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2001~2004年在齐齐哈尔市龙沙公园对黑鹳F2的5只雏鸟的人工孵化温度和湿度进行记录。并对人工育雏成活的雏鸟的一系列生长指标如:体重、体长、喙长、翅长、跗跖长和尾长等进行测量,探讨黑鹳体长、体重等生长指标生长变化规律。结果表明:黑鹳卵的前中期(1~29d)孵化温度为37.7℃,湿度为55%,后期(29~31d)出雏温度为37℃,相对湿度65%;育雏箱的温度前7d为37℃,以后以每天0.5℃幅度逐渐降低,箱内湿度保持在55%,20日龄后可在室温下饲养;黑鹳F2雏鸟各生长指标的增长呈Logistic曲线。  相似文献   

安徽省繁昌县新林乡新塘村养鸭专业户吴培林养鸭已有20多年历史了。他养鸭育雏成活率高。1999年育雏鸭300只,死亡5只,成活率98%;2000年育雏鸭500只,仅死亡2只,成活率达99.6%。吴培林在长期养鸭实践中,积累了丰富的经验,这些经验不仅适用于集体大群饲养,也适用于分散小群饲养。总结如下:1重视适时饮水开食鸭是水禽,通常在出壳后24小时未开食前先供应充足的饮水,然后即可开食。1~7日龄,雏鸭消化器官尚未龄,雏鸭消化器官尚未发育健全,喂食稍不小心,易得消化不良症。因此,开始几天的喂料需要特…  相似文献   

1育雏和选好雏鹅育雏期1~5日龄需温度32~28℃,6~15日龄为28~25℃,16日龄保持在20~18℃;湿度控制在50%~65%;饲养密度每平方米8~12只。雏鹅要选择体型大、生长快、耐粗饲料的鹅品种,而且反应灵敏、活泼,卵黄吸收和脐部收缩良好。2雏鹅的饲养雏鹅在采食前应先饮水,可饮每100毫升0.05%的高锰酸钾水中加维生素C5毫升、维生素B16毫升、葡萄糖5克,日喂5次,连喂3日,进行肠道消毒,然后在喂给切细的菜叶,撒在塑料布上,吸引雏鹅采食。2~4日龄白天喂4~5次,夜间喂2次;5日龄…  相似文献   

宁乡县种鸡场从福建引进法国R51雏鸭1010羽,实行半开放式栏舍饲养、饲料分为前、中、后期和产蛋期4种,育雏率97.4%,210日龄达产蛋高峰,产蛋率87.3%,平均蛋重73.42g,平均年产蛋133.2枚,孵化率84.6%,150日龄公母平均体重3.42kg,其中公鸭达4.07kg。  相似文献   

1999年3月,凤阳某个体养禽户饲养的1000只雏山鸡于23日龄时,因饲喂乳猪551饲料而导致食盐中毒,相继有200多只发病,死亡 14只,死亡率为 1.4%。 一、发病情况该养殖场于3月6日购进1000只雏山鸡苗,采用锯末垫料平养育雏,18日龄前喂给购自市售雏土鸡颗粒料并每日加喂10枚熟鸡蛋。由于考虑到雏鸡生长较慢,故于18日龄时改用40%雏土鸡料和 0%乳猪551颗粒料混合饲喂。23日龄早晨发现有2只山鸡出现脖颈向上伸直,头扭向一侧,兴奋,当时认为其误食了大一点的木屑或其他异物卡入食道,饲养者用…  相似文献   

2001年6月,我县托古乡某养鸭场所饲养的1500只5日龄雏鸭部分发病,2天后逐渐增多,多在发病后3~5天死亡,通过临床症状观察、病理剖检变化、实验室诊断,确诊为雏鸭大肠杆菌病。1)发病情况。该村民于6月5日从外地购进1日龄雏鸭1500只,放在自家房子内育雏。于6月10日开始发现有30多只雏鸭精神不振,不饱食,拉稀粪,到6月16日。共发病523只,发病率为34.2%,死亡率为20%。2)临床症状。病雏鸭精神沉郁,不吃食,缩颈离群,衰弱无力,站立不稳,头向下弯曲,喙触地,流涎,流泪,喘气,喉头发出…  相似文献   

我县某场1994年4月10日从无锡购进青年蛋鹌鹑3330只,其中30日龄1000只,23日龄2330只,5月8日开产,5月27日后产蛋率达83.3%左右。6月25日,饲养员发现原给光24小时是引用资料失误(实际应不超过16小时),便将光照改为14.5...  相似文献   

雏鸡的初饮与开食是育雏早期饲喂的关键问题,做好这两点,可以提高雏鸡成活率与均匀度。 一、初饮 1 日龄雏鸡第一次饮水称为初饮。出雏后经长途运输的雏鸡体内水分大量消耗,因此应先饮水后开食。这样可促进肠道蠕动,吸收残留蛋黄,排除胎粪,增进食欲,减少应激和感染。初饮时可在水中加8%的白糖(或葡萄糖)、0.1%的维生素C和50×10-6的盐酸恩诺沙星,饮口服补液盐(将食盐3.5克、氯化钾1.5克、小苏打2.5克、多维葡萄糖20克溶于1000毫升蒸馏水中)效果更佳。在最初的3~5天内均可饮用此水,但要现用现…  相似文献   

利用艾维茵父母代种公鸡与罗曼父母代种母鸡进行杂交,商品鸡体重达1.5公斤左右时,用于生产扒鸡、烧鸡等,经济效益比较明显。本文着重就其生产性能进行了观察。 一、材料和方法 1.鸡群来源 商品鸡来自山东高唐县种鸡场,父本采用艾维茵父母代公鸡,母本采用罗曼褐父母代母鸡,人工授精。商品鸡群于1999年11月5日出雏,共5000只。 2.饲料配方和营养水平 详见表1。 3.饲养管理方法 全程采用阶梯式笼养,进雏后,先饮水后开食、全程粉料,每隔4小时饲喂1次,夜晚采用2明2暗光照方案补光。 4.防疫 5日龄时用雅…  相似文献   

1995年5月2日进雏,8日龄开始预饲,12日龄起限制饲养11天,到第22日龄餐止。从12日龄每只日投料25.6克,渐增至22日龄58.536克。投料次数预饲期由8次减为3次,限制饲养期由3次渐增至6次,23日龄起日投料4次,自由采食,夜晚人工控制光照,关灯时间由12日龄的22时渐增至22日龄的午夜1小时,限制饲养期间其挤压死亡弱雏8只,占1.95%。  相似文献   

The spread of Histomonas meleagridis infections through groups of turkeys in the absence of the cecal worm vector (Heterakis gallinarum) was studied in a battery cage model. Battery-reared poults were exposed at 2 wk of age by commingling with infected birds into cages that had the floor lined with paper. One treatment received no exposure, whereas other birds were commingled with two, three, or four birds/cage (25%, 37.5%, or 50%) inoculated per cloaca with cultured H. meleagridis (200,000/bird). Inoculated birds died at 7-13 days postinoculation (DPI) showing typical liver and cecal lesions of histomoniasis. By 14 DPI, 87.5% of the directly inoculated birds died or had severe lesions of histomoniasis. Turkeys commingled with two, three, or four infected birds became infected at the rate of 72%, 80%, or 75%, respectively. In another experiment, two birds/cage (25%) were inoculated with Histomonas from culture and allowed to commingle with other birds for 1, 2, 3, or 4 days. Two of 12 (16.7%) birds had minor cecal lesions after contact with inoculated birds for 1 day, but 87.5%-100% became infected if inoculated birds remained in the cage for 2-4 days. Contemporaneous inoculation with cecal coccidia (Eimeria adenoeides) as a predisposing factor in blackhead infections was studied using the model. Turkey poults directly inoculated with Histomonas were allowed to commingle for 5 days with uninoculated birds that had received inoculation with 0, 10(3), or 10(4) sporulated oocysts. The coccidian infection appeared to interfere with transmission of blackhead infection by 7 DPI, as suggested by lessened severity of cecal lesions and a lower percentage of infected birds. These studies confirm that histomoniasis is transmitted readily from directly exposed young turkeys to others in the absence of the cecal worm vector, and that this phenomenon can be reproduced in battery cages as an experimental model.  相似文献   

1. A 3-year trial was carried out of cages for laying hens, occupying a full laying house. The main cage designs used were 5000 cm2 in area, 50 cm high at the rear and furnished with nests and perches. F cages had a front rollaway nest at the side, lined with artificial turf. FD cages also had a dust bath containing sand over the nest. H cages had two nest hollows at the side, one in front of the other. They were compared with conventional cages 2500 cm2 in area and 38 cm high at the rear. 2. Cages were stocked with from 4 to 8 ISA Brown hens per cage, resulting in varied allowances of area, feeder and perch per bird. No birds were beak trimmed. In F and FD cages two further treatments were applied: nests and dust baths were sometimes fitted with gates to exclude birds from dust baths in the morning and from both at night; elevated food troughs, with a lip 33 cm above the cage floor, were compared with standard troughs. 3. Management of the house was generally highly successful, with temperature control achieved by ventilation. Egg production was above breeders' standards and not significantly affected by cage design. More eggs per bird were collected when there were fewer birds per cage but food consumption also then tended to be higher. 4. The number of downgraded eggs was variable, with some tendency for more in furnished cages. Eggs laid in dust baths were often downgraded. Those laid at the back of the cage were frequently dirty because of accumulation of droppings. H nests were unsuccessful, with less than 50% of eggs laid in the nest hollows. However, up to 93% of eggs were laid in front rollaways, and few of these were downgraded. 5. Feather and foot damage were generally less in furnished than in conventional cages, greater where there were more birds per cage. With an elevated food trough there was less feather damage but more overgrowth of claws. In year 2, mortality was greater in cages with more birds. 6. Pre-laying behaviour was mostly settled in front rollaway nests. Dust baths were used more for pecking and scratching than for dust bathing. Comfort behaviour was more frequent in furnished cages than conventional, although still not frequent. Locomotion was strongly affected by number of birds per cage or by space per bird, being reduced by crowding. Most birds perched at night except in one treatment providing only 10.7 cm perch per bird. 7. Behaviour was more unrestricted and varied, and physical condition was better, in furnished than in conventional cages. However, egg production will cost more in furnished cages, partly because more eggs are downgraded. Dust baths must be fitted with gates that the birds cannot open from outside, but gates for nest boxes were found unnecessary. If a low perch is fitted it must be far enough from the back of the cage for birds to walk there. 8. Where there was less space per bird (more birds per cage) than the requirements in the 1999 European Commission Directive on laying hens, there were: fewer eggs per hen, but still above the breeders' target; lower food consumption; more feather and foot damage, but less than in conventional cages; higher mortality in one trial out of three; less freedom of movement. However, the results were still very good even with 8 birds per cage, and support the principle that furnished cages provide an acceptable way of protecting the welfare of laying hens.  相似文献   

Participatory rural appraisal (PRA), supported by checklists and intensive case studies on individual households, was carried out in three villages at three different altitudes in the central highlands of Ethiopia. The chicken production system in each village is described and the problems are discussed. More than 60% of the families kept chickens, and in most cases the women owned and managed the birds and controlled the cash from the sales. The production systems followed were mainly low-input and small-scale, with 7–10 mature birds per household, reared in the back yards with inadequate housing, feeding and health care. The average egg production per clutch was 15–20, with 3–4 clutches per year. The mean number of eggs set per bird was 12.9±2.2 (n = 160), depending on the size of the bird and season, and the hatching rate was 80.9%±11.1%, range 44%–100% (n = 160). Poultry meat and eggs were generally accepted and appreciated in all three villages. In addition to the small amount of cash income they provide, scavenging chickens have nutritional, cultural and social functions. The flock composition, price of poultry and poultry products, disease outbreaks and hatching of chicks were strongly affected by season. Disease was cited as the most important problem by most of the members of the community, followed by predation, lack of feed, poor housing, insufficient water and parasites. Disease periodically decimated the flocks, and consequently, about 50% of the eggs produced were incubated in order to replace the birds that had died. The major source of loss in the system was the high mortality of chicks (61%) that occurred between hatching and the end of brooding at 8 weeks of age. The system was characterized by no or few inputs and a low output level. The major input was the cost of foundation stock, but after that virtually no cost was involved. The major source of feed for the birds was from the scavenging feed resource base, which comprised table leftovers, small grain supplements and anything edible from the immediate environment.  相似文献   

本试验测定了母鸭免疫后不同时期所产雏鸭的母源抗体及其卵黄吸收情况。结果表明:(1)1~4周龄雏鸭血清中均含母源抗体,在1~3周内可获得不同程度保护。5~8d为母抗高峰期,保护率100%(6/6),3~4d和10~14d的保护率83.3%(5/6),20d后保护率不到50%。(2)同居感染结果,5日龄保护80%(4/5),10日龄保护40%(2/5),15日龄20%(1/5),20,25日龄均无存活。(3)正常情况(脐带收得好)下,出壳72h卵黄吸收率达84.8%,120h吸收率95.1%,172h几乎全部(98.9%)吸收。  相似文献   

竹鸡的生物学特性和人工饲养初探   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
为探讨竹鸡人工饲养技术 ,进行了笼养竹鸡的行为观察和养殖试验。经过两年对成年竹鸡的行为观察 ,初步了解其生物学特性 ;从两组不同来源的蛋孵化对比试验中得出其孵化率分别为 88 8%、3 3 3 % ;在为期 80d的雏鸡试养过程中 ,得出其 0~3 0日龄和 3 1~ 60日龄的平均日增重分别为 2 85g、4 3 8g。为其配种、孵化、育雏及人工饲养提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

1. The relationship between perching behaviour, availability of perches and the incidence and severity of breast blisters in broilers was investigated together with a comparison between two slow-growing broiler strains. 2. Sixteen single strain groups (n = 60) of Labresse and i657 broilers were subjected throughout the experiment to one of three perch availabilities: 15 cm per bird (Labresse and i657), 7.5 cm per bird (i657 only), and 0 cm per bird (i657 only) with 4 replicates per treatment. The birds were housed indoors from one day old, and at 43 d of age 52 birds from each group were moved to outdoor housing facilities with access to grass-covered outdoor areas until slaughter at 84 d of age. 3. The use of perches was monitored via video recordings throughout the experimental period. The severity of breast blisters was recorded on a scale from 0 to 2 at slaughter. 4. Groups of i657 with 15 cm perch per bird used these more than groups with 7.5 cm perch per bird (19% vs 8% of birds perching at midnight). A positive association between access to perches and severe breast blisters (score 2) was found in the groups of i657, with odds ratios of 3.1 and 3.4 for 7.5 and 15.0 cm per bird, respectively, relative to the no-perch treatment. 5. Labresse were more likely to develop breast blisters than i657 (odds ratio 3.5), but used the perches less (0.1 vs 9.5 birds perching at midnight) and weighed less (2011 g vs 2246 g) than i657. 6. Males had a higher incidence of breast blisters than females (odds ratio 12.2), and this was most prominent in the Labresse strain (odds ratio 40.0). 7. In some broiler strains access to perches may be associated with an increase in the occurrence of severe breast blisters, but strain and sex of broiler chickens appear to have a much larger influence than access to perches on the incidence of breast blisters.  相似文献   

Somatosensory evoked responses (SEP) in a turkey's brain were determined after water-bath stunning with a 150-mA (constant current) delivered with 50, 300 or 600 Hz, or with 75 mA, delivered with 50-Hz alternating current (AC) in order to evaluate the effectiveness of stunning. Ninety-four BUT 9 turkey hens 12 weeks of age were surgically implanted with EEG recording and left wing nerve stimulating electrodes 4 hours before stunning. They were individually stunned by immersion of the head and upper part of the neck in a water bath for 4 s. Using a 150-mA current, all birds stunned at 50 Hz showed cardiac arrest and a flat EEG immediately after the stun with no SEP recovery. The incidence of cardiac arrest at stunning decreased with increasing current frequency but SEP were lost in all birds. In birds that survived the stun, the duration of SEP abolition was on average 69 and 34 seconds at 300 and 600 Hz, respectively. Stunning with a 75-mA AC, delivered with 50 Hz, induced cardiac arrest in 32 per cent of turkeys. SEP were abolished in only 71 per cent of the birds that survived the stun, with an average duration of SEP of 66 seconds. The results indicate that increasing the frequency of a 150-mA AC current leads to a decreased stunning efficiency. A current of 75 mA per bird is unacceptable since 29 per cent of the birds do not show SEP abolition.  相似文献   

The infection dynamics of Eimeria species determine the clinical manifestation of the disease coccidiosis in poultry flocks, and a better understanding of the dynamics may contribute to improvement of control measures. Our aim was to study the course of infection and the transmission of Eimeria acervulina in groups of broilers by quantifying the transmission rate parameter and oocyst output. Three transmission experiments were carried out with groups of 20 male SPF broilers. At 2 days of age, one bird in each trial was orally inoculated with five sporulated E. acervulina oocysts (D0 post-inoculation, pi). One day after inoculation (D1 pi), the inoculated bird was housed with 19 non-inoculated contact birds. Individual faecal droppings were examined daily from D3-D32 pi to quantify the number of oocysts per gram faeces. The inoculated bird started shedding oocysts at D5 pi and contact birds between D10 and D17 pi. Contact birds that became infected due to oocyst excretion by the inoculated bird were characterized as first generation contact birds (C1). Contact birds excreting from D15 pi onwards (C2) became infected after the first C1 birds had started shedding and were considered to belong to a successive generation of the flock infection. Oocyst output was significantly lower for C1 compared to C2 birds, but the transmission rate parameter remained constant for both infection generations. These results suggest that although oocyst load increases, the transmission rate of E. acervulina remains constant between successive generations of infection in a flock.  相似文献   

1. The effects of twice daily injections of corticotrophin (1 IU/kg body weight) or restriction of food intake to 75% of normal on body mass, adrenal mass and adrenal cholesterol were determined on chicks from 1 to 21 d of age. 2. Only the birds subjected to restricted feeding showed a reduced growth rate. 3. There was no adrenal hypertrophy in birds receiving corticotrophin but in the restricted group there was transient hypertrophy at 2 weeks. 4. Depletion of adrenal cholesterol was noted only in the birds receiving corticotrophin. 5. It is concluded that neither depletion of cholesterol nor hypertrophy is an inevitable consequence of enhanced adrenal cortical activity.  相似文献   

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