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目前在养猪行中,不论是散养户或规模猪场,都不约而同地反映出一个同样的问题,同行们都认为:现在猪病越来越多了,养猪越来越难了,怎么才能把猪养好呢。  相似文献   

健康养猪的真正含义是以提高动物机体自然健康系统为基础,通过一系列严格的环境控制、营养调控、预防接种和良好的饲养管理等措施,达到养健康猪的目的。药物预防是在猪群健康状况较差,存在发病隐患或处于发病潜伏期时,提前使用药物控制疫病发生。现在大部分猪场的常规保健其实就是"喂药、加抗生素",且猪场兽药的使用是越来越多,也越来越高档,可是猪群的健康状况却越来越差,猪病越来越难控制。要走出这个误区,必须转  相似文献   

近年来,我国规模化养猪取得了迅速的发展,然而行业里很多从业者都反映现在养猪越来越难了,不论是散户饲养或者规模养猪,都有共同的感受。猪为什么越来越难养?猪病为什么越来越多?虽然现在我们的疫苗接种越来越多,预防投药越来越多,养殖经验越来越丰富,但是却不能很好地控制猪病,原因何在?  相似文献   

随着近年来养猪业的快速发展,造成养殖密度增大,猪群流动频繁,使猪的疾病不断增加,尽管许多养猪场户在防治猪病上投人了大量的人力和财力,结果还是因猪病使养猪的利润损失殆尽,而此倒闭的也不少见,特别是2006年下半年开始发生的、几乎度卷全国的“高热病”使大部分养猪业主大喊“养猪难”。本人从事兽医多年,感觉到猪病增多除客观因素外,猪场本身在猪病管理上存在着以下几个误区:  相似文献   

<正>近年来,我国养猪规模及模式发生了很大改变,业内人员普遍感觉到病难治、猪难养,猪病仍然是养猪业发展的一大障碍。猪病多而复杂的原因很多,要解决猪场的猪病问题也是仁者见仁,智者见智,笔者就个人体会做如下阐述。1猪病多而复杂的原因近年来,猪病多而复杂,其原因大致主要包括以下几个方面:1.1传统疫病仍然存在如猪瘟、丹毒、肺疫、副伤寒等疾病时有发生。  相似文献   

目前我国规模化猪场疫病流行现状与控制策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近几年来,我国规模化养猪业又上一个新台阶。然而,猪病的发生和对规模化养猪生产的危害日趋加重,特别是传染性疾病,成为严重影响我国规模化养猪业健康、稳定发展的主要疫病。我国猪病的种类越来越多,而且近几年新增疫病不少,疾病的复杂程度不断加剧,对疾病的控制也越来越难。本文就目前我国规模化猪场疫病流行的主要特点及控制对策作一简述,以供从事养猪生产的同行参考。一、目前我国规模化猪场疫病流行现状与特点1.病原体的多重感染在临床上,近几年猪病以病原体的多重感染或混合感染为主要流行形式,猪群发病往往不是以单一病原体所致疾病的…  相似文献   

规模化养猪要重视猪场环境卫生体系的建设   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
<正> 近年来,我国规模化养猪获得了迅速的发展,同时也常听到一些养猪业主抱怨,现在养猪防病难。难就难在打不完的防疫针,消不完的毒。猪场的封锁隔离胜过监狱,但是猪病还是难以控制和消灭,原因何在?  相似文献   

<正>随着猪肉价格的不断上涨,养猪的人越来越多,猪场也就多了起来,一些关于猪的疾病也就多了,尤其是一些季节性疾病,本文通过研究猪场春季发病的原因,从而提出应对猪场春季发病的对策。1猪场春季发病的原因1.1天气无常春季气温时高时低,猪圈漏风口比较多,而猪是恒温动物,所以冷风进入猪圈后,猪就会感染流感病毒,有时候饲养员觉得里面的空气不好闻或者为了自己方便进出,又打开一些通风口,这些都会导致春季寒风的进入,使猪感染流感病  相似文献   

随着我国经济建设的不断加快,规模化养猪也得到了长足的发展.通过规模化养猪.可以有效降低养猪的经济成本.提高技术水平.从而获得更高的市场份额.同时也由于畜禽及其产品的频繁流通和交易,近几年来我国猪病的种类越来越多,疾病的复杂程度不断加剧,对疾病的控制也越来越难.由于疫病的存在,直接影响了猪场的生产效益和经济效益,甚至造成养猪场的严重亏损和倒闭.本文将对规模化猪场中猪病的流行动向进行分析,探讨防治对策,希望对科学化养猪方法提供借鉴.  相似文献   

<正>随着养猪方式的转型,农户散养的数量越来越小,小型猪场越来越多。如何科学地布局小型猪场,做到功能分区明显,避免猪病的交叉感染?具体要根据建设  相似文献   

畜禽养殖中营养、生产环境与动物福利的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
当今畜牧业的发展面临许多潜在的威胁和挑战。近年来发生的疯牛病、非典型肺炎和禽流感几乎均与动物养殖有关。这些疾病的发生不仅威胁动物、食品安全和人类健康.还给畜禽养殖业及相关行业带来很大的冲击,为此引发了消费者对动物和食品安全等一系列问题的极大关注,除了考虑动物产品本身的质量,动物的福利和健康也是消费者关注的新领域。日粮的营养水平和舍饲条件影响动物的行为和生理;日粮中添加抗生素虽可改善动物的健康、生长和饲料转化率.但却存在残留和抗药性等问题;栏舍的设计和空间(如猪栏和家禽笼的大小)在商业化养殖中也有争议,最普遍的看法是畜禽的圈和笼会影响动物的福利和生产力;饲养员对动物的态度和行为与动物的生产力、健康和福利之间也有密切关系;动物克隆和转基因技术不仅存在伦理道德和商业问题,而且对动物福利而言最具争议性。今后,畜牧业及其相关产业的可持续性发展将依赖于动物福利事业的进步,未来的挑战不仅仅是动物营养、饲养管理以及兽医预防与治疗问题,而且需要制定严格的与动物福利相关的法律与法规体系。本文就营养,  相似文献   

This paper deals with the effects of structural, governmental and socio-economic conditions linked to small ruminant production, especially goat production. The number of small ruminants in Turkey fell from almost 51,530 in 1990, to 31,761 in 2007. In 1990, the number of small ruminants started to decrease due to structural, genetic and economic reasons such as a lack of state support policies, high costs of inputs, poor performance of local breeds, socio-economic conditions, and migration. In Turkey, the socio-economic and geographical structure make small ruminant production an important profession; it is also a significant source of income in rural regions. 35% of red meat and 12% of milk production is obtained from small ruminants. Although, Turkey has the highest goat population among its border and EU countries, ranks low with milk production. Reasons for the present situation are well evaluated; changes and tendencies in sheep and goat production as well as milk and meat production that are examined and associated with the population of Turkey are widely discussed. In addition, in order to improve the present situation, some technical and structural suggestions are mentioned.  相似文献   

草业琐谈之七——草地-肉牛生产线   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
任继周 《草业科学》2003,20(10):64-64
2001年6月初,我随着中国工程院考察团访问宁夏回族自治区.当时在传统灌溉农业区,看到已经有若干农户,他们几家联合起来,有人专管买牛,有人专管肥育,有人专管饲料,有人专管屠宰销售,自发地连成一串,俨然这是一个肉牛生产线.  相似文献   

The US swine industry is large and growing. The quantity of pork desired by consumers of US pork is growing at the rate of 1.5%/y. New production systems and new technology have enabled production per sow to grow at a rate of 4% annually in recent years. Consequently, the number of sows in the United States is declining. Because productivity growth is outpacing demand growth, the deflated price of hogs and pork is declining. Hog production and prices continue to exhibit strong seasonal and cyclic patterns. Pork production is usually lowest in the summer and highest in the fall. Production and prices tend to follow 4-year patterns. The US swine industry continues to evolve toward fewer and larger producers who rely on contracts for both hog production and marketing. In 2000, over half of the hogs marketed were from approximately 156 firms marketing more than 50,000 head annually. These producers finished 60% of their production in contract facilities. Over 90% of their marketings were under contract or were owned by a packer. These producers expressed a high level of satisfaction with hog production. Both they and their contract growers were satisfied with production contracts. These large producers were satisfied with their marketing contracts and planned to continue them in the future. The hog industry has changed a great deal in the last decade. There is little reason to believe this rapid rate of change will not continue. This swine industry is highly competitive and profit driven. Profit margins are too small to allow producers the luxury of ignoring new technology and innovative production systems. Consequently, hog production will continue its rapid evolution from traditional agriculture to typical industry.  相似文献   

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