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绵羊肠道寄生虫感染情况调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了解河南省绵羊肠道寄生虫感染情况,应用寄生虫常规检测方法对5个规模化养羊场共1265份粪样进行了寄生虫感染情况调查。结果显示,共检出虫卵和卵囊5类,其中原虫2类(球虫、隐孢子虫)、线虫2类(类圆线虫、鞭虫)、绦虫1类。本次调查中共发现1178份粪便样品为寄生虫阳性,寄生虫总感染率为93.12%(1178/1265),5个绵羊场的隐孢子虫平均感染率为3.10%,球虫平均感染率为88.94%,鞭虫平均感染率为10.83%,类圆线虫平均感染率为59.11%,绦虫平均感染率为43.96%。本次调查发现绵羊寄生虫混合感染现象比较严重,其中球虫、绦虫和类圆线虫混合感染的比例达到60.10%;绵羊寄生虫感染率呈现随着年龄的增长而减少的趋势。  相似文献   

为了解河南省槐山羊肠道寄生虫的感染情况,应用寄生虫常规检测方法对周口市某规模化养羊场150份粪样进行寄生虫感染情况调查。结果共检出5类虫卵和卵囊,其中原虫2类(球虫、隐孢子虫)、线虫2类(类圆线虫、鞭虫)、绦虫1类。调查150份粪便样品全部为寄生虫阳性,寄生虫总感染率为100%,其中隐孢子虫感染率为5.33%,球虫的感染率为100%,鞭虫的感染率为10.67%,类圆线虫的感染率为57.33%,绦虫的感染率为44.67%。调查结果说明槐山羊肠道寄生虫混合感染现象较严重,寄生虫感染率呈随着年龄增长而降低的趋势。  相似文献   

为了解河南省槐山羊肠道寄生虫的感染情况,应用寄生虫常规检测方法对周口市某规模化养羊场150份粪样进行寄生虫感染情况调查。结果共检出5类虫卵和卵囊,其中原虫2类(球虫、隐孢子虫)、线虫2类(类圆线虫、鞭虫)、绦虫1类。调查150份粪便样品全部为寄生虫阳性,寄生虫总感染率为100%,其中隐孢子虫感染率为5.33%,球虫的感染率为100%,鞭虫的感染率为10.67%,类圆线虫的感染率为57.33%,绦虫的感染率为44.67%。调查结果说明槐山羊肠道寄生虫混合感染现象较严重,寄生虫感染率呈随着年龄增长而降低的趋势。  相似文献   

为了解安阳地区羊肠道寄生虫感染情况,采用显微镜检测技术对滑县、内黄县、汤阴县、林州市和安阳县共计880份羊粪便样品进行了寄生虫感染情况调查。结果检测到球虫、贾第虫、隐孢子虫、圆线虫、毛尾线虫、绦虫和吸虫7种肠道寄生虫,共发现589份寄生虫阳性粪便样品,寄生虫总感染率为66.93%(589/880)。其中,球虫感染率为55.00%,贾第虫感染率为1.82%,隐孢子虫感染率为0.34%,圆线虫感染率为18.86%,毛尾线虫感染率为2.16%,绦虫感染率为2.39%,吸虫感染率为2.73%,以球虫和圆线虫为本地区优势虫种。  相似文献   

河南省规模化猪场肠道寄生虫感染情况调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为查明河南省规模化猪场寄生虫感染情况,应用直接涂片法、饱和食盐溶液漂浮法、水洗沉淀法、饱和蔗糖溶液漂浮法和改良抗酸染色法等5种方法,对河南省10个地市13个规模化猪场不同年龄猪群的1119份粪便样品进行检查。结果显示:猪肠道寄生虫感染主要为球虫、类圆线虫、鞭虫、蛔虫、结肠小袋纤毛虫和隐孢子虫;寄生虫总感染率为56.21%,其中球虫感染率为41.73%;隐孢子虫感染率为11.35%;结肠小袋纤毛虫感染率为9.47%;类圆线虫感染率为5.45%;蛔虫感染率11.53%;鞭虫感染率为6.43%。本研究为今后有效防治河南地区猪寄生虫病提供科学依据。  相似文献   

为了解大尾寒羊肠道寄生虫感染情况和保护河南省地方品种资源,采用离心沉淀法、卢戈氏碘液染色法和饱和蔗糖溶液漂浮法对河南省郏县某养殖场和散养的大尾寒羊进行了肠道寄生虫感染情况调查。共检查162份新鲜粪便样品,发现大尾寒羊肠道寄生虫感染率高达98.8%,检出10种寄生虫,其中艾美耳球虫(6种)、贾第虫、圆线虫、鞭虫和绦虫感染率分别为95.7%、1.9%、87.0%、27.8%和4-3%,混合感染率88.3%,圆线虫感染严重,平均EPG值3760.9。表明河南郏县大尾寒羊肠道寄生虫感染较为普遍和严重,并可携带人兽共患寄生虫,应加强其肠道寄生虫病的综合防治。  相似文献   

为了解鹧鸪肠道寄生虫感染情况,采用饱和蔗糖溶液漂浮法对河南省4个鹧鸪放养场共181份新鲜粪便进行检查,寄生虫总感染率为59.7%,以球虫和圆线虫为优势感染虫种,感染率分别为53.0%和14.4%,隐孢子虫、蛔虫、毛细线虫和绦虫感染率分别为2.2%、8.3%、3.3%和0.6%。基于18 S r RNA基因位点,4份隐孢子虫均鉴定为贝氏隐孢子虫。调查结果表明,放养条件下鹧鸪肠道寄生虫感染较为普遍,且隐孢子虫不具人兽共患风险性。  相似文献   

为调查云南观赏鸵鸟园鸵鸟消化道寄生虫的感染状况,笔者对云南观赏鸵鸟园进行现场调研,并随机采集新鲜粪样60份,采用漂浮法和沉淀法调查其寄生虫的感染率。结果显示:鸵鸟肠道寄生虫总感染率为43.33%,其中球虫为优势感染虫种,感染率达21.67%;隐孢子虫和圆线虫感染率分别为11.67%、15.00%,混合感染为11.67%,吸虫感染率为36.67%。本研究表明,云南观赏鸵鸟园吸虫卵阳性率较高,球虫次之,隐孢子虫卵和圆线虫卵阳性率相对较低。本研究为掌握云南观赏鸵鸟园鸵鸟消化道寄生虫的感染状况和做好鸵鸟寄生虫病的防控提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

为了解城市观赏鸽肠道寄生虫感染情况,采用饱和蔗糖溶液漂浮法和改良抗酸染色法对289份粪便样品进行检查,总感染率为79.2%,混合感染率为37.7%。发现6种肠道寄生虫,以球虫、蛔虫和毛细线虫为主要感染虫种,感染率分别为69.9%、28.0%和18.3%;隐孢子虫、圆线虫和绦虫感染率分别为2.1%、4.5%和0.7%。本次调查城市观赏鸽肠道寄生虫感染率较高,并可传播流行人兽共患寄生虫,应加强其寄生虫防控工作。  相似文献   

【目的】调查规模化舍饲羊场及散养羊消化道感染及环境污染寄生虫情况,为中国规模舍饲羊场羊消化道寄生虫综合防控提供参考。【方法】采用离心沉淀法、卢戈氏碘液染色法和饱和蔗糖溶液漂浮法等技术,对采自河南和宁夏的4个规模舍饲羊场及12个散养户的1 025份羊粪便样品寄生虫感染和712份环境样品寄生虫污染情况进行检查,采用麦克马斯特法计数球虫阳性样品每克粪便中的球虫卵囊数(OPG)。选择汝州规模舍饲羊场进行季节动态调查,了解不同季节规模舍饲羊场羊消化道感染及环境污染寄生虫情况。【结果】羊消化道寄生虫总感染率为82.83%(849/1 025),共检出8种(类)寄生虫,分别为球虫、阿米巴、贾第虫、隐孢子虫、绦虫、鞭虫、细颈线虫和其他线虫。优势虫种为球虫(71.90%),其次为阿米巴(49.07%),球虫与阿米巴较易发生混合感染。环境样品寄生虫总阳性率为38.48%(274/712),共检出6种(类)寄生虫,包括球虫、阿米巴、贾第虫、鞭虫、细颈线虫和其他线虫,优势虫种是线虫(22.75%)。河南规模舍饲羊场羊消化道寄生虫感染率以及环境样品寄生虫检出率均显著低于宁夏规模舍饲羊场(P<0.05)。舍...  相似文献   

[目的]为了解芒市肉牛肠道寄生虫的感染情况,为其寄生虫病的防治提供参考。[方法]从云南省德宏州肉牛场采集191份新鲜粪样,采用饱和盐水漂浮法和自然沉淀法检查寄生虫的感染情况。[结果]共有124份样品检测出寄生虫感染,总感染率为64.92%,检出球虫、线虫、吸虫,其感染率分别为30.89%、4.19%、15.71%,混合感染率为14.41%。不同品种的肉牛之间寄生虫感染存在显著差异(P<0.05),不同养殖场、不同性别和不同年龄的肉牛之间寄生虫感染无显著性差异(P>0.05)。[结论]芒市肉牛寄生虫感染较为严重,其球虫的感染尤为突出,应定期驱虫和加强综合防治来促进肉牛的健康养殖。  相似文献   

Cattle are major hosts of Cryptosporidium spp. Cryptosporidiosis in neonatal calves is associated with retarded growth, weight loss and calf mortality, and zoonotic infections in humans. In many areas, cow-calf glazing system is an important beef cattle rearing method with distinct advantages in terms of cost and the labor required. However, few epidemiologic studies of Cryptosporidium spp. have been conducted in this system, especially using molecular diagnostic tools. To understand the transmission of Cryptosporidium spp. in a grazing system, we followed cryptosporidiosis on a grazing farm in Osaki City, Miyagi Prefecture, in northwest Japan for one year. Fecal samples were collected from Japanese Black and Japanese Shorthorn cattle and examined by PCR-RFLP and sequence analyses. Of 113 fecal samples collected in October 2010, 23 (20%) were positive for Cryptosporidium, including 15 samples (13%) having C. bovis, 6 (5%) having C. ryanae, and 2 (2%) having mixed infections of both species. Additionally, C. bovis or C. ryanae was detected on all other sampling dates involving smaller numbers of animals. The infection rate of C. bovis was significantly different among age groups, and calve-to-calve infection might be the major route of cryptosporidiosis transmission in beef cattle. Interestingly, one animal had C. bovis infection or re-infection for one year. Our results suggest that C. bovis and C. ryanae are distributed in Japan, but might have low level of detection in grazing beef cattle.  相似文献   

[目的] 为了调查宁夏固原市肉牛口蹄疫和布鲁氏菌病的流行情况,[方法]通过采集74份不同月龄肉牛血清样本,采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)对2种疫病抗体进行检测和分析。[结果],抗体阳性率由高到低分别为A型口蹄疫(48.65%)、O型口蹄疫(43.24%)、布鲁氏菌病(12.16%)。混合抗体阳性率中主要以O型和A型口蹄疫混合抗体阳性率最高(58.54%)。O型口蹄疫在西吉县的阳性检出率最高(88.24%),彭阳县最低(6.67%);A型口蹄疫在西吉县阳性检出率最高(82.35%),彭阳县最低(26.67%);布鲁氏菌病在原州区阳性检出率最高(15.00%),泾源县和彭阳县未检出。从不同年龄来看,3种疫病均在>12月龄的肉牛中阳性率最高,分别为O型口蹄疫69.23%、A型口蹄疫76.92%、布鲁氏菌病15.38%。[结论] 固原市各个县区肉牛养殖地区均出现2种病原感染的情况,以O型和A型口蹄疫混合感染为主。在肉母牛养殖过程中,应加强对以上病原的检疫并采取相应的防控措施。  相似文献   

为了解开放环境普通级猕猴(Macaca mulatta)肠道寄生虫的感染情况,采用卢戈氏碘液染色法和饱和糖溶液漂浮法对108份粪便样品进行检查。结果共检查出阿米巴(Amoeba sp.)、结肠小袋纤毛虫(Balantidium coli)、福氏类圆线虫(Strongyloides fuelleborni)、鞭虫(Tri...  相似文献   

为了解规模化舍饲湖羊消化道寄生虫感染情况,本研究应用饱和蔗糖溶液漂浮法、饱和盐水漂浮法、卢戈氏碘液染色法、离心沉淀法和麦克马斯特氏计数法等对采自河南部分地区规模化全舍饲湖羊养殖场共计553份粪便样品进行了调查。调查结果显示:寄生虫总感染率高达97.47%,75.23%的样品混合感染,样品混合感染的寄生虫种类最多为5种;共查到球虫、隐孢子虫、贾第虫、阿米巴、鞭虫、圆线虫和绦虫7种寄生虫,感染率分别为90.42%、0.90%、4.88%、65.64%、12.48%、42.13%和4.88%;感染强度最大的为球虫,每克粪便的卵囊数(OPG)最高达652 000,其次为圆线虫,每克粪便的虫卵数(EPG)最高为7 000;湖羊消化道寄生虫感染无明显的年龄、性别差异(P>0.05);季节流行动态显示,春、夏、秋三季的寄生虫感染率与冬季相比有较大差异。以上结果说明,湖羊消化道寄生虫感染较为普遍,应采取有效的综合防控措施,以保障羊群的健康发展。  相似文献   

Benign Theileria parasites of cattle distributed in the Okinawa prefecture were characterized by allele-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and DNA sequence analysis of the major piroplasm surface protein (MPSP) gene. Using universal or allele-specific primer sets, parasite DNA was amplified in 31 out of 48 blood samples obtained from beef cattle. Among the positive cases, mixed infections involving various combinations of I-, C-, and B-type parasites were detected in 24 (77.4%) samples. Phylogenetic analysis based on the MPSP gene sequences revealed that parasites with the MPSP types 1-5 and 7, exist within the Okinawa prefecture.  相似文献   

Several studies have demonstrated that the soil of public parks presents an important source of infection which has a significant impact on public health. Children are the main group affected by accidentally ingestion of contaminated soil. This study was performed in order to identify the presence of zoonotic parasites in dog and cat faecal and soil samples from public parks of Madrid, Spain. Six hundred twenty-five and seventy-nine soil and faecal samples (presumably from dogs and cats) respectively were collected from 67 parks. Intestinal parasites were identified in 27 parks (40.3%), which were contamined with Giardia sp. (19.4%), microsporidia (19.4%), Toxocara spp. (16.4%), Cryptosporidium sp. (6%), Entamoeba histolytica (3%) and Ancylostomidae (3%). Combinations of two or more intestinal parasites were found in 11 parks, and it was common to find Giardia and microsporidia together in samples. Intestinal parasites were detected in 18% (112/625) of soil samples. The most frequent parasite species found in the examined soil samples were Toxocara spp. (16.4%), followed by Giardia sp. (4.5%) and Strongyloides sp. larvae (3%). The zoonotic parasites found in the 79 faecal samples were Giardia sp. (17.7%), Cryptosporidium sp. (9%), E. histolytica (2.5%), Trichuris vulpis (1.3%), Toxascaris leonina (1.3%) and microsporidia spores (28%). Microsporidia characterization by amplification of DNA confirmed 10 samples as positive, eight for E. bieneusi and two for E. hellem by PCR. The role of those parasites in the environment are discussed.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the occurrence and the genotypes and species of Giardia duodenalis and Cryptosporidium spp. in beef and dairy cattle from farms in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, Ontario, in an effort to determine the potential for zoonotic transmission from these animals. Pooled manure samples were collected from 45 dairy cattle farms and 30 beef cattle farms. The presence of Giardia cysts and Cryptosporidium oocysts was determined by immunofluorescence microscopy, while nested-PCR and DNA sequencing were used to determine genotypes and species. The overall farm prevalence was very high for both Giardia and Cryptosporidium, and was similar for dairy cattle farms (96 and 64%, respectively) and beef cattle farms (97 and 63%, respectively). However, on dairy cattle farms, G. duodenalis and Cryptosporidium spp. were detected in 44% and 6% of total pooled pen manure samples, respectively, with the occurrence of both parasites being generally higher in calves than in older animals. Most Giardia isolates were identified as either the host-adapted genotype G. duodenalis Assemblage E or the zoonotic Assemblage B. Cryptosporidium parvum and Cryptosporidium andersoni were the most frequently identified species in dairy cattle, while the non-zoonotic species Cryptosporidium ryanae and Cryptosporidium bovis were also found. On beef cattle farms, 72% and 27% of the total pooled pen manure samples were positive for Giardia and Cryptosporidium, respectively, with no obvious correlation with age. All Giardia isolates in beef cattle were identified as G. duodenalis Assemblage E, while all Cryptosporidium isolates were identified by sequence analysis as C. andersoni, although microscopic analyses, and subsequent restriction fragment length polymorphism analyses, indicated that other Cryptosporidium species were also present. The results of this study indicate that although Giardia and Cryptosporidium were identified in a higher overall percentage of the pooled beef cattle manure samples than in dairy cattle, firmly established zoonotic genotypes and species were much more common in dairy cattle than in beef cattle in this region. Dairy cattle, and especially dairy calves, may, therefore, pose a greater risk of infection to humans than beef cattle. However, these results may also provide evidence of potential zooanthroponotic transmission (human to animal).  相似文献   

Coprological examination was used to determine the prevalence and intensity of gastrointestinal parasites of stray dogs impounded by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), Durban and Coast, South Africa. Helminth and protozoan parasites were found in faeces of 240 dogs with an overall prevalence of 82.5% (helminth parasites 93.1% and protozoan parasites 6.9%). The following parasites and their prevalences were detected; Ancylostoma sp. (53.8%), Trichuris vulpis (7.9%), Spirocerca lupi (5.4%), Toxocara canis (7.9%), Toxascaris leonina (0.4%) Giardia intestinalis (5.6%) and Isospora sp. (1.3%). Dogs harbouring a single parasite species were more common (41.7%) than those harbouring 2 (15%) or multiple (2.1%) species. Ancylostoma sp., Toxocara canis and Giardia intestinalis have zoonotic potential and were detected in 66.7% of the samples.  相似文献   

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