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及时掌握鼠疫流行动态,为鼠疫的流行作出科学的预警预报。按照《全国鼠疫重点监测点监测方案及其细则》、《青藏铁路鼠疫防控工作方案》的要求实施。监测面积约85 920㎞~2,平均旱獭密度0.628只/hm~2。正向血凝试验收集动物标本262份,阳性率为5.34%,反向血凝试验收集动物标本234份,阳性率为0.85%。细菌学检验动物标本234份,阳性率为9.8%,昆虫标本129(只/组),均为阴性。结论乌兰县境内鼠疫流行呈抬头趋势。  相似文献   

以路线法、5米夹线法、媒介昆虫分类法、鼠疫F1抗原的胶体金标记法,间接血凝抑制试验和洞干昆虫调查法对青海西大滩至沱沱河地区鼠疫疫源地进行了调查,并对捕获的小型兽类及体外寄生蚤进行病原学检查和分类鉴定.结果发现该地区旱獭平均密度为0.019匹/hm2,对104份小型兽类脏器,251份媒介昆虫样品材料,139份血清样品中未...  相似文献   

为掌握兴海县动物鼠疫流行态势,为鼠疫防治提供科学依据。本文分析2011—2015年兴海县鼠疫鼠疫疫源地监测与灭獭工作数据,鼠疫细菌学检测和鼠疫血清学检测数据。结果表明:2011—2015年,兴海县鼠疫监测总面积86500hm~2,平均旱獭密度0.014匹/hm~2,低于鼠疫疫源地稳定控制标准(0.1匹/hm~2);用细菌学方法检测动物脏器1596份,其中,旱獭脏器1308份(自毙旱獭脏器13份),检查媒介177只,均未分离到鼠疫菌;用血清学方法检测动物血清1515份,鼠疫F1抗体阳性血清1份。兴海县仍存在鼠疫流行和远距离传播的风险,应持续开展鼠疫监测工作,强化疫源地灭獭工作。  相似文献   

分析青海省格尔木市境内鼠疫流行特征,探讨鼠疫流行态势,为今后鼠疫防治工作提供科学依据。格尔木市作为青藏铁路沿线的国家级监测点按照《青藏铁路鼠疫防治技术方案》、《青藏铁路防治工作方案》和《全国鼠疫监测方案》实施监测工作,汇总2007—2012年格尔木市境内的鼠疫监测报告,应用描述流行病学方法进行分析。格尔木市2007—2012年动物间鼠疫时有发生,共分离鼠疫菌1株;检出鼠疫F1抗体阳性血清1份。格尔木市动物间鼠疫流行仍旧活跃,鼠疫防治态势依然严峻。。  相似文献   

本文分析2016年青海省鼠疫监测结果,为制定鼠疫防控措施提供科学依据。应用Excel软件分析2016年青海省鼠疫监测、鼠疫疫源地调查和人间鼠疫病例数据,采用描述性流行病学方法进行分析。结果表明:2016年青海省未发生人间鼠疫疫情,全省各地区共分离出鼠疫杆菌1株,检出鼠疫FI阳性血清6份,获鼠疫反向血凝实验阳性材料2份,部分地区存在动物间鼠疫发生。青海省动物鼠疫每年均有发生,局部地区处于活跃状态,人间鼠疫防控形势严峻。  相似文献   

分析2005-2009年玉树地区全国鼠疫重点监测点鼠疫病原监测结果,为制定防控策略提供依据.方法按照《中华人民共和国国家标准动物鼠疫监测标准(GB 16882-1997)》监测采样.分别用革兰氏美蓝染色镜检、分离培养、鼠疫噬菌体裂解试验、动物试验“四步检验”法判定和复判鉴定鼠疫菌.整理、分析玉树地区5年鼠疫病原监测资料.结果5年间分别自喜马拉雅旱獭(6株,其中2005年5株,2007年1株)、藏系绵羊(2株,2005年)、西藏山羊(1株,2005年)体内共分离鼠疫菌9株.结论玉树地区动物间鼠疫时有发生,连续监测或自毙动物检测往往可获得鼠疫病原;喜马拉雅旱獭是鼠疫菌的重要保菌宿主.应加强该地区鼠疫疫源动物的主动监测,尽早发现疫情,防止疫情蔓延和人间鼠疫的流行.  相似文献   

分析了2018年青海省鼠疫监测结果,为制定鼠疫防控措施提供科学依据。应用Excel软件分析2018年青海省鼠疫监测、鼠疫疫源地调查和人间鼠疫病例数据,采用描述性流行病学方法进行分析。结果表明:2018年青海省未发生人间鼠疫疫情,全省各地区未检出鼠疫F1抗体血清,未分离出鼠疫菌。结论近年来青海省动物间鼠疫每年均有发生,虽然本年度未检出阳性血清和分离出鼠疫菌,但不能排除有些地区存在动物间鼠疫流行的可能性,鼠疫流行风险依然存在。  相似文献   

蓝舌病是由蓝舌病病毒 (blue tongue virus,BTV)引起的 ,经媒介昆虫传播的一种非接触性疾病 ,主要侵害绵羊 ,其他反刍动物不表现临床症状。其症状以高热、口腔黏膜水肿、糜烂、溃疡、舌体肿胀、发绀、发病初期一过性白细胞减少为特征 ,蓝舌病可直接致死动物 ,引起孕畜流产和胎儿畸形 ,由其引起的间接损失更为严重。临床上常以隐性感染居多 ,因此 ,用琼脂扩散方法对陕西 2个地区的 7个村、3个羊场的 4 15 6份羊血清进行了血清学调查。1 材料与方法1.1 待检血清 血清来自 2个地区的 7个村、3个羊场 ,均采自临床上未有任何症状的假定健康羊 ,采血清共 4 15 6份 ,冷冻保存。1.2 蓝舌病琼脂扩散抗原、阴性、阳性血清 由云南热带亚热带动物病毒病重点实验室提供。1.3 监测方法 琼脂扩散法 ,按《动物蓝舌病琼脂扩散试验试行规程》进行。2 结果共检测了 7个村、3个羊场采集的 4 15 6份血清 ,检出阳性血清共 12 6份 ,平均阳性率为 3.0 3%。各村、羊场具体的结果见表 1。3 讨论3.1 蓝舌病作为国际兽医局规定的 A类疾病 ,国家规定的重大疾病 ,动物携带病毒时间较长 ,造成的...  相似文献   

为了解安徽省禽群新城疫病毒存在和感染的情况,根据农业部和安徽省动物疫病定点监测方案和工作要求,2015年在安徽省5个县(市、区)设置固定监测点,开展新城疫病原学和血清学定点监测与分析工作。应用血凝和血凝抑制试验对从20个家禽养殖场、2个家禽屠宰场、2个家禽交易市场采集的1 290份血清样品进行检测,结果显示,765份抗体合格,平均免疫抗体合格率59.3%。应用荧光RT-PCR方法对从22个养禽场、2个交易市场、2个屠宰场采集的1 450份咽喉/泄殖腔拭子样品进行检测,结果显示,有53份样品是新城疫病毒核酸阳性,病毒核酸阳性率3.7%。  相似文献   

采用间接免疫荧光抗体法进行牛、鼠血清流行病学调查检测,用直接荧光抗体法和暗视野显微镜检查蜱虫带菌情况。结果表明牛莱姆病平均感染率12.45%,羊莱姆病平均感染率9.37%,蜱虫平均带菌率25.29%,鼠类感染率17.2%。证实了青海省部分地区动物、昆虫体内携带莱姆病伯氏疏螺旋体。  相似文献   

The epidemiology of Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague, involves vectors and reservoirs in its transmission cycle. The passive plague surveillance in Madagascar targets mainly rodent and fleas. However, carnivores are routinely surveyed as sentinels of local plague activity in some countries. The aim of this study is to assess the use of domestic dog (Canis familiaris) as sentinel animal for field surveillance of plague in a highly endemic area in Madagascar. Cross-sectional surveys of plague antibody prevalence in C. familiaris were conducted in endemic areas with contrasting histories of plague cases in humans, as well as a plague free area. Rodent capture was done in parallel to evaluate evidence for Y. pestis circulation in the primary reservoirs. In 2 sites, dogs were later re-sampled to examine evidence of seroconversion and antibody persistence. Biological samplings were performed between March 2008 and February 2009. Plague antibody detection was assessed using anti-F1 ELISA. Our study showed a significant difference in dog prevalence rates between plague-endemic and plague-free areas, with no seropositive dogs detected in the plague free area. No correlation was found between rodents and dog prevalence rates, with an absence of seropositive rodents in some area where plague circulation was indicated by seropositive dogs. This is consistent with high mortality rates in rodents following infection. Re-sampling dogs identified individuals seropositive on both occasions, indicating high rates of re-exposure and/or persistence of plague antibodies for at least 9 months. Seroconversion or seropositive juvenile dogs indicated recent local plague circulation. In Madagascar, dog surveillance for plague antibody could be useful to identify plague circulation in new areas or quiescent areas within endemic zones. Within active endemic areas, monitoring of dog populations for seroconversion (negative to positive) or seropositive juvenile dogs could be useful for identifying areas at greatest risk of human outbreaks.  相似文献   

调查分析了青海大通县牛羊养殖尤其是牛羊育肥的生产现状、养殖业的特点,及目前存在的几个极待解决的问题,最后在进行全面总结的基础上提出了加快大通县牛羊养殖业良性发展的几点建设.  相似文献   

A combination of four polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays targeting the Yersinia pestis-specific plasmoidal genes of the fraction 1 capsular antigen and plasminogen activator/coagulase, the gene of the V antigen of the Yersinia virulence plasmid, and the chromosomal 16S rRNA gene was evaluated for the identification of Y. pestis isolates. All four assays were subjected to the same sample preparation technique, reagents and cycling conditions. Eighteen Y. pestis, 66 Y. pseudotuberculosis, 40 Y. enterocolitica strains, the type strains of the other Yersinia species, and 20 other pathogenic bacterial strains were investigated. By using the proposed combination of PCR assays all Y. pestis strains were identified correctly. The applicability of this combination of PCR assays was demonstrated by the detection of Y. pestis DNA in spiked tissues from Rattus norwegicus and fleas (Xenopsylla cheopis and Ctenocephalides spp.). As little as 60 genome equivalents were detected. This system is applicable for monitoring Y. pestis and its vectors in enzootic natural foci and in the diagnosis of plague in humans and animals.  相似文献   

海晏县绵羊传染性胸膜肺炎的血清学诊断   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用绵羊传染性胸膜肺炎(MO)间接血凝试验,对来自青海省海晏县的110份绵羊血清,进行了绵羊传染性胸膜肺炎血清检测。结果:从110份绵羊血清中检出抗绵羊传染性胸膜肺炎抗体的阳性血清28份,阳性率为25.45%;表明海晏县的绵羊群中存在绵羊肺炎支原体的感染。  相似文献   

丁恺 《青海草业》2013,22(1):55-56
近年来,青海省河南县鼠虫害危害的范围、面积和程度逐年增加。因此,河南县防治鼠虫害的主要手段和方法与生态、生物防治为主,为有机畜牧业生产基地提供保障。  相似文献   

用重组的牛巴贝斯虫棒状体蛋白1(Bc—RAP-1)作为ELISA诊断抗原,对采自青海省湟中县的120份奶牛血清样品,进行抗Bc—RAP-1特异性抗体的检测。结果检出7份阳性,阳性率为5.83%,说明该地区牛群存在牛巴贝斯虫的感染。  相似文献   

用弓形虫的重组蛋白GST-SAG1作为ELISA诊断抗原,采用ELISA检测方法,对青海省祁连县喜马拉雅旱獭血清进行了弓形虫病的血清学检测。结果表明,被检92份喜马拉雅旱獭共检出阳性血清25份,阳性率约为27.17%。结果提示,青海省祁连县的喜马拉雅旱獭中存在弓形虫病的感染。  相似文献   

Plague is a zoonotic disease (transmitted mainly by fleas and maintained in nature by rodents) that causes severe acute illness in humans. We present a human plague case who became infected by the bite of a wild Gunnison's prairie dog, and a good practical example of the One Health approach that resulted in a rapid public health response. The exposure occurred while the animal was being transported for relocation to a wildlife refuge after being trapped in a plague enzootic area. This is the first report of a human plague case resulting from the bite of a Gunnison's prairie dog. Additionally, we present an observation of a longer incubation period for plague in captive prairie dogs, leading to a recommendation for a longer quarantine period for prairie dogs during translocation efforts.  相似文献   

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