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为了确定细胞学检查在乳腺肿瘤诊断中具有诊断意义,试验采用细胞学检查和病理组织学检查相结合的方法对临床病例进行了研究。结果表明:细胞学检查结果与病理组织学检查结果相符。说明在犬乳腺肿瘤的诊断中,细胞学检查与病理组织学检查相符,对肿瘤的良恶性诊断具有一定价值,为临床诊断提供了一种新的辅助诊断方法。  相似文献   

对临床接诊的1例犬体表肿物进行诊断,采用临床检查、血液常规检查、血液生化检查、组织细胞学检查、影像学检查等方法进行诊断,结果为犬肥大细胞瘤,术后患犬痊愈.该病例可为犬肥大细胞瘤的临床诊断和治疗提供参考.  相似文献   

肥大细胞瘤是犬最常见的肿瘤之一,该病是由肥大细胞起源的恶性肿瘤,通常发生于皮肤、脾脏、肝脏和骨髓,给犬类带来了严重危害。2022年5月份某宠物主饲养的金毛巡回犬左侧肩胛部上方有一椭圆型肿瘤,经宠物医院将肿瘤手术切除后送本实验室进行病理组织学检查。结果发现,该肿瘤为典型的犬肥大细胞瘤,据组织学特征恶性程度定为Ⅲ级,现将该病例进行总结分析,以期为犬肥大细胞瘤的病理诊断提供参考。  相似文献   

文章报告一例患有肥大细胞瘤的雌性老龄犬的诊断、治疗过程。通过临床检查、血液生化检查、细胞学检查、影像学检查以及病理组织学检查对患犬的情况进行全面评估。采用手术治疗方法,包括肿瘤摘除和脾脏摘除。术后患犬愈合良好,无明显不良反应。结果提示,犬肥大细胞瘤的诊断和治疗需要综合多种方法,包括临床检查、实验室检查和手术治疗。早期诊断和综合治疗可改善患犬的预后,并降低复发率。同时,宠主应关注宠物的生活环境和生活习惯,以降低患病风险。  相似文献   

猫皮肤肥大细胞瘤是猫第二常见的皮肤肿瘤,常发于中老年猫,病例数约占猫科动物皮肤瘤的20%,目前在我国文献中鲜有报道。本文介绍了近期临床接诊的一例猫肥大细胞瘤病例。患猫体表肿物位于右耳根部,呈粟粒样突起,无游离性;血常规及血液生化检查结果显示,患猫单核细胞数目、百分比下降,中性粒细胞百分比上升,球蛋白含量上升;H.E.染色可见病变位于表皮下真皮层内,病变细胞为卵圆形,呈弥漫性浸润性生长,排列成条索状或巢团状,细胞核呈圆形,胞质较丰富。综合临床检查、血常规检查、血液生化检查以及病理组织细胞学检查结果,体表肿物被诊断为猫肥大细胞瘤。经手术切除后,对患猫进行消炎抗菌、抗组胺以及肿瘤靶向药物治疗,1月后复检,患猫痊愈。该病例可为猫肥大细胞瘤的临床诊断与治疗提供参考。  相似文献   

孙甲川 《畜牧兽医杂志》2022,(6):119-122+125
1只7岁雄性边境牧羊犬,就诊约一月前主人发现患犬啃噬左侧前脚掌,在左侧前脚趾发现有溃疡灶,皮肤出现红疹、瘙痒、斑块以及渗出物。其他脚趾未出现类似情况,触诊淋巴结未见肿大。通过临床检查、细胞学、组织病理学等方法对该病例进行诊断,确定该病例为皮肤型肥大细胞瘤,并根据诊断结果进行外科手术切除治疗,取得了明显的治疗效果。该研究结果既可为犬皮肤型肥大细胞瘤的确诊提供可靠的诊断方法,又可为临床病例提供可行的治疗方案。  相似文献   

犬肥大细胞瘤(Canine mast cell tumor, MCT)是起源于真皮组织肥大细胞的恶性肿瘤,最常见于躯干、四肢和头颈部。犬肥大细胞瘤的临床表现多样,其表面可能脱毛、溃疡、红斑、色素过度沉着。一例患犬通过临床症状检查、血常规、血液生化、C-反应蛋白(C-reactive protein, CRP)、X射线以及病理组织学观察,最终确诊为犬的多发性肥大细胞瘤。对该犬实施了肿瘤及周围健康组织切除手术,并建议术后进行化疗,为后续提高犬多发性肥大细胞瘤治疗和诊断水平提供参考。  相似文献   

肥大细胞瘤是犬最常见的皮肤肿瘤,因其恶性率和转移率都较高,在临床治疗中需要谨慎选择治疗方案以达到更好的治疗效果。从治疗效果、生存期、药物副反应等几个方面对采取不同治疗方法的48例皮肤肥大细胞瘤患犬进行分析,着重讨论了分子靶点药物治疗c-kit基因突变肥大细胞瘤患犬的治疗效果,以期为我国小动物临床犬肥大细胞瘤的治疗提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

为了解当前犬肿瘤疾病的临床诊断及治疗现状,本文记录了一例患病泰迪犬的临床症状、治疗过程及预后情况,并对患病犬进行临床综合诊断、实验室诊断、影像学检查和手术摘除疗法。通过对切除肿瘤进行病理组织学观察,进一步研判了肿瘤类型。经综合诊断,该泰迪犬患肥大细胞瘤(恶性肿瘤),已向乳腺周围和口腔局部扩散,目前正在使用长春新碱化疗药物维持,需定期复诊。  相似文献   

犬前列腺疾病是临床常见的公犬泌尿生殖道疾病,包括前列腺增生、鳞状化生、前列腺炎、前列腺脓肿、前列腺周围囊肿和前列腺癌。在常规的诊断方法中,细胞学检查简便易行、可靠性高、对动物损伤小,但临床应用常常被忽视。在不同的研究中,细胞学检查结果与组织学检查结果都具有很高的相关性。因此,本文的目的在于介绍犬前列腺疾病的细胞学检查方法。  相似文献   

A 10-year-old female Cavalier King Charles Spaniel presented with hematuria, pollakiuria and skin rash. Based on the histopathological and cytological examination of the skin and bladder mucosa, the dog was diagnosed with large granular lymphocytic (LGL) lymphoma of the bladder and skin. The dog responded well to the initial chemotherapy with nimustine for 3 months. Since recurrence of skin erosion and bladder wall thickening were observed, the dog was subsequently administered chemotherapy with other anticancer drugs, including chlorambucil, vincristine, doxorubicin, L-asparaginase, cytosine arabinoside, and cyclophosphamide. The dog survived for 11 months and died due to tumor-related disseminated intravascular coagulation. This is the first report of a canine case of LGL lymphoma in the skin and bladder.  相似文献   

An 8-month-old, crossbred dog, presented with a painful, swollen face. The problem was of 4 weeks duration and had not responded to antibiotics. A diagnosis of canine juvenile cellulitis was based on the clinical presentation and supportive cytological and histopathological changes. Attempts to identify canine distemper virus were not successful. Complete resolution occurred with glucocorticoid therapy. This is the first report of canine juvenile cellulitis in a dog of this age.  相似文献   

犬毛母质瘤是皮肤基底细胞发生的良性肿瘤,在临床上非常罕见,占皮肤活检病例的1%,其细胞学特征主要为基底细胞和影细胞。人医在毛母质瘤细针穿刺细胞学检查在临床上有较高的诊断率,但笔者收治的一例犬毛母质瘤,有大量黑素颗粒和淋巴细胞,容易和黑色素瘤、转移性淋巴瘤混淆,从细胞学检查很难确定为毛母质瘤,组织病理学检查确定为毛母质瘤。  相似文献   

The results of 382 cytological examinations in dogs and 118 in cats were retrospectively compared with the correlating histological results.The histological diagnosis represented the gold standard. The investigation comprised skin, lymph node and spleen samples. The aim was to estimate the diagnostic value and the limits of cytological examinations in relation to the type of the changes. The cases were grouped in six categories: Corresponding diagnoses were formulated in 201 cases. In lymph node samples, they were reached almost twice as frequently than in skin and spleen samples. Round cell neoplasias (mast cell tumours, canine cutaneous histiocytomas and malignant lymphomas) were most often subclassified. Cytological diagnoses lacking subclassification were reached in 98 cases. The lesions were cytologically less precisely characterized than histologically. Provisional cytological diagnosis or differential diagnosis were formulated in 112 cases. Most commonly, the distinction between neoplastic and non-neoplastic character of a lesion was not possible (especially in mesenchymal spindle-cell proliferations). In 53 cases, the cytological diagnosis could not be established. In 22 cases, the relevant lesion was diagnosed only histologically whereas the cytological picture revealed another, usually secondary tissue reaction. Cytologically incorrect diagnoses were formulated in 14 cases.  相似文献   

The results of the cytological and histological examination of 348 canine lesions, localised in various organs, were compared with respect to the tumourous or non-tumour nature of the lesions and the malignancy or benignancy of tumours. The retrieval rate was 92.5%. Regarding the distinction between tumourous and non-tumourous lesions, the cytological examination showed a diagnostic accuracy of 83.9%, a sensitivity of 95.6%, a specificity of 65.4% and a predictive value for the presence of tumour of 93.5%. The diagnostic accuracy of cytology concerning the differentiation in malignancy and benignancy of the neoplasms was 83.7%, with a sensitivity of 86.8%, a specificity of 79.4% and a predictive value for the presence of malignant tumour of 85.6%. These results confirm the value of non-exfoliative cytology as a diagnostic method, providing rapid and valuable information with regard to diagnosis and prognosis and, consequently, for therapeutic handling. An eventual histological diagnosis remains indicated, especially in case of soft-tissue and mammary lesions.  相似文献   


The results of the cytological and histological examination of 348 canine lesions, localised in various organs, were compared with respect to the tumourous or non‐tumour nature of the lesions and the malignancy or benignancy of tumours. The retrieval rate was 92.5%. Regarding the distinction between tumourous and non‐tumourous lesions, the cytological examination showed a diagnostic accuracy of 83.9%, a sensitivity of 95.6%, a specificity of 65.4% and a predictive value for the presence of tumour of 93.5%. The diagnostic accuracy of cytology concerning the differentiation in malignancy and benignancy of the neoplasms was 83.7%, with a sensitivity of 86.8%, a specificity of 79.4% and a predictive value for the presence of malignant tumour of 85.6%. These results confirm the value of non‐exfoliative cytology as a diagnostic method, providing rapid and valuable information with regard to diagnosis and prognosis and, consequently, for therapeutic handling. An eventual histological diagnosis remains indicated, especially in case of soft‐tissue and mammary lesions.  相似文献   

犬猫皮肤癣菌病是小动物临床一种常见的皮肤病,该病不仅影响犬猫的外观,且可导致犬猫的瘙痒,严重时可引起疼痛,并显著增加畜主感染皮肤癣菌的几率,严重危害着动物及人类的健康。由于犬猫皮肤癣菌病本身的鉴别难度大、治疗周期长、复发率高及相关地域和环境因素的影响,导致近年来该病普遍流行并给临床诊疗工作带来极大困难。临床上可根据病史调查、临床检查、病原分离鉴定、皮肤病理组织活检等对该病进行诊断,并通过局部用药结合全身治疗,科学合理选用抗真菌药物,加强饲养管理等措施综合防制犬猫皮肤癣菌病。  相似文献   

Canine and feline dermatomycosis is the common skin disease in small animal,which not only affects the appearance of the canine and feline, but also leads to itching or pain, and even increases the risk of dog and cat owners suffering from dermatomycosis. Dermatomycosis is harmful to health of animals and human beings. The dermatomycosis is difficult to identify, has long treatment cycle and high recurrence, and affected by regional or/and environmental factors, lead to its prevalent and brought great difficulties to the clinical diagnosis and treatment. Canine and feline dermatomycosis could be diagnosed according to illness history survey, clinical symptoms, isolation and identification of pathogens and histopathological examination. In order to curing canine and feline dermatomycosis effectively, systemic therapy combined with topical administration, scientific and rational use of antibiotics, and improvement of animal feeding management should be carried.  相似文献   

Malassezia species are commensal organisms of human and animal skin that occasionally act as opportunistic pathogens. The lipid-dependent species are associated with human skin disorders, whereas the non-lipid-dependent species (Malassezia pachydermatis) is considered as an opportunistic secondary pathogen affecting the canine skin surface and ear canal. This study evaluated the relationship between Malassezia yeasts, their population size, and the occurrence of skin lesions from healthy and skin-diseased dogs. The efficiency of cytological examination and fungal culture for Malassezia detection was also evaluated. From March 2002 to July 2003, 33 healthy dogs and 54 dogs with pruritic localized skin diseases were examined; skin swabs (1218) were collected from 7 anatomical sites for culture and cytological examination. Malassezia prevalence according to anatomical site and the agreement between cytological results and fungal cultures were statistically analyzed. Differences in mean colony forming unit counts between positive healthy and diseased dogs were evaluated using the Bonferroni test for post hoc pair-wise comparisons. In healthy dogs, Malassezia yeasts were most frequently isolated in the perianal and perioral areas. The frequency of isolation and population size of Malassezia species were higher in dogs with localized dermatitis, especially in affected areas, indicating a role for Malassezia in the occurrence of skin lesions. Malassezia pachydermatis was the species most commonly cultured from the skin and external ear canal of healthy and diseased dogs; isolation of lipid-dependent yeasts from healthy dogs was less frequent. Using fungal culture as the gold standard, cytological examination showed good relative specificity (95%) but very low relative sensitivity (30%).  相似文献   

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