,在鹫峰实验林场国家森林公园、西山林场卧佛寺分场、延庆四海镇西沟里村、大兴林场,对北京市14种主要树种进行实地试验,估计乔木、灌木等生物量模型,进而测算北京市郊区园林绿化废弃物的数量。结果表明,北京市郊区园林绿化废弃物总量为406.395×104 t,主要分布在密云县、怀柔区、房山区、延庆县;按树种计算,乔木产生的园林绿化废弃物最多,经济林次之,疏林地和苗圃产生的废弃物较少;乔木产生园林绿化废弃物主要分布在延庆、大兴、怀柔,四旁树分布在顺义和房山,经济林则主要分布在密云县;影响园林绿化废弃物数量的主要因素有城市园林抚育修剪规则、林区抚育规则和采伐任务、自然灾害等。园林绿化废弃物数量的科学测量为后期布局消纳点提供了理论量,是进行园林绿化废弃物利用的起点。  相似文献   

The analysis of the service range and optimized layout of urban parkland through scientific methods is conducive to urban ecological environment, urban fabric and stable order to provide accessible recreational places for residents. This paper took Jianghan District in Wuhan for example, based on the GIS network analysis and vector databases of road network, park and population, to obtain the irregular service range of different types of park and bearing capacity. The results showed that the service range of daily recreation within 20 min accounted for 75.5% of the total area, and the bearing capacity of Lingjiaohu Park, Wangjiadun Park, and Longwangmiao Park was low. It was thus concluded that there were visible blind areas and invisible blind areas in Jianghan District. Therefore, specific optimized layout of parkland was implemented in different blind areas to effectively combine park green space and residents' recreational activities, so as to achieve reasonable layout of urban parkland.  相似文献   

北京山区林下经济发展研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
林下经济是现代农业新的经济增长点。近年北京山区林下经济取得了长足的发展,形成了一批具有代表性的林下经济发展模式,有效促进了林农就业和增收致富。然而,作为一种新兴的产业形态,山区林下经济发展总体上仍处于初级阶段,存在着一些不可忽视的问题。本文在阐释北京林下经济发展基本现状的基础上,深入分析北京山区林下经济发展优劣势,并从改革服务机构、完善经营体制、延伸产业链条等角度提出了有针对性的对策建议。  相似文献   

上海沿海防护林树种适宜性评价及生态效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨沿海防护林树种适宜性以及沿海防护林的生态效应,选择上海海湾森林公园和金山化学工业区防护林为研究对象,通过建立AHP模型评价指标体系,对防护林树种的适宜性进行评价;同时,对采集的土壤样品进行测定,以此分析防护林的改土效果和生态效应。结果表明,营建沿海防护林能较好地促进土壤脱盐,提高土壤有机质含量,改善土壤结构;防护林还有助于增加空气负离子数量,调节大气温湿度,生态效应比较显著。  相似文献   

北京沟域经济发展中特色民俗村的规划设计   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在北京山区沟域经济发展的过程中,特色民俗村建设是整个产业链条中的重点之一,随着沟域经济的进一步发展和消费者需求的不断变化,北京山区部分民俗村已不能适应当前的发展形势,应重新规划设计和升级改造。笔者根据北京山区民俗村建设的问题和发展趋势,提出北京山区特色民俗村规划设计要点,分析了北京市怀柔区“夜渤海”沟域3个村庄节点的升级改造规划案例。笔者认为在民俗村建设中应丰富投资主体、加强基础设施建设,重视景观设计、整体规划与包装,融入文化元素、突出区域特色,更新经营理念、提高经营水平;应通过民俗村整体形象设计、个性化农家院形象设计、民俗旅游产品的开发与设计提升民俗村的档次和水平。  相似文献   

循环农业是实现生态的良性循环与农村建设和谐发展的必由之路。北京山区的可持续发展离不开生态经济的背景与取向,在山区探索循环农业的发展对于促进农业资源的持续利用具有重要的意义。北京山区已经在发展循环农业方面具备了一定的实践经验,笔者通过总结山区循环农业发展模式和对发展实践的实证分析,提出应把加强舆论宣传,发挥山区资源优势,建立管理体制和运行机制三方面作为促进北京循环农业发展的关键环节。  相似文献   

Wa terfront park is an important composition of current urban ecological tourism in China,which sufficiently reveals the economic development situation of the city and the leisure culture life of the masses,and embodies rich regional cultural characteristics.Taking Xianghu Lake Park of Nanchang City as the example,design features of its water landscape and building are analyzed and explored.The design fol ows the principle of utilization function combining with artistry,pa ys attention to plane layout and spatial organization,and retains classical architectural style of the building.  相似文献   

上海公园绿地植物群落调查与群落景观优化调整研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对上海市公园绿地的植物群落进行调查,分析群落密度、冠幅、树种出现频率等对群落景观的影响,并按生态园林景观分类方法对部分典型植物群落进行分类探讨,列举了适合上海公园绿地生境的群落结构模式和植物群落优化调整的技术途径,以期更好地满足上海市公园绿化建设的需要,为城市生态园林建设提供参考。  相似文献   

摘要:产业结构的变动是国民经济发展的重要特征,投入产出模型是检验经济中各产业的相互联系,进而分析一个国家或地区的宏观经济运行情况的一种经济数量分析方法。面对全球金融危机,本文运用投入产出表对金融产业与其他产业结构进行关联分析是深刻揭示金融产业结构内在机理的重要方法。本文选用了中间投入率、影响力系数、感应力系数三个指标来分析在全球金融危机中,北京、上海金融业的发展问题。研究发现,金融危机对于中国经济产业的直接冲击不会太大,但是对北京、上海的冲击可能是相对严重的。当前需要注意截断房地产开发业金融业的强烈作用,同时维护农业的发展。关键词:金融危机,投入产出;中间投入率,中国;北京;上海  相似文献   

This paper,based on the ecological footprint component method,calculated the touristic ecological footprint of Jiufeng National Forest Park in Beijing.The results showed that in 2013,in Jiufeng National Forest Park,the total touristic ecological footprint was 183.08 hm2,the total ecological capacity was 225.16 hm2,the total touristic ecological surplus was 42.07 hm2,and the average touristic ecological surplus was 0.000 4 hm2 per capita,indicating that tourism in Jiufeng National Forest Park was in ecological surplus and ecological security.However,forest parks in Beijing at large were in ecological deficit.This paper suggested that the tourist flow volume of forest parks with a big ecological deficit should be moved to forest parks with an ecological surplus.Besides,forest parks are expected to strengthen the development and management,improve the availability of forest recreation resource,and promote the environmental protection awareness of tourists,so as to boost the sustainable development of forest park tourism.  相似文献   

基于山区产业发展的北京沟域经济模式研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
“沟域经济”是北京山区近年来出现的一种新型发展模式。笔者通过分析北京山区沟域经济发展的基础,探讨沟域经济的定义和特征,总结北京沟域经济发展的主要模式,最后针对北京山区沟域经济的制约因素,提出了进一步发展北京沟域经济的主要对策。  相似文献   

北京沟域经济背景下山区生态旅游市场开发研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,山区沟域经济已经成为北京农村发展的新模式,实现了经济发展和生态保护双赢。北京山区县依托山区自然风光、人文遗迹、民俗文化和生态农业等资源,形成了以生态旅游业为龙头产业的经济形态。作为都市型现代农业发展的一种新形式,沟域经济在北京山区具有广阔的发展前景。本文在分析北京沟域经济内涵和发展现状的基础上,从需求类型、需求动机、市场潜力等方面对北京山区生态旅游的市场需求进行了深入探讨,并从开发旅游产品、加大宣传力度、打开知名度等方面提出发展山区生态旅游的市场策略。  相似文献   

套袋对丰水梨果实品质影响的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选用14种不同类型果袋对丰水梨进行套袋比较试验,研究表明套袋后丰水梨果皮颜色、光洁度和果点数量、大小均有不同程度的改善,但套袋果的平均单果重和可食部分均降低。套袋后,丰水梨果实可溶性固形物和可溶性总糖含量显著降低,可滴定酸含量基本保持不变,但是还原性Vc含量和果实硬度显著增加。综合比较认为双层袋L2-3为丰水梨果实套袋的最佳选择。  相似文献   

为探究藜麦在北京浅山区的适应性及最佳播期,笔者以‘陇藜1号’为研究对象,开展从3月底至7月中旬共计8个播期的比较试验。结果表明:‘陇藜1号’在北京浅山区的最适播期为5月下旬,全生育期104天,株高153.6 cm,千粒重3.14 g,产量1781.25 kg/hm2,转色后可观赏18天,成熟时麦穗和茎秆都呈红色,全田景观效果好。与‘陇藜1号’生育日数相当的早熟型品种可于5月下旬在昌平延寿镇,乃至昌平、门头沟、密云、怀柔、平谷等海拔300 m左右、年平均气温与年平均积温与本试验点相近的浅山区示范种植。  相似文献   

By using the demonstration analyse method, five economy computation model on the relation on science and technology's devotion and economic increase are founded. In the model, Shanghai and Chongqing are considered as the representations of East China and West China respectively. For Shanghai and Chongqing, the dedicative rates of science and technology's devotion to economic increase are gained respectively and studied comparatively. According to this model, some quantitative gists are provided for the policy and layout on science and technology of West and East China.  相似文献   

中国地域广阔,不同地区在自然资源禀赋、经济发展水平和文化习俗等方面存在明显的差异,并因此导致了水产品消费水平和消费特征的区域性差异。利用2013年在北京、上海、西安3个城市的问卷调研数据,从区域角度出发,对不同地区城镇居民水产品消费水平以及包括购买倾向、消费种类、消费形态、消费场所、购买场所等消费特征存在的差异进行了比较分析,并以此为基础,有针对性地提出了提高不同地区居民水产品消费水平的对策。  相似文献   

Taking Beijing–Shanghai High-speed Railway(the section of Zhenjiangnan Station) for example,this paper applied UAV remote sensing data and GIS spatial analysis to analyze current land use types in this section,on this basis used landscape pattern indices that showed high correlation with land use changes for the quantitative analysis and evaluation of ecosystem structure in the study area and also landscape pattern after the construction of high-speed railway.The results showed that UAV images performed well in the evaluation of railway landscape ecological environment,landscape structure and features represented by the selected landscape pattern indices in this paper were applicable,and capable of ensuring scientific evaluation of ecological environmental impact;the overall landscape pattern of the Zhenjiangnan Station section(Beijing–Shanghai High-speed Railway) after completion was moderate,and local ecosystem was damaged,thus scientific and reasonable ecological planning was required to design and change landscape structure.  相似文献   

The Beijing economy has an unusual industrial configuration consisting of multiple industry parks in the biomedical industry with a cluster-like structure, specifically Yizhuang Park, Daxing Park, and ZLS (Zhongguancun Life Science) Park. If these industry parks can indeed be conceptualized as clusters, a number of questions arise regarding their collaborative or competitive relationships that can potentially be both beneficial and detrimental. We begin analyzing this case of three biomedical industry clusters by conceptualizing four ideal-type scenarios of co-located cluster configurations and identifying their within-cluster and between-cluster linkage patterns. Based on a relational research design, we develop a simple testing procedure that allows us to identify the specific empirical cluster configuration at hand. Based on a survey of labor market, government event, research, and production linkages of 164 firms in the three biomedical industry parks, we conduct statistical tests and conclude that Beijing represents a case of three collaborating clusters, with some elements of integration.  相似文献   

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