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微量元素作为海水鱼类生长发育和繁殖重要的营养物质,近年来受到越来越多水生动物营养与饲料方向科研工作者的关注。在这个背景下,本文简述了部分微量元素的生理功能、吸收机理,综述了牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)、大菱鲆(Scophthalmus maximus)、大黄鱼(Larimichthys croceus)、石斑鱼属鱼类(Epinephelus)等海水鱼类对不同微量元素的需求量与缺乏或过量症,并列举了微量元素之间交互作用的研究进展。在此基础上,对海水鱼类微量元素需求研究进行了展望,提出了今后微量元素在海水鱼类营养需求上的研究方向。  相似文献   

以初始体重(15.58±0.22)g的云纹石斑鱼(Epinehelus moara)为研究对象,设置5种不同维生素E水平(11.09 mg·kg-1、47.52 mg·kg-1、91.38 mg·kg-1、134.57 mg·kg-1、178.92 mg·kg-1)的等氮等能饲料,对云纹石斑鱼进行56 d的饲育实验,探讨饲料维生素E水平对该鱼生长、营养性能及血清免疫指标的影响。结果表明:饲料中添加维生素E对云纹石斑鱼幼鱼的增重率、特定生长率和饲料效率的作用明显,饲料维生素E在149.59 mg·kg-1左右时云纹石斑鱼的增重率较高;云纹石斑鱼组织中维生素E积累量与饲料中维生素E添加水平呈正比,但饲料维生素E水平超过91.38 mg·kg-1时鱼体组织中维生素E积累量不随饲料维生素E水平添加而显著升高,饲料维生素E水平在139.68 mg·kg-1时云纹石斑鱼具有较高的肝脏维生素E积累量;饲料维生素E水平对云纹石斑鱼血清中免疫球蛋白M和溶菌酶活性的影响显著。综合增重率、肝脏维生素E积累量和免疫指标,云纹石斑鱼饲料维生素E适宜添加水平为139.68~149.59 mg·kg-1。  相似文献   

"海水鱼膨化饲料的研究与推广应用"项目是广东省海洋与渔业局下达的重大科技兴渔项目.湛江市水产技术推广中心站下属基地湛江市东海对虾良种场负责石斑鱼膨化饲料养殖试验的研究与推广应用.针对目前石斑鱼的营养需求和生长情况,试验按项目要求设计的膨化实验饲料,并以冰鲜野杂鱼为对照,以增重率、饲料系数、生长速度、成活率、养殖效益等为衡量指标,评价膨化饲料的养殖效果.经2005年养殖周期(1年)的养殖试验后,改进饲料配方,2006年重复并扩大试验进行验证.经过两年多时间,项目进展顺利.  相似文献   

为研究2个不同生长阶段石斑鱼(Epinephelus lanceolatus×E.fuscoguttatus)对饲料蛋白质的需求,设计了蛋白水平分别为37%、40%、43%、46%和49%5组等脂等能的饲料。大规格石斑鱼平均初始体质量为(341.29±5.72)g,小规格石斑鱼平均初始体质量为(83.93±0.30)g,每个网箱15尾,每组饲料3个平行,养殖8周。结果显示,大、小规格石斑鱼增重率、特定生长率均随饲料蛋白水平的增加先升高后降低,大规格组间无显著差异(P0.05),小规格43%组石斑鱼特定生长率最大(P0.05)。2个生长阶段石斑鱼的饲料系数、脏体比、肝体比、胆固醇和血糖随蛋白水平增加显著降低(P0.05),血清蛋白含量先增加后降低(P0.05)。大规格石斑鱼的肌肉灰分随蛋白水平增加先升高后降低,小规格石斑鱼则显著升高(P0.05)。肌肉滴水损失率、蒸煮损失率随蛋白水平增加显著降低,p H逐渐增加,肌肉硬度和弹性先增加后降低(P0.05)。结果表明,大规格石斑鱼适宜蛋白需求量为40.94%,小规格石斑鱼蛋白需求量为43.44%,小规格石斑鱼品质优于大规格石斑鱼。  相似文献   

为探讨2种不同饲料对珍珠龙胆石斑鱼幼鱼生长、抗氧化及脂质代谢的影响,实验选取初始体质量为(191.47±3.70)g的珍珠龙胆石斑鱼幼鱼10 542尾,随机分成2个处理组,每个处理组3个重复,每个重复1757尾,分别投喂商品专用配合饲料和冰鲜太平洋玉筋鱼,养殖75 d。结果显示,冰鲜太平洋玉筋鱼组的增重率(WGR)、特定生长率(SGR)、肥满度(CF)、饲料系数(FCR)及全鱼脂肪含量显著高于商品专用配合饲料组,肝体比(HSI)和脏体比(VSI)显著低于商品专用配合饲料组,存活率(SR)和蛋白质效率(PER)与商品专用配合饲料组差异不显著。商品专用配合饲料组的甘油三酯(TG)、血清总胆固醇(CHO)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)含量显著低于冰鲜太平洋玉筋鱼组;而谷丙转氨酶(GPT)和谷草转氨酶(GOT)的活性显著高于冰鲜太平洋玉筋鱼组。相对冰鲜太平洋玉筋鱼而言,商品专用配合饲料组肝脏超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、总抗氧化能力(TAOC)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和脂肪酸合成酶(FAS)的活性显著降低,脂蛋白脂酶(LPL)活性显著升高,但是苹果酸脱氢酶(MDH)和肉碱棕榈酰转移酶-Ⅱ(CPT-Ⅱ)在2组饲料间差异不显著。研究表明,在本实验条件下,冰鲜太平洋玉筋鱼更适合投喂珍珠龙胆石斑鱼幼鱼,商品专用配合饲料对珍珠龙胆石斑鱼幼鱼肝脏产生了不利的影响,因此,建议参考冰鲜太平洋玉筋鱼优质的营养特性,优化和调整珍珠龙胆石斑鱼幼鱼的营养配方。  相似文献   

(鱼旨)科鱼类的经济价值比较高,发展潜力比较大.目前(鱼旨)科鱼类(主要是石斑鱼)的商业养殖遍及整个亚洲地区,但是在过去比较长一段时期里一直依靠野生苗种和喂养杂鱼.近年来开发了一些(鱼旨)科鱼类苗种孵化技术,激发了人们从事(鱼旨)科鱼类养殖的兴趣.饲料在鱼类养殖成本中经常是最大的费用项目.虽然在(鱼旨)科鱼类食物方面杂鱼是养殖者的首选,但是其供应量有限并受季节变化的限制.目前对于(鱼旨)科鱼类营养需求的了解仍然非常有限,如果希望开发利用效能高和成本效益好的人工配合饲料,就必须抓紧解决这方面的问题.在现有(鱼旨)科鱼类营养需求信息的基础上,一些饲料公司生产了各种育苗和养成饲料.由于价格比较昂贵,适口性差,因此养殖者并没有很好地接受这些类型的饲料.为了加深对几种(鱼旨)科鱼类幼体营养需求的理解,开发更好的人工配合饲料,Gondol海水养殖研究所(GRIM)进行了一系列试验研究.……  相似文献   

石斑鱼属肉食性鱼类,以前投喂的主要饵料是鲜度较高的小杂鱼.随着石斑鱼养殖业的迅速发展,饵料鱼的供应也日趋紧张,推广人工配合饲料喂养石斑鱼势在必行.当前,石斑鱼养殖业主要采用的饲(饵)料有:鲜杂鱼(冰鲜杂鱼)、硬颗粒沉料、软湿性颗粒料.不同形状的饲料有不同的饲养效果,实践证明:石斑鱼对饲料的软硬程度、颜色和口味等适口性要求较高,喜食软颗粒、色浅且明亮的饲料,其对软颗粒饲料的适应性显著优于硬颗粒饲料.  相似文献   

日本从1959年起开发了淡水鱼的配合饲料,有关部门在参考美国东部和西部鱼类营养研究的基础上,对虹鳟鱼营养开展了研究,并首获成功。尔后又对日本主要养殖鱼类,如鲤鱼、鳗鱼和香鱼等进行了营养研究,分别研制成各自的配合饲料,并弄清了各养鱼场中鱼类某些营养性疾病的原因,因此,注意了营养性配合饲料的开发,满足了生产需求。  相似文献   

林浩然 《福建水产》2012,34(1):1-10
石斑鱼是驰名世界的名贵海产鱼类,是中国南方沿海广东、海南、福建、广西等海水养殖业的主要对象,经济价值巨大。中国石斑鱼类养殖兴起于20世纪80、90年代;进入21世纪,中山大学的研究团队围绕石斑鱼苗种繁育和养殖产业化的理论和技术进行了一系列研究,对其生殖调控、生长发育、营养需求、病害防治、种质分析、养殖技术和养殖模式等方面进行集成创新,建立苗种繁育和成鱼养殖各个环节的技术规范和管理措施,实现了石斑鱼苗种规模化繁育和自养自足,从而带动石斑鱼养殖产业发展到相当的规模。石斑鱼类养殖产业化持续健康发展的总体思路是:以建设资源高效利用、改善生态环境、产品优质安全的现代渔业基本内涵为目标,改革和提升传统养殖技术和养殖模式,转变产业发展方式,不断优化和提升产业链上的各项技术,包括:(1)优化苗种人工繁育技术,提高苗种成活率和苗种质量;(2)培育抗逆、抗病、优质、高产的优良品种;(3)配制高效、优质的人工配合饲料;(4)建立病害检测和防控新技术和研制主要疾病的特异性疫苗;(5)建立高效、低碳、节能的养殖技术,因地制宜地采用先进的养殖模式;(6)加强石斑鱼类的生物学基础研究以及生物科学和工程技术的交叉融合、协同发展,为石斑鱼养殖产业的技术创新和集约化与工程化奠定基础。  相似文献   

探讨市售配合饲料对青石斑鱼生长和消化酶活性的影响,为日后研制青石斑鱼的全价配合饲料提供依据.将120尾2龄雌性青石斑鱼随机分成两组,每组3个平行,分别用小杂鱼(对照组)和湿颗粒饲料(试验组)饲喂112 d.从每个平行中随机抽取5尾鱼,测定特定生长率和消化酶活性.试验结果:试验组鱼的特定生长率显著高于对照组(P<0.05);在胃部,试验组鱼的胃蛋白酶活性高十对照组(P<0.05),胰蛋门酶活性低于对照组(P<0.05);在肠道,试验组鱼的脂肪酶、胃蛋白酶活性高于对照组(P<0.05);在肝脏,试验组鱼的脂肪酶、胰蛋白酶活性均低于对照组(P<0.05).结果表明,投喂配合饲料可以显著提高青石斑鱼胃部的胃蛋白酶活性、肠道的脂肪酶和胃蛋白酶活性,但也降低了胃部、肠道和肝脏的胰蛋白酶活性;同时,配合饲料可以提高青石斑鱼的生长速度.  相似文献   

The marine leech, Zeylanicobdella arugamensis, is a major threat to aquaculture in grouper-producing countries including Indonesia. This study aimed at investigating prevalence, intensity and histopathology of the ectoparasite in humpback and hybrid groupers cultured in different rearing systems. A total of 260 groupers (60 humpback groupers and 200 hybrid groupers) were used for samples. The marine leech was observed on skin, fins, gills and mouth, followed by histopathological assay on the skin tissue. The results showed that prevalence of the leech in both groupers was higher when they were cultured in the floating net cages compared with the hatchery, p < .05. Furthermore, humpback grouper had a higher prevalence than hybrid grouper when they were cultured in a similar system, p < .05. Meanwhile, there was no significant difference in intensity between the two groupers, p > .05. Within the hybrid groupers, the highest prevalence was obtained from hybrid groupers reared in the earthen ponds. Histopathological studies showed that the infected groupers exhibited inflammation, congestion and erosion of the epidermis layer. Hybrid grouper had more severe histopathological lesions in the skin tissues. These results suggested that species and type of aquaculture system had significantly determined the prevalence, intensity and severity of lesion in Z. arugamensis infestation.  相似文献   

Interspecies hybridization is widely used in aquaculture as a beneficial strategy. Diploid and triploid hybrids have been detected from the interspecies hybridization of Epinephelus coioides ♀ × Epinephelus lanceolatus ♂. This is the first report of triploidization through hybridization in grouper. Confirmation has been obtained through flow cytometry, karyotyping and erythrocyte nuclei measurement. The chromosome numbers of E. coioides, E. lanceolatus, diploid hybrid grouper are 48 and triploid hybrid grouper are 72. Measurements of erythrocyte nuclei indicate that triploid fish have a larger nuclear surface than the diploid groupers, and the average ratio of triploid to diploid surface area is 1.59. During the first 1.5 years, triploid hybrid groupers grow faster than diploid hybrid groupers or either parent species. The average growth rate of triploid hybrids is 1.61 times greater than that of diploid hybrids at 6 months of age and 1.43 times greater at 18 months of age. The triploid hybrid groupers are inferior in gonadal development, with no primary‐growth‐stage oocytes appearing in the gonads at 18 months of age. Morphological studies indicate that triploid hybrid groupers have distinctive differences in snout length, eye diameter, body trunk shape, and tail shape development compared with diploid hybrid groupers. Triploid hybrid groupers have an advantage in growth ability, and artificial breeding of triploid groupers might be of great potential use in the grouper aquaculture industry.  相似文献   

This work describes betanodavirus infection in two species of groupers (family Serranidae) from the Algerian coast: the dusky grouper Epinephelus marginatus and the golden grouper Epinephelus costae. At necropsy, characteristic clinical signs, external injuries, clouded eyes and brain congestion, generally associated with viral encephalopathy and retinopathy (VER) infection were observed. The partial sequences of RNA1 and RNA2 from two viral strains were obtained, and the phylogenetic analysis revealed the presence of the red-spotted grouper nervous necrosis virus (RGNNV) genotype closely related to strains previously detected in groupers in the same geographic area. Results obtained in this study support the hypothesis that VER disease is endemic in the Algerian grouper population.  相似文献   

Fishers’ perceptions of changes in grouper size and abundance were compared with scientific data collected via underwater visual censuses (UVCs) before (1995) and after (2006 and 2011) the establishment of the Mafia Island Marine Park. Perceptions on changes in the size structure of groupers differed among communities due to differences in fishing capacities. Fishers in one village had mixed perceptions, while in another village the majority (66%) perceived a decline in size, with small groupers dominating the catch. Similarly, UVCs indicated that size structure was dominated by small groupers at all times surveyed. Consistent with fishers’ perceptions, UVC indicated that biomass and abundance of groupers declined in both no‐take zones (NTZs) and specified‐use zones (SUZs) between 1995 and 2006, with no substantial changes between 2006 and 2011. The NTZs had higher density and diversity of grouper species than SUZs, as would be expected from the differences in bottom topography in these two types of areas. The idea that NTZs could increase the biomass and abundance of groupers to benefit fished zones was not found, thus indicating that NTZs are not necessarily the best option for managing reef fisheries.  相似文献   

The interaction between cultured barber goby Elacatinus figaro (cleaner fish) and the dusky grouper Epinephelus marginatus, and the efficiency of the cleaner fish in removing ectoparasites were evaluated. When the interaction between these two species was observed, cleaner fish showed a preference for the largest groupers. In a second trial, treatments: TWC (Control) – two groupers without a cleaner fish, T1C – two groupers with one cleaner fish, T3C – two groupers with three cleaner fish and T6C – two groupers with six cleaner fish were tested in four replicates. After 8 days, monogeneans were removed and identified as Neobenedenia melleni. The highest mean abundance of parasites was found on the groupers in the TWC group (37 parasites per host) and the lowest on those in the T6C group (4.1 parasites per host). By increasing the number of cleaner fish, a higher cleaning efficiency was obtained, as observed in T6C, where almost 90% of the parasites were removed. Possibly, this removal would have been complete if the number of cleaners had not been reduced in the treatments due to the mortalities observed. This study demonstrates the possibility of using gobies to remove monogeneans and in improving grouper health.  相似文献   

An 8‐week feeding trial was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary carbohydrate‐to‐lipid (CHO:L) ratios on growth, liver and muscle glycogen content, haematological indices, and liver and intestinal enzyme activity of juvenile grouper (Epinephelus coioides). Five isonitrogenous (496.0 g/kg protein) and isoenergetic (21.6 KJ/g gross energy) diets with varying CHO:L ratios of 0.65 (D1), 1.31 (D2), 2.33 (D3), 4.24 (D4) and 8.51 (D5), respectively, were fed to triplicate groups of 20 fish (average 10.02 ± 0.1 g) for 8 weeks. Results showed that the weight gain rate, specific growth rate and protein efficiency ratio (PER) of juvenile grouper increased first and then decreased with the increase in CHO:L ratio, reaching a maximum value in the D4 (CHO:L = 4.24) diet. The trend for the feed conversion ratio was opposite to the PER. Along with the diet CHO:L ratios, the apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of crude lipid and energy for the juvenile groupers decreased gradually, while the ADC of dry matter, liver and muscle glycogen level increased gradually. Total protein, triglycerides and cholesterol in serum were all maximized in the D4 diet and glucose in the D5 (CHO:L = 8.51) diet. Digestive enzyme activity in the intestine was significantly affected by dietary CHO:L ratio. Liver hexokinase, phosphofructokinase and glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase activity increased significantly as CHO:L ratio increased. Liver lysozyme and acid phosphatase activity in the groupers fed the D3 (CHO:L = 2.33) diet was significantly higher than that of other diets. Liver fructose‐1,6‐bisphosphatase and alkaline phosphatase activity reached a maximum value in the D4 diet and was significantly higher than that in the D1 diet. Taking the above results together, it can be concluded that an optimal dietary CHO:L ratio of 2.33 is suitable for grouper culture concerning growth performance and health.  相似文献   

Six diets were formulated to contain corn starch, tapioca starch, or dextrin at 10% and 20% inclusion levels and fed to humpback grouper fingerlings to apparent satiation for 10 weeks. Growth and feed utilization efficiency of humpback grouper were not affected by dietary carbohydrate source and level. Only slightly higher growth was observed in fish fed 20% dietary carbohydrate compared to the fish fed 10% carbohydrate irrespective of carbohydrate source. Body indices and whole body proximate composition of fish in the present study were generally independent of diet, except that muscle lipid of fish fed diets with 7.6% lipid and 20% carbohydrate was significantly lower than the other groups. In view of the lower price and local availability of tapioca starch compared to corn starch and dextrin, tapioca starch is the preferred source of starch in practical diets for humpback grouper.  相似文献   

对云纹石斑鱼、鞍带石斑鱼及杂交"云龙斑"肌肉营养成分进行分析和品质评价,为其种质营养学鉴定及配合饲料的研制提供基础数据资料。采用常规方法,依据国家标准,对3种石斑鱼肌肉中的水分、蛋白、粗脂肪、灰分含量以及氨基酸、脂肪酸和10种矿物元素的组成与含量进行了测定和评价。云纹石斑鱼、鞍带石斑鱼及杂交"云龙斑"石斑鱼肌肉中粗蛋白含量分别为19.6%、18.4%和19.4%;3种石斑鱼氨基酸总量、必需氨基酸总量、必需氨基酸指数、鲜味氨基酸总量分别为(15.54%、14.72%、15.99%)、(6.86%、6.41%、7.04%)、(75.19、74.93、77.96)和(5.57%、5.3%、5.73%)。3种石斑鱼肌肉中粗脂肪含量分别为4.2%、10.1%和4.5%,脂肪酸种类丰富,并且含有大量的多不饱和脂肪酸,其比例符合理想脂肪酸的标准。3种石斑鱼肌肉中矿物元素种类丰富,5种常量元素K、Ca、Na、Mg、P和5种微量元素Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn、Se均有检出,其中杂交"云龙斑"的Na、K、Cu含量略高,另外几种矿物元素含量居于父母本之间。研究表明,云纹石斑鱼、鞍带石斑鱼及杂交"云龙斑"氨基酸种类齐全、比例适宜,人体必需氨基酸含量较高,是优质的蛋白源,同时含有大量的不饱和脂肪酸,且矿物元素种类齐全,是具有较高食用价值的优良海水养殖品种。其中杂交"云龙斑"在一些营养指标中明显高于其父母本,显现出一定的杂交优势。  相似文献   

石斑鱼配合饲料中发酵豆粕和豆粕部分替代白鱼粉的研究   总被引:33,自引:2,他引:33  
罗智 《水产学报》2004,28(2):175-181
在浮式海水网箱(1.5m×1m×1.5m)中养殖石斑鱼幼鱼(9.4±0.1g),在等氮(52% CP)基础上进行以发酵豆粕和普通豆粕替代鱼粉的实验, 为期56天.结果显示在石斑鱼饲料中添加14%发酵豆粕,其增重率、特定生长率(SGR)、饲料效率和蛋白质效率与对照组没有显著性差异(P>0.05),以后随着发酵豆粕添加量的上升,这些指标都显著下降(P<0.05).在同样替代水平下,添加21%发酵豆粕组,增重率,SGR,饲料效率和蛋白质效率都比添加20%豆粕组高(P<0.05),表明对海水肉食性鱼类来说,发酵豆粕是一种比豆粕更优良的蛋白源.用折线模型分析增重率随白鱼粉替代水平的变化关系,结果表明在石斑鱼配合饲料中,发酵豆粕替代白鱼粉的最适量为10%.从实际生产的经济效益出发,建议在饲料中添加14%发酵豆粕,对石斑鱼的生长和鱼体组成不会造成显著影响.  相似文献   

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