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小火蚁[Wasmannia auropunctata(Roger)]原产于新热区,是一种广泛分布于佛罗里达至阿根廷热带和亚热带地区的蚂蚁,目前在我国尚无分布。该虫不属于通常所指的火蚁属(Solenopsis),但为世界上100种危害性最严重的入侵物种。小火蚁对我国华南地区具有潜在的危险性,因其个体小检疫难度要比普通红火蚁更大,加上此虫的通用名与普通红火蚁相似,对它们有关的生物学及为害特性容易与普通的红火蚁相混淆。本文就其生物学、形态及入侵特征等做一简要介绍,为该虫的检疫提供参考。  相似文献   

小火蚁是中国大陆新发现的重要外来入侵害虫, 目前对该虫的传入来源和在我国的适生区范围尚不明确?为明确我国小火蚁适生区范围, 有效防控该虫在我国的扩散和蔓延, 本研究通过该虫全球已有的分布数据, 采用最大熵模型对其适生区进行了预测?研究表明, 最大熵模型预测小火蚁适生区精度较高?预测结果显示, 我国小火蚁的潜在适生区主要分布于南方, 其中, 高适生区分布在台湾?海南?云南南部边境?广西西南局部?福建西南部?广东南部及其沿海地区?预测结果与该物种现有地理范围的生态条件一致?年降水量对小火蚁的适生性影响最大, 理论年降水量为2 040 mm时小火蚁分布的概率最高?随着全球气候变暖, 未来我国小火蚁的适生区有向北扩大的趋势, 但主要适生区还是以南方为主?  相似文献   

龙眼园蚂蚁类群结构及其数量动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了南宁市龙眼园蚂蚁类群结构及其数量动态。龙眼园蚂蚁有5个亚科17属26种,优势种是比罗举腹蚁(Crematogaster biroi Mayr)、黄斑弓背蚁(Camponotus albosparsus Bingham)和哀弓背蚁(Camponotus dolendus Forel),分别占总数的19.80%、15.64%和14.73%。全年数量最多的时间是7月。文中对蚂蚁类群结构特点及其对龙眼园生态系统的作用进行了分析。  相似文献   

草地贪夜蛾属外来入侵生物,2019年对全国大部分玉米产区粮食安全构成重大威胁。嘉鱼县发现时间早、发生面积大、持续时间长、为害程度重。基于对草地贪夜蛾生物学特性及嘉鱼县发生规律的初步调查与分析,提出针对性的综合防控技术方案,为指导今后防控提供参考依据。  相似文献   

认识红火蚁,警惕入侵红火蚁传入   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周善义 《广西植保》2005,18(2):20-21
红火蚁是膜翅目(Hymenoptera)蚁科(Formicidae)火蚁属(Solenopsis)的昆虫,世界各地都有分布。据胡经甫教授1941年所著的《中国昆虫名录》记载,我国共有火蚁5种3亚种(其中1个亚种已被确认为同物异名),从南到北都有分布,其中以热带火蚁Solenopsis geminata最为常见,广西也有这种火蚁分布。因为这些土著种或早期入侵的种对人们的生产、生活不会造成严重影响,因此没有被列为重点防控对象。  相似文献   

刺苍耳(Xanthium spinosum L.)为菊科(Compositae)苍耳属(Xanthium)植物,多分布于我国华北、西北等地,危害较大,被誉为恶性入侵植物。本文对刺苍耳的形态学特性、物候学特性、繁殖特性、生理生态特性、应用价值、入侵及预防等方面进行归纳,发现刺苍耳花期长、结实量高、繁殖能力强、耐寒性较强,总苞具钩刺,能通过牛羊、货物等广泛传播,环境适应性强,这为刺苍耳大面积的繁衍扩散提供了有利条件,虽然刺苍耳可用于生物柴油、吸附剂以及医学等方面,但其能通过化感作用抑制本土植物的生长发育,对入侵地危害极大,且目前还没有得到有效控制。后续在应对入侵机制和防治措施方面进行深入研究,以期进行科学有效的生物防控,减轻其入侵危害,减少经济损失。  相似文献   

入侵昆虫基因组研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着全球贸易的加速发展,入侵物种对农林业、生态环境及人类健康的威胁日益严重。基因组学研究为阐明外来有害生物入侵的分子机制与生态适应性过程以及研发新型防控技术提供了新手段、新平台与大数据。本文综述了入侵昆虫基因组学研究的发展现状,系统总结了基因/基因家族、转座子/重复序列等基因组信息在决定昆虫入侵性中的重要作用,着力探讨了基因组学研究在助力害虫RNAi、昆虫不育技术(SIT)、化学生态防治和物理防治等防控新技术/新产品开发方面的潜力,并展望了基因组学研究应用于入侵昆虫综合防控的前景。  相似文献   

SSR分子标记技术在入侵昆虫学研究中的运用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
外来入侵生物通过与本地生物竞争营养、水分和生存空间,造成严重的生态破坏和生物污染,最终导致生物多样性的丧失,逐渐成为人类生存和社会可持续发展的新威胁。简单序列重复(simple sequence repeats,SSRs)或微卫星DNA(microsatellites DNA)分子标记是生物群体遗传结构分析与变异研究中极有价值的分子标记,由于其具有多态性检出率高、信息含量大、共显性标记、实验操作简单、结果稳定可靠等优点,目前在外来入侵生物研究中得到广泛应用。本文概述了SSR分子标记在入侵昆虫来源鉴定、杂交和基因渗透、瓶颈效应等方面的应用进展,并对其在入侵生物学中的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

十八大以来,通过科学推进大规模国土绿化行动,中国成为全球森林资源增长最多的国家。同时,中国森林也遭受着外来入侵生物的严重危害和巨大胁迫。21世纪以来,外来林业入侵生物新发、突发、暴发形势严峻。本文针对包括病原物、害虫和有害植物在内的已入侵和有潜在入侵风险的主要外来林业有害生物,综述了其相关发生危害现状,以及成灾机理、监测预警和可持续防控技术等方面的最新研究进展,在对入侵生物学特征和成灾机制科学认识的基础上,为实现林业入侵生物的有效防控,保障国家生态安全、生物安全提供借鉴。  相似文献   

丁丹  陈超 《杂草科学》2016,(2):29-33
红毛草是一种外来植物,原产于南非,主要分布于非洲、美洲、亚洲、澳大利亚及部分岛屿,在我国,主要分布于福建、广东、广西、海南及台湾等地区。通过对文献、资料的整理,在了解红毛草生物学、生态学特性、地域分布以及生境类型的基础上,采用中欧风险评估体系(WG-WRA)和澳大利亚(或新西兰)杂草风险评估体系(WRA)对红毛草进行入侵风险评估。结果表明,红毛草繁殖能力强(种子产量大、发芽率高)且具有良好的生态适应性和环境抗逆性,在我国5个省(区、市)19个市均有分布,并呈不断扩大的趋势。2个风险评估体系对红毛草入侵我国北方地区的分值分别为13、14分,属于低风险入侵植物;但是,对于南方地区的入侵分值都为29分,属于高风险外来入侵植物,一旦入侵成功则会威胁到当地的生态安全和生物多样性。因此,在对红毛草引种和应用时,必须加强管理和监测,并做好相应的防控工作。  相似文献   

草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda是一种原产于美洲热带和亚热带地区的重要入侵害虫,已经入侵了全球100多个国家,2019年1月在我国云南省被发现后迅速蔓延至其他地区,并对农业生产造成了重大危害。本文对草地贪夜蛾的形态与生物学特性、害虫防控方法、功能基因组学研究、特别是害虫的化学感受相关基因家族进行了综述,为开发并优化草地贪夜蛾的预警和绿色防控技术提供参考。  相似文献   

警惕危险性害虫草地贪夜蛾入侵中国   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda(Smith)是一种原产于美洲的重要的毁灭性农业害虫,目前已经入侵到撒哈拉以南非洲地区及亚洲的印度,对我国构成入侵威胁。本文综述了草地贪夜蛾的生物学特征、为害、分布区域及入侵性、形态及分子鉴定方法,以及防治措施,并对其入侵中国的风险进行了预测分析,同时提出应对策略。  相似文献   

Amaranthus retroflexus, a troublesome agricultural weed native to North America, has expanded its distribution in large areas of China since its introduction around 1905. Geographical interpretation of changes in their distribution ranges could provide valuable insights on its spatiotemporal invasion patterns and could be used to predict the extent of its future spread. Based on compiled historical distribution occurrences of A. retroflexus in North American and Chinese ranges, invaded ecological niche models for three hypothetical invasion stages were developed. Native models on the basis of all available records within the North American range were also generated for reciprocal comparison with the invaded model. Climate similarity between native and invasive ranges was also investigated. Amaranthus retroflexus has exhibited a rapid and large range expansion after about a 50‐year lag, especially in central and western China. It established a relative stable distribution in the 1960s and has been undergoing a more continuous westward expansion since then. Presently A. retroflexus has not yet reached full occupancy of suitable habitats in China. The results highlight prioritising habitats in south‐western China for monitoring and control to prevent its further spread.  相似文献   

Solidago canadensis is native to North America, but has become a noxious invasive plant in China. We know only a little about its invasion history and the effects of introductions on its genetic composition. Here, we investigated genetic variation and structure between 15 North American and 13 Chinese populations of S. canadensis using AFLP makers. Four AFLP loci suggested relatively high genetic diversity of this weed and similar genetic variation between the invasive range and the native range. Most genetic variation was within populations across two ranges, but the Chinese range had a higher degree of among‐population variation than the North American range. Multiple tests, including Bayesian assignment, UPGMA analysis, PCoA and analysis of ‘isolation by distance’, showed that the Chinese populations originated from at least two distinct native sources and that secondary introduction or dispersal should be common in China. Also, North American populations were possibly a single genetic group. Overall, S. canadensis in China was probably founded from multiple introductions and then spread through long‐distance dispersal associated with human activities. Genetic variability in the species in the invaded range appears to have favoured establishment and spread and may well provide a challenge to successful control.  相似文献   

草地贪夜蛾迁飞行为与监测技术研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda原产于美洲的热带和亚热带地区,广泛分布于美洲大陆。2016年入侵到非洲,迅速蔓延到撒哈拉以南的整个区域。2018年入侵到印度。联合国粮农组织(FAO)发出警告,草地贪夜蛾很有可能从印度蔓延到东南亚及中国南部为主的亚洲地区。为掌握草地贪夜蛾在国外的发生与迁飞为害规律,加强我国对草地贪夜蛾的入侵控制和监测预警,本文综述了草地贪夜蛾在美国、加勒比海国家、墨西哥以及非洲国家的迁飞行为规律、性诱剂、灯光诱捕以及迁飞路径的分子鉴定等监测预警技术的研究进展,从而为我国植保人员对该虫的监测提供技术指导。针对草地贪夜蛾在世界范围内的迁飞规律和入侵特点,结合我国农作物种植结构以及气候特点,提出加强对草地贪夜蛾的监测与检疫的建议。  相似文献   

草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda是原产于美洲热带和亚热带地区的重大世界性农业害虫,而甘蔗是草地贪夜蛾的重要寄主植物之一。2019年草地贪夜蛾入侵我国,给我国甘蔗产业带来巨大威胁。本文阐述不同生态型草地贪夜蛾对寄主选择的偏好及其对甘蔗的适应性,概括国内外蔗区草地贪夜蛾发生现状、为害特点及防治措施,并对我国蔗区草地贪夜蛾预防和防控策略进行展望。  相似文献   

番茄潜叶蛾Phthorimaea absoluta Meyrick起源于南美洲的秘鲁,是一种世界检疫性入侵害虫,目前已经扩散到全球100多个国家,严重威胁全球番茄产业。该虫于2017年入侵我国新疆伊犁,之后在南方多个省份相继被发现,且呈现扩散趋势,危害范围加大。本文从农业防治、化学防治、生物防治、物理防治等方面总结番茄潜叶蛾原发地和入侵国的防治进展及治理经验,并结合我国实际提出建议,为国内番茄潜叶蛾的有效治理和抑制其扩散提供参考。  相似文献   

V  Sadhana.  K  Senguttuvan.  M  Murugan.  S  Suriya. 《Phytoparasitica》2023,51(2):173-188

Between 2016 and 2020, seven new whitefly species were uncovered in the tropical Southern region of India, wrecking chaos among producers in certain invasive whitefly instances. The repercussions of climate change, improved free trade practices between countries, increased intercontinental migration, enhanced exim operations for planting supplies, etc., may have led to insect invasions. A limited number of invasive insect species only swelled to unmanageable proportions when entered into new geographic locations. Bondar’s Nesting Whitefly (BNW), Paraleyrodes bondari Peracchi (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), a native of Brazil to Honduras, was one such species. In May 2017, BNW noticed from the Indian Andaman and Nicobar islands, by December 2018 reached Indian mainland Kerala. Because of its co-existence with other whiteflies and cryptic appearance, BNW identification at immature stages can be challenging and may call for specific instruments and methods. Global analysis of BNW mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase (COI) indicated the presence of highly homogenous population. BNW is polyphagous, co-lives with other whiteflies and feeds by desapping from adaxial leaf surfaces of perennial and seasonal plants, crops, weeds etc., thus promoting sickliness. The land areas invaded and host plants exploited have increased within a short span from its introduction. BNW has no known parasitoids, and only non-specific predators utilize them. The presence of an intensive BNW population warrants frequent adoption of pest control practices. Even though insecticides bring down whiteflies, it is not the sole panacea. The information pertinent to BNW and its sustainable control is limited and scattered. These details mandate reviewing them concerning poly-crop systems practised in tropical ecosystems. This review discusses the possibilities of BNW becoming a significant pest of crops in tropical Indian mainlands and its management prospects.


The annual plant Impatiens glandulifera (Himalayan balsam) is the most widespread invasive non‐native weed in the British Isles. Manual control is widely used, but is costly and laborious. Recently, biological control using the rust fungus Puccinia komarovii var. glanduliferae has been trialled. We designed an experiment to assess the impact of these control methods on invertebrate communities in relation to unmanaged and uninvaded habitats, and to determine whether mycorrhizal inoculation aided post‐control recovery of these communities. Sixty invaded and twenty uninvaded field soil blocks were transplanted to the experiment site, where a mycorrhizal inoculum was added to half of all blocks. Biological and mechanical control treatments were applied to twenty invaded blocks independently; the twenty remaining invaded blocks were left intact. Above‐ and belowground invertebrate samples were collected from the blocks at the end of the growing season. Overall, aboveground invertebrate abundance increased with the removal of I. glandulifera, and several groups showed signs of recovery within one growing season. The effect of mechanical control was more variable in belowground invertebrates. Biological control did not affect aboveground invertebrate abundance but resulted in large increases in populations of belowground Collembola. Our experiment demonstrates that mechanical removal of I. glandulifera can cause rapid increases in invertebrate abundance and that its biological control with P. komarovii var. glanduliferae also has the potential to benefit native invertebrate communities.  相似文献   

The globally invasive chestnut gall wasp Dryocosmus kuriphilus was recently reported in Italy and threatens European chestnut orchards and native forests. Of Chinese origin, this species has invaded Japan, Korea, the USA, Nepal and Europe and in each region it has been attacked by parasitoids exploiting oak gall wasps. Classical biological control using the parasitoid Torymus sinensis (Hymenoptera: Torymidae) successfully reduced infestation in Japan. Subsequent work in Japan and Korea showed this parasitoid to represent a poorly understood and biologically diverse species complex. Following its success in Japan, T. sinensis was released in Italy in 2005. A growing appreciation of the taxonomic and ecological complexity of the T. sinensis complex in Japan and Korea has stimulated ongoing DNA-based work on relationships and interbreeding of species in this group. Oak cynipid parasitoids provide potential for native augmentative or conservation biological control of D. kuriphilus in Europe. Exploitation of this potential requires improved understanding of the taxonomy of these parasitoids, particularly of morphologically highly conserved lineages such as Eurytoma and Eupelmus in which recognised species may contain many cryptic lineages. There is a growing need for a molecular survey of the communities centered on chestnut and oak gall wasps to: (1) ascertain the identity of T. sinensis lineages released in Italy (2) track the dispersal of T. sinensis in the native community, either in its original form or as hybrids with native species (3) identify possible biological control agents in the native parasitoid community.  相似文献   

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