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改善根系结构提高作物的抗逆特性是保障粮食安全的有效途径。但传统破坏性取样根系测量方法费时费力,且破坏了根系的原位状态。为满足栽培和育种对根系信息的需求,亟需发展原位无损的根系测量方法。因此,该研究综述了相关技术的研究现状,以目前能够在田间应用的作物根系原位无损测量技术-探地雷达和电容法为例,系统分析总结了两者技术原理、当前应用情况、存在的关键问题以及未来研究方向等,研究认为,提高探地雷达测量作物根系的精度和证实电容法测量根系的可行性是未来研究主要的着力点。  相似文献   

该文阐述了应用光谱和成像技术进行作物养分生理信息快速检测的主要研究进展和发展趋势。介绍了光谱和成像技术的基本原理、常用数据处理方法、建模方法和模型评价指标,重点总结了光谱和成像技术在5种常见农作物(水稻、小麦、油菜、玉米、大豆)的养分生理信息检测中的应用成果和研究进展(主要包括叶绿素类和氮素检测,病虫害、水分、杂草、重金属、农药胁迫诊断及产量预测等方面),分析了光谱和成像技术在作物生长信息检测的发展趋势。结果表明,光谱和成像技术能够快速无损获取作物养分生理信息,并能有效地对作物长势和逆境胁迫响应进行动态监测,对实现农业的精准化、数字化、信息化及智能化管理和作业具有重要意义。  相似文献   

植物根系成像技术研究进展及马铃薯根系研究应用前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根系是植物从土壤中吸收营养物质和水分并支撑植物地上部分的重要器官,是植物研究的热点之一。然而,由于植物根系生长环境的复杂性和不透明性,导致植物根系研究发展相对缓慢。近年来,根系成像技术的出现和快速发展为植物根系的研究提供了更直观、有效的研究方法。马铃薯是收获地下块茎的主粮作物,地下根系成像技术在马铃薯研究中的应用尤为重要。本文通过系统整理和对比传统成像技术(玻璃板法和玻璃管法)和现代成像技术(中子成像技术、X射线扫描技术、核磁共振成像技术、探地雷达、荧光成像技术、激光共聚焦成像技术、多光谱成像技术、高光谱成像技术和计算机断层扫描成像技术等)的优缺点和应用范围。根据马铃薯的生长特性以及生长环境的综合评价,筛选出能够原位监测马铃薯根系发育且不破坏其生长的成像技术和高效的图像分析系统,以期为今后成像技术在块根块茎类植物根系研究中广泛应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

利用多视角图像法分析番茄幼苗根构型对氮水平的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】 根系作为植物从环境中获取氮素的重要器官,如何无损并高效地获取其特征参数值是当今研究热点。随着高清成像技术的迅速发展,基于多视角图像法是研究植株根构型无损测量的新型方法。本研究对根系多视角成像系统和 GIARoot 软件平台相结合的多视角图像分析法精度进行了较系统的评估。并利用此套系统动态定量分析了不同氮素水平对番茄幼苗根构型的影响,为进一步研究植物根构型与矿质元素互作提供新的手段和依据。 【方法】 本研究以“中杂 109”番茄为材料进行水培试验,设置 4、12、20 mmol/L 3 个氮处理,分别以 N4、N12、N20 表示,定植于透明玻璃柱中 16 d。利用自行设计的根系多视角成像系统获取每天根系 360°图像序列,并基于 GIARoot 软件平台对图像序列进行根系特征参数的定量计算,在第 16 d 时将根系进行破坏性取样,将 GIARoot 基于无损测定分析的图像系列结果与 WinRHIZO Pro 的破坏性取样根系扫描图的计算结果进行对比评估。 【结果】 GIARoot 与 WinRHIZO Pro 根系特征参数评估结果总体上线性回归斜率在 0.96~0.99, R2 均为 0.99, RE 为 2.95%~12.69%,根总长、根总表面积、根总体积和根平均直径的 RMSE 分别为 44.73 cm、4.96 cm2、0.09 cm3、0.05 mm,各个根系特征参数差异均不显著 ( P > 0.05)。在 N4、N12、N20 3 个氮处理下,番茄幼苗定植 16 d 内各根系特征参数值均为 N12 处理最大,且 N20 的根总长、根总表面积、根垂直投影面积、根总体积分别比 N4 的高 14.2%、13.2%、35.8%、27.7%,而 N4 的横截面最大根个数、一级侧根个数分别比 N20 的高 28.2%、30.4%。不同氮水平间,第 4 d 根总长、根总表面积、根垂直投影面积出现显著性差异 ( P < 0.05),N12 分别比 N20 显著高 113.9%、153.7%、113.8%。第 12 d 根总体积、横截面最大根个数出现显著性差异 ( P < 0.05),N12 分别比 N20 显著高 57.0%、117.9%。而根平均直径 16 d 内无明显差异 ( P > 0.05),均在 0.42~0.54 mm。 【结论】 利用将多视角成像系统和 GIARoot 软件平台结合的多视角图像法,进行无损测量获取根系特征参数值是可行的。通过对不同氮水平下番茄幼苗各根系特征参数分析表明,适当提高氮浓度可以促进番茄幼苗根系生长,20 mmol/L 的高氮对根系生长具有抑制作用,且相对于根总长、根总表面积、根垂直投影面积、根总体积,这种抑制对侧根数量尤为明显,氮素浓度对根平均直径影响最小。   相似文献   

植物根系是固定植株、获取水分和营养物质的主要器官。作为连接植物体与土壤环境的枢纽,根系的发育状况直接关系着地上部分的形态建成。由细根及其根毛组成的微根系是根系功能的关键组织。由于土壤中根系的非直观性和根系自身的复杂立体构型,常规研究方法很难准确测定根系的变化动态。微根系原位观测技术、方法的出现为原位根系研究提供了可能的手段。近年来,可用于观测微根系二维形态与立体构型的多种类型的原位生长系统、装置被研制出来,一些根系图像分析软件也不断开发和改进,大大提升了原位根系研究的准确性。本文介绍了几种用于原位微根系观测的装置和图像分析软件与计算方法,并比较了不同方法与软件之间的优劣,指出原位观测研究技术的应用和发展趋势,以期对后续植物微根系研究提供参考。  相似文献   

为了减少瓜类嫁接苗的愈合管理时间,实现快速准确判别嫁接苗早期愈合状态,促进嫁接苗规模化生产及育苗产业发展。该研究制备了氮硫掺杂碳点,以该碳点为荧光示踪材料,以西瓜嫁接苗为研究对象,利用高光谱荧光成像方法,探究了西瓜嫁接苗早期愈合状态无损检测的高光谱荧光示踪成像方法。高光谱荧光示踪图像及光谱分析结果表明,利用氮硫掺杂碳点进行荧光示踪,通过高光谱成像仪对瓜类作物早期愈合状态高通量表型的鉴定,能快速、自动、无损地获取嫁接苗愈合的情况。同时,通过氮硫掺杂碳点处理后第12天,处理组的西瓜嫁接苗相较于对照组,根系增长量提升了78.7%,叶面积增长量提升了61.4%。因此,该研究方法可以提早判别嫁接苗的愈合连通,促使瓜类嫁接苗提早移栽,并且氮硫掺杂碳点处理可以促进嫁接苗叶面积和根系的生长,达到种苗壮苗的作用。  相似文献   

间套作改善作物矿质营养的机理研究进展   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
【目的】合理的间套作能够改善作物的矿质营养。近年来国内外对间套作提高作物生产力、 改善作物矿质营养的机理研究越来越深入。本文分析了国内外不同间套作中作物根际养分动态及作物营养吸收变化,阐述了间套作改善作物矿质营养的可能机理。【主要进展】 1)根系分泌物中的铵态氮和氨基酸态氮作为作物的氮源; 根系分泌物能够诱导豆科作物固氮作用的增强,增加间套作系统中的氮营养; 2)根系分泌物中的有机酸类物质能够活化根际土壤中的磷、 铁、 钾等营养,将其转变为植物可以利用的营养; 3)根系分泌物或地上部的种间互作能诱导作物的根系构型和矿质营养吸收相关基因的表达发生变化,形成空间上的营养生态位互补,增强根系吸收矿质营养的能力,充分利用土壤营养资源; 4)丛枝菌根真菌与作物间形成的网络便于营养在作物之间的转移和吸收; 5)间套作能够改变土壤生物多样性(土壤动物和微生物),而土壤的生物多样性能够促进作物矿质养分的吸收。间套作中,由于微生物代谢功能的多样性,作物对微生物的选择和富集使得根际土壤功能微生物的种类和数量增多,提高了土壤中矿质营养的生物有效性; 6)间套作提高了土壤的酶(如脲酶,酸性磷酸酶和碱性磷酸酶)活性,促进了有机氮、 磷向无机氮、 磷的转化,提高了土壤无机氮、 磷的浓度。总之,根系分泌物、 根系构型变化、 土壤生物多样性、 土壤酶在作物的营养有效利用中发挥重要作用,其中根系分泌物是它们之间的纽带,介导了作物-作物、 作物-土壤、 作物-微生物之间的相互作用。【建议与展望】由于技术手段的限制及地下根际过程的复杂性,人们对于地下生物学过程的认识还远远不够。根系分泌物的原位定性与定量、 间套作中种间的识别和响应、 间套作对土壤生物多样性的影响及土壤生物多样性对作物生长的反馈、 间套作中功能微生物的筛选、 分离、 鉴定及应用都将成为研究的重点。  相似文献   

为了实现植物根系结构形态的原位检测,植物根系单根的断层图像重建研究非常必要。该文应用动态电阻抗成像技术对土壤-树根模拟系统进行了图像重建,对重建图像进行二值化处理并求出树根在该系统中的位置坐标、面积和形状,并以树根的位置坐标、面积及形状的相对偏差为指标,分析了图像重建算法、土壤含水率2个因素对成像质量的影响。结果表明:电阻抗成像技术能够实现树木单根断层图像重建;将重建图像进行二值化处理,所得图像更加直观,便于定量评价成像质量;基于Newton单步残差正则化的一步牛顿误差重构(Newton's one-step error reconsruction,NOSER)算法,比基于全变差正则化的主双-内点模式(primal dual-interior point method,PD-IPM)算法的成像质量好;土壤含水率越高成像质量越好。该研究为基于电阻抗成像技术的植物根系结构形态的图像重建提供参考。  相似文献   

根构型定量表述是确定植物根系养分吸收的基础。因生长在不透明土壤中的根系难于被观测和分析解释,这就使得模拟模型成为研究相关问题的一种重要的补充方法。本文对根构型模型作了综述,介绍了根构型的几何模拟方法,评述了作为根构型与养分吸收主要模型的SIMROOT平台。通过采用“扩展树”数据结构并在SGI工作站上操作,这一模型能展现根系生长的生动图形。进而还可将此模型进一步开发用于评价扩散性养分的吸收。根构型模型的应用,包括我们改进模型对根系内及多根系间的养分竞争进行的模拟,也作了介绍。  相似文献   

植物根系构型即根系在其生长介质中的生长与分布,包括根系长度、根系分支和根系生物量等,能够将植物固定在土壤中并有效吸收水分和矿质养分,直接影响植物的生长和发育。根系构型受多种因素的影响,包括土壤水分、养分和根际微生物,传统方式主要依靠化学肥料增加土壤养分进而改善根系生长,但是化学肥料会对环境造成危害,根际微生物作为植物的“第二基因组”,能够改善初生根、侧根和根毛的发育,促进植物的生长和根际养分吸收,近年来基因组学−代谢组学、基因组学−转录组学等多组学关联技术的应用揭示了微生物的促生机制,为微生物菌剂的开发提供了新思路。基于该领域的研究现状,本文阐述了根际微生物(AMF、PGPR、根瘤菌)对根构型的调控机制包括激素调控、固氮、溶磷、释放挥发性有机化合物四个方面,并描述它们通过这四种机制增加植物根系长度、根系分支,促进根毛发育的调控效应,基于上述结论,植物根际微生物可以有效改善根系生长,但实际应用效果还有待研究,量化不同机制的相对贡献率以及提高微生物菌剂在实际应用中的稳定性是后续研究的重点。  相似文献   

Field observations in central Belgium indicate a significant soil degradation process which has hitherto not been considered in assessments of soil erosion rates: i.e., soil losses due to root crop harvesting (SLRH). The objectives of this study were: (1) to assess SLRH for two commonly grown root crops in Belgium, i.e. chicory roots and sugar beet, (2) to investigate some factors controlling the spatial and temporal variation of SLRH, and (3) to evaluate the contribution of this soil degradation process to overall soil loss in the study area. Soil losses due to harvesting of witloof chicory roots were assessed by measuring dirt tare from 43 root samples whereas SLRH for inuline chicory roots and sugar beet were calculated from dirt tare data provided by factories processing these roots. Mean soil loss was 11.8 ton ha−1 harvest−1 for witloof chicory roots, 8.1 ton ha−1 harvest−1 for inuline chicory roots and 9.1 ton ha−1 harvest−1 for sugar beet. Assuming that root crops are grown once in 2 years in the study area, mean annual SLRH equals 5.0 ton ha−1 year−1 (0.33 mm/year). Since these root crops have been grown over a period of at least 200 years in Belgium, this implies a mean soil profile truncation of 66 mm. However, important spatial and temporal variability in SLRH data was observed, depending on soil texture, soil moisture at harvest time and harvesting technique. Given the importance of SLRH, it needs to be incorporated into future assessments of soil degradation processes and sediment budgets.  相似文献   

Cover crops are a very effective erosion control and environmental conservation technique. When cover crops freeze at the beginning of the winter period, the above-ground biomass becomes less effective in protecting the soil from water erosion, but roots can still play an important role in improving soil strength. However, information on root properties of common cover crops growing in temperate climates (e.g. Sinapis alba (white mustard), Phacelia tanacetifoli (phacelia), Lolium perenne (ryegrass), Avena sativa (oats), Secale cereale (rye), Raphanus sativus subsp. oleiferus (fodder radish)) is very scarce. Therefore, root density distribution with soil depth and the erosion-reducing effect of these cover crops during concentrated flow erosion were assessed by conducting root auger measurements and controlled concentrated flow experiments with 0.1 m topsoil samples. The results indicate that root density of the studied cover crops ranges between 1.02 for phacelia and 2.95 kg m− 3 for ryegrass. Cover crops with thick roots (e.g. white mustard and fodder radish) are less effective than cover crops with fine-branched roots (e.g. ryegrass and rye) in preventing soil losses by concentrated flow erosion. Moreover, after frost, the erosion-reducing potential of phacelia and oats roots decreased. Amoeba diagrams, taking into account both below-ground and above-ground plant characteristics, identified ryegrass, rye, oats and white mustard as the most suitable species for controlling concentrated flow erosion.  相似文献   

局部施肥对植株生长及根系形态的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
王绍辉  张福墁 《土壤通报》2002,33(2):153-155
本文论述了局部施肥对植株地上部与地下部的影响。局部施肥促进了施肥区根系的发达 ,第一侧根与第二侧根较多 ,根的吸收表面积增多 ,根鲜重增加 ,对养分的吸收能力增强 ,但整个根系与地上部的干鲜重下降。  相似文献   

The degree of plant growth change associated with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) colonization is expressed as mycorrhizal dependency (MD). In this review, previous reports on the differences in MD among plant species or cultivars were surveyed, and the factors affecting the differences are discussed. Mean values of MD were 44% for field crops (37 species), 56% for forage crops (46 species), 70% for wild grasses and forbs (140 species), 79% for trees (26 species), and 56% for all plants (250 species), indicating that the cultivated plant species showed a lower MD than the wild plant species. MD was negatively correlated with root morphological characteristics such as root length, root dry weight, root hair length, density of root hairs, the ability of roots to acquire phosphate from soil, and the phosphorus utilization efficiency of the host plant. Inoculation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) for low input systems should be carried out in considering differences in MD.  相似文献   

Root system architecture (RSA) plays a crucial role in nutrient and water uptake in plants. RSA can be modulated to improve nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of crops, decreasing the need for fertilization. In this study, we analyzed 12 root parameters in 48 Arabidopsis accessions grown in media with low or high nitrogen (N). Low N repressed six root traits and enhanced six others. A principal component analysis showed that six components contributed to 90.08% of N availability. The primary component contributed to 35.64% of the variation and was associated with LR characteristics. The 48 Arabidopsis accessions were divided into five response groups. Stw-0 had the highest biomass production and a high N concentration in both roots and shoots, independent of growth conditions. H55 had numerous LRs at low N. Our results provide N-responsive parameters suitable for mapping of quantitative trait loci related with root morphology.  相似文献   

Understanding of the detailed mechanisms of how roots anchor in and reinforce soil is complicated by the variability and complexity of both materials. This study controlled material stiffness and architecture of root analogues, by using rubber and wood, and also employed real willow root segments, to investigate the effect on pullout resistance in wet and air‐dry sand. The architecture of model roots included either no laterals (tap‐root) or a single pair at two different locations (herringbone and dichotomous). During pullout tests, data on load and displacement were recorded. These studies were combined with Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) image analysis of the model root‐soil system at a transparent interface during pullout to increase understanding of mechanical interactions along the root. Model rubber roots with small stiffness had increasing pullout resistance as the branching and the depth of the lateral roots increased. Similarly, with the stiff wooden root models, the models with lateral roots embedded deeper showed greatest resistance. PIV showed that rubber model roots mobilized their interface shear strength progressively whilst rigid roots mobilized it equally and more rapidly over the whole root length. Soil water suction increased the pullout resistance of the roots by increasing the effective stress and soil strength. Separate pullout tests conducted on willow root samples embedded in sand showed similar behaviour to the rigid model roots. These tests also demonstrated the effect of the root curvature and rough interface on the maximum pullout resistance.  相似文献   


A greenhouse experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of root growth and exudation of 3 crop species on soil aggregation. Two plant populations for each of 3 crops (corn, soybeans, and wheat) were grown in a Fincastle silt loam for 5 time periods (7, 14, 21, 28, and 41 days) and compared with fallow controls. Aggregate stability was estimated by the wet‐sieve method on both initially moist and air‐dry samples.

Soil water content of initially moist soil samples varied widely among replicates, crops, and sampling dates. Wet‐sieving using initially moist soil showed that samples with higher initial soil water content had greater aggregate stability. Wet‐sieving performed on initially air‐dry soil samples was used for subsequent interpretation because the water content variable was removed.

The presence of any crop and its roots in the planted soils versus the fallow controls was associated with increases in aggregate stability. No differences in aggregate stability were found among the different crops or over the established range of root length densities. Aggregate stability decreased from the original level during the first 14 to 21 days of the experiment, possibly due to daily watering. After 21 days, as root growth continued to increase, restabilization occurred until the original aggregate stability of the soil was exceeded for all crops. The observed increase in aggregate stability may be due in part to the physical entanglement of aggregates by roots and to the increased production of root exudates resulting from increased root growth.  相似文献   

Bacteria containing ACC-deaminase in the vicinity of roots may influence plant growth by modifying root architecture through their potential to regulate ethylene synthesis in plant roots. Approximately 138 isolates capable of utilizing ACC as the sole source of N were isolated from the rhizosphere soil of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) plants. Under axenic conditions, some rhizobacterial isolates were highly effective in increasing root length (up to 2.08 fold), number (up to 3.7 fold) and length (up to 3.9 fold) of lateral roots, and root biomass (up to 83%) of chickpea as compared to uninoculated control. Serratia proteamaculans strain J119 was found to be the most effective plant growth promoting rhizobacterium (PGPR) in improving root and shoot growth, nodulation and grain yield of chickpea as compared to respective controls in growth pouches, pot and field trials. A highly significant direct correlation (r = 0.99) was observed between number of lateral roots under axenic conditions (jar trial) and number of nodules per plant in pot and field trials. Interestingly, S. proteamaculans J119 also exhibited highest ACC-deaminase activity in addition to root colonization compared to other tested strains. The results of this study demonstrated that changes in root growth and architecture (particularly lateral roots) as a result of inoculation with PGPR containing ACC-deaminase are crucial for improving growth, yield and nodulation of chickpea under field conditions.  相似文献   

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