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渔业是人类通过对渔业自然资源的合理开发利用和保护增殖等措施,以取得营养丰富的水产品的物质生产行业。新中国成立后,特别是改革开放以来,我国渔业取得了突飞猛进的发展,其中水产养殖业的飞跃发展是一个重要因素,从1993年起,水产养殖产量连年超过水产捕捞产量。到1996年,我国水产品总产量达到2813万吨,其中水产养殖产量占54%,水产捕捞产量占46%。而水产养殖产量的不断增长,又是同我国重视研究和推广综合养鱼技术的生态养鱼有着密切关系。因此要实现我国渔业可持续发展战略,应加强研究和推广生态养鱼。  相似文献   

肇潮江 《黑龙江水产》2006,(3):43-43,45
生态渔业,是未来渔业发展的必由之路。调整好渔业生态结构是渔民增收的有效途径。近年来,明水县提出远学朝阳、近学拜泉,苦干实干十几年,建成“生态农业县”的口号。我们要改变旧的思维方式,树立生态养殖效益观念,培育新的渔业经济优势,尽快把水面资源的自然优势转化为渔业经济优势,加快渔业发展的步伐。县委、县政府提出了“中东西”的发展战略:中部搞围路经济、东部治理流域、西部治理涝区,构筑明水秀美山川,大力发展生态养殖项目,推动全县渔业生产向优质、高效、生态方面发展。2005年全县养鱼水面发展到45万亩,名特优养殖品种12个。目前,群众生态养鱼的热情空前高涨,我们积极引导全县渔民搞好水面开发和养殖结构调整,逐步把渔业生产变成县域经济的支柱产业。在生态养鱼上,从四个方面调整构筑渔业经济新优势。  相似文献   

到2010年,衢州市建成大水面有机鱼生产、塘库养蚌育珠以及无公害龟鳖养殖等三大生态渔业优势产业。积极开发山区自流水养鱼、冷水性名贵鱼类养殖、热带名贵鱼类养殖、溪流性特色鱼类养殖、石蛙生态养殖和生态休闲渔业。2010年渔业经济总产出达到10亿元以上。  相似文献   

为了探索利用大棚养鱼废水进行虾参生态养殖的可行性,2000年3月莱阳市羊郡渔业技术指导站开始利用大棚养鱼废水进行虾参生态混合养殖试验,效果良好,现报告如下:  相似文献   

<正>去年以来,湖北省鄂州市梁子湖区采取四大措施,着力推进传统渔业向现代渔业转型。一是推行生态养殖。该区积极推广网箱养鳝、湖泊伊乐藻养蟹、种青养鱼及鱼禽果等健康、生态综合高效养殖  相似文献   

张洪祥 《水利渔业》2005,25(3):48-49,62
吉利河水库总库容7400万m^3,兴利库容3248万m^3,可养鱼水面322hm^2,自1999年以来,探索生态渔业养殖模式,较成功地解决了养鱼与城市供水之间的矛盾,大银鱼和鳙鱼产量及效益稳步提高,2004年产鳙鱼105t、大银鱼30.4t,水产收入130万元,实现了水利渔业全面协词与可持续发展。总结了多年基层工作的经验,为大中型水库发展生态渔业、提高综合经济效益作了有意义的探索和尝试。  相似文献   

正鱼猪结合养殖模式是综合养鱼模式中应用最普遍的一种生态渔业模式。由于所综合的专业是养鱼和养猪,亦称为双元模式。建立这种模式的基本依据是:利用养鱼、养猪相互作用,相互补充的内在联系,充分发挥其综合作用,有效提高池塘鱼产量和经济效益,增加渔农收入。随着鱼猪结合养殖技术的广泛推广和应用,给池塘渔业特别是池塘生态  相似文献   

水利渔业综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文本阐述了水利渔业这门新兴学科的概念和内容,较详尽地论述了我国水利渔业中新涌现出的网箱养鱼、化肥养鱼、生态养鱼等新动向,并通过同苏联、美国、印度等国家水库渔业现状的对比,明确了我国水利渔业的发展水平及面临的新课题,对我国水利渔业的潜力进行了初步测算。  相似文献   

池塘养鱼是淡水渔业的主要组成部分。近年来,国内出现不少亩产半吨以上池塘养殖成鱼的高产典型,这为发展我国池塘养鱼及应用高产技术提供了经验。但由于区域性特点不同(如自然条件、养鱼历史、技术素质等因素),致地区间养鱼单位面积产量极不平衡,差异很大。特别是苏北地区,养鱼起步较晚,目前池塘养鱼平均产量还很低,为了积极开发苏北,发展水产养殖事业,  相似文献   

近年来,益阳县大力发展以综合养鱼为特征的生态高效渔业,以养鱼为主,鱼猪、鱼鸭、鱼猪稻、鱼珠蚌等结合养殖模式取得了较大的成绩,1993年,全县推广综合养鱼面积1026hm^2,占池塘精养的59%,养殖牲猪34878头,家禽32477羽,分别比上年增长39.49/5和68.9%,实现产值1893.2万元,  相似文献   

Aquaculture is a globally important industry that provides essential food to a growing world population, with a major role in the supply of cheap animal protein. Very rapid developments have been occurred in aquaculture sector of Egypt in recent years and exhibited the strongest growth of any fisheries-related activity in the country. As a result, aquaculture is considered as the only viable option for reducing the current gap between production and consumption of fish in Egypt. The rapid expansion in support activities such as local feed mills and hatcheries made the sector more sophisticated and diverse. Globally, Egypt ranks 9th in fish farming production and 1st among African countries. The aquaculture is practiced in different production systems including semi-intensive, intensive culture in ponds, tanks, intensive production in cages and traditional extensive production systems, but has yet to be adequately documented. Despite the fact that the aquaculture sector in Egypt has witnessed a spectacular development, it has also created challenges with respect to environmental issues and sustainability. This review provides an overview of the status and the perspectives of Egyptian aquaculture sector.  相似文献   

大菱鲆Scophthalmus maximus具有生长速度快和低温耐受力强等特点,是世界上养成范围最广、产量最大的鲆鲽类养殖良种。自1992年引进至今,大菱鲆养殖已经发展成为年产量超过6万t的海水养殖支柱产业。作者综述过去20年里,我国大菱鲆在产业发展、苗种生产、良种选育、养殖模式、营养与饲料、疾病防控、加工与质量控制、养殖经济以及市场开拓等方面所取得的系列成果,并就发展前景进行了展望,旨在为我国大菱鲆和鲆鲽类养殖的可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

国际虹鳟育种产业简介及其对我国的借鉴意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虹鳟Oncorhynchus mykiss原产于北美地区,为典型的冷水性鱼类,是世界性重要经济养殖鱼类之一和水产遗传育种领域的重要研究对象。虹鳟是最早采用数量遗传学理论指导遗传选育的水产动物之一,BLUP育种值估计和配合力分析等遗传评定方法以及家系选育、杂交和配套系育种等技术均在虹鳟育种实践中广泛应用。淡水鱼类养殖中,必须使用遗传选育的优良品种的行业共识,最早在虹鳟中确立。目前,在欧洲、北美以及智利等主要鲑鳟鱼养殖国家和地区,虹鳟良种覆盖率均已达到90%以上。鉴于虹鳟仍是我国养殖产量最高的鲑鳟鱼类,其育种工作在许多非原产国都取得了令人瞩目的成就,本文以全球化的视角,从虹鳟养殖与选育的历史概况、虹鳟种业的主要技术手段及产业格局、主要虹鳟育种机构的组织形式与类型特点等方面,简要介绍了国际虹鳟种业的发展及对我国虹鳟种业的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

中国深远海网箱的发展现状与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
石建高  余雯雯  卢本才 《水产学报》2021,45(6):992-1005
深远海网箱养殖是一种新型水产养殖模式,具有技术先进、环境友好和成鱼品质高等优点,因此,它对推进水产养殖绿色发展战略意义重大。本文在介绍中国普通网箱和深水网箱、国外深远海网箱发展简况的基础上,重点概述2017年前后中国深远海网箱发展现状及其研究进展,并对今后的发展方向加以展望。2017年前,我国深远海网箱处于起步阶段,开发了特力夫~(TM)超大型深海养殖网箱等近10种深远海网箱。2017年后,我国深远海网箱进入快速发展期,开发应用了"深蓝1号"全潜式深海渔场等一系列深远海网箱,引领了深远海网箱的现代化建设。迄今为止,我国主要开展了深远海网箱的定义、专利、结构、绳网材料及其配套智能装备等研究,部分成果已得到应用。为适应水产养殖绿色发展要求,今后我国深远海网箱将朝着离岸化、大型化和智能化等方向发展。虽然我国深远海网箱养殖业取得了长足进展,但与挪威等国外先进技术相比,我们还存在巨大的差距。我国深远海网箱养殖业前景广阔,但相关工作任重道远。  相似文献   

Recent advances in the high-density rotifer culture in Japan   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The success of rapidly growing aquaculture industry depends on the steady supply of fish seeds. Appropriate food for initial larval stages is critical for mass scale fish seed production. Live food found better over artificial food for fish larvae culture. Rotifers have been found to be the best live food for feeding fish larvae in early life stage. Attempts have been made to develop viable techniques for the production of rotifer through batch, continuous, and semi-continuous culture methods. In order to feed increased number of fish larvae, rotifer need to be cultured under high-density method. Various efforts have been made for increasing culture density of rotifer. In Japan, stable high-density culture of rotifer has been developed in commercial scale at a rate of 20,000–30,000 ind. ml?1. Later on, ultra-high-density rotifer culture (160,000 ind. ml?1) was found successful, which can fulfill the increased demand for rotifer as fish larval food. Furthermore, a scope of alternative use of rotifer can be explored. The development of the high-density rotifer culture method in Japan has been reviewed. The considerations of the associated nutritional requirements, microbial aspects, and prospects of high-density culture have been discussed.  相似文献   

卵形鲳鲹(Trachinotus ovatus)是我国近年来快速发展起来的重要海水养殖鱼类,其年产量高达12万t。目前,国内外有关该鱼的营养需求与饲料研究已有较多报道,但对有些营养素的研究还是空白。本文主要就其蛋白质、氨基酸、脂肪、脂肪酸、碳水化合物和微量营养素的需求,蛋白源和脂肪源替代鱼粉和鱼油,功能性饲料添加剂应用等方面的研究进展进行综述,以期为该鱼的精准营养研究及高效低成本环保配合饲料的研发提供参考资料,从而推动其养殖业的健康可持续发展。  相似文献   

我国鲆鲽类循环水养殖系统的研制和运行现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
全封闭式海水循环养殖系统,是当前国际上先进养殖模式的代表,也是未来养殖产业发展的重要方向,备受世界关注。我国最早走上工厂化养殖道路的海水鱼类是鲆鲽类,现正由开放式向封闭式循环水养殖方向迈进,目前各项技术与工艺已经取得了长足进步。但是,根据对国内循环水系统装备的研制及其运行情况的跟踪调查,发现循环水处理的核心部分存在着稳定性、可靠性、经济性等问题急待研究解决。本文在分析循环系统主要配套装备和工艺参数的基础上,结合几家典型养殖企业的运行特点进行了分类剖析,针对现有装备和系统中发现的几个关键问题,提出了改进、提高的对策,可为今后鲆鲽类全循环养殖系统的升级、定型和走向国产化提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Fish contribute a significant amount of animal protein to the diets of people in Bangladesh, about 63% of which comes from aquatic animals. In Bangladesh, fish is mainly derived from two sources: capture and culture. Aquaculture has shown tremendous growth in the last two decades, exhibiting by about 10% average annual growth in production. Capture fisheries, although still the major source of supply of fish, have become static or are in decline due to over‐fishing and environmental degradation, and it is now believed that aquaculture has the greatest potential to meet the growing demand for fish from the increasing population. At present, aquaculture production accounts for about one‐third of the total fish production in Bangladesh. This paper examines the impact of an aquaculture development project in Bangladesh on food security, with particular emphasis on the poor. The analysis shows a positive impact of aquaculture development on employment, income and consumption. A number of implications for policy in areas that might strengthen these outcomes are discussed and recommendations are presented.  相似文献   

Aquaculture is emerging as one of the most viable and promising enterprises for keeping pace with the surging need for animal protein, providing nutritional and food security to humans, particularly those residing in regions where livestock is relatively scarce. With every step toward intensification of aquaculture practices, there is an increase in the stress level in the animal as well as the environment. Hence, disease outbreak is being increasingly recognized as one of the most important constraints to aquaculture production in many countries, including India. Conventionally, the disease control in aquaculture has relied on the use of chemical compounds and antibiotics. The development of non-antibiotic and environmentally friendly agents is one of the key factors for health management in aquaculture. Consequently, with the emerging need for environmentally friendly aquaculture, the use of alternatives to antibiotic growth promoters in fish nutrition is now widely accepted. In recent years, probiotics have taken center stage and are being used as an unconventional approach that has numerous beneficial effects in fish and shellfish culture: improved activity of gastrointestinal microbiota and enhanced immune status, disease resistance, survival, feed utilization and growth performance. As natural products, probiotics have much potential to increase the efficiency and sustainability of aquaculture production. Therefore, comprehensive research to fully characterize the intestinal microbiota of prominent fish species, mechanisms of action of probiotics and their effects on the intestinal ecosystem, immunity, fish health and performance is reasonable. This review highlights the classifications and applications of probiotics in aquaculture. The review also summarizes the advancement and research highlights of the probiotic status and mode of action, which are of great significance from an ecofriendly, sustainable, intensive aquaculture point of view.  相似文献   

我国深远海网箱养殖工程与装备技术研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在远离大陆的深远海水域发展大型网箱养殖,已成为缓解近海养殖环境压力、突破资源受限和空间制约问题的重要举措。深远海网箱养殖产业的蓬勃发展,加速促进了养殖方式转型升级和海洋养殖空间大幅拓展,形成了海洋设施养殖新发展格局。本文立足我国网箱养殖产业发展现状,分析深远海网箱养殖产业发展需求、发展前景以及设施装备科技需求,详细介绍国内外深远海网箱养殖工程与有关装备技术的研究应用情况,分析我国深远海网箱养殖工程与装备发展面临的主要问题,并从科学规划、科技引领、规范建设和创新模式等方面,对深远海网箱养殖产业发展提出相关建议。  相似文献   

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